461 research outputs found

    Toward a Test Environment for Autonomous Controllers

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    In the last two decades, an increasing attention has been dedicated on the use of high level task planning in robotic control, aiming to deploy advanced robotics systems in challenging scenarios where a high autonomy degree is required. Nevertheless, an interesting open problem in the literature is the lack of a well defined methodology for approaching the design of deliberative systems and for fairly comparing different approaches to deliberation. This paper presents the general idea of an environment for facilitating knowledge engineering for autonomy and in particular to facilitate accurate experiments on planning and execution systems for robotics. It discusses features of the On-Ground Autonomy Test Environment (OGATE), a general testbench for interfacing deliberative modules. In particular we present features of an initial instance of such system built to support the GOAC robotic software

    Interactions Between the Serotonergic and Other Neurotransmitter Systems in the Basal Ganglia: Role in Parkinson's Disease and Adverse Effects of L-DOPA

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. However, other non-dopaminergic neuronal systems such as the serotonergic system are also involved. Serotonergic dysfunction is associated with non-motor symptoms and complications, including anxiety, depression, dementia, and sleep disturbances. This pathology reduces patient quality of life. Interaction between the serotonergic and other neurotransmitters systems such as dopamine, noradrenaline, glutamate, and GABA controls the activity of striatal neurons and are particularly interesting for understanding the pathophysiology of PD. Moreover, serotonergic dysfunction also causes motor symptoms. Interestingly, serotonergic neurons play an important role in the effects of L-DOPA in advanced PD stages. Serotonergic terminals can convert L-DOPA to dopamine, which mediates dopamine release as a "false" transmitter. The lack of any autoregulatory feedback control in serotonergic neurons to regulate L-DOPA-derived dopamine release contributes to the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). This mechanism may also be involved in the development of graft-induced dyskinesias (GID), possibly due to the inclusion of serotonin neurons in the grafted tissue. Consistent with this, the administration of serotonergic agonists suppressed LID. In this review article, we summarize the interactions between the serotonergic and other systems. We also discuss the role of the serotonergic system in LID and if therapeutic approaches specifically targeting this system may constitute an effective strategy in PD

    Describing variability in pig genes involved in coronavirus infections for a One Health perspective in conservation of animal genetic resources

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    Coronaviruses silently circulate in human and animal populations, causing mild to severe diseases. Therefore, livestock are important components of a ?One Health? perspective aimed to control these viral infections. However, at present there is no example that considers pig genetic resources in this context. In this study, we investigated the variability of four genes (ACE2, ANPEP and DPP4 encoding for host receptors of the viral spike proteins and TMPRSS2 encoding for a host proteinase) in 23 European (19 autochthonous and three commercial breeds and one wild boar population) and two Asian Sus scrofa populations. A total of 2229 variants were identifed in the four candidate genes: 26% of them were not previously described; 29 variants afected the protein sequence and might potentially interact with the infection mechanisms. The results coming from this work are a frst step towards a ?One Health? perspective that should consider conservation programs of pig genetic resources with twofold objectives: (i) genetic resources could be reservoirs of host gene variability useful to design selection programs to increase resistance to coronaviruses; (ii) the describedFE1B-06B2-126F | Jos? Pedro Pinto de Ara?joN/

    Foreign Direct Investment and Trade: A Causality Analysis

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    We analyse in this paper the relationship between outward FDI and exports, with Spanish quarterly data for the period 1977-1992. The empirical methodology makes use of Granger-causality tests in a cointegration framework, where the order of lags for each variable has been selected by means of Hsiao¹s sequential approach. The tests have been performed both in a bivariate and multivariate setting, in the latter case including as additional variables a proxy for world income and the relative price of exports. Since cointegration between outward FDI and exports was found, error-correction mechanisms under three alternative specifications were included, which allowed us to discriminate between short- and long-run Granger-causality. Our results point to the existence of long-run Granger-causality from outward FDI to exports, according to a complementary relationship, for the Spanish case during the period of analysis.Foreign direct investment, exports, Granger-causality

    Fluid administration in cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: neither too much nor too little.

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    Intraoperative fluid therapy in cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy plays an important role in postoperative morbidity. Studies have found an association between overload fluid therapy and increased postoperative complications, advising restrictive intraoperative fluid therapy. Our objective in this study was to compare the morbidity associated with restrictive versus non-restrictive intraoperative fluid therapy. Retrospective analysis of a database collected prospectively in the Anesthesiology Service of Virgen del Roc.ío Hospital, from December 2016 to April 2019. One hundred and six patients who underwent complete cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy were divided into two cohorts according to Fluid Therapy received 1. Restrictive.ß..±.ß9.ßmL.kg-1.h-1 (34 patients), 2. Non-restrictive .ß.ß....ß9.ßmL.kg-1.h-1 (72 patients). Percentage of major complications (Clavien-Dindo grade III...IV) and length hospital stay were the main outcomes variables. Of the 106 enrolled patients, 68.9% were women; 46.2% had ovarian cancer, 35.84% colorectal cancer, and 7.5% peritoneal cancer. The average fluid administration rate was 11.ß...ß3.58.ßmL.kg-1.h-1. The restrictive group suffered a significantly higher percentage of Clavien-Dindo grade III...IV complications (35.29%) compared with the non-restrictive group (15.27%) (p.ß=.ß0.02). The relative risk associated with restrictive therapy was 1.968 (95% confidence interval: 1.158...3.346). We also found a significant difference for hospital length of stay, 20.91 days in the restrictive group vs 16.19 days in the non-restrictive group (p.ß=.ß0.038). Intraoperative fluid therapy restriction below 9.ßmL.kg-1.h-1 in cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy was associated with a higher percentage of major postoperative complications