72 research outputs found

    Habitus and Reflexivity: Restructuring Bourdieu's Theory of Practice

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    Contrary to Bourdieu\'s thesis, it is not only when a subject\'s habitus does not fit a field\'s positions that s/he becomes more reflexive. Reflexivity is also enhanced by intra-habitus tensions, by more general incongruences between dispositions, positions, and interactive/figurational structures, as well as by situations unrelated to them. Because of his ambitious but unsuccessful attempt to transcend the objectivist-subjectivist divide in the social sciences, Bourdieu underemphasizes the interactive dimension of social games, and this creates serious problems for his conceptualization of the linkages between habitus, reflexivity, and practices. The way to make Bourdieu\'s theory of practice less functionalist and/or deterministic is to restructure it so that it seriously takes into account not only the dispositional and positional but also the interactive dimension of social games. It then becomes obvious that reflexive accounting, conscious strategizing, and rational calculation are not exceptional but routine, constitutive elements of human action.Reflexivity, Dispositions, Positions, Figurations, Practices

    Agrotika: A comparative study of rural social structures in the Balkans

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    [Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available][Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available

    Social causation: between social constructionism and critical realism

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    No abstractThis paper takes a middle position on the ongoing debate in social theory between social constructionists and critical realists. Both accept that social structures are symbolically constructed and that they are real. They differ however on how they conceptualise the impact that structures have on social practices. Against social constructionists 1 argue that not only actors but also structures have causa! powers. Against critical realists I argue that the causal powers of actors are different from those of structures; and that in order to understand how the two causalities relate to each other one has to focus on processes of intra- and inter-action

    Modernity. The Fundamentalist Dimension

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    The basic argument in this paper is that fundamentalism is modern not only or primarily in terms of the material and organizational technologies that it uses: it is also modern in terms of its basic sociostructural features, features which have an elective affinity with the unique characteristics of modernity. Choosing Islamic fundamentalism as an example, I will also try to see how the sociostructural level of the phenomenon relates, not only to the cultural but also to the psychodynamic/psychoanalytic level

    Modernity. The Fundamentalist Dimension

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    The basic argument in this paper is that fundamentalism is modern not only or primarily in terms of the material and organizational technologies that it uses: it is also modern in terms of its basic sociostructural features, features which have an elective affinity with the unique characteristics of modernity. Choosing Islamic fundamentalism as an example, I will also try to see how the sociostructural level of the phenomenon relates, not only to the cultural but also to the psychodynamic/psychoanalytic level

    ‘Dominant ethnicity’ and the ‘ethnic-civic’ dichotomy in the work of A. D. Smith

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    This article considers the way in which the work of Anthony Smith has helped to structure debates surrounding the role of ethnicity in present-day nations. Two major lines of enquiry are evident here. First, the contemporary role of dominant ethnic groups within 'their' nations and second, the interplay between ethnic and civic elements in nationalist argument. The two processes are related, but maintain elements of distinctiveness. Smith's major contribution to the dominant ethnicity debate has been to disembed ethnicity from the ideologically-charged and/or anglo-centric discourse of ethnic relations and to place it in historical context, thereby opening up space for dominant group ethnicity to be considered as a distinct phenomenon. This said, Smith's work does not adequately account for the vicissitudes of dominant ethnicity in the contemporary West. Building on the classical works of Hans Kohn and Friedrich Meinecke, Anthony Smith has also made a seminal contribution to the debate on civic and ethnic forms of national identity and nationalist ideology. As well as freeing this debate from the strong normative overtones which it has often carried, he has continued to insist that the terms civic and ethnic should be treated as an ideal-typical distinction rather than a scheme of classification

    Institutional assessment as an instrument of rationalization back to the school as a formal organisation

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    O papel central da avaliação, da avaliação institucional e dos processos de garantia da qualidade de escolas e universidades nas políticas educacionais é objeto de discussão, também considerando a reforma do Estado. As teorias da nova gestão pública e as perspectivas gestionárias são consideradas como algumas das principais fontes de inspiração e de legitimação no contexto dominante de uma educação contábil. Dados empíricos preliminares resultantes do processo de avaliação externa de escolas básicas e secundárias portuguesas são apresentados e interpretados de acordo com os principais conceitos e representações organizacionais de escola presentes nos relatórios externos. Examinando algumas das imagens e dos significados de escola, cultura de escola, autonomia, objetivos, liderança e eficácia presentes nos relatórios de avaliação, o autor releva a importância das imagens formais, racionais e burocráticas de escolas. Várias questões de investigação são apresentadas tendo por base aquilo a que o autor chama o processo da hiperburocratização das organizações educativas. Algumas dimensões do conceito de burocracia de Max Weber são revisitadas, em articulação com perspectivas neocientíficas de garantia da qualidade e com as tecnologias da informação e comunicação. O autor sugere que maior relevância deve ser atribuída aos modelos formais e racionais de interpretação das organizações educativas, pois os processos de avaliação e de garantia da qualidade estão a contribuir para a formalização de escolas e universidades e para a intensificação do seu processo de racionalização, isto é, para a emergência de uma imagem analítica das escolas como hiperburocracias.The central role of evaluation, institutional assessment and quality assurance processes of schools and universities in education policy is object of discussion also considering the reform of the state. New Public Management theories and managerialist perspectives are considered some of the main sources of inspiration and legitimation in the dominant context of an audit education. Preliminary empirical data from external assessment of Portuguese primary and secondary schools are introduced and interpreted according to the main concepts and organizational representations of school found in external reports. Examining some of the central organizational images and meanings of school, school culture, autonomy, goals, leadership and effectiveness included in the external reviews, the author stresses the importance of formal, rational and bureaucratic images of schools. Several new research questions are presented for further inquiry based on the hypothesis of what it is called by the author the process of hyperbureaucratization of educational organizations. Some of the main dimensions of the concept of bureaucracy as presented by Max Weber are revisited in close relation with neo-scientific approaches of quality assurance and taking in consideration the use of information and communication technologies. Accordingly the author suggests that much more importance must be given to formal and rational models of interpreting educational organizations because assessment and quality assurance procedures are contributing to the formalization of schools and universities and to the intensification of their process of rationalization, i. e., to the emergence of an analytic image of schools as hyperbureaucracies.(undefined