452 research outputs found

    Views of Teachers,School Counsellors and Parents on the Importanceof Their Mutual Co-operation

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    In this paper we focus on the role of some factors of quality co-operation between the school and the home, particularly on the views of parents, teachers and counselling workers on the quality of their mutual co-operation. The empirical research was carried out on a representative sample of primary school teachers together with primary and secondary school counsellors and parents of children who attended the third, fifth/sixth and ninth primary school grades in Slovenia. One of the main findings is that teachers, counselling workers and parents are aware of the importance of their mutual co-operation. In general, most schools exhibit great readiness and a favourable atmosphere for co-operating with parents. Parents also experience a high level of the school’s or teachers’ readiness to co- operate with them. However, at the same time, the data warns that co-operation could be improved in many cases. It is up to schools, teachers and counsellors to find what to improve and how

    School counselling work in Slovenia: between the normative and the ethic

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    This paper casts light on some formal aspects and aspects of professional ethics that bind and direct school counsellors in their work. Some basic principles of ethical treatment are presented, with focus on the principle of confidentiality and dilemmas that appear in its application. In striking a balance bet ween the ethical and legal aspects in counselling work with children/pupils it is important that the counsellor accepts parents, teachers, head staff and other experts as allies and partners in the counselling process, as these people most often offer assistance to the child/pupil who is in need of help

    Uporaba klasičnih in sodobnih kartografskih učil za poučevanje geografije: Od Blaža Kocena do danes

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    This article presents cartographic teaching materials used in two different periods: the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the 2020s. During the first period examined, the works of Blaž Kocen (also Blasius Kozenn) laid the foundations of school cartography in the Habsburg Monarchy. The most highly valued among them in central Europe were his atlases, which have the longest tradition of publishing in the world. In the second period, technological development and the COVID-19 pandemic laid the foundations for a faster transition to digital approaches to teaching. This article examines the use of maps, atlases, and textbooks by Slovenian geography teachers to determine whether modern (digital) teaching materials have replaced or will replace the traditional (paper) ones. It was established that the use of printed cartographic materials continues to predominate in geography teaching, which indirectly preserves the importance of Kocen’s pioneering and visionary work.Namen članka je predstaviti kartografska učila dveh obdobij: v drugi polovici 19. stoletja in na začetku 21. stoletja. V prvem obdobju je Blaž Kocen s svojimi deli postavil didaktične temelje šolske kartografije na območju habsburške monarhije. V Srednji Evropi so bili strokovno najbolj cenjeni njegovi geografski atlasi, ki imajo najdaljšo tradicijo izhajanja na svetu. V drugem obdobju pa sta tehnični razvoj in pandemija postavila temelje za hitrejši prehod na digitalne didaktične pristope. V raziskavi smo preučili uporabo zemljevidov, atlasov in učbenikov pri slovenskih učiteljih geografije ter ugotavljali ali so oziroma bodo sodobna (digitalna) učila zamenjala klasične (papirne). Ugotovili smo, da pri pouku geografije še vedno prevladuje uporaba tiskanih kartografskih učil, s čimer se posledično ohranja pionirski in vizionarski pomen Kocenovega dela


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    The article presents some essential characteristics of collaboration between the school counselling service and individuals or institutions in the community. The role of school counselling in Slovenia is not limited merely to counselling and providing direct assistance to students with learning and their personal development. Rather, it includes the encouragement of all participants in the educational process to create adequate learning environments. The role, however, should also be understood in broader terms as organizational and content collaboration with external environments, institutions and individuals in the community. The authors begin by proposing some starting points for collaboration between the school counselling service and the local community and, in the second part of the article, they move on to the findings of their empirical research study, conducted on a representative sample of school counsellors working in Slovenian primary schools. The results prove the need for collaboration between the school counselling service and different institutions or individuals in the community. The authors primarily focus on examining the obstacles and drawbacks to the collaboration, while they simultaneously highlight examples of good practice that enable constructive collaboration, without which schools and school-based counselling would not be able to contribute to educational processes. The described examples demonstrate that collaboration between schools/school counsellors and institutions/individuals in the community is crucial to solving the problems that students and their families face

    Numeričko predviđanje izobličenja nakon zavarivanja s različnim slijedom zavarivanja i spajanja

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    Welding simulation of a test cover for hydropower plant was made due to very large dimensions of the cover. The main aim was to predict distortion after welding in order to avoid machining the cover. Welding process was simulated with the Sysweld program to keep distortion in desired limits. Various welding sequences and clamping conditions were calculated to reduce the distortion. Calculation of microstructure constituents in virtual complex geometry of joints was also analyzed.Simulacija zavarivanja testnog pokrova hidroelektrane provedena je zbog velikih dimenzija ispitne prevlake. Osnovni je cilj predvidjeti izobličenje nakon zavarivanja. Radi postizanja veličine izobličenja u željenim granicama proces zavarivanja je simuliran programom Sysweld. Različiti tijekovi zavarivanja i uvjeta spajanja prorač unati su radi smanjenja izobličenja. Određivanje mikrostrukturnih konstituenata u virtualnoj komleksnoj geometriji spojeva je također provedeno

    Machine for Cold Sintering Process

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    Diplomsko delo opisuje razvoj in proces izdelave stroja za postopek hladnega sintranja. Sintranje je postopek izdelave končnih posameznih izdelkov iz prahu, s segrevanjem materiala pri temperaturi preko 1000 °C. Hladno sintranje pa temelji na izdelavi keramičnih materialov pri temperaturah, nižjih od 200 °C, vendar po drugačnem postopku. Na podlagi naročila se je izdelal stroj po predhodnih tehničnih specifikacijah in željah kupca. Stiskalnica je avtomatska, ima hidravlični cilinder za enoosno obremenitev ≥ 20 ton in delovno temperaturo v modelu za stiskanje do 300 °C. Model je takšen, da omogoča stiskanje keramičnih prahov v tabletke, dizajn orodja pa primeren za hitro menjavo modela za stiskanje tablet z največjim premerom do 20 milimetrov. Za krmiljenje je uporabljen programirljivi logični krmilnik Mitsubushi FX5U, ki je povezan s temperaturnim regulatorjem Omron EECC-QX3ASM-003 in operaterskim panelom na dotik Kinco MT4434TE, na katerem je možnost nastavljanja tlaka, temperature in časa cikla stiskanja. Največji problem pri izdelavi je bila visoka temperatura pri stiskanju. Zaradi raztezanja materiala med segrevanjem in stiskanjem hkrati je bilo potrebno uporabiti kvalitetne materiale s kvalitetno obdelavo.This diploma thesis describes how the machine for cold sintering process is designed and manufactured. Sintering is the process of manufacturing finished individual products from powder by heating the material at temperatures above 1000 °C. Cold sintering, however, is based on the production of ceramic materials at temperatures below 200 °C, but by a different process. Based on the received order, a machine was made according to the previous technical specifications and demands of the customer. The press is automatic, has a hydraulic cylinder for a uniaxial load of ≥ 20 tonnes and operating temperature in the press model up to 300 °C. The model allows for the compression of ceramic powders into pills, while the tool design is suitable for swiftly changing the tablet compression model with a maximum diameter of up to 20 millimetres. The machine is controlled with a programmable logic controller, the Mitsubushi FX5U, which is connected to the temperature controller Omron EECC-QX3ASM-003 and the Kinco MT4434TE touch panel, which has the ability to adjust the pressure, temperature and compression cycle time. The biggest problem with the manufacturing was the high temperature of the compression. Due to the elongation of the material during heating and compression at the same time, it was necessary to use quality materials with high quality processing

    Economic performance of single - family house construction on the outskirts of Novo mesto

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    V diplomski nalogi je analizirana uspešnost gradnje treh enostanovanjskih stavb na obrobju Mestne občine Novo mesto. Naloga vsebuje primerjavo stroškov gradnje enostanovanjskih stavb s prodajnimi cenami enostanovanjskih stavb. Analiza je opravljena na treh primerih enostanovanjskih stavb, za katere je bila izdelana projektna dokumentacija in izdano gradbeno dovoljenje. Predstavljen je podroben seznam vseh stroškov, ki se pojavijo v postopku izvedbe enostanovanjskih stavb. Izdelana je analiza prodanih komunalno neopremljenih in nezazidanih stavbnih zemljišč na obrobju Mestne občine Novo mesto z namenom ocene tržne vrednosti pripadajočih zemljišč k obravnavanim trem enostanovanjskim stavbam. Ravno tako je izdelana analiza prodajnih cen enostanovanjskih stavb, na podlagi katere je ocenjena tržna vrednost enostanovanjskih stavb. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je investicija v izgradnjo tovrstnih treh enostanovanjskih stavb na ključ v okolici Mestne občine Novo mesto z ekonomskega vidika neuspešna.The thesis analyses the economic performance of constructing single-family houses on the outskirts of the City municipality of Novo Mesto. It compares the construction costs with selling prices of single-family houses. The analysis involved three single-family houses with building permits, for which we devised the design documentation. Moreover, it contains a detailed list of all the construction costs of such buildings and presents the analysis of sold vacant construction land on the outskirts of the municipality. The goal is to assess the market value of the construction land associated to the three single-family houses. In addition, the thesis contains the analysis of single-family houses selling prices, which served as the basis for assessing the market value of such buildings. The findings suggest that the investment in this type of turnkey single-family houses around the City municipality of Novo Mesto is not economically viable