467 research outputs found
The cult of the entrepreneur within the EU framework: The advance of an entrepreneurship activation model
This paper approaches the concept of 'activation' by looking at the notion of what an entrepreneur is. At present, the entrepreneur is Neo-Liberalism's Poster Child and is enshrined in EU-2020 programmes. It should be noted that the diffusion of entrepreneurship is taking place against the background of two great changes in the social and employment fields. The first is the progressive corporatisation of wage labour, with a drive towards individualisation and taking responsibility mainly in qualified jobs. The second is the blurring of boundaries in salaried work due to the proliferation of new kinds of self-employment. Salaried work, especially for highly-skilled staff, is being re-cast in an entrepreneurial mould. This redefinition is forging new practices and archetypes that will transform the world of work. This paper therefore makes a deeper analysis of labour activation processes in the EU-2020 strategy through the idea of the entrepreneur
Hoy es el futuro : de la activación universitaria a las respuestas colectivas frente a la precariedad juvenil.
La precarización de la juventud universitaria discurre en paralelo a la intensificación de los mensajes sobre la activación. Estos mensajes, apoyados en la noción de la empleabilidad, responsabilizan a los jóvenes de las dificultades para encontrar empleos mÃnimamente dignos. Frente a esta doble agresión (la precarización y su legitimación), una parte de la juventud ha articulado respuestas colectivas y ha desplegado estrategias de resignificación y visibilización del conflicto social. En el presente texto examinamos crÃticamente el proceso de extensión de la doctrina neoliberal de la activación en relación a la universidad y analizamos las acciones de Juventud Sin Futuro, una iniciativa colectiva protagonizada por jóvenes universitarios
Job precariousness among lawyers in Spain
This article stems from an interest in discovering how working conditions have changed in qualified professions in Spain, concentrating on lawyers. Using a qualitative method, we have found significant sources of precariousness that are transforming the profession's ways. Throughout this article, light has been cast on the connections between the changing professional model of the lawyer's job over the past three decades and the emergence of precarious situations. Our findings highlight that there has been a transformation in the occupation of lawyers in Spain: income and professional careers are marked by extreme uncertainty, raising psychosocial risks
ARTEMISA: Architecture of an eco-driving assistant based on the anticipation
This paper presents the architecture of an eco driving assistant. The assistant evaluates the fulfil ment of classic eco-driving advices such as: main tain a constant speed, driving at high gear, slow
down smoothly and so on. In addition, the assistant
issues advices based on the anticipation. Anticipa tion is the key of eco-driving. The assistant is ca pable of detecting traffic signs beforehand and it
checks if the speed is suitable for not having to
slow down sharply. In addition, the system propos es an optimal average speed according to the con ditions of the road.
To model the environment where the vehicle is
moving, we use an Android mobile device. These
devices are ideal due to to their multiple network
connections (Bluetooth, UTMS and WIFI) and sen sors (camera, acceleration sensor, GPS and so on).
To obtain the vehicle’s parameters (speed, fuel
consumption, RPM, etc.), we use the diagnostic
port (OBD2).
The proposed system can improve fuel consump tion and safety. In addition, it is independent of the
type of vehicle.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-14378-C02-02European Union REA FP7/2007-2013 n° 286533Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HAUS IPT-2011-1049-43000
LOS/NLOS estimators for mmWave cellular systems with blockages
Designers of millimeter wave (mmWave) cellular systems need to evaluate line-of-sight (LOS) maps to provide good service to users in urban scenarios. In this letter, we derive estimators to obtain LOS maps in scenarios with potential blocking elements. Applying previous stochastic geometry results, we formulate the optimal Bayesian estimator of the LOS map using a limited number of actual measurements at different locations. The computational cost of the optimal estimator is derived and is proven to be exponential in the number of available data points. An approximation is discussed, which brings the computational complexity from exponential to quasi-linear and allows the implementation of a practical estimator. Finally, we compare numerically the optimal estimator and the approximation with other estimators from the literature and also with an original heuristic estimator with good performance and low computational cost. For the comparison, both synthetic layouts and a real layout of Chicago have been used.The work presented in this paper has been funded through the project ROUTE56 - PID2019-104945GB-I00 (funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MCIN / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
A major problem in current Spanish Information Technology Vocational Education and Training
(IT-VET) curricula is bridging the gap between skills that students learn in the classroom and skills
they will need in real workplaces. IT-VET students graduate with a high level of basic theoretical
and Practical knowledge, however they often lack the necessary expertise to be involved in a real
IT project. In this article we propose a solution to mitigate this problem, based on the design and
implementation of a masterclass in agile project management in which the theoretical-Practical
contents are shown as well as their implementation in a real environment through a final project.
In this manner, students are aware of their most immediate working reality and obtain the necessary
skills for the prototyping and development of software in any IT project. The results of this proposal
show that IT-VET students satisfactorily acquire the knowledge imparted through this proposal,
finding themselves closer to their most immediate working reality
Characterization of the Wikipedia Traffic
Since its inception, Wikipedia has grown to a solid and stable project and turned into a mass collaboration tool that allows the sharing and distribution of knowledge. The wiki approach that basis this initiative promotes the participation and collaboration of users. In addition to visits for browsing its contents, Wikipedia also receives the contributions of users to improve them. In the past, researchers paid attention to different aspects concerning authoring and quality of contents. However, little effort has been made to study the nature of the visits that Wikipedia receives. We conduct such an study using a sample of users' requests provided by the Wikimedia Foundation in the form of Squid log lines. Our sample contains more that 14,000 million requests from users all around the world and directed to all the projects maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation, including different editions of Wikipedia. This papers describes the work made to characterize the traffic directed to Wikipedia and consisting of the requests sent by its users. Our main aim is to obtain a detailed description of its composition in terms of the percentages corresponding to the different types of requests making part of it. The benefits from our work may range from the prediction of traffic peaks to the determination of the kind of resources most often requested, which can be useful for scalability considerations
¿Qué es esa cosa llamada intraemprendedor? Gestión del trabajo en el capitalismo cognitivo y concepciones emprendedoras
El artÃculo estudia la figura del intraemprendedor en el marco actual de ascenso de los discursos emprendedores en el trabajo. En estos discursos, el intraemprendedor surge como nuevo arquetipo del trabajador asalariado, caracterizado por la implicación y la capacidad de innovación, y se presenta como tipo ideal en el cual ha de proyectarse cualquier empleado. El intraemprendedor es un dispositivo de activación para los asalariados. Los objetivos del artÃculo consisten en explorar cómo se construye el intraemprendedor desde la literatura empresarial. Para cubrir este objetivo se analizan noticias de prensa, artÃculos en revistas mensuales de gestión y en revistas académicas del área de economÃa y empresa. Un segundo objetivo busca enclavar la figura del intraemprendedor en el contexto de cambios en la organización del trabajo durante el posfordismo. Se realizará para ello un análisis crÃtico de algunos de los principales autores que han abordado la cuestión desde la sociologÃa económica
Precariedad en la era del trabajo digital Precarity in the era of digital work
Tras casi cuarenta años de precariedad laboral, es difÃcil saber por dónde empezar a hablar de ella. Inicialmente circunscrita a los contratos temporales, al paro y a los bajos salarios en la década de 1980, la precariedad ha acabado afectando a la mayorÃa de los empleos, a ambos géneros y a todas las edades, a diferentes situaciones profesionales y ocupaciones, a todas las esferas de la vida, llegando hasta el núcleo más profundo de la existencia. La precariedad es un dato ineludible en el sistema social contemporáneo. Aunque crece su extensión, no a todos afecta por igual. Entre las franjas más relegadas del mercado de trabajo, la intensidad de la precariedad, o su grado de vileza, somete a quien la padece a situaciones de menosprecio e injusticia extremas. Para tratar de conocer algunas de sus metamorfosis, en el presente número de RECERCA tratamos de abordar algunas de las dimensiones más recientes de la precariedad, captar sus mutaciones constantes y su invasión de esferas vitales y existenciales de las personas y sondear algunas de las manifestaciones que se vislumbran en esta era naciente de precariedad digital
L'extensió de la figura de l'emprenedor en el marc de la Unió Europea: l'avanç d'un model d'activació emprenedora
El present text s¿aproxima al concepte d¿activació a través de la idea de ¿emprenedoria. Es tracta d¿un dels eixos discursius centrals del neoliberalisme contemporani, que gaudeix d¿una à mplia difusió i que s¿ha plasmat en programes de l¿estratègia UE-2020. La difusió de l¿emprenedoria s¿enclava en el context d¿alguns dels grans canvis sociolaborals actuals: la progressiva empresarització del treball assalariat, amb l¿avanç de la individualització i la dissolució de les fronteres del treball assalariat a causa de la proliferació de noves figures laborals basades en el treball per compte propi. El treball assalariat, sobretot l¿altament qualificat, està vivint aquest procés de redefinició des de la lògica emprenedora, la qual genera noves prà ctiques i nous arquetips que tenen un profund impacte en el món de l¿ocupació. L¿objectiu d¿aquest article és, doncs, endinsar-nos en l¿anà lisi dels processos d¿activació laboral a través de la idea de l¿emprenedor. Ens centrarem primer en el significat de la idea d¿emprenedor i en el seu paper en la empresarització progressiva del concepte de treball. Posteriorment, emmarcarem aquesta idea en el context de l¿Estratègia Europa 2020. Finalment, ens acostarem a alguns programes en el terreny de ¿emprenedoria que deriven d¿aquesta estratègia europea. Advancing the Entrepreneur¿s Role in The European Union: The advance of an entrepreneurial activation model This paper approaches the concept of ¿activation¿ by looking at the notion of what an entrepreneur is. At present, the entrepreneur is the poster-child of Neo-Liberalism and is enshrined in EU-2020 programmes. It should be noted that the diffusion of entrepreneurship is taking place against the background of two great changes in the social and employment fields. The first is the progressive corporatisation of wage labour, with a drive towards individualisation and taking responsibility ¿ mainly in qualified jobs. The second is the blurring of boundaries in salaried work due to the proliferation of new kinds of self-employment. Salaried work, especially for highly-skilled staff, is being re-cast in an entrepreneurial mould. This redefinition is forging new practices and archetypes that will transform the world of work. This paper therefore makes a deeper analysis of labour activation processes in the EU-2020 strategy through the idea of the entrepreneur
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