106 research outputs found

    Le droit de distribution électronique : essai sur le droit de distribution des oeuvres en droit d'auteur canadien, américain, anglais et français

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    "Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de docteur en droit"Faut-il introduire dans les législations sur le droit d'auteur un droit de distribution électronique? Voilà la question à laquelle cette étude tente de répondre. L'introduction d'un droit spécifique pour répondre aux phénomènes de transmission numérique des oeuvres a été considérée au plus haut niveau des instances internationales. Elle constitue l'une des solutions proposées lors des négociations des traités de l'OMPI de 1996, à côté de celle du droit de mise à disposition qui emportera finalement la faveur des plénipotentiaires. Au-delà de cette actualité, le sujet de la distribution invite à examiner sous plusieurs angles la structure patrimoniale du droit d'auteur, son histoire aussi, comment il a su évoluer et répondre, au cours des siècles et depuis l'imprimerie, aux nouvelles techniques de distribution des oeuvres. En fin de compte, c'est la portée du droit d'auteur, son impact sur l'exploitation commerciale d'un bien tout particulier, d'un bien intangible, qui sera étudiée. Nous verrons, en réalité, que cette discipline de la propriété intellectuelle prend une place prépondérante dans la nouvelle économie, celle de la société de l'information et qu'elle pose certainement les bases d'un nouveau système normatif qui supplante à la fois le droit des biens et le droit commercial. Cette étude annonce finalement l'avènement d'un nouveau système normatif.Should a digital distribution right be introduced in copyright law ? This study will attempt to answer the question. The introduction of a specific right to respond to the digital transmission of works has been pondered at the highest level of international institutions. The digital distribution right was considered as a serious option, together with the «making available» right, during the negotiations of the WIPO treaties of 1996. Over and above this consideration, the subject of distribution invites one to examine, from general perspectives, the economic structure of copyright, as weIl as its history, how it evolved and responded to new technological ways of distributing a work throughout the centuries starting form the beginnings of the printing press. All things considered, the scope of copyright and its impact on the exploitation of a particular good - the intangible good - will be studied. We will observe that copyright law plays a major l'ole in the new economy of the information society. It lays down the foundation of a new normative system for distribution of intangibles, transcending both property and commercial law

    Bernoulli’s principle applied to brain fluids: intracranial pressure does not drive cerebral perfusion or CSF flow

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    In line with the first law of thermodynamics, Bernoulli's principle states that the total energy in a fluid is the same at all points. We applied Bernoulli's principle to understand the relationship between intracranial pressure (ICP) and intracranial fluids. We analyzed simple fluid physics along a tube to describe the interplay between pressure and velocity. Bernoulli's equation demonstrates that a fluid does not flow along a gradient of pressure or velocity; a fluid flows along a gradient of energy from a high-energy region to a low-energy region. A fluid can even flow against a pressure gradient or a velocity gradient. Pressure and velocity represent part of the total energy. Cerebral blood perfusion is not driven by pressure but by energy: the blood flows from high-energy to lower-energy regions. Hydrocephalus is related to increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) resistance (i.e., energy transfer) at various points. Identification of the energy transfer within the CSF circuit is important in understanding and treating CSF-related disorders. Bernoulli's principle is not an abstract concept far from clinical practice. We should be aware that pressure is easy to measure, but it does not induce resumption of fluid flow. Even at the bedside, energy is the key to understanding ICP and fluid dynamics

    Droit des auteurs et droit de la consommation dans le cyberespace : la relation auteur / utilisateur

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Fac. Droit - Chaire en droit de la sécurité et des affaires électroniques

    Characterisation of supra- and infratentorial ICP profiles

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    In pathophysiology and clinical practice, the intracranial pressure (ICP) profiles in the supratentorial and infratentorial compartments are unclear. We know that the pressure within the skull is unevenly distributed, with demonstrated ICP gradients. We recorded and characterised the supra- and infratentorial ICP patterns to understand what drives the transtentorial ICP gradient.A 70-year-old man was operated on for acute cerebellar infarction. One supratentorial probe and one cerebellar probe were implanted. Both signals were recorded concurrently and analysed off-line. We calculated mean ICP, ICP pulse amplitude, respiratory waves, slow waves and the RAP index of supra- and infratentorial ICP signals. Then, we measured transtentorial difference and performed correlation analysis for every index.Supratentorial ICP mean was 8.5 mmHg lower than infratentorial ICP, but the difference lessens for higher values. Both signals across the tentorium showed close correlation. Supra- and infratentorial pulse amplitude, respiratory waves and slow waves also showed a high degree of correlation. The compensatory reserve (RAP) showed good correlation. In this case report, we demonstrate that the mean value of ICP is higher in the posterior fossa, with a strong correlation across the tentorium. All other ICP-derived parameters display a symmetrical profile

    Effet du stress d’immobilisation aigu sur l’expression du neuropeptide : cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), dans le complexe vagal dorsal du rat adulte

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    CART peptide is one of the anorexigenic neuropeptides regulating food intake. Indeed, the concentration of the neuropeptide CART in the DVC varies following exposure of rat to acute immobilization stress. Thus, RT-PCR shows an increase in the expression of neuropeptide CART to 24h post-stress. This result shows that acute immobilization stress affects the expression of anorexigenic neuropeptides regulating food intake in the DVC.Le peptide CART est l’un des principaux neuropeptides anorexigènes régulateurs de la prise alimentaire. En effet, la concentration du neuropeptide CART dans le CVD varie suite à l’exposition du rat à un stress d’immobilisation aigu. Ainsi, la RT-PCR montre une augmentation de l’expression du neuropeptide CART à 24h post-stress. Ce résultat montre que le stress d’immobilisation aigu affecte l’expression des neuropeptides anorexigènes régulateurs de la prise alimentaire au niveau du CVD

    Variations de l’expression du neuropeptide Y dans l’hypothalamus du rat adulte suite à l’exposition à un stress d’immobilisation aigu

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    Stress is well recognized by its influence on the regulation of food intake, and thus on the rate of neuropeptides involved in the regulation of food intake in the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) and in the hypothalamus. Indeed, in a previous study (8), we analyzed the changes of neuropeptide Y in the DVC following exposure of rats to acute immobilization stress. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the effect of acute immobilization stress on the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the hypothalamus of adult rat.le stress est bien reconnu par son influence sur la régulation de la prise alimentaire, et donc sur le taux des neuropeptides régulateurs de la prise alimentaire dans le CVD et dans l’hypothalamus. En effet, dans une étude précédente (8), nous avons analysé les variations du neuropeptide Y au niveau du complexe vagal dorsal (CVD) suite à l’exposition du rat à un stress d’immobilisation aigu. De suite, la présente étude consiste à rechercher l’effet du stress d’immobilisation aigu sur l’expression du neuropeptide Y (NPY) dans l’hypothalamus du rat adulte

    Adult-Brain-Derived Neural Stem Cells Grafting into a Vein Bridge Increases Postlesional Recovery and Regeneration in a Peripheral Nerve of Adult Pig

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    We attempted transplantation of adult neural stem cells (ANSCs) inside an autologous venous graft following surgical transsection of nervis cruralis with 30 mm long gap in adult pig. The transplanted cell suspension was a primary culture of neurospheres from adult pig subventricular zone (SVZ) which had been labeled in vitro with BrdU or lentivirally transferred fluorescent protein. Lesion-induced loss of leg extension on the thigh became definitive in controls but was reversed by 45–90 days after neurosphere-filled vein grafting. Electromyography showed stimulodetection recovery in neurosphere-transplanted pigs but not in controls. Postmortem immunohistochemistry revealed neurosphere-derived cells that survived inside the venous graft from 10 to 240 post-lesion days and all displayed a neuronal phenotype. Newly formed neurons were distributed inside the venous graft along the severed nerve longitudinal axis. Moreover, ANSC transplantation increased CNPase expression, indicating activation of intrinsic Schwann cells. Thus ANSC transplantation inside an autologous venous graft provides an efficient repair strategy