126 research outputs found

    Ocena zakresu ruchomości stawu kolanowego i skokowego kończyny niedowładnej u chorych z niedowładem połowicznym po incydentach mózgowo-naczyniowych

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    B a c k g r o u n d. Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is one of the most serious health problems in the developed countries. Patients who conclude early stroke rehabilitation (i.e. 2-3 months after the stroke) should be able to walk unassisted or with little help.O b j e c t i v e.  The aim of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of early specialized stroke rehabilitation by means of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), based on the analysis of mobility ranges of knee and ankle joints of the affected limbs in patients after CVA.M a t e r i a l  a n d  m e t h o d s. The study encompassed 30 subjects who had suffered from stroke and participated in PNF rehabilitation at the hospital stroke ward. Among subjects, there were 13 men and 17 women, aged ± 66.1. On average, patients spent 28 days at the ward. The first exam was carried out prior to  rehabilitation , on the admission day, while the follow-up exam was conducted on the day the patient left the ward.R e s u l t s.  Noticeable reduction of deficits in knee and ankle joint motion of the affected limb was observed. The second exam proved significant increase in bending ranges of the affected limb. Range of limb strengthening did not change. Subjects with left-sided hemiparesis displayed greater mobility deficits in motion ranges of knee and ankle joints, compared to right-sided hemiparesis patients.C o n c l u s i o n s. Using PNF in early rehabilitation noticeably improved mobility of the affected limbs in patients after CVA.Wstęp. Udar mózgu jest jednym z najpoważniejszych problemów zdrowotnych społeczeństw z krajów uprzemysłowionych. Chory kończący wczesną rehabilitację poudarową, czyli 2-3 miesiące od udaru powinien chodzić samodzielnie lub z niewielką pomocą.C e l e m   p r a c y była analiza skuteczności wczesnej specjalistycznej rehabilitacji poudarowej, realizowanej metodą PNF, w oparciu o analizę zakresu ruchomości stawu kolanowego i skokowego kończyny niedowładnej u osób po mózgowym incydencie naczyniowym.M a t e r i a ł  i  m e t o d y. Badaniem objęto 30 osób po mózgowym incydencie naczyniowym poddanych wczesnej rehabilitacji metodą PNF na pododdziale udarowym. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 13 mężczyzn i 17 kobiet, o średniej wieku ± 66,1. Czas przebywania chorego na oddziale wynosił średnio 28 dni. Pierwsze badanie wykonano przed rozpoczęciem usprawniania w dniu przyjęcia chorego, a kontrolne w dniu wypisu z oddziału udarowego.W y n i k i. Stwierdzono wyraźną redukcję deficytów w stawie kolanowym i skokowym kończyny niedowładnej. W badaniu drugim wykazano znaczny wzrost zakresu ruchu zginania w kończynie niedowładnej. Wartość ruchu wyprostu pozostała bez zmian. Grupa chorych z niedowładem lewostronnym charakteryzowała się znacznie większymi ograniczeniami zakresów poszczególnych ruchów czynnych stawu kolanowego oraz skokowego górnego i dolnego niż grupa chorych z niedowładem prawostronnym.W n i o s k i. Stosowanie metody PNF we wczesnej rehabilitacji wyraźnie usprawniło funkcjonowanie kończyny niedowładnej chorych po przebytym mózgowym incydencie naczyniowym

    Microemulsions of essential oils – an improvement of solubility or something more?

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    The direct application of essential oils in an aqueous solution is significantly hampered by the limited solubility in the aqueous environment and the volatile nature of these mixtures. Colloidal systems in the form of microemulsions and nanoemulsions [1] can effectively disperse essential oils in water, what is needed in many biological tests and applications.                The aim of this work was to prepare stable, water-dilutable, microemulsions containing essential oils of citronella (Cymbopogon nardus), mint (Mentha x piperita ‘Multimentha’) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) essential oils (EO) and the mixture of their equal parts. The possible antioxidant and antimicrobial applications of the obtained formulations were tested.                Nine runs were made in which the aqueous phase, being a mixture of water and polypropylene glycol in a 1:1 volume ratio, ranged from 10 to 90%, v/v. The oily phase was a mixture of the essential oil and soybean oil in a volume ratio of 3:1. Polysorbate 80 with an oil phase in 5 different volume ratios varying from 5:1 to 9:1 was mixed in each series. The essential oils constituted from 0.8 to 11% of the microemulsions. The diameter of the obtained microemulsion droplets was measured using the direct light scattering technique.                Stable microemulsions were obtained in the range between 10 and 50% of the aqueous phase. They were fully dilutable with water. The measurement of the diameter of the droplets for the formulations comprising 50% of the aqueous phase and diluted 10 times with water showed that particles of the oil dispersed in water were in the range between 10 and 20 nm. The formulations showed an increase in the antioxidant activity compared to the controls, whereas their antimicrobial activity was not influenced

    Assessment of Impact of Early Stroke Rehabilitation on Hip Joint Mobility of the Affected Leg in Patients after Cerebrovascular Accidents

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    One of the main priorities of stroke rehabilitation is regaining patients’ independence in basic everyday activities. This paper is aimed at assessing impact of early stroke rehabilitation on hip joint mobility of the affected leg in patients after cerebrovascular accidents. The study included 30 subjects (13 men and 17 women) aged on average ±66.1, with hemiparesis, who were treated at the stroke unit and participated in a 4-week rehabilitation program. Measurements of passive and active motion ranges were conducted with a goniometer in both limbs: healthy and affected ones by stroke. There were statistically significant differences in motion ranges between healthy and affected limbs. Examination I revealed that affected limbs amounted to only 40% of physiological range, while in Examination II, the result reached 73%. The most significant motion limitations were noted in terms of bending, adduction and internal rotation, while the least significant in terms of external rotation and abduction. Exercises used during early stroke rehabilitation of hemiparesis patients considerably increased active motion ranges and maintained passive motion ranges in the hip joint of the affected limb. Patients with right-sided hemiparesis experienced much better improvement in hip joint motion of the affected limb. The 4-week period was insufficient to mobilize patients and help them regain full active mobility in the hip joint of the affected limb. These patients required further physiotherapy, until they fully regained functionality