24 research outputs found

    Strengthening the Legislative Supervisory Function in the Provision of Human Resources in Era 5.0 Perspective of Fiqh Siyasah

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    Indonesia is a country that adheres to a democratic system, the administration of its government in regencies and cities is autonomous whose formation is determined by the laws. The functions of the legislative body, in this case, the Regency / City DPRP based on Article 149 of Law Number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, including the functions of forming local regulations, budgeting, and supervision. In terms of supervision, it includes the provision of era 5.0 human resources. This research includes library research whose data sources are from laws and regulations and scientific articles. This research concludes that the role of legislative supervision needs to be optimized and strengthened in the era of Society 5.0. DPRD must maximize the supervision of local governments to prepare human resources that implement the use of technology to solve various service problems of the bureaucratic apparatus. This is in line with the concept of fiqh siyasah called Ahl-Al-Hall Wa-Aqd, which the people have trusted to represent them to oversee the running of the government properly. Keywords: supervision, legislative, human resources, Fiqh Siyasa


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin pesat berdampak positif dan negatif. Kabar maupun info yang dikeluarkan oleh individu maupun badan usaha melalui media sosial dan elektronik dapat mempengaruhi emosi, perasaan, pikiran  bahkan tindakan seseorang atau kelompok agama.Kemajuan teknologi yang tidak bisa terbendung ini membuat bangsa ini menghadapi disrupsi (disruption). Adanya revolusi industri ini mendorong terjadinya disrupsi dalam berbagai bidang termasuk kehidupan bernegara dan bernegara. Jika hal ini tidak direspon dengan tepat dan cepat oleh pemerintah dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya, dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan akan sangat buruk.         Salah satu langkah efektif dalam merespons kemajuan teknologi dan era disrupsi informasi tersebut sudah direspon dan diambil oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) baik di pusat hingga daerah.Penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian kepustakaan atau library research  yang  menggunakan  metode  pendekatan yuridis  normative. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa MUI Lampung berhasil menjawab tantangan era disrupsi informasi melalui media yang dibangun dan dikembangkan seperti website www.mui-lampung.or.id, buletin Al-Ukhuwah, channel youtube MUI Lampung Online, Fans Page, Faceebook dan Twitter MUI Lampung serta Instagram @muilampung_online. Peran sang Ketua Umum KH. Khairuddin Tahmid selama memimpin MUI Lampung turut mewarnai media sosial dan media cetak di Lampung karena selalu menjadi narasumber rujukan menyangkut isu-isu sosial, politik dan keagamaan yang sedang berkembang di masyarakat

    Exploring the Flexibility of Islamic Law in Facing Global Humanitarian Issues: A Case Study of Lampung Province, Indonesia, in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study explores Islamic law’s flexibility in addressing global humanitarian issues, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic in Lampung Province, Indonesia. The research investigates how Islamic teachings can be applied flexibly to benefit humanity through a literature review and field study methods. The study found that the policies implemented by the local and central governments in Lampung Province align with the values of religious teachings, particularly in safeguarding the human soul (hifdz nafs), the highest value before property and religion. The policy limits people’s worship and social and economic activities, but these restrictions are necessary to prevent and overcome the spread of the virus. This study concludes that religious teachings are flexible and can be applied creatively to address humanitarian crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: Flexibility of Islamic law, Global humanitarian issues, COVID-19 pandemic

    Integration of Religious and Social Values in the Development of the Indonesian Constitution Era 5.0

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    This study examines the inclusion of Islamic religious and social values in the development of the constitution in Indonesia because it is undeniable that the role of religion brought by the Prophet Muhammad is an inspiration for making laws in the country. The social values of the community or what is referred to as customary law are also integrated into positive law or the Indonesian constitution. This research uses a socio-legal approach. This study concludes that religious and social values of society enter National Law through adjustment to legal values and through system transplantation. The existence of Islamic Law in the Development of National Law identified that the paradigm of Pancasila in which the Islamic legal system is contained and the positivization of Islamic law into national law through several codifications and legal unification has been in the form of laws and regulations. Religious values and community customs are integrated into the constitution of Indonesia, which has the potential to continue to develop along with the times and technology. Keywords: integration, religion, social, constitutio


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    Based on the theory of the welfare state law, the State of Indonesia is a welfare law state which requires that the state is constitutionally responsible for the welfare of the general public without distinguishing normal citizens and citizens with special needs (disabled), regulated in the constitution which is the responsibility of the Central Government and Regional Governments. In the implementation of rights for people with disabilities, there are still many limitations due to a lot of factors, both internal factors (from the government) and external factors (from the family or society). Not only these two factors, a personal factor also greatly influences the implementation or failure of the implementation of the rights of people with disabilities, so much that it creates a comfort zone for people with disabilities. By using a normative juridical approach and empirical juridical approach, researching the law within the scope of library research and field studies, and using qualitative research specifications, the data analysis that the author did was qualitative data analysis-juridical analysis based on the nature of descriptive research, using primary and secondary data types. Secondary data includes primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials. The results showed that there were not a few people with disabilities who depend on their welfare to the Government with little effort to be independent and feel insecure with one weakness so they cover up their strengths and did not explore other advantages that could be found in themselves. Nowadays, we also often see people with disabilities who work as beggars and those who work as scavengers on the grounds that those professions are easier to do, and it is difficult to find work with their conditions.Keywords : Comfort Zone, People with Disabilities, Local Governmen

    Partisipasi Politik Pekerja Migran Indonesia Pada Pemilu 2019

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    Dalam negara demokrasi, kedaulatan atau kekuasaan tertinggi dalam negara yang terletak di tangan rakyat. Pada hakekatnya pemilu merupakan pengakuan dan perwujudan hak-hak politik rakyat dan sekaligus merupakan pendelegasian hak hak tersebut oleh rakyat kepada wakil wakilnya untuk menjalankan pemerintahan. Kedaulatan rakyat merupakan hak konstitusional setiap warga negara baik yang berada didalam maupun diluar negeri. Pekerja migran adalah bagian dari warga negara yang wajib dijamin hak politiknya oleh pemerintah. Di Indonesia legal formal instrumen pengawal tejaminnya hak politik warga negara dalam pemilu diatur dalam UU Pemilu Nomor 7 Tahun 2017. Salah satu bagian substantif regulasi tersebut mengatur tentang pelaksanaan pemilu bagi warga negara Indonesia di Luar Negeri, termasuk pekerja migran sebagai  fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara deskreptif  partsipasi pekerja migran dalam pemilu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi politik warga negara yang berdomisili diluar negeri termasuk pekerja migran dalam pemilu tahun 2019 masih cendrung rendah, namun ada peningkatan dibandingkan dengan hasil pemilu tahun 2014. Kemudahan dan kekhususan perlakuan terhadap mereka yang atur dalam regulasi pemilu belum berdampak signifikan untuk peningkatan partisipasi politik warga negara dan pekerja migran Indonesia dalam pemilu. Kendala yang menyulitkan Pekerja Migran Indonesia di luar negeri untuk berperan aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam pemilu adalah minimnya akses informasi mengenai proses pemilu, sulitnya mendaftar sebagai pemilih di luar negeri, dan keterbatasan waktu. Pemerintah sebagai keterwakilan negara perlu mengupayakan langkah strategis dalam mengantisipasi dan menanggulangi problema tersebut dengan cara memberikan akses yang lebih baik kepada Pekerja Migran Indonesia guna menjamin tersalurnya partisipasi politik mereka dalam pemilu secara maksima


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    Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. The large number of the Muslim population makes Indonesia has a large potential for zakat. Through zakat, it is hoped that Indonesia will be able to realize the country's goals. As stated in the preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, namely "advancing the welfare and the intellectual life of the nation". This type of research used in this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the natural conditions of objects. This research is descriptive. Descriptive research is research that is intended to investigate conditions or other things that have been mentioned, the results of which are presented in the form of a research report. The implementation and implications of Law Number 23 Year 2011 in BASNAS Bandar Lampung City are carried out well. And BAZNAS Bandar Lampung City through funds obtained from zakat through several excellent programs such as the Healthy Bandar Lampung program, the Smart Bandar Lampung program, the Mandiri Bandar Lampung Program, the Bandar Lampung Care Program, the Bandar Lampung program, the Bandar Lampung Prosper and Justice.Keywords: Zakat, BAZNAS, Welfare, Bandar Lampung Cit

    The Urgency of Reforming Marriage Laws and Compilation of Islamic Law Entering the 5.0 Era

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    Marriage laws and the compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesia have a very important role because they are a reference for the people and judges in religious courts. However, several rules in the two regulations are no longer in accordance with the times, which are currently entering the 5.0 era. This research includes library research whose data sources come from laws and scientific articles. This study concludes that the rapid development of times and technology has an impact on Islamic law. Therefore, reforms are needed that can respond actively to changes that occur in society, so that the relevance of Islamic law is maintained. Keywords: update, marriage law, compilation of Islamic Law, 5.


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    The rules regarding a living in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and the Compilation of Islamic Law imposes the obligation to earn a living only on the husband. These two regulations create problems in society. Many wives demand a living from their husbands. Not a few wives also have jobs and income, but they are spent on their own needs, including for consumptive things, channeling hobbies and others because they think that fulfilling a living is not part of their obligations. This condition is coupled with the interpretation of a number of verses of the Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet which are still patriarchal. The marriage law and a number of verses of the Qur'an and the Prophet's hadith need to be reinterpreted. This is because the development of an increasingly advanced era makes the role of women not only as wives who only take care of the household, but also as one of the contributors to the economy. This research uses the library research method. This study concludes that the livelihoods in these two laws and regulations need to be updated to be relevant to current conditions. Supposedly, the wife also has the same obligation in matters of livelihood. The reinterpretation of livelihood using the interpretation of mubadalah is to produce the principle of mutuality. The wife can even be the main breadwinner under certain conditions. This interpretation has implications for the fulfillment of the family's economy during the pandemic and post-covid-19 pandemic. Because, in difficult economic conditions, the wife participates in helping the family economy on a macro basis or even as the main provider in the household who changes places with her husband.Keywords: Reinterpretation, Livelihoods, Marriage Law, Family Resistance, Covid-19