506 research outputs found

    An integrated study of the development of organic rice cultivation in the Camargue (France)-

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    In the Camargue, rice and durum wheat are associated in rotations that have an ambivalent ecological impact: on the one hand, these two crops contribute to the preservation of the surrounding ecosystem, while on the other hand, when cropped intensively, they can threaten the ecological equilibrium of this protected area. In this context, organic agriculture would seem to be an alternative adopted by a certain number of producers and processors. However, the pioneers of this practice encounter numerous problems, both agronomic and economic. The study presented here aims: to construct a pluridisciplinary approach to analyse the conditions of the development of organic cereal cultivation in the Camargue: to identify the principal factors that limit the development of this new practice: to produce knowledge useful in helping ricegrowers put into practice organic cropping systems

    La construction d’une démarche interdisciplinaire à partir de l’émergence de la céréaliculture biologique en Camargue: le projet CEBIOCA

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    La céréaliculture biologique apparait comme une alternative aux modes de production conventionnels, pour un nombre croissant d'agriculteurs de Camargue. Le programme CEBIOCA cherche à appuyer le développement de ce prototype d'agriculture en favorisant l'élaboration de pratiques agricoles pertinentes, la production de matériel végétal adapté et la mesure des impacts de la conversion à l'AB. Un groupe de travail interdisciplinaire, associant génétique, agronomie, malherbologie, écologie et sociologie s'est constitué à l'occasion de la réponse à l'appel d'offre CIAB et au cours de la première phase de fonctionnemet qui est présenté ici. Malgré certaines lacunes ou faiblesses dans la construction interdiciplinaire, les résultats font entrevoir des perspectives prometteuses,dans un contexte plus favorable, à condition que les partenariats scientifiques et professionnles soient renforcés

    Tidal sands as biogeochemical reactors

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    Sandy sediments of continental shelves and most beaches are often thought of as geochemical deserts because they are usually poor in organic matter and other reactive substances. The present study focuses on analyses of dissolved biogenic compounds of surface seawater and pore waters of Aquitanian coastal beach sediments. To quantitatively assess the biogeochemical reactions, we collected pore waters at low tide on tidal cross-shore transects unaffected by freshwater inputs. We recorded temperature, salinity, oxygen saturation state, and nutrient concentrations. These parameters were compared to the values recorded in the seawater entering the interstitial environment during floods. Cross-shore topography and position of piezometric level at low tide were obtained from kinematics GPS records. Residence time of pore waters was estimated by a tracer approach, using dissolved silica concentration and kinetics estimate of quartz dissolution with seawater. Kinetics parameters were based on dissolved silica concentration monitoring during 20-day incubations of sediment with seawater. We found that seawater that entered the sediment during flood tides remained up to seven tidal cycles within the interstitial environment. Oxygen saturation of seawater was close to 100%, whereas it was as low as 80% in pore waters. Concentrations of dissolved nutrients were higher in pore waters than in seawater. These results suggest that aerobic respiration occurred in the sands. We propose that mineralised organic matter originated from planktonic material that infiltrated the sediment with water during flood tides. Therefore, the sandy tidal sediment of the Aquitanian coast is a biogeochemical reactor that promotes or accelerates remineralisation of coastal pelagic primary production. Mass balance calculations suggest that this single process supplies about 37 kmol of nitrate and 1.9 kmol of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) to the 250-km long Aquitanian coast during each semi-diurnal tidal cycle. It represents about 1.5% of nitrate and 5% of DIP supplied by the nearest estuary

    Terrestrial groundwater and nutrient discharge along the 240-km-long Aquitanian coast

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    We collected samples from sea water, runnel water, beach pore waters, water from the unconfined surficial aquifer discharging at the beach face, groundwater, and rainwater from the Aquitanian coast in order to determine the flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), phosphorus and silica from terrestrial submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). The flux of fresh groundwater was obtained from a water balance calculation based on precipitation and evapotranspiration and assessment of the coastal watershed from hydrograph separation. Waters with intermediate salinities between sea water and freshwaters are found all along the 240-km-long coast, indicating that SGD is ubiquitous. The estimated fresh water flux is 2.25 m3 d− 1 m− 1 longshore. Terrestrial SGD provides a DIN flux of 9·106 mol each year to the adjacent coastal zone. This flux is about four times lower than the release of DIN due to tidally driven saline SGD. The freshwater DIN flux is low because the upland land use consists almost exclusively of pine forest. Dissolved organic nitrogen represents more than 60% of the total dissolved nitrogen flux. Dissolved iron, phosphorus and silica have much higher concentrations in the anoxic forest aquifer than in the fresh-water end-member of the subterranean estuary sampled in the upper beach aquifer. This suggests that the salinity gradient of the estuary does not correspond to a redox gradient. The redox front between anoxic groundwater and fresh oxic waters occurs below the soil-depleted foredune/yellow dune. Anoxic P- and Si-rich waters seep directly on the beach face only in the north Gironde, where the foredunes are eroded. This study reveals the role of the sandy foredune aquifer in biogeochemical fluxes from SGD, which is to dilute and oxidize waters from the unconfined surficial upland aquifer

    Impact of solid waste disposal on nutrient dynamics in a sandy catchment

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    Groundwaters impacted by mature landfill leachate are generally enriched in ammonium. In order to assess the dynamics of ammonium exchanges between leachates and the water system inside a sandy permeable catchment we measured ammonium, nitrate and chloride concentrations in the stream and in sediment pore waters of the streambed of a landfill impacted aquifer. Geophysical investigation methods complemented the biogeochemical survey. The studied zone is a 23 km² catchment located in a coastal lagoon area sensitive to eutrophication risk. Ammonium concentrations in the river were up to 800 µmol l−1 during low water period in summer. Three surveys of the river chemistry showed a regular increase in ammonium, nitrate and chloride concentrations along a 1 km section of the watercourse, downstream the landfill, implying that the leachate plume exfiltrates along this section. Sediment cores collected within this section showed all an increase in ammonium concentrations with depth in pore waters as a consequence of the landfill leachate dispersion, as attested by a simultaneous increase in chloride concentrations. Nitrate enrichment in the river water was due to nitrification of ammonium at the interface between groundwater and streamwater. The apparent nitrification rate obtained was within values reported for turbid estuaries, although the river contained very little suspended particulate matter. Actually, pore water chemistry suggests that nitrification occurred for the most part in subsurface permeable sediments, rather than in stream water. The overall topographic, hydrological, geochemical, and geoelectrical data set permit to estimate the extension of the chloride and ammonium plume. The estimation of the apparent ammonium plume velocity is 23 m year−1 whereas the chloride plume velocity should be 50 m year−1. The river is the outlet of the impacted groundwaters. Considering that the input of ammonium from the landfill is balanced by the present day output via the river, the residence time of ammonium in the aquifer is between 7 and 18 years

    Broadband terahertz heterodyne spectrometer exploiting synchrotron radiation at megahertz resolution

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    International audienceA new spectrometer allowing both high resolution and broadband coverage in the terahertz (THz) domain is proposed. This instrument exploits the heterodyne technique between broadband synchrotron radiation and a quantum cascade laser (QCL) based molecular THz laser that acts as the local oscillator (LO). Proof of principle for exploitation for spectroscopy is provided by the recording of molecular absorptions of hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) and methanol (CH 3 OH) around 1.073 THz. Ultimately, the spectrometer will enable to cover the 1-4 THz region in 5 GHz windows at Doppler resolution

    A spectral line shape analysis of motional stark effect spectra

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    12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France)Recent observations of MSE spectra carried out on Tore-Supra show discrepancies between experimental and theoretical intensities calculated at equilibrium. We present here a kinetic model, based on the selectivity of excitation cross sections of Stark states in the parabolic basis. Redistribution due to ion-atom collisions among Stark states of level n=3 allow to calculate the population of Stark states. This model permits to improve significantly the agreement between measured and calculated MSE spectra
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