1,065 research outputs found

    Formulación de proyectos en Mypes: evidencia empírica de la ausencia de un modelo práctico

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    This is an investigation that addresses the activity of formulating organizational management projects (PGO) in micro and small enterprises (Mypes), with a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional investigative exercise, within a case study, to test the hypothesis that: The greater the number of theoretical elements used by a microentrepreneur in the formulation of their projects, the greater the development of the determining factors of business survival, a process that allows determining the existence or not of a model adopted to the operational particularities of this type of business. , using an ad hoc instrument validated by expert judgment, in two stages (design and calibration), with CVC of 0.98, Fleiss de Kappa for construct and objectivity of 0.95, with a Pearson temporal stability coefficient of 0.95 and alpha of Cronbach of 0.81. The result indicates that in the case of the population under study, there is no model adapted and used mostly by Mypes, in addition, with a Spearman's Rho of 0.617, a strong correlation between the variables studied is evidenced, which allows to contribute the concept to incorporate the Operational Distinctive Features (RDO) of the Mypes to the development of management theories adapted to their operational realities for the formulation of PGO.Esta es una investigación que aborda la actividad de la formulación de proyectos de gestión organizacional (PGO) en micro y pequeñas empresas (Mypes), con un ejercicio investigativo de enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional y transversal, dentro de un estudio de caso, para probar la hipótesis que: A mayor cantidad de elementos teóricos utilice un microempresario en la formulación de sus proyectos, mayor desarrollo de los factores determinantes de supervivencia empresarial logra, proceso que permite determinar la existencia o no de un modelo adoptado a las particularidades operativas de este tipo empresarial, utilizando para ello un instrumento Ad hoc validado por juicio de expertos, en dos etapas (diseño y calibración), con CVC de 0.98, Fleiss de Kappa para constructo y objetividad de 0.95, con coeficiente de estabilidad temporal de Pearson de 0.95 y alfa de Cronbach de 0.81. El resultado indica que en el caso de la población objeto del estudio, no existe un modelo adaptado y usado mayoritariamente por las Mypes, además con un Rho de Spearman de 0.617 se evidencia una correlación fuerte entre las variables estudiadas, lo que permite aportar el concepto de incorporar los Rasgos Distintivos Operacionales (RDO) de las Mypes al desarrollo de teorías gerenciales adaptadas a sus realidades operativas para la formulación de PGO

    The transcription factors Snail1 and Snail2 repress vitamin D receptor during colon cancer progression

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    El pdf es el manuscrito de autor.Vitamin D receptor (VDR) mediates the antitumoral action of the active vitamin D metabolite 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3). However, VDR expression is lost during colon cancer progression, possibly causing unresponsiveness to 1,25(OH)2D3. Although several mechanisms responsible for resistance to 1,25(OH)2D3 action in different types of cancer had been reported, none explained the loss of VDR expression. We have found that the transcription factors Snail1 and Snail2, known as inducers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), inhibit VDR expression and block 1,25(OH)2D3 action in colon cancer cells. Snail1 and Snail2 have an additive repressing effect on VDR gene promoter. These effects are specific to the Snail family, as other transcription factors that function as EMT inducers do not inhibit VDR expression in colon cancer cells. Moreover, we also found that the RNA expression of SNAI1 and SNAI2 is upregulated in human colorectal tumors and inversely correlates with that of VDR. Our results suggest that high levels of SNAIL1 and SNAIL2 are a probable cause of VDR downregulation and 1,25(OH)2D3 unresponsiveness in colon cancer. In addition, they may contribute to the improvement of protocols for the clinical use of vitamin D compounds, as they indicate that advanced colon cancer patients overexpressing SNAIL1 and SNAIL2 are not suitable candidates for this therapy. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.The work in authors’ laboratories is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (SAF2007-60341, ISCIII-RETIC RD06/0020/0009 and RD06/0020/0020), Comunidad de Madrid (S-GEN-0266/2006) and European Union (MRTN-CT-2005-019496, NucSys).Peer Reviewe

    An Analysis Of Strategic Information Published By Large Spanish Hotel Chains.

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    At present when the market is increasingly demanding free-flowing information concerning corporate expectations, we often encounter criticism as to the absence of this type of information in annual reports. The relevance of this lack of information is based, among other reasons, on the fact that it is the only information that businesses make public. With this hypothesis as a point of departure, we have asked ourselves if this same situation is also produced in the Spanish hotel sector. Our interest in this business is due to the importance of the tourism sector in the Spanish economy. To contrast this hypothesis, we have carried out field work consisting of, firstly, a review of annual reports for the fiscal years 2000, 2001 and 2002 published by hotel chains representative of the sector and, secondly, an analysis of the information concerning the strategies published in these reports. This paper is part of a research stream that remains open and whose objective is the elaboration of a Balanced Scorecard prototype for the Spanish Hotel Sector.

    Validation and implementation of a diagnostic algorithm for DNA Detection of Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B-holmesii in a Pediatric Referral Hospital in Barcelona, Spain

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    This study aimed to validate a comprehensive diagnostic protocolbased on real-time PCR for the rapid detection and identification ofBordetella per-tussis,Bordetella parapertussis, andBordetella holmesii, as well as its implementationin the diagnostic routine of a reference children’s hospital. The new algorithm in-cluded a triplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) targeting IS481gene (inB. pertussis,B. hol-mesii, and someBordetella bronchisepticastrains), pIS1001(B. parapertussis-specific)andrnaseP as the human internal control. Two confirmatory singleplex tests forB.pertussis(ptxA-Pr) andB. holmesii(hIS1001) were performed if IS481was positive. An-alytical validation included determination of linear range, linearity, efficiency, preci-sion, sensitivity, and a reference panel with clinical samples. Once validated, the newalgorithm was prospectively implemented in children with clinical suspicion ofwhooping cough presenting to Hospital Sant Joan de Deu (Barcelona, Spain) over12 months. Lower limits of detection obtained were 4.4, 13.9, and 27.3 genomicequivalents/ml of sample for IS481(onB. pertussis), pIS1001and hIS1001, and 777.9forptxA-Pr. qPCR efficiencies ranged from 86.0% to 96.9%. Intra- and interassay vari-abilities were 3% and 5%, respectively. Among 566 samples analyzed,B. pertus-sis,B. holmesii, andB. parapertussiswere detected in 11.1%, 0.9% (only in females 4 years old), and 0.2% of samples, respectively. The new algorithm proved to be auseful microbiological diagnostic tool for whooping cough, demonstrating a low rateof other non-pertussis Bordetellaspecies in our surveilled areaPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The effects of illegalisms on the materiality of the school: The case of a school located in a context of urban poverty in the Buenos Aires suburbs

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos que tienen los ilegalismos sobre la materialidad de una escuela emplazada en un contexto de pobreza urbana del conurbano bonaerense. Para lo cual se presentan una serie de escenas de la vida escolar reconstruidas a través del trabajo de campo realizado durante los años 2016-2019. A modo de hipótesis sostenemos que estos efectos exacerban la fragilidad de las condiciones materiales de la escuela, y repercuten sobre la cotidianidad escolar de estudiantes, directivos y docentes. Resaltamos la importancia de pensar la materialidad de las escuelas como uno de los rasgos en los que hoy se expresa la desigualdad educativa.The objective of this article is to analyze the effects that illegalisms have on the materiality of a school located in a context of urban poverty in the Buenos Aires suburbs. For this, a series of scenes from school life constructed through fieldwork carried out during the years 2016 - 2019 are presented. By way of hypothesis, we maintain that these effects exacerbate the fragility of the material conditions of the school and have an impact on the daily school life of students, managers and teachers. We highlight the importance of thinking about the materiality of schools as one of the features in which educational inequality is expressed todayFil: Bonilla Muñoz, Marco Antonio. Universidad Nacional de San Martin. Escuela de Humanidades. Laboratorio de Investigacion En Ciencias Humanas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Pque. Centenario. Laboratorio de Investigacion En Ciencias Humanas.; Argentin

    Neocortical tissue recovery in severe congenital obstructive hydrocephalus after intraventricular administration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    BACKGROUND: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure and the presence of periventricular edema, ischemia/hypoxia, damage of the white matter, and glial reactions in the neocortex. The viability and short time effects of a therapy based on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) have been evaluated in such pathological conditions in the hyh mouse model. METHODS: BM-MSC obtained from mice expressing fluorescent mRFP1 protein were injected into the lateral ventricle of hydrocephalic hyh mice at the moment they present a very severe form of the disease. The effect of transplantation in the neocortex was compared with hydrocephalic hyh mice injected with the vehicle and non-hydrocephalic littermates. Neural cell populations and the possibility of transdifferentiation were analyzed. The possibility of a tissue recovering was investigated using 1H High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H HR-MAS NMR) spectroscopy, thus allowing the detection of metabolites/osmolytes related with hydrocephalus severity and outcome in the neocortex. An in vitro assay to simulate the periventricular astrocyte reaction conditions was performed using BM-MSC under high TNFα level condition. The secretome in the culture medium was analyzed in this assay. RESULTS: Four days after transplantation, BM-MSC were found undifferentiated and scattered into the astrocyte reaction present in the damaged neocortex white matter. Tissue rejection to the integrated BM-MSC was not detected 4 days after transplantation. Hyh mice transplanted with BM-MSC showed a reduction in the apoptosis in the periventricular neocortex walls, suggesting a neuroprotector effect of the BM-MSC in these conditions. A decrease in the levels of metabolites/osmolytes in the neocortex, such as taurine and neuroexcytotoxic glutamate, also indicated a tissue recovering. Under high TNFα level condition in vitro, BM-MSC showed an upregulation of cytokine and protein secretion that may explain homing, immunomodulation, and vascular permeability, and therefore the tissue recovering. CONCLUSIONS: BM-MSC treatment in severe congenital hydrocephalus is viable and leads to the recovery of the severe neurodegenerative conditions in the neocortex. NMR spectroscopy allows to follow-up the effects of stem cell therapy in hydrocephalus.España Instituto Carlos III , PI15/00619 (to AJJ), PI19/00778 (to AJJ and PPG), PI15/00796, and PI18/01557España Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU13/02906España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RYC-2014-16980España, FEDER Andalucía y Universidad de Málaga UMA18-FEDERJA-27

    A metabolite profile reveals the presence of neurodegenerative conditions according to severity of hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure (ICP), ischemia/hypoxia, metabolic impairment, neuronal damage and astrocytic reaction. The hyh mutant mice exhibit two different forms of hydrocephalus evolution: severe and moderate. A study was carried out in hyh mice to detect a metabolite profile that define the tissue response in each hydrocephalus form. Methods: Metabolites levels in brain cortex were analyzed with 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H HR-MAS) spectroscopy. The study was complemented with ICP recording and histopathological analysis. Results: Mice with severe hydrocephalus were found to have higher ICP and stronger astrocytic reaction. Several metabolites including glutamate and glutamine were found to correlate with the severity of hydrocephalus. The whole metabolite profile may be explained based in differential astrocyte reactions, neurodegenerative and ischemic conditions. The glutamate transporter EAAT2 and the metabolite taurine were found as key histopathological markers for the damaged parenchyma. Conclusions: Spectroscopy allowed the detection of a metabolite profile related to intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus severity, and therefore can be useful to monitor the efficacy of experimental therapies. Supported by Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, and PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, and PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER)

    Electromagnetic coupling and transport in a topological insulator-graphene hetero-structure

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    The electromagnetic coupling between hetero-structures made of different materials is of great interest, both from the perspective of discovering new phenomena, as well as for its potential applications in novel devices. In this work, we study the electromagnetic coupling of a hetero-structure made of a topological insulator (TI) slab and a single graphene layer, where the later presents a diluted concentration of ionized impurities. We explore the topological effects of the magneto-electric polarizability (MEP) of the TI, as well as its relative dielectric permittivity on the electrical conductivity in graphene at low but finite temperatures.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure