888 research outputs found


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    Two phenomena are occurring simultaneously within the agribusiness sector: customers are requiring tighter product specifications and agricultural chains are becoming more coordinated. However, the exact relationship between these two phenomena is not clear. This research explores that relationship. Five New Zealand fresh meat chains were the focus of multiple case-study research, which used a chain-level (multi-dyadic) approach. Chains were assessed as to the nature of product specifications demanded at the end-customer level, as well as to the nature of inter-firm relationships. Interestingly, tighter product specifications in themselves do not lead to more coordinated chains; coordination seems to be linked to the level of effort required to meet product specifications.Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries,

    As rotinas de produção de notícias e a relação entre jornalistas e fontes : o caso dos assessores

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    Procura‑se neste Capítulo compreender e problematizar o papel dos jornalistas e das fontes, em particular o dos profissionais de Relações Públicas, na produção noticiosa sobre saúde, enquanto atores de um processo complexo e diverso. Avalia‑se as suas rotinas, instrumentos de trabalho e os constrangimentos com que se deparam, bem como a perceção que têm sobre a relação que estabelecem entre si. Pretende‑se com esta reflexão um melhor conhecimento destes mecanismos, de maneira a evidenciar os efeitos que estas práticas podem ter para a qualidade da informação que é construída e publicada e, consequentemente, para a perceção pública sobre a saúde e sobre a doença.FCT (PTDC/CCI-COM/103886/2008

    Measuring the quality of the strategic financial planning information (Q-FPI) in the local government

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    Having quality information about strategic financial planning is very important for any organization. In the Local Government (LG) it is pivotal, as it is expected to impact strategic decision-making and overall management of local public resources. Yet, empirical research has failed to assess the quality of financial planning information, which must be assured both for management and accountability purposes. By proposing a quality index for strategic financial planning information – the Q-FPI Index – based on programming documents made available on the municipalities’ websites, this research contributes to address this gap. The paper describes the multidimensional conceptual model followed to build the Index, considering the identification of data quality requirements and defining indicators to operationalize them. The Index is then tested through a pilot application, using data from five Portuguese municipalities. The Q-FPI Index constitutes a flexible tool, capable of fostering continuous improvement of local government performance.This study was partially conducted at the Research Center in Political Science [UIDB/CPO/00758/2020], University of Minho and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT -Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, I.P) and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds. It has also been funded by national funds through FCT, Project UIDB/05037/2020

    Como é que os ataques terroristas na Europa são representados no Instagram?

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    Esta investigação foca-se no estudo do Instagram e na forma como o terrorismo na Europa é representado nesta rede social. A partir de uma abordagem interpretativista, ligada à exploração do enquadramento teórico, foram produzidas as questões de investigação a que este trabalho pretende responder: “Como é que as pessoas usam o Instagram para falarem acerca do terrorismo?” e “Que características têm as fotografias partilhadas no Instagram acerca dos ataques terroristas?”. Na componente teórica, é feita uma revisão de literatura que permite uma discussão crítica dos conceitos mais relevantes para esta investigação. São abordados temas como a definição do terrorismo, as suas motivações e crescimento e, por outro lado, a reflexão do que é o Instagram e a forma como esta rede social é utilizada após ataques terroristas. É na componente empírica que este trabalho vai procurar interpretar que género de imagens são publicadas no Instagram, o que representam e se existe uma evolução na violência das mesmas. Ao analisar 106 publicações percebe-se que existe cada vez menos pudor em publicar imagens que representem diretamente as vítimas dos ataques terroristas. Desta forma, percebe-se que não só a Internet e o terrorismo estão interligados, mas também os internautas partilham a sua opinião, dor e esperança através da rede social Instagram.This investigation focuses on the study of Instagram and the way the terrorism in Europe is represented in this social network. Starting from a interpretivist approach, and connected to the exploration of the theoretical approach, from which we produced the investigation questions and that we are trying to answer with this investigative work: “How are people using the Instagram to talk about Terrorism?” and “Which are the characteristics of the pictures shared on Instagram about the terrorist attacks?”. In the theoretical component, we are making in the literature review that allows the critical discussion of the most relevant concepts for this investigation. We study topics as the definition of terrorism, its motivation and growth and, on another side, the reflection of what is Instagram and the way this social network is used after the terrorist attacks. We will appeal the empirical component in this work to try to interpret the type of images are published on Instagram, what they represent and if exists an evolution in the violence in them. After analyzing 106 posts we can understand that there’s less decency in publishing images that represents directly the victims of terrorist attacks. In this way, we can understand that Internet and terrorism are connected, but also the users share their opinions, pain and hopes through the Instagram

    Satisfação dos utilizadores de sistemas de informação de enfermagem em suporte eletrónico : um estudo no ACES Porto ocidental

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    A investigação aqui relatada insere-se no âmbito do Mestrado de Direção e Chefia de Serviços em Enfermagem, da Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP). Trata-se de um estudo centrado na avaliação da satisfação dos enfermeiros, enquanto utilizadores de Sistemas de Informação de Enfermagem. O referencial teórico que suportou o estudo foi o “Modelo de Sucesso dos Sistemas de Informação” de DeLone & McLean (1992; 2003). Os objetivos do estudo foram: a) descrever o nível global de satisfação dos Enfermeiros, enquanto utilizadores de Sistemas de Informação de Enfermagem em uso, suportados por tecnologias de informação; e b) identificar os aspetos em que a satisfação dos enfermeiros, enquanto utilizadores de Sistemas de Informação de Enfermagem, mais se destaca. Realizámos um estudo de perfil quantitativo, do tipo descritivo e transversal. Recorremos a um questionário já utilizado anteriormente por outros investigadores – “Questionário de Satisfação dos utilizadores dos Sistemas de Informação e Documentação de Enfermagem em uso”. Os dados foram recolhidos entre 20 de Novembro de 2013 a 29 de Novembro de 2013. O estudo foi realizado no Agrupamento dos Centros de Saúde (ACeS) do Porto Ocidental, cujos registos eram, essencialmente, realizados em suporte eletrónico, com o aplicativo denominado Sistema de Apoio à Prática de Enfermagem (SAPE®). A população em estudo correspondeu à totalidade dos enfermeiros que exerciam no ACeS Porto Ocidental – 125 enfermeiros. Foi reunida uma amostra de 83 participantes. Globalmente, os enfermeiros do ACeS Porto Ocidental estão moderadamente satisfeitos com o SIE que utilizam. As duas dimensões em que os enfermeiros estão menos satisfeitos dizem respeito ao “apoio e formação para a utilização do sistema” e qualidade e quantidade de “equipamentos” de hardware. Os aspetos relativos à possibilidade de documentação da tomada de decisão clínica – “processo de enfermagem” – e “…segurança” do sistema são as dimensões em que os utilizadores estão mais satisfeitos

    Vers la bibliothèque globale : L’Agenda 21 dans les bibliothèques

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    Recensão crítica da obra «Vers la bibliothèque globale : L’Agenda 21 dans les bibliothèques». dir. Joachim Schopfel e Chérifa Boukacem-Zeghmour

    A indústria farmacêutica na imprensa portuguesa: uma assessoria de “Low Profile”?

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    The research project “Disease in the news” (FCT) has been constituted as an observatory of media information on health, produced in Portugal since 2008. In this context, we have undertaken a systematic study of the work of the institutional sources of the health sector, the promotion of information to citizen by the media. This study includes an examination of journalistic texts produced by three national newspapers – Expresso, Público and Jornal de Notícias – and a direct contact with healthcare organizations identified as media sources. For this research, we analyse the presence of the pharmaceutical industry in the national press, looking for more clues about the role of the organizations in the health sector when delivering information to the public – through the media – and, consequently, in health promotion. This work has some theoretical references: the area of health communication and health promotion, and the organizational communication and public relations. Previous research had focused on a study of more visible journalistic sources (clearly, official sources; Lopes et al. 2011). It was time to examine the marginal presences. The pharmaceutical industry is one of these cases, despite having organized and highly experienced communication structures. In this context, we decided to investigate how to draw the advice “low profile” of pharmaceutical companies, in Portugal, from: (1) a quantitative analysis of journalistic texts (found in the paper above) (2) a analysis content to those same texts, and (3) interviews with the communication departments of pharmaceutical companies. We start the investigation of a corpus of 289 newspaper articles, with references to pharmaceutical companies practices (representing only 4.6% of total health texts published during the study period – 2008-2011).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/CCI-COM/103886/2008, projeto “A Doença em Notícia” - (PTDC/CCI-COM/103886/2008)Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER)Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN)Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (COMPETE) - FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009064)

    Na saúde a palavra mediática não é dos doentes

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    Publicado em "Comunicação política e económica : dimensões cognitivas e discursivas"Health in general and disease in particular, constitute themselves as a part of the print news production in this field and that has been growing in recent years in Portugal. Taking as reference four years 2008- 2011, and as sample all editions of the Expresso, Publico and Jornal de Notícias, i.e., 6305 news articles, we wanted to know who appears in the news of these newspaper articles, paying special attention to the presence of the common citizen, in particular when it assumes the status of a patient or patient family. When speaking of health, or illness, do journalists make room for those who are a major target of their texts? This is the main question that guides our work. The growth of health information seems to be related, on the one hand, with a greater availability of health professionals meeting the demands of journalistic work and, secondly, with a strengthening of marketing activities and strategic communication promoted by health workers, including the processes of press officers. This trend favours the gradual visibility of organized sources, neglecting in a consequent way those who, with a relevant speech to include in journalistic discourse on health, are dispersed. The need to find accessible, credible and reliable sources leads journalists to find sources on governmental institutions that provide health, the so-called organized or official sources. Hence, dangers may arise (homogeneity of topics, angles and interlocutors that are perpetuated in the media stage) due to a professionalization of press officers that keep these sources impossible to avoid. According to our study, less than 4% of all used sources are patients or their respective families. When the patient is a news source, journalists prioritize topics like portraits of situation or clinical practices to the detriment of health policies, which, in a general, are the predominant theme.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Main approaches of three-dimensional (3D) imaging examinations in the assessment, treatment, and follow-up of patients with skeletal Class III: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: Class III malocclusion presents with several skeletal and dental factors, highlighting the large or protruding jaw, retrusive maxilla, protrusive mandibular dentition, retrusive maxillary dentition, or combinations. The importance of evaluating class III malocclusions, as well as their treatments, through three-dimensional (3D) images are highlighted. Objective: To present a concise systematic review of the approach of 3D imaging exams to conduct class III malocclusion treatments, as well as to follow up after orthognathic surgery. Methods: Clinical studies with qualitative and/or quantitative analysis were included, following the rules of the systematic review-PRISMA. Results and Conclusion: A total of 105 articles was found involving class III malocclusion and ortho-surgical treatments guided by three-dimensional (3D) images. A total of 44 articles were fully evaluated and 16 were included and discussed in this study. Positional, structural, and volumetric condylar changes after orthognathic surgery in skeletal Class III patients have been well elucidated using cone-beam computed tomography. In addition, the virtual surgical planning and the surgical splint manufactured in CAD/CAM facilitate treatment planning and offer an accurate surgical result in orthognathic surgery. The application of pre-engineered bone guidance splints allows the treatment of craniofacial deformities with precision. Therefore, the three-dimensional (3D) tool allows for the accuracy of treatments and planning of orthognathic surgery, as well as the best postoperative follow-up