126 research outputs found

    Sedimentology of the Mid-Carboniferous Basal Fill of the Olta Paleovalley, Eastern Paganzo Basin, Argentina

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    As global climate transitioned from the icehouse of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) to greenhouse conditions of the Late Permian, glaciers vanished across Gondwana; however, not all ice centers responded synchronously. The Paganzo basin, northwestern Argentina, was geographically adjacent to significant mid-Carboniferous ice centers that disappeared notably earlier than ice over much of Gondwana. Confining the extent of glacial ice during the LPIA and resolving the timing of its disappearance is of particular interest as this dramatic climatic transition is the closest analogue in Earth history to late Cenozoic climate change, potentially aiding in anticipating the response of modern climate to similar drivers. The majority of the late Paleozoic glacial record in the region is from paleofjord deposits in the Calingasta-Uspallata, Rio Blanco, and western Paganzo basins, but in the eastern Paganzo basin a paleovalley, only a few hundred meters wide, was cut into the predominantly granitic basement of the Sierra de los Llanos near Olta, in La Rioja Province. The basal fill of the valley was previously interpreted as glacigenic, with the valley carved by either local alpine glaciers or an outlet glacier draining westward from an ice sheet situated over the eastern part of the Paganzo Basin. This study tests the glacigenic setting for the paleovalley. The strata are dominated by medium to thick-bedded, fine- to coarse-grained sandstones deposited by lacustrine wave activity and underflow currents, and by massive or weakly graded conglomerates deposited by stream and debris flows associated with prograding alluvial fans and fan deltas. Lacustrine sediments interfinger with distal alluvial fan conglomerates along the valley wall, suggesting water was impounded by transverse progradation of the fans across the valley. Bulleted clasts, glacial abrasion marks, diamictites with clast fabrics, and other diagnostic glacial features were not observed. Diamictites were rare and associated with landslide deposits along the valley wall, and soft sediment deformation beneath boulder-rich conglomerates and breccias can be attributed to mass-transport deposits and rock fall off of the steep valley walls. The basal fill of the Olta Paleovalley is interpreted here as a lacustrine depositional environment in a narrow mountain valley and contains no evidence for glacial ice in the eastern Paganzo basin

    The Isomorphism of 3-Qubit Hadamards and E8E_8

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    This paper presents several notable properties of the matrix U\mathbb{U} shown to be related to the isomorphism between H4H_4 and E8E_8. The most significant of these properties is that U\mathbb{U}.U\mathbb{U} is to rank 8 matrices what the golden ratio is to numbers. That is to say, the difference between it and its inverse is the identity element, albeit with a twist. Specifically, U\mathbb{U}.U\mathbb{U}-(U (\mathbb{U}.U)−1\mathbb{U})^{-1} is the reverse identity matrix or standard involutory permutation matrix of rank 8. It has the same palindromic characteristic polynomial coefficients as the normalized 3-qubit Hadamard matrix with 8-bit binary basis states, which is known to be isomorphic to E8 through its (8,4) Hamming code

    Sirkus i barnehagen

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan kan sirkus ivareta toddlerens kroppslige vÊremÄte?UnderspÞrsmÄl: Er sirkus som mangfoldig kunstform noe for toddlere?publishedVersionbachelor-v201

    Planlegging for relasjonelle steder. En studie av stedsutvikling og identitet i KabelvÄg

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    Denne masteroppgaven har som mÄl Ä beskrive en planleggingsprosess i VÄgan kommune. Studien har sÞkelys pÄ planarbeid og dokumenter knyttet til spÞrsmÄl om utvikling av tettstedet KabelvÄg. Den legger samtidig vekt pÄ hvordan sosiokulturelle forhold pÄ et sted kan pÄvirke kommuneplanlegging og stedsutviklingsprosesser, og hvordan faktorer som dette kan iverksettes i kommuneplaner. Mennesker setter preg pÄ steder, og steder skaper mennesker. Oppgaven er pÄ bakgrunn av dette ogsÄ en undersÞkelse av forholdet som er mellom mennesker og steder de forholder seg til. Gjennom to feltarbeid i KabelvÄg har jeg fÄtt fÞlge en planprosess av og med VÄgan kommune, men ogsÄ med menneskene i lokalsamfunnet. Jeg har benyttet meg av metoder som intervju, «walk and talk» og deltagende observasjon for Ä fÄ en dypere innsikt i ulike sosiale prosesser og stedsforstÄelser av det som finnes pÄ stedet. I KabelvÄg er det mange som har stilt opp som informanter og latt seg intervjue. Dette har gitt et rikt empirisk materiale for mine analyser, og jeg har fÄtt fram mange ulike stemmer om utviklingen i KabelvÄg. Analysen i oppgaven tar for seg temaer som stedstilhÞrighet og identitet, i prosesser knyttet til kommuneplanlegging og stedsutvikling. I denne oppgaven har jeg blant annet argumentert fram behovet for et tydeligere «stedsoppmerksomt» blikk i kommuneplanleggingen. Sosiokulturelle stedsanalyser kan vÊre en nyttig metode for Ä iverksette et bredere spekter av stedsforstÄelser og dynamikker inn i planleggingen. Jeg har undersÞkt problemstillingen i lys av flere ulike stedsteoretiske innfallsvinkler, som Doreen Masseys relasjonelle fornemmelse for stedet, Jacob MelÞes syn pÄ steder som unike sosiale systemer og John Agnews oppfatning om sted som geografisk lokalisering

    Sinonasal Characteristics in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Compared to Healthy Controls

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    Background. The difference in nasal obstruction between OSA patients and healthy individuals is not adequately documented. Our aim was to describe the sinonasal quality of life and nasal function in OSA patients and healthy controls using the sinonasal outcome test-20 (SNOT-20), nasal obstruction visual analog scale (NO-VAS), and peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF). Methodology and Principal. Ninety-three OSA patients and 92 controls were included in a case-control study from 2010 to 2015. Results. Mean SNOT-20 score in the OSA group was 1.69 (SD 0.84) compared to 0.55 (SD 0.69) in controls (p<0.001, 95% CI [0.9, 1.4]). The mean NO-VAS score was 41.3 (SD 12.8) and 14.7 (SD 14.4) in the OSA group and controls, respectively, (p<0.001, 95% CI [22.7, 30.6]). PNIF measured 105 litres/minute in the OSA group and 117 litres/minute in controls (p<0.01, 95% CI [−21.8, −3.71]). There was a positive correlation between subjective nasal obstruction and change in PNIF after decongestion in the control group alone. Conclusions. OSA patients have a reduced sinonasal QoL and lower peak nasal inspiratory flow compared to controls. Treatment of nasal obstruction in OSA patients should be made a priority along with treatment of the ailment itself

    Hvordan fremmes pedagogiske lederes mestringsopplevelse i arbeid med barn med atferdsvansker i barnehagen?

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    Problemstillingen til denne oppgaven er: Hvordan fremmes pedagogiske lederes mestringsopplevelse i arbeid med barn med atferdsvansker i barnehagen? Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i fire kvalitative dybdeintervju av pedagogiske ledere med erfaring i arbeid med barn som har vist utfordrende atferd over tid. Det ble valgt Ä intervjue pedagogiske ledere i stedet for spesialpedagoger siden det er en vanlig utfordring for pedagogiske ledere Ä stÞte pÄ, men hvor det kan oppleves at man trenger spesialpedagogisk kompetanse. De fleste barn kan en eller annen gang vise ulike former for mistilpasning, men ogsÄ mer alvorlige atferdsvansker er vanlig blant barn i barnehagealder. Mye av atferds relaterte utfordringer ivaretas innen det allmenpedagogiske tilbudet. Denne oppgaven ser pÄ atferdsvansker fra et systemisk perspektiv. Atferdsvansker er et komplekst og sammensatt felt og pÄvirkes av ulike faktorer. Mestring og mestringsforventning og anerkjennelse stÄr sentralt i oppgavens teoridel. Atferdsvansker som vedvarer, kan sette mestringsopplevelsen til pedagogiske ledere i spill. Pedagogiske ledere som er intervjuet, forteller at autentiske mestringsopplevelser kommer gjennom barnas mestring og framgang. Samarbeid med foreldre til barn som viser atferdsvansker kan vÊre sÄrbart og vanskelig og bidra enten til ytterligere fÞlelse av utilstrekkelighet eller fÞlelse av mestring. Pedagogiske ledere opplever at det stilles store krav til deres rolle, og at forventningene ikke stÄr i samsvar med tilgjengelige ressurser nÄr man arbeider med barn som strever med atferd. Mestringsopplevelsen stÞttes fÞrst og fremst gjennom anerkjennende ledelse, god veiledning, kollegial stÞtte og tilgjengelige ressurser nÄr det er tungt og vanskelig og utfordringene vedvarer.publishedVersio

    Sampling of Atlantic salmon using the Norwegian Quality cut (NQC) vs. Whole fillet; differences in contaminant and nutrient contents

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    Risk- benefit assessments of seafood require high-quality food composition data. In accordance with EU regulations, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has conventionally been sampled using the Norwegian Quality Cut (NQC), a sub-cut of the middle section of the fish, in Norwegian surveillance programs. By comparing the contents of nutrients and contaminants in 34 samples of farmed Atlantic salmon, we aimed to evaluate the representativeness of the NQC compared with the whole fillet. Of the 129 analytes evaluated, eight single analytes, in addition to 25 different fatty acids, showed significant differences between the cuts. Significant differences were evident for total fat, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and sum PCB-6, but not for the sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs. We further suggest that the NQC may still be used in large-scale sampling of Atlantic salmon, and that the whole fillet would be preferable when analysing the content of nutrients.publishedVersio

    Sampling protocol for the determination of nutrients and contaminants in fish and other seafood – The EAF-Nansen Programme

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    Seafood plays a central role in global food and nutrition security. However, there is a lack of data on the concentration of nutrients and contaminants in fish and other seafood, especially in low- and middle-income countries. In order to assess the potential risks and benefits associated with seafood intake, reliable and up-to-date food composition data is crucial. The quality of food composition data is affected by several factors, such as sampling protocols and the suitability and quality of the methods applied for sample preparation and analysis. In this paper, we describe the sampling methodology and protocols related to the sampling of fish and other seafood and the corresponding analytical methods used to analyse the nutrient and contaminant content of such species. For nutrients, the determination of protein, fat, ash, energy, fatty acids, cholesterol, and amino acids is described, in addition to analyses for determination of the vitamin and mineral content in fish and other seafood. For contaminants, analyses for the determination of organic pollutants and microplastics are described. The methodology described in this paper is used for sampling data through scientific surveys in low- and middle-income countries with research vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen under the EAF-Nansen Programme. The Programme aims to improve knowledge on the nutritional composition of fish and ensure the fish is safe to consume. ‱In this paper, we describe the sampling protocols used for sampling fish and other seafood during scientific surveys under the EAF-Nansen Programme. ‱This paper describes the methodology and quality control for analysing nutrients and contaminants in fish and other seafood.publishedVersio
