77 research outputs found

    Perforated Dielectrics and Higher-Order Mode Dielectric Resonator Antennas

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    Práce se zabývá buzením vyšších módů v kvádrových a válcových dielektrických rezonátorových anténách pro účely zvýšení zisku. Pomocí numerických simulací jsou studovány vlastnosti a limity anténních prvků. Je zkoumáná vzájemní vazba mezi dielektrickými rezonátorovými anténami pracujícími s vyššími vidy a na základě výsledků je možno usuzovat o vhodnosti těchto prvků k popužití v anténních řadách. V práci je popsán analytický model efektivní permitivity perforovaných dielektrik, který respektuje anizotropní povahu tohoto materiálu. Model je založen na Maxwell Garnettové aproximácií nehomogenních materiálů. Dále jsou studovány povrchové vlny na perforovaných substrátech a je ověřena použitelnost teoretického modelu i v tomto případě. Nakonec jsou studovány dielektrické rezonátorové antény vytvořené pomocí perforací v dielektrickém substrátu a je demonstrováno zhoršení určitých vlastností takových antén.The thesis deals with the excitation of higher-order modes in the rectangular and cylindrical dielectric resonator antennas for gain enhancement purpose. The properties and limitations of the antenna elements are studied numerically. Mutual coupling between the higher-order mode dielectric resonators is examined and the results prove the elements to be suitable for antenna array applications. For perforated dielectrics, an analytical model of effective permittivity that respects its anisotropic properties is proposed. The model is based on the Maxwell Garnett approximation of inhomogeneous media. Surface waves on perforated substrates are then studied and the validity of the analytical model is verified also in this case. The dielectric resonator antennas embedded in perforated substrates are studied and certain degradations in antenna properties are pointed out.

    Study of gel electrolytes properties by MR methods

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    Teoretická časť práce sa zaoberá vysvetlením javu nukleárnej magnetickej rezonancie, relaxačných procesov v systéme jadrových spinov, základných techník merania relaxačných časov. Ďalej je v práci popísaná difúzia a metódy meranie difúznych koeficientov, vrátane metódy pre potlačenie statického gradientu v priebehu merania. Experimentálna časť práce popisuje prípravu vzoriek gélových elektrolytov a meranie relaxačných časov. Ako vodivostná zložka bola zvolená sodná soľ. Je vyhodnotená závislosť relaxačných časov na polymerizácií a na koncentrácií vodivostnej zložky v géloch.Theoretical part of the work deals with explanation of nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon, relaxation processes in system of nuclear spins, basic techniques for measurement of relaxation times. There are described diffusion and techniques for diffusion coefficient measurement including method for suppressing the background gradient. Experimental part describes preparation of gel electrolytes samples and measurement of relaxation times. Sodium salt was used as a conductive agent. There is interpreted dependence of relaxation times on polymerization times and on concentration of conductive agent in gels.

    Transmitting antenna with dual circular polarisation for indoor antenna measurement range

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    Práca sa zaoberá návrhom ožarovača na báze septum polarizátoru v štvorcovom vlnovode pre účely merania kruhovo polarizovaných antén. Požiadavkou je možnosť generovať oba zmysly kruhovej polarizácie. Návrh ožarovača je rozdelený na tri časti. V prvej je pozornosť venovaná vlnovodom, ich analýze a predbežnému výberu rozmerov. Nájdeme tu i zmienku o dôležitom prvku polarizátoru s prepážkou - o 𝜋-vlnovode. Druhá časť je pre návrh kľúčová - zaoberá sa analýzou a návrhom samotného polarizátoru. Vhodné lievikové ústia sú navrhnuté v tretej časti. Takto vytvorené časti polarizátoru sú spojené do jedného modelu a odsimulované s výbornými výsledkami pre osový pomer, polarizačnú diskrimináciu, prispôsobenie na vstupe i medziportovú izoláciu.The purpose of the thesis is to design transmitting antenna based on septum polarizer solution for indoor measurement range. The antenna is considered for both senses of circular polarization. The design is divided into three main sections. First section is devoted to analysis and selection of a suitable waveguide. Ridge waveguide as a crucial part of a septum polarizer is mentioned in this section. Second part is the most critical; here the septum polarizer is analyzed and based on simple procedure also designed. Two suitable horn apertures are then developed as a part of the third section. Individual transmitting antenna parts are assembled together into one model and simulated with excellent results for axial ratio, cross-polarization discrimination, return loss and isolation between ports.

    Impact of protein hydrolysate biostimulants on growth of barley and wheat and their interaction with symbionts and pathogens

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    We compared the biostimulant effect of a novel chicken feather hydrolysate (FH) and a reference protein hydrolysate (RH) on barley and wheat in a pot experiment. Their interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and phosphorus (P) supply were also addressed. All experimental factors influenced barley growth. Shoot height and biomass of barley were increased by FH and reduced by RH. AMF decreased barley biomass at high P-supply. In wheat, the biomass was slightly reduced by AMF while other factors had no significant effect. In the parallel field experiment, RH but not FH increased yield and grain size of barley, while there was no significant effect of either hydrolysate on wheat. Application time had no effect on hydrolysate efficacy. Both hydrolysates promoted severity of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres maculata) on barley in the pot experiment, but reduced it in field. FH promoted wheat root colonisation by AMF under low-P supply. Our results show limited transferability of pot results to field conditions and manifest complex interactions between hydrolysates, soil phosphorus, and plant symbionts and pathogens

    Superscattering and Directive Antennas via Mode Superposition in Subwavelength Core-Shell Meta-Atoms

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Designing a subwavelength structure with multiple degenerate resonances at the same frequency can vastly enhance its interaction with electromagnetic radiation, as well as define its directivity. In this work we demonstrate that such mode superposition or ‘stacking’ can be readily achieved through the careful structuring of a high-permittivity spherical shell, with either a metallic or a low permittivity dielectric (air) core. We examine the behaviour of these structures both as scatterers of plane wave radiation and as directive antennas. In the case where the core is metallic this leads to a superposition of the magnetic and electric modes of the same order, causing suppression of backscattering and unidirectional antenna emission. For an air core, an electric mode can superimpose with the next-highest order magnetic mode, the backscattered power is maximized and antenna emission is bidirectional. This is shown experimentally at microwave frequencies by observing the backscattering of core-shell spheres and we propose two antenna designs demonstrating different emission patterns defined by the superposition of multiple modes.Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Vivaldi Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting

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    Energy harvesting is a future technology for capturing ambient energy from the environment to be recycled to feed low-power devices. A planar antipodal Vivaldi antenna is presented for gathering energy from GSM, WLAN, UMTS and related applications. The designed antenna has the potential to be used in energy harvesting systems. Moreover, the antenna is suitable for UWB applications, because it operates according to FCC regulations (3.1 – 10.6 GHz). The designed antenna is printed on ARLON 600 substrate and operates in frequency band from 0.810 GHz up to more than 12 GHz. Experimental results show good conformity with simulated performance

    Real-time millimeter wave holography with an arrayed detector (article)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Optica Publishing Group via the DOI in this recordData Availability: The research data supporting this publication are openly available in ORE at https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.4986Millimeter and terahertz wave imaging has emerged as a powerful tool for applications such as security screening, biomedical imaging, and material analysis. However, intensity images alone are often insufficient for detecting variations in the dielectric constant of a sample, and extraction of material properties without additional phase information requires extensive prior knowledge of the sample. Digital holography provides a means for intensity-only detectors to reconstruct both amplitude and phase images. Here we utilize a commercially available source and detector array, both operating at room temperature, to perform digital holography in real-time for the first time in the mm-wave band (at 290 GHz). We compare the off-axis and phase-shifting approaches to digital holography and discuss their trade-offs and practical challenges in this regime. Owing to the low pixel count, we find phase-shifting holography to be the most practical and high fidelity approach for such commercial mm-wave cameras even under real-time operational requirements.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)European Research Council (ERC)Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE)Qineti