223 research outputs found

    Nitric oxide affects IL-6 expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells involving cGMP-dependent modulation of NF-jB activity

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    Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and nitric oxide (NO) are important mediators of the inflammatory response. We report that in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), NO exerts a biphasic effect on the expression of IL-6. Using sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) as NO-donating compounds, we observed that both mRNA and protein levels of IL-6 increased at lower (610 lM) and decreased at higher (>100 lM) concentrations of NO donors. Changes in the expression of IL-6 correlated with changes in the activity of NF-jB, which increased at lower and decreased at higher concentrations of both NO donors as shown by the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). The effects of NO on NF-jB activity were cGMP-dependent because they were reversed in the presence of ODQ, the inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC), and KT5823, the inhibitor of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Moreover, the membrane permeable analog of cGMP (8-Br-cGMP) mimicked the effect of the NO donors. These observations show that NO, depending on its concentration, may act in human PBMCs as a stimulator of IL-6 expression involving the sGC/cGMP/PKG pathway

    Mal Mediates TLR-Induced Activation of CREB and Expression of IL-10

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    TLRs initiate immune responses by direct detection of molecular motifs that distinguish invading microbes from host cells. Five intracellular adaptor proteins, each containing a Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domain, are used by TLRs and play key roles in dictating gene expression patterns that are tailored to the invader. Such gene expression is mediated by transcription factors, and although TIR adaptor-induced activation of NF-kB and the IFN regulatory factors have been intensively studied, there is a dearth of information on the role of TIR adaptors in regulating CREB. In this paper, we describe a role for the TIR adaptor Mal in enhancing activation of CREB. Mal-deficient murine bone marrow-derived macrophages show a loss in responsiveness to TLR2 and TLR4 ligands with respect to activation of CREB. Mal-deficient cells also fail to express the CREB-responsive genes IL-10 and cyclooxygenase 2 in response to Pam2Cys-Ser-(Lys)4 and LPS. We reveal that Mal-mediated activation of CREB is dependent on Pellino3 and TNFR-associated factor 6, because CREB activation is greatly diminished in Pellino3 knockdown cells and TNFRassociated factor 6-deficient cells. We also demonstrate the importance of p38 MAPK in this pathway with the p38 inhibitor SB203580 abolishing activation of CREB in murine macrophages. MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2), a substrate for p38 MAPK, is the likely downstream mediator of p38 MAPK in this pathway, because Mal is shown to activate MK2 and inhibition of MK2 decreases TLR4-induced activation of CREB. Overall, these studies demonstrate a new role for Mal as a key upstream regulator of CREB and as a contributor to the expression of both pro- and anti-inflammatory gen

    Mal Mediates TLR-Induced Activation of CREB and Expression of IL-10

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    TLRs initiate immune responses by direct detection of molecular motifs that distinguish invading microbes from host cells. Five intracellular adaptor proteins, each containing a Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domain, are used by TLRs and play key roles in dictating gene expression patterns that are tailored to the invader. Such gene expression is mediated by transcription factors, and although TIR adaptor-induced activation of NF-kB and the IFN regulatory factors have been intensively studied, there is a dearth of information on the role of TIR adaptors in regulating CREB. In this paper, we describe a role for the TIR adaptor Mal in enhancing activation of CREB. Mal-deficient murine bone marrow-derived macrophages show a loss in responsiveness to TLR2 and TLR4 ligands with respect to activation of CREB. Mal-deficient cells also fail to express the CREB-responsive genes IL-10 and cyclooxygenase 2 in response to Pam2Cys-Ser-(Lys)4 and LPS. We reveal that Mal-mediated activation of CREB is dependent on Pellino3 and TNFR-associated factor 6, because CREB activation is greatly diminished in Pellino3 knockdown cells and TNFRassociated factor 6-deficient cells. We also demonstrate the importance of p38 MAPK in this pathway with the p38 inhibitor SB203580 abolishing activation of CREB in murine macrophages. MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2), a substrate for p38 MAPK, is the likely downstream mediator of p38 MAPK in this pathway, because Mal is shown to activate MK2 and inhibition of MK2 decreases TLR4-induced activation of CREB. Overall, these studies demonstrate a new role for Mal as a key upstream regulator of CREB and as a contributor to the expression of both pro- and anti-inflammatory gen

    Differential protein profiling as a potential multi-marker approach for TSE diagnosis

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    Rona Barron - ORCID: 0000-0003-4512-9177 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4512-9177This "proof of concept" study, examines the use of differential protein expression profiling using surface enhanced laser desorption and ionisationtime of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF) for the diagnosis of TSE disease. Spectral output from all proteins selectively captured from individual murine brain homogenate samples, are compared as "profiles" in groups of infected and non-infected animals. Differential protein expression between groups is thus highlighted and statistically significant protein "peaks" used to construct a panel of disease specific markers. Studies at both terminal stages of disease and throughout the time course of disease have shown a disease specific protein profile or "disease fingerprint" which could be used to distinguish between groups of TSE infected and uninfected animals at an early time point of disease. Results Our results show many differentially expressed proteins in diseased and control animals, some at early stages of disease. Three proteins identified by SELDI-TOF analysis were verified by immunohistochemistry in brain tissue sections. We demonstrate that by combining the most statistically significant changes in expression, a panel of markers can be constructed that can distinguish between TSE diseased and normal animals. Conclusion Differential protein expression profiling has the potential to be used for the detection of disease in TSE infected animals. Having established that a "training set" of potential markers can be constructed, more work would be required to further test the specificity and sensitivity of the assay in a "testing set". Based on these promising results, further studies are being performed using blood samples from infected sheep to assess the potential use of SELDI-TOF as a pre-mortem blood based diagnostic.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2334-9-1889pubpub

    Evidence That a TRPA1-Mediated Murine Model of Temporomandibular Joint Pain Involves NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-10-14, pub-electronic 2021-10-23Publication status: PublishedFunder: Versus Arthritis; Grant(s): 21541This study investigates the role of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) in murine temporomandibular joint (TMJ) inflammatory hyperalgesia and the influence of the NLR family pyrin domain-containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome. Two distinct murine models of TMJ pain and inflammation (zymosan and CFA) were established. Spontaneous pain-like behaviours were observed as unilateral front paw cheek wipes. Ipsilateral cheek blood flow was used as a measure of ongoing inflammation, which, to our knowledge, is a novel approach to assessing real-time inflammation in the TMJ. Joint tissue and trigeminal ganglia were collected for ex vivo investigation. Both zymosan and CFA induced a time-dependent increase in hyperalgesia and inflammation biomarkers. Zymosan induced a significant effect after 4 h, correlating with a significantly increased IL-1β protein expression. CFA (50 µg) induced a more sustained response. The TRPA1 receptor antagonist A967079 significantly inhibited hyper-nociception. The NLRP3 inhibitor MCC950 similarly inhibited hyper-nociception, also attenuating inflammatory markers. In the trigeminal ganglia, CFA-induced CGRP expression showed trends of inhibition by A967079, whilst lba1 immunofluorescence was significantly inhibited by A967079 and MCC950, where the effect of TRPA1 inhibition lasted up to 14 days. Our results show that stimulation of TRPA1 is key to the TMJ pain. However, the inflammasome inhibitor exhibited similar properties in attenuating these pain-like behaviours, in addition to some inflammatory markers. This indicates that in addition to the therapeutic targeting of TRPA1, NLRP3 inhibition may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for TMJ inflammation and pain

    GATA Transcription Factor Required for Immunity to Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens

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    In the past decade, Caenorhabditis elegans has been used to dissect several genetic pathways involved in immunity; however, little is known about transcription factors that regulate the expression of immune effectors. C. elegans does not appear to have a functional homolog of the key immune transcription factor NF-κB. Here we show that that the intestinal GATA transcription factor ELT-2 is required for both immunity to Salmonella enterica and expression of a C-type lectin gene, clec-67, which is expressed in the intestinal cells and is a good marker of S. enterica infection. We also found that ELT-2 is required for immunity to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, and Cryptococcus neoformans. Lack of immune inhibition by DAF-2, which negatively regulates the FOXO transcription factor DAF-16, rescues the hypersusceptibility to pathogens phenotype of elt-2(RNAi) animals. Our results indicate that ELT-2 is part of a multi-pathogen defense pathway that regulates innate immunity independently of the DAF-2/DAF-16 signaling pathway

    Type I Interferon Induction Is Detrimental during Infection with the Whipple's Disease Bacterium, Tropheryma whipplei

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    Macrophages are the first line of defense against pathogens. Upon infection macrophages usually produce high levels of proinflammatory mediators. However, macrophages can undergo an alternate polarization leading to a permissive state. In assessing global macrophage responses to the bacterial agent of Whipple's disease, Tropheryma whipplei, we found that T. whipplei induced M2 macrophage polarization which was compatible with bacterial replication. Surprisingly, this M2 polarization of infected macrophages was associated with apoptosis induction and a functional type I interferon (IFN) response, through IRF3 activation and STAT1 phosphorylation. Using macrophages from mice deficient for the type I IFN receptor, we found that this type I IFN response was required for T. whipplei-induced macrophage apoptosis in a JNK-dependent manner and was associated with the intracellular replication of T. whipplei independently of JNK. This study underscores the role of macrophage polarization in host responses and highlights the detrimental role of type I IFN during T. whipplei infection

    A Common Carcinogen Benzo[a]pyrene Causes Neuronal Death in Mouse via Microglial Activation

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    BACKGROUND: Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) belongs to a class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that serve as micropollutants in the environment. B[a]P has been reported as a probable carcinogen in humans. Exposure to B[a]P can take place by ingestion of contaminated (especially grilled, roasted or smoked) food or water, or inhalation of polluted air. There are reports available that also suggests neurotoxicity as a result of B[a]P exposure, but the exact mechanism of action is unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using neuroblastoma cell line and primary cortical neuron culture, we demonstrated that B[a]P has no direct neurotoxic effect. We utilized both in vivo and in vitro systems to demonstrate that B[a]P causes microglial activation. Using microglial cell line and primary microglial culture, we showed for the first time that B[a]P administration results in elevation of reactive oxygen species within the microglia thereby causing depression of antioxidant protein levels; enhanced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, that results in increased production of NO from the cells. Synthesis and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines were also elevated within the microglia, possibly via the p38MAP kinase pathway. All these factors contributed to bystander death of neurons, in vitro. When administered to animals, B[a]P was found to cause microglial activation and astrogliosis in the brain with subsequent increase in proinflammatory cytokine levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Contrary to earlier published reports we found that B[a]P has no direct neurotoxic activity. However, it kills neurons in a bystander mechanism by activating the immune cells of the brain viz the microglia. For the first time, we have provided conclusive evidence regarding the mechanism by which the micropollutant B[a]P may actually cause damage to the central nervous system. In today's perspective, where rising pollution levels globally are a matter of grave concern, our study throws light on other health hazards that such pollutants may exert

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and the regulation of human invariant natural killer T cells: lessons from obesity, diabetes and psoriasis

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    Aims/hypothesis The innate immune cells, invariant natural killer T cells (iNKT cells), are implicated in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, an inflammatory condition associated with obesity and other metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and dyslipidaemia. We observed an improvement in psoriasis severity in a patient within days of starting treatment with an incretin-mimetic, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. This was independent of change in glycaemic control. We proposed that this unexpected clinical outcome resulted from a direct effect of GLP-1 on iNKTcells. Methods We measured circulating and psoriatic plaque iNKT cell numbers in two patients with type 2 diabetes and psoriasis before and after commencing GLP-1 analogue therapy. In addition, we investigated the in vitro effects of GLP-1 on iNKT cells and looked for a functional GLP-1 receptor on these cells. Results The Psoriasis Area and Severity Index improved in both patients following 6 weeks of GLP-1 analogue therapy. This was associated with an alteration in iNKT cell number, with an increased number in the circulation and a decreased number in psoriatic plaques. The GLP-1 receptor was expressed on iNKT cells, and GLP-1 induced a dose-dependent inhibition of iNKT cell cytokine secretion, but not cytolytic degranulation in vitro. Conclusions/interpretation The clinical effect observed and the direct interaction between GLP-1 and the immune system raise the possibility of therapeutic applications for GLP-1 in inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis
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