801 research outputs found

    Lumière méditerranéennes : Diderot dans les bibliothèques des chevaliers de Malte

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    La Bibliothèque nationale de Malte conserve les « dépouilles » des chevaliers français du XVIIIe siècle : leurs livres légués à l’Ordre. La totale absence d’œuvres de Voltaire rend d’autant plus singulière l’importance du fonds Diderot, composé d’éditions rares, originales et d’un manuscrit. Dans ces marches méridionales de l’Europe chrétienne, la présence de Diderot est, dès ses premières publications, à noter. Mediterranean Enlightenment: Diderot in the Knights of Malta’s LibraryThe National Library of Malta conserves the ‘remains’ of the French 18th-century knights, namely the books they bequeathed to the Order. The total absence of any of Voltaires works makes even more surprising the size of the Diderot collection, composed of rare and original editions and a manuscript. Diderot is present in the southernmost outpost of Christian Europe, from his earliest publications

    Christian Albertan, Les Mémoires de Trévoux, 1751‑1762. Un moment dans l’histoire religieuse et intellectuelle de la France du xviiie siècle

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    Les Mémoires pour l’Histoire des sciences et des beaux-arts, plus connus, de 1701 à 1767, sous le titre de Mémoires de Trévoux à cause de leur publication initiale dans la Principauté autonome de Dombes relevant du duc du Maine, fils légitimé de Louis XIV, sont l’un des périodiques qui subit les attaques les plus vives du parti philosophique au milieu du xviiie siècle. Production des membres surtout parisiens de la Compagnie de Jésus, ce mensuel avait toutes les qualités pour rendre compte de..

    David Adams, Bibliographie des oeuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900

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    Présentation du Centre de Recherche sur la Littérature des Voyages (crlv)

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    Équipe d’accueil du ministère de la Recherche, logé à l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Maison de la recherche, 28, rue Serpente, 75006 Paris), le crlv est présent dans un secteur scientifique dont le développement est quasi exponentiel depuis une quinzaine d’années. Quand il fut créé en 1984 à la Sorbonne, deux équipes en France (Grenoble et ens Fontenay-Saint-Cloud) et une en Italie (cirvi de Turin) travaillaient de manière constante sur la littérature de voyages. En 2006, plusieurs colloques..

    Solitary Fibrous Tumor in the Round Ligament of the Liver: A Fortunate Intraoperative Discovery

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    Solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) are mesenchymal neoplasms of fibroblastic origin, most commonly found in the pleura. Numerous extrathoracic locations have been reported during the last 2 decades. Herein, we report the first case of an SFT in the round ligament of the liver. A 46-year-old Caucasian man presented with a 12-month history of abdominal pain. An ultrasonography-guided microbiopsy first revealed a desmoid tumor. After failure of first- and second-line medical treatments (celecoxib and tamoxifen, then imatinib), histological reexamination was suspicious for a low-grade sarcoma. MRI was also suspicious for a malignant process. Hence, surgery was decided. Laparotomy found a huge and well-limited tumor that, unexpectedly, was appended to the round ligament of the liver and free from any other intra-abdominal contact. The tumor was easily removed. Excision was monobloc and macroscopically complete. Histological analysis diagnosed an SFT arising from the round ligament of the liver. No adjuvant treatment was given. Ten months after surgery, the patient is alive without any signs or symptoms of relapse. This is the first report of SFT arising from the round ligament of the liver. It illustrates the difficulty in diagnosing such tumors. Whilst diagnosis of SFT is rare, it should be kept in mind to allow early diagnosis and complete surgical resection, which provide the best chance for recovery

    Primary leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle: Case report and review of the literature

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    International audienceAbstract Background Primary leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle is exceedingly rare. Case Presentation We report a case of a 59-year-old man with tumour detected by rectal symptoms and ultrasonography. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging suggested an origin in the right seminal vesicle. Transperineal biopsy of the tumour revealed leiomyosarcoma. A radical vesiculo-prostactectomy with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed. Pathological examination showed a grade 2 leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle. The patient received adjuvant radiotherapy. He developed distant metastases 29 months after diagnosis, and received chemotherapy. Metastatic disease was controlled by second-line gemcitabine-docetaxel combination. Fifty-one months after diagnosis of the primary tumour, and 22 months after the first metastases, the patient is alive with excellent performance status, and multiple asymptomatic stable lung and liver lesions. Conclusions We report the eighth case of primary leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle and the first one with a so long follow-up

    Efficacy of epidermal growth factor receptor targeting in advanced chordoma: case report and literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chordomas are very rare low-grade malignant bone tumors that arise from the embryonic rests of the notochord. They are characterized by slow growth and long history with frequent local relapses, and sometimes metastases. While chemotherapy is not efficient, imatinib has shown antitumor activity.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report on a 76-year-old patient with EGFR-overexpressing advanced chordoma that progressed on imatinib and subsequently responded to erlotinib during 12 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We report the fourth case of advanced chordoma treated with an EGFR inhibitor. We also review the literature concerning the rationale and potential of EGFR targeting in chordoma.</p

    Le musée français: guerras napoleônicas, coleções artísticas e o longínquo destino de um livro

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    This paper is about Le Musée Français [The French Museum], a book found in the collection of the library of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro. As a catalog of the Napoleon Museum, it bears witness to the reorganization of the arts in Europe as a result of the Napoleonic wars and the project of making Paris a true successor to Athens and Rome, as the center of a new republic of the arts. This process was the object of a dispute where Quatremère de Quincy and Joachim Lebreton played an important role. It was also one of the causes leading to the exile of a group of artists who then helped to lay the foundations for an academic environment in Rio de Janeiro.O artigo trata de Le musée français, livro que fez parte da coleção da biblioteca da Academia Imperial das Belas Artes, no RiodeJaneiro. Como catálogo do Museu Napoleão, é testemunho do processo de reordenamento, resultante das guerras napoleônicas, do universo das artes na Europa e do projeto de fazer de Paris a legítima herdeira de Atenas e Roma, como centro de uma nova idéia de república das artes. Processo esse que foi objeto de disputa, em que se destacaram Quatremère de Quincy eJoachim Lebreton, e foi uma das causas do exílio do grupo de artistas que esteve na origem da formação do ambiente acadêmico no Rio de Janeiro

    Philip Stewart : Engraven Desire. Eros, Image, and Text in the French Eighteenth Century. 1992

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    Moureau François. Philip Stewart : Engraven Desire. Eros, Image, and Text in the French Eighteenth Century. 1992. In: Dix-huitième Siècle, n°25, 1993. L'Europe des Lumières. p. 632

    Actes du congrès de l'Association bourguignonne

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    Moureau François. Actes du congrès de l'Association bourguignonne. In: Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie, n°2, 1987. pp. 180-181