12 research outputs found

    Undiagnosed Phenylketonuria Can Exist Everywhere: Results From an International Survey

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    peer reviewedMany countries do not have a newborn screening (NBS) program, and immigrants from such countries are at risk for late diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU). In this international survey, 52 of 259 patients (20%) with late diagnosed PKU were immigrants, and 145 of the 259 (55%) were born before NBS or in a location without NBS. © 2021 The Author

    GNB5 Mutations Cause an Autosomal-Recessive Multisystem Syndrome with Sinus Bradycardia and Cognitive Disability.

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    GNB5 encodes the G protein β subunit 5 and is involved in inhibitory G protein signaling. Here, we report mutations in GNB5 that are associated with heart-rate disturbance, eye disease, intellectual disability, gastric problems, hypotonia, and seizures in nine individuals from six families. We observed an association between the nature of the variants and clinical severity; individuals with loss-of-function alleles had more severe symptoms, including substantial developmental delay, speech defects, severe hypotonia, pathological gastro-esophageal reflux, retinal disease, and sinus-node dysfunction, whereas related heterozygotes harboring missense variants presented with a clinically milder phenotype. Zebrafish gnb5 knockouts recapitulated the phenotypic spectrum of affected individuals, including cardiac, neurological, and ophthalmological abnormalities, supporting a direct role of GNB5 in the control of heart rate, hypotonia, and vision

    Migration and urban schistosomiasis. The case of São Lourenço da Mata, Northeast of Brazil Migração e esquistossomose urbana. O caso de São Lourenço da Mata, Nordeste do Brasil

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    A population-based case-control design was used to investigate the association between migration, urbanisation and schistosomiasis in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Northeast of Brazil. 1022 cases and 994 controls, aged 10 to 25, were selected. The natives and the migrants who come from endemic areas have a similar risk of infection. On the other hand, the risk of infection of migrants from nonendemic areas seems to be related with the time elapsed since their arrival in São Lourenço da Mata; those who have been living in that urban area for 5 or more years have a risk of infection similar to that of the natives. Those arriving in the metropolitan region of Recife mostly emigrate from "zona da mata" and "zona do agreste" in the state of Pernambuco. Due to the changes in the sugar agro-industry and to the increase in the area used for cattle grazing these workers were driven to villages and cities. The pattern of urbanisation created the conditions for the establishment of foci of transmission in São Lourenço da Mata.<br>Um estudo de caso-controle de base populacional foi desenvolvido para estudar a associação entre migração, urbanização e esquistossomose na Região Metropolitana do Recife, Nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionados 1022 casos e 994 controles no grupo etário de 10 a 25 anos. Observou-se que os nativos e os migrantes que são provenientes de áreas endêmicas tem um risco semelhante de infecção. Por outro lado, o risco de infecção em migrantes não originários de áreas endêmicas parece estar relacionado com o tempo decorrido desde sua chegada em São Lourenço da Mata; aqueles que estão morando nessa área urbana por um período igual ou superior a cinco anos tem um risco de infeção semelhante ao dos nativos. As mudanças na indústria agro-açucareira na Zona da Mata e a expansão das áreas de criação de gado no Agreste impeliram os trabalhadores rurais a se deslocar para vilarejos e cidades. O padrão de urbanização que ocorreu em São Loureço da Mata criou as condições propícias para que se estabelecessem focos de transmissão

    Efficacy and safety of empagliflozin in glycogen storage disease type Ib: Data from an international questionnaire

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    Purpose: This paper aims to report collective information on safety and efficacy of empagliflozin drug repurposing in individuals with glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSD Ib). Methods: This is an international retrospective questionnaire study on the safety and efficacy of empagliflozin use for management of neutropenia/neutrophil dysfunction in patients with GSD Ib, conducted among the respective health care providers from 24 countries across the globe. Results: Clinical data from 112 individuals with GSD Ib were evaluated, representing a total of 94 treatment years. The median age at start of empagliflozin treatment was 10.5 years (range = 0-38 years). Empagliflozin showed positive effects on all neutrophil dysfunction–related symptoms, including oral and urogenital mucosal lesions, recurrent infections, skin abscesses, inflammatory bowel disease, and anemia. Before initiating empagliflozin, most patients with GSD Ib were on G-CSF (94/112; 84%). At the time of the survey, 49 of 89 (55%) patients previously treated with G-CSF had completely stopped G-CSF, and another 15 (17%) were able to reduce the dose. The most common adverse event during empagliflozin treatment was hypoglycemia, occurring in 18% of individuals. Conclusion: Empagliflozin has a favorable effect on neutropenia/neutrophil dysfunction–related symptoms and safety profile in individuals with GSD Ib. © 2022 The Author