V diplomski nalogi je analizirana uspešnost gradnje treh enostanovanjskih stavb na obrobju Mestne občine Novo mesto. Naloga vsebuje primerjavo stroškov gradnje enostanovanjskih stavb s prodajnimi cenami enostanovanjskih stavb. Analiza je opravljena na treh primerih enostanovanjskih stavb, za katere je bila izdelana projektna dokumentacija in izdano gradbeno dovoljenje. Predstavljen je podroben seznam vseh stroškov, ki se pojavijo v postopku izvedbe enostanovanjskih stavb. Izdelana je analiza prodanih komunalno neopremljenih in nezazidanih stavbnih zemljišč na obrobju Mestne občine Novo mesto z namenom ocene tržne vrednosti pripadajočih zemljišč k obravnavanim trem enostanovanjskim stavbam. Ravno tako je izdelana analiza prodajnih cen enostanovanjskih stavb, na podlagi katere je ocenjena tržna vrednost enostanovanjskih stavb.
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je investicija v izgradnjo tovrstnih treh enostanovanjskih stavb na ključ v okolici Mestne občine Novo mesto z ekonomskega vidika neuspešna.The thesis analyses the economic performance of constructing single-family houses on the outskirts of the City municipality of Novo Mesto. It compares the construction costs with selling prices of single-family houses. The analysis involved three single-family houses with building permits, for which we devised the design documentation. Moreover, it contains a detailed list of all the construction costs of such buildings and presents the analysis of sold vacant construction land on the outskirts of the municipality. The goal is to assess the market value of the construction land associated to the three single-family houses. In addition, the thesis contains the analysis of single-family houses selling prices, which served as the basis for assessing the market value of such buildings.
The findings suggest that the investment in this type of turnkey single-family houses around the City municipality of Novo Mesto is not economically viable