918 research outputs found


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    The basic purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive view of Indian contribution towards open access journal movement, particularly the journals indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) - a service from Lund University. It seeks to explore the relative position of India among other countries and provides an analysis of the indexed journals from several parameters. A list of 318 Indian OA journals indexed in DOAJ has been served as the data source. The relevant metadata for each indexed journal such as title of the journal, journal URL, ISSN, country of publication, language, year since added in DOAJ, LCC subject category, APC charges of journals, publisher and publishers’ keywords and Journal license and other licensing attributes were analyzed to get the outcome. The study suggests India’s standing in the domain of open access scholarly publishing and establishes that India is one among the most productive countries those support universal access to knowledge. This study acts as a reference tool for the scholarly community in the disciplines of Medical Sciences, Basic Sciences, Technology, Social Sciences to have access to the published research works crossing the geographical barrier

    Twenty-five years study (1995–2019) of Food and Bioproducts Processing: An overview of research trends

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    In the current study, we presented an overview of the publication profile of Food and Bioproducts Processing (FBP), a leading international journal on food processing. The detailed analysis was made to measure its scientific progress from 1995 to 2019 by identifying publication trends, most cited articles, leading institutes, and profolic countries. The publication dataset and citations information were retrieved from the Scopus bibliographic database hosted by Elsevier. Several scientific achievements were observed in publications (n=1548), impact factor 3.726 or CiteScore 6.10, and the citations (a total of 33,663) over the 25-year time frame. The factorial analysis revealed that the journal research focuses on two clusters. The first cluster focused on moisture determination, spray drying, mathematical models, thermal processing foods, food products and food processing, and the second cluster focuses on research areas of the dimension of surface properties, organic solvents, response surface methodology, antioxidant activities, flavonoids, solvent extraction and fermentation. Although citations have increased significantly need wider publicity of the work. The most cited articles were identified with the interdisciplinary research within food science and technology and added to reinforce science advancement within the field. Overall, these findings highlighted the evolution, progress, quality, and efficiency of the journal and provided early-profession researchers/specialists with an opportunity to lead more inventive studies in food science and technology (FST)

    Perceived Stress, Quality of Life and Pregnancy Outcomes Among Women with Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP) And Role of Midwives in It: A Systematic Review

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    Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are one of the leading causes of maternal & newborn death across the world. Many of the hypertensive antenatal women often end of with admission to ICU due to severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, or delivering dead babies of term pregnancy, even if live baby delivered, they mostly admitted to NICU due to respiratory distress and prematurity. Hence, they need continuous educational intervention and follow up by healthcare personnel. And a midwife is the right person for this. Midwives play an important role in encouraging pregnant mothers to adhere to treatment through various education and follow up resulting in safe pregnancy outcome among these mothers. But in Indian scenario in many places the role of midwives are often ignored while managing pregnancy complications. Therefore, current paper aimed to explore the expanded role of midwives in identifying the affected quality of life and its impact on pregnancy outcome among women with HDPs. The empirical research papers of various countries were searched through the electronic databases like Pro-Quest, Embase, Research Gate, Science direct, PUBMED, MEDLINE, CINAHL-EBSCO, web of science, Google Scholar etc and the references were also searched of those primary articles. A total of 15 out of 275 studies including both RCTs, Systematic & narrative review papers were analysed. In this paper 4 relevant points were analyzed, like- perceived stress, quality of life (QOL), pregnancy outcomes and role of midwife in GHTN management in rural India. The research papers on pregnancy outcomes as well as stress and QOL secondary to gestational outcome were plenty, but very less studies were retrieved on role of midwives. Mother’s with GHTN has more stress regarding the fetal wellbeing which ultimately affects the quality of life. Interventional studies revealed reduction in stress and improved perinatal outcome secondary to some integrated midwifery management approach. More research on addressing quality of life and exploring the stressors and interventional programs by midwifes are recommended to bring solution to this problem. The result of this review can be incorporated into nursing research to empower the women with gestational hypertension to have a positive pregnancy experience

    Electric-field controlled spin reversal in a quantum dot with ferromagnetic contacts

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    Manipulation of the spin-states of a quantum dot by purely electrical means is a highly desirable property of fundamental importance for the development of spintronic devices such as spin-filters, spin-transistors and single-spin memory as well as for solid-state qubits. An electrically gated quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime can be tuned to hold a single unpaired spin-1/2, which is routinely spin-polarized by an applied magnetic field. Using ferromagnetic electrodes, however, the properties of the quantum dot become directly spin-dependent and it has been demonstrated that the ferromagnetic electrodes induce a local exchange-field which polarizes the localized spin in the absence of any external fields. Here we report on the experimental realization of this tunneling-induced spin-splitting in a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic nickel-electrodes. We study the intermediate coupling regime in which single-electron states remain well defined, but with sufficiently good tunnel-contacts to give rise to a sizable exchange-field. Since charge transport in this regime is dominated by the Kondo-effect, we can utilize this sharp many-body resonance to read off the local spin-polarization from the measured bias-spectroscopy. We show that the exchange-field can be compensated by an external magnetic field, thus restoring a zero-bias Kondo-resonance, and we demonstrate that the exchange-field itself, and hence the local spin-polarization, can be tuned and reversed merely by tuning the gate-voltage. This demonstrates a very direct electrical control over the spin-state of a quantum dot which, in contrast to an applied magnetic field, allows for rapid spin-reversal with a very localized addressing.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Transformation of spin information into large electrical signals via carbon nanotubes

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    Spin electronics (spintronics) exploits the magnetic nature of the electron, and is commercially exploited in the spin valves of disc-drive read heads. There is currently widespread interest in using industrially relevant semiconductors in new types of spintronic devices based on the manipulation of spins injected into a semiconducting channel between a spin-polarized source and drain. However, the transformation of spin information into large electrical signals is limited by spin relaxation such that the magnetoresistive signals are below 1%. We overcome this long standing problem in spintronics by demonstrating large magnetoresistance effects of 61% at 5 K in devices where the non-magnetic channel is a multiwall carbon nanotube that spans a 1.5 micron gap between epitaxial electrodes of the highly spin polarized manganite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3. This improvement arises because the spin lifetime in nanotubes is long due the small spin-orbit coupling of carbon, because the high nanotube Fermi velocity permits the carrier dwell time to not significantly exceed this spin lifetime, because the manganite remains highly spin polarized up to the manganite-nanotube interface, and because the interfacial barrier is of an appropriate height. We support these latter statements regarding the interface using density functional theory calculations. The success of our experiments with such chemically and geometrically different materials should inspire adventure in materials selection for some future spintronicsComment: Content highly modified. New title, text, conclusions, figures and references. New author include

    Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar B_s^0 mixing in a family non-universal ZZ^{\prime} model revisited

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    Motivated by the very recent measurements performed at the LHCb and the Tevatron of the Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar B_s^0 mixing, in this paper we revisit it in a family non-universal ZZ^{\prime} model, to check if a simultaneous explanation for all the mixing observables, especially for the like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry observed by the D0 collaboration, could be made in such a specific model. In the first scenario where the ZZ^\prime boson contributes only to the off-diagonal element M12sM_{12}^s, it is found that, once the combined constraints from ΔMs\Delta M_s, ϕs\phi_s and ΔΓs\Delta \Gamma_s are imposed, the model could not explain the measured flavour-specific CP asymmetry afssa_{fs}^s, at least within its 1σ1\sigma ranges. In the second scenario where the NP contributes also to the absorptive part Γ12s\Gamma_{12}^s via tree-level ZZ^\prime-induced bccˉsb\to c\bar{c}s operators, we find that, with the constraints from ΔMs\Delta M_s, ϕs\phi_s and the indirect CP asymmetry in BˉdJ/ψKS\bar{B}_d\to J/\psi K_S taken into account, the present measured 1σ1\sigma experimental ranges for afssa_{fs}^s could not be reproduced too. Thus, such a specific ZZ^\prime model with our specific assumptions could not simultaneously reconcile all the present data on Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar B_s^0 mixing. Future improved measurements from the LHCb and the proposed superB experiments, especially of the flavour-specific CP asymmetries, are expected to shed light on the issue.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, pdflatex; accepted by JHE

    Azimuthal anisotropy and correlations at large transverse momenta in p+pp+p and Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}= 200 GeV

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    Results on high transverse momentum charged particle emission with respect to the reaction plane are presented for Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}= 200 GeV. Two- and four-particle correlations results are presented as well as a comparison of azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions to those in p+pp+p at the same energy. Elliptic anisotropy, v2v_2, is found to reach its maximum at pt3p_t \sim 3 GeV/c, then decrease slowly and remain significant up to pt7p_t\approx 7 -- 10 GeV/c. Stronger suppression is found in the back-to-back high-ptp_t particle correlations for particles emitted out-of-plane compared to those emitted in-plane. The centrality dependence of v2v_2 at intermediate ptp_t is compared to simple models based on jet quenching.Comment: 4 figures. Published version as PRL 93, 252301 (2004

    Azimuthal anisotropy in Au+Au collisions at sqrtsNN = 200 GeV

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    The results from the STAR Collaboration on directed flow (v_1), elliptic flow (v_2), and the fourth harmonic (v_4) in the anisotropic azimuthal distribution of particles from Au+Au collisions at sqrtsNN = 200 GeV are summarized and compared with results from other experiments and theoretical models. Results for identified particles are presented and fit with a Blast Wave model. Different anisotropic flow analysis methods are compared and nonflow effects are extracted from the data. For v_2, scaling with the number of constituent quarks and parton coalescence is discussed. For v_4, scaling with v_2^2 and quark coalescence is discussed.Comment: 26 pages. As accepted by Phys. Rev. C. Text rearranged, figures modified, but data the same. However, in Fig. 35 the hydro calculations are corrected in this version. The data tables are available at http://www.star.bnl.gov/central/publications/ by searching for "flow" and then this pape

    Rapidity and Centrality Dependence of Proton and Anti-proton Production from Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 130GeV

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    We report on the rapidity and centrality dependence of proton and anti-proton transverse mass distributions from Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 130GeV as measured by the STAR experiment at RHIC. Our results are from the rapidity and transverse momentum range of |y|<0.5 and 0.35 <p_t<1.00GeV/c. For both protons and anti-protons, transverse mass distributions become more convex from peripheral to central collisions demonstrating characteristics of collective expansion. The measured rapidity distributions and the mean transverse momenta versus rapidity are flat within |y|<0.5. Comparisons of our data with results from model calculations indicate that in order to obtain a consistent picture of the proton(anti-proton) yields and transverse mass distributions the possibility of pre-hadronic collective expansion may have to be taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, submitted to PR