242 research outputs found

    Financial Management in Tourism

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    Cash flow forecast for South African firms

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    This paper applies models in the extant literature that have been used to forecast operating cash flows to predict the cash flows of South African firms listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Out-of-sample performance is examined for each model and compared between them. The reported results show that some accrual terms, i.e. depreciation and changes in inventory do not enhance cash flow prediction for the average South African firm in contrast to the reported results of studies in USA and Australia. Inclusion of more explanatory variables does not necessarily improve the models, according to the out-of-sample results. The paper proposes the application of moving average model in panel data, and vector regressive model for multi-period-ahead prediction of cash flows for South Africa firms

    Do price promotions drive consumer spending on luxury hotel services? The moderating roles of room price and user-generated content

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    Price promotion, as price information, and user-generated content (UGC), as non-price information, play an important role in generating luxury hotel revenue. This study empirically investigates how price promotion influences actual consumer spending on luxury hotel services except room price, by considering the contingency role of room price and volume and valence of UGC. Combined data of daily settlements and Tripadvisor customer reviews of a regional luxury hotel chain are used for the analyses. The results indicate that, overall, price promotion negatively influences consumer spending on luxury hotel services and its negative effect is strengthened when the room is higher priced or the valence of UGC is high. Furthermore, a larger volume of intrinsic attribute-related UGC–amenity and location–with price promotion leads to more consumer spending than a larger volume of extrinsic attribute-related UGC–food and staff. The findings provide hotel managers with important insights into pricing and UGC management

    The Near Future of Marketing from the Consulting Perspective

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    How we see the future depends partly on our current perspective. A research-oriented visionary will detail what the future brings for researchers. A technology-oriented one describes the wonders of coming technologies. Marketing managers are likely concerned with future developments in their specific areas of responsibility (i.e., advertising and promotion, branding, or supply chain). Academics likely look for the hot new research topics. This article summarizes how several major consulting companies, e.g., McKinsey & Company, Strategy&, and Euromonitor International, view the near future on the premise that academic researchers often overlook such forecasts although they provide a unique perspective on what is important to all types of marketing managers. It summarizes the recommendations several consulting firms make regarding how managers should adapt their practices to these changes. The article contends that the reports consulting companies release to the public in an effort to attract clients are a valuable and unique source of information that can inform and shape academic research and teaching

    Sartre: Passagem da Psicologia à Fenomenologia

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    Este texto investiga a passagem sartriana à filosofia primeira. O mérito maior da fenomenologia – a superação da querela entre realismo e idealismo – será comprometido pelo pensamento ulterior de Husserl, caracterizado como “idealista”. Recusando o conceito de noema irreal, Sartre procurará retomar os “verdadeiros princípios” da fenomenologia, reinaugurando o discurso da filosofia primeira


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    Tempo e sujeito - O transcendental e o empírico na fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty

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    Esse artigo investiga a fenomenologia do tempo de Merleau-Ponty e centra seu foco na crítica merleau-pontiana às "Lições sobre a consciência íntima do tempo" de Husserl. A partir dessa crítica e da diferença entre os dois autores, o artigo mostra como Merleau-Ponty se afasta do modelo husserliano de uma fenomenologia da Razão.Merleau-Ponty. Husserl. Tempo. Sujeito. Transcendental. Empírico. Time and Subject The transcendental and the empirical in Merleau-Ponty´s PhenomenologyAbstractThis article investigates Merleau-Ponty´s phenomenology of time and focuses on Merleau-Pontys critique of Husserls Lessons about the intimate consciousness of time. Based on this critique and on the difference between the two authors, the article shows how Merleau-Ponty moves away from the Husserlian model of a phenomenology of Reason.Merleau-Ponty. Husserl. Time. Subject. Transcendental. Empirical


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    Neste artigo, debato com Catherine Colliot-Thélène a sua teoria da democracia e globalização expressa em La démocratie sans ‘demos’. A partir de algumas teses de Claude Lefort, muito próximas de teses dela própria, levanto algumas questões relativas sobretudo à sua perspectiva kantiana e liberal. Parece-me que a teoria da democracia de Claude Lefort permite-nos apontar as aporias em que Colliot-Thélène se envolve.In this article, I discuss with Catherine Colliot-Thélène his theory of democracy and globalization expressed in La Démocratie sans ‘demos’. From some theses of Claude Lefort, very close to her own thesis, I raise some issues relating mainly to its Kantian and liberal perspective. It seems to me that Claude Lefort’s theory of democracy allows us to point out the aporias in which Colliot-Thélène engages

    Natureza e liberdade em quiasma

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    Merleau-Ponty é o autor que vai ultrapassar a antinomia que opõe determinismo e livre poder de iniciativa por meio de um vínculo, de um elo, de um quiasma entre natureza e liberdade. Sua alternativa, portanto, difere daquela kantiana: pensar o quiasma é pensar conjuntamente a natureza e a liberdade, o corpo e o espírito.   Palavras-chave: Merleau-Ponty; liberdade; quiasma

    Competitividade presente e esperada de arranjos produtivos de calçados na Paraíba

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    O estudo analisa a competitividade presente e esperada de arranjos produtivos de calçados na Paraíba. Para tal, utiliza dados primários obtidos entre 2002 e 2003 junto a 211 empresas produtoras de calçados e a várias instituições públicas e privadas que fazem parte do arranjo. Esses dados primários são complementados por outros de fontes secundárias. A competitividade é estudada em três grandes grupos de empresas, distribuídas por três espaços da produção estadual: as grandes empresas produtoras instaladas a partir dos anos 80, os produtores formais de calçados de boa qualidade e a produção de calçados populares. A avaliação da competitividade baseia-se em fatores internos, setoriais e sistêmicos. São identificadas as principais fontes de competitividade do arranjo e é mostrado que o conjunto dessas fontes (tanto presente quanto esperada) varia entre os três grupos, a despeito do compartilhamento de algumas delas por dois ou mais desses grupos.