92 research outputs found

    Early-Onset Progressive Degeneration of the Area Centralis in RPE65-Deficient Dogs.

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    PURPOSE: Retinal epithelium-specific protein 65 kDa (RPE65)-deficient dogs are a valuable large animal model species that have been used to refine gene augmentation therapy for Leber congenital amaurosis type-2 (LCA2). Previous studies have suggested that retinal degeneration in the dog model is slower than that observed in humans. However, the area centralis of the dog retina is a cone and rod photoreceptor rich region comparable to the human macula, and the effect of RPE65 deficiency specifically on this retinal region, important for high acuity vision, has not previously been reported. METHODS: Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, fundus photography, and immunohistochemistry of retinal wholemounts and sagittal frozen sections were used to define the time-course and cell-types affected in degeneration of the area centralis in affected dogs. RESULTS: Area centralis photoreceptor degeneration was evident from 6 weeks of age, and progressed to involve the inner retina. Immunohistochemistry showed that RPE65-deficient dogs developed early loss of S-cone outer segments, with slower loss of L/M-cone outer segments and rods. CONCLUSIONS: Early-onset severe photoreceptor degeneration in the area centralis of dogs with RPE65-deficiency offers a model of the early foveal/perifoveal degeneration in some patients with LCA2. This model could be used to refine interventions aiming to improve function and halt the progression of foveal/perifoveal photoreceptor degeneration

    Animal modelling for inherited central vision loss.

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    Disease-causing variants of a large number of genes trigger inherited retinal degeneration leading to photoreceptor loss. Because cones are essential for daylight and central vision such as reading, mobility, and face recognition, this review focuses on a variety of animal models for cone diseases. The pertinence of using these models to reveal genotype/phenotype correlations and to evaluate new therapeutic strategies is discussed. Interestingly, several large animal models recapitulate human diseases and can serve as a strong base from which to study the biology of disease and to assess the scale-up of new therapies. Examples of innovative approaches will be presented such as lentiviral-based transgenesis in pigs and adeno-associated virus (AAV)-gene transfer into the monkey eye to investigate the neural circuitry plasticity of the visual system. The models reported herein permit the exploration of common mechanisms that exist between different species and the identification and highlighting of pathways that may be specific to primates, including humans

    Alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotypes in adult liver disease patients

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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) is an important serine protease inhibitor in humans. Hereditary alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) affects lungs and liver. Liver disease caused by AATD in paediatric patients has been previously well documented. However, the association of liver disease with alpha-1-antitrypsin gene polymorphisms in adults is less clear. Therefore, we aimed to study AAT polymorphisms in adults with liver disease. We performed a case-control study. AAT polymorphisms were investigated by isoelectric focusing in 61 patients with liver cirrhosis and 9 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The control group consisted of 218 healthy blood donors. A significant deviation of observed and expected frequency of AAT phenotypes from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (chi-square = 34.77, df 11, P = 0.000) in the patient group was caused by a higher than expected frequency of Pi ZZ homozygotes (f = 0.0143 and f = 0.0005, respectively, P = 0.000). In addition, Pi M homozygotes were more frequent in patients than in controls (63% and 46%, respectively, P = 0.025). Our study results show that Pi ZZ homozygosity in adults could be associated with severe liver disease. Presence of Pi M homozygosity could be associated with liver disease via some mechanism different from Z allele-induced liver damage through accumulation of AAT polymers

    Temperate phages enhance pathogen fitness in chronic lung infection

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    The Liverpool Epidemic Strain (LES) is a polylysogenic, transmissible strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, capable of superinfecting existing P. aeruginosa respiratory infections in individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF). The LES phages are highly active in the CF lung and may have a role in the competitiveness of the LES in vivo. In this study, we tested this by competing isogenic PAO1 strains that differed only by the presence or absence of LES prophages in a rat model of chronic lung infection. Lysogens invaded phage-susceptible populations, both in head-to-head competition and when invading from rare, in the spatially structured, heterogeneous lung environment. Appreciable densities of free phages in lung tissue confirmed active phage lysis in vivo. Moreover, we observed lysogenic conversion of the phage-susceptible competitor. These results suggest that temperate phages may have an important role in the competitiveness of the LES in chronic lung infection by acting as anti-competitor weapons

    Mechanisms of T cell organotropism

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    F.M.M.-B. is supported by the British Heart Foundation, the Medical Research Council of the UK and the Gates Foundation