444 research outputs found

    Weak Chaos in large conservative system -- Infinite-range coupled standard maps

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    We study, through a new perspective, a globally coupled map system that essentially interpolates between simple discrete-time nonlinear dynamics and certain long-range many-body Hamiltonian models. In particular, we exhibit relevant similarities, namely (i) the existence of long-standing quasistationary states (QSS), and (ii) the emergence of weak chaos in the thermodynamic limit, between the present model and the Hamiltonian Mean Field model, a strong candidate for a nonxtensive statistical mechanical approach.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Corrected typos in equation 4. Changed caption in Fig. 1. Corrected references 2 and 6. Acknowledgements adde

    La Festa Major de Gràcia, apunts etnogràfics

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    The role of emotional intelligence in the processes of social interaction in the classroom: A multilevel analysis

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    La presente investigación analiza de manera conjunta la inteligencia emocional del docente de educación física, la actitud que presenta el alumnado hacia el docente y el área, las estrategias motivacionales (tarea/ego) y el clima motivacional (tarea/ego) generado en el aula con el fin de observar las relaciones que se establecen entre las mismas. La muestra se compone de 422 estudiantes de ESO, agrupados en 21 grupos/clase, y cinco docentes de la especialidad de Educación Física de dicha etapa. Atendiendo a que existen diferencias en las aulas en el clima motivacional, el análisis multinivel muestra que el papel de las actitudes hacia la asignatura para explicar la motivación es mayor en aquellas clases en las que se genera un clima orientado hacia la tarea, el cual se relaciona positivamente con la inteligencia emocional del docente. Se discute la importancia de la inteligencia emocional de los docentes para crear climas de trabajo positivos en sus aulas y así favorecer la motivación del alumnadoThe present research analyzes jointly the emotional intelligence of the teaching of physical education, the attitude that shows the students towards the teaching and the area, the motivational strategies (task/ego) and the motivational climate (task/ego) generated in the classroom to observe the relations that are established. The sample is composed of 422 students, grouped in 21 groups/class, and five teachers of the specialty of physical education. In response to motivational climate differences in classrooms, multilevel analyses shows that the role of attitudes toward the subject to explain the motivation is greater in those classes which generates a task oriented climate, which is positively related to the emotional intelligence of teachers. Finally, the importance of emotional intelligence of teachers to create a positive work climate in their classrooms and encourage the motivation of students is discusse

    Functional relations between attitudes, strategies and motivational climate in physical education

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar diferentes procesos psicosociales en Educación Física. Se examinan variables sociodemográficas en relación a indicadores como las actitudes (hacia el docente y el área), estrategias motivacionales (tarea/ego) y clima motivacional percibido (tarea/ego). La muestra se compone de 422 adolescentes. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado más joven y los chicos (vs. chicas) presentan actitudes más positivas y una mayor motivación hacia la Educación Física. Los chicos presentan unas estrategias y un clima motivacional orientado al ego, en mayor medida que las chicas. En relación a la práctica de actividad física fuera del horario escolar, los que sí la practican son los que muestran una actitud más positiva hacia el área y el docente, así como unas estrategias y clima motivacional orientadas a la tarea. Asimismo, en relación con las actitudes que el alumnado desarrolla hacia la Educación Física y el docente, los datos muestran la importancia relativa de las estrategias motivacionales y el clima motivacional orientado hacia la tareaThe objective of this research is to analyze different psychosocial processes in physical education. Socio-demographic variables in relation to psycho-social variables like attitudes (towards the teacher and area), motivational strategies (task/ego) and perceived motivational climate (task/ego) are examined. The sample is composed of 422 adolescents. The results show that the younger students and boys (vs. girls) present more positive attitudes and greater motivation toward physical education. The boys present strategies and motivational climate aimed at the ego to a greater extent than the girls. In relation to the practice of physical activity outside of school, those who practice it are showing a more positive attitude towards the subject and the teacher, as well as a task-oriented strategies and motivational climate. Additionally, in relation to attitudes that students develop towards physical education and teaching, data show the relative importance of task-oriented motivational strategies and motivational climat

    Determinants of natural HIV-1 control

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    HIV-1 infection usually progresses to AIDS within 10 years in antiretroviral therapy untreated individuals, but there is a group of infected individuals, known as controllers, who maintain low plasma HIV-1 RNA levels and normal CD4+ T-cell counts for many years. Evidence suggests that the mechanisms of viral control in these individuals are heterogeneous. In this review, we highlight the viral and host factors, particularly host immunological and immunogenetic factors that are associated with controller status. Despite the broad heterogeneity within controllers, there is compelling evidence that cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocyte responses act as the main driver of control in the majority of these individuals, especially in those with protective HLA-I alleles. Further investigation of controllers without protective HLA-I alleles is required as it seems that this subset exhibits more durable control of HIV-1 disease progression. Understanding the immune defense mechanisms in controllers provides hope for harnessing these responses in the general population, either for protective or therapeutic vaccines or to achieve a functional cure in infected individuals

    Hibridando el saber: investigar sobre comunicación y música

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    Comunicaciones presentadas para las I Jornadas de Investigación Doctoral sobre Comunicación y Música, celebradas el 7 de junio de 2010 en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Málaga

    Toward the renewal of the sustainable urban indicators’ system after a global health crisis. Practical application in Granada, Spain

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    The aim of this study is to highlight the need for sustainable urban development by reviewing the different Indicator Systems (SI) and contrasting them with those factors that have had a correlation in the spread of the virus in order to detect its deficiencies. This research carries out an urban diagnosis and analyzes the influence of these factors in order to detect deficiencies and propose a new IS adapted to current needs. Lastly, the new SI is validated through its practical application in one of the Autonomous Communities most affected by the pandemic in Spain. It is concluded that most of the factors causing a worse incidence of the virus are hardly evaluated by the existing IS. The practical analysis shows that there are deficiencies in urban design, resulting in poor environmental quality and urban morphology

    Perspectives on Mechanisms Supporting Neuronal Polarity From Small Animals to Humans

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    Axon-dendrite formation is a crucial milestone in the life history of neurons. During this process, historically referred as “the establishment of polarity,” newborn neurons undergo biochemical, morphological and functional transformations to generate the axonal and dendritic domains, which are the basis of neuronal wiring and connectivity. Since the implementation of primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons by Gary Banker and Max Cowan in 1977, the community of neurobiologists has made significant achievements in decoding signals that trigger axo-dendritic specification. External and internal cues able to switch on/off signaling pathways controlling gene expression, protein stability, the assembly of the polarity complex (i.e., PAR3-PAR6-aPKC), cytoskeleton remodeling and vesicle trafficking contribute to shape the morphology of neurons. Currently, the culture of hippocampal neurons coexists with alternative model systems to study neuronal polarization in several species, from single-cell to whole-organisms. For instance, in vivo approaches using C. elegans and D. melanogaster, as well as in situ imaging in rodents, have refined our knowledge by incorporating new variables in the polarity equation, such as the influence of the tissue, glia-neuron interactions and three-dimensional development. Nowadays, we have the unique opportunity of studying neurons differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), and test hypotheses previously originated in small animals and propose new ones perhaps specific for humans. Thus, this article will attempt to review critical mechanisms controlling polarization compiled over decades, highlighting points to be considered in new experimental systems, such as hiPSC neurons and human brain organoids.Fil: Wilson Rodriguez, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa.; ArgentinaFil: Moyano, Ana Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa.; ArgentinaFil: Caceres, Alfredo Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa | Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Instituto de Investigacion Medica Mercedes y Martin Ferreyra. Grupo Vinculado Centro de Investigacion En Medicina Traslacional Severo R. Amuchastegui - Cimetsa.; Argentin

    Eco-efficient ventilated facades based on circular economy for residential buildings as an improvement of energy conditions

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    In a planet with limited resources, climate change is a severe problem, intensified by industrial development. This is particularly important in the construction sector. According to the International Energy Agency (2021), the construction sector is responsible for 40% of the global energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. In this way, sustainable architectural solutions should be a priority in our fight against climate change, for it is necessary to propose solutions that help to reuse existing resources, thus reducing consumption. In this sense, the rehabilitation of buildings with solutions that favor the circular economy will become a key element in the construction sector. This work provides the design of a facade for building rehabilitation based on the circular economy paradigm, which is implanted in a model building as a case study. The HULC tool quantifies the improvement in energy efficiency that this rehabilitation entails when compared to a conventional facade. With the designed facade, a reduction in energy losses through the envelope is achieved, as well as an improvement in living conditions and environmental impact. Next, an analysis of the building’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions is carried out with the Open BIM Quantities tool. This tool is used by construction researchers and professionals. Finally, the results show the improvements in the rehabilitation of the facade

    “La Orientación Educativa-Ocupacional como campo de acción pedagógica. Lecciones aprendidas en la actualidad de la Argentina”

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    A partir de sucesivas aproximaciones al tema a investigar, sabiendo que la Orientación Educativa-Ocupacional ha sido campo de diversas investigaciones y considerando que desde el terreno pedagógico no existe una profunda producción teórica, nuestro interés radica en describir la naturaleza de la Orientación Educativa-Ocupacional, teniendo en cuenta características, elementos, conocimientos, actores; e indagar la relación que existe entre la Pedagogía como campo de saber y la Orientación Educativa-Ocupacional.Para tal fin se adoptó un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando el método descriptivo, teniendo metodológicamente las primeras definiciones de abordaje en fuentes primarias que constituyen un corpus de producciones de Iberoamérica y Argentina, ubicadas temporalmente en los últimos veinte años. Dichas fuentes, constituyen el territorio de la investigación donde se configura el campo del objeto de estudio.En cuanto a nuestro primer interés –la descripción de la naturaleza de la Orientación Educativa-Ocupacional– consideramos fue logrado, ya que en la mayoría de las fuentes trabajadas se realiza un esquema detallado tanto de las características como de los elementos, fundamentos teóricos, principios y actores del campo investigado.En lo que respecta a la indagación sobre la relación existente entre la Pedagogía y la Orientación Educativa-Ocupacional consideramos haber realizado una interesante aproximación, aunque ha sido respondida de manera incipiente y parcial, debido a la gran vacancia de producción teórica sobre la Orientación en el campo de la Pedagogía, la desactualización teórica de las producciones, y la dificultad para definirla en función de sus objetivos y campo de acción. Asimismo son, todos ellos, componentes que desafían e invitan a su estudio actual