154 research outputs found
The marble façade of the Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa in the context of the 1940 Centenary Commemorations: cleaning and consolidation
Espera realização de congresso "Consolidation 2021. Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage" (20-22 outubro 2021). [Apoio FCT (ref.UIDB/04189/2020)]N/
Motivações para a adesão da grávida aos cursos pré-natais
O Relatório de Estágio visa refletir o percurso de aquisição de competências comuns de Enfermeiro Especialista, competências específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica, e competências académicas do grau de Mestre, no âmbito do Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstetrícia, descrevendo as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo dos vários contextos de ensino clínico.
Os Cursos Pré-Natais, segundo a Ordem dos Enfermeiros, são da inteira responsabilidade do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica, estando integrados na vigilância da gravidez. É importante que as grávidas sintam motivação e adiram aos Cursos, para garantir uma transição bem-sucedida para a parentalidade.
O referencial teórico de enfermagem que suportou o estudo realizado foi o modelo de Ramona Mercer, “Tornar-se Mãe”.
Foi realizada uma Scoping review, com o objetivo de mapear a evidência científica mais recente sobre os “Contributos dos Cursos Pré-Natais percecionados pela grávida”. Baseada nestes resultados, e com o intuito de identificar as perceções de um grupo de grávidas no terceiro trimestre de gestação, inscritas na Unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados onde exerço funções, desenvolvi um estudo exploratório descritivo, elaborando um instrumento de colheita de dados (questionário), aplicado a essas grávidas, com o objetivo de identificar as motivações que as levariam a aderir aos Cursos.
Os principais resultados obtidos são concordantes, demonstrando que a grávida perceciona os benefícios da adesão aos Cursos, relatando diminuição na ansiedade, aquisição de mais conhecimentos para escolhas informadas, nomeadamente para a utilização das estratégias não farmacológicas para o alívio da dor e posições verticalizadas durante o trabalho de parto, preferência por um parto natural e amamentam mais tempo. Finalmente, colocam o Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica como o principal responsável pelos cuidados, competentes e baseados numa relação de confiança e empatia, centrados na grávida.The Internship Report aims to reflect the journey of acquiring the common competencies of a Specialist Nurse, the specific competencies of a Nurse Midwife, and the academic competencies of the Master's degree, within the scope of the Master's Degree in Maternal and Obstetric Health Nursing, describing the activities developed throughout the various clinical teaching contexts.
According to the Order of Nurses, prenatal courses are the sole responsibility of the Nurse Midwife and are part of pregnancy surveillance. It is important that pregnant women feel motivated and adhere to the courses to ensure a successful transition to parenthood.
The theoretical nursing framework that supported the study was Ramona Mercer's "Becoming a Mother" model.
A scoping review was carried out with the aim of mapping the most recent scientific evidence on the "Contributions of prenatal courses as perceived by pregnant women". Based on these results, and in order to identify the perceptions of a group of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy, enrolled in the Personalized Health Care Unit where I work, I developed a descriptive exploratory study, designing a data collection instrument (questionnaire), applied to these pregnant women, with the aim of identifying the motivations that would lead them to join the Courses.
The main results obtained are in agreement, showing that pregnant women perceive the benefits of adhering to the Courses, reporting a reduction in anxiety, acquiring more knowledge to make informed choices, namely the use of non-pharmacological strategies for pain relief and upright positions during labor, a preference for natural childbirth and breastfeeding for longer. Finally, they place the Nurse Midwife as the main person responsible for providing competent care based on a relationship of trust and empathy, centered on the pregnant woman
O uso do computador para ajudar nas dificuldades decorrentes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem
Orientador: Daniel Christian HenriqueMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Especialização em Mídias Integradas na EducaçãoInclui referênciasNão inclui resum
Recrutamento Online
Resumo: Esta dissertação foi efectuada no âmbito do Mestrado de Gestão de Recursos Humanos
da Universidade Europeia, com o objectivo de se analisar, estudar e compreender a
importância que finalistas de diferentes áreas científicas e diferentes graus académicos
atribuem ao processo de recrutamento através das redes sociais online. A escolha desta
temática teve por base o grande desenvolvimento e crescimento das redes sociais na
internet bem como a enorme e surpreendente adesão que teve, em especial pelas
camadas mais jovens. Numa altura em que a situação socioeconómica de Portugal não é
a mais favorável e que a taxa de desemprego ronda os 15%, é notável o estado anémico
a que o país chegou. São cortes orçamentais, famílias com rendimentos cada vez
menores, e mais grave, famílias sem rendimento absolutamente nenhum, com um ou os
dois membros do casal no desemprego, e no pior dos casos com o fundo de desemprego
já esgotado, sem qualquer rendimento, muito por força de novas cargas fiscais e
também domínio da política neoliberal de submissão aos mercados fruto da nossa
inclusão na zona Euro.
Torna-se então imperativo adoptar medidas para contrariar esta tendência, tentar
encontrar emprego e ultrapassar esta “crise“, como todos chamam. É certo que muito
dificilmente a taxa de desemprego chegará aos 0%, mas cada um de nós pode começar
por explorar todas as possibilidades, procurando oportunidades nas mais diversas
plataformas, sejam elas em papel ou na internet e nestas últimas, desde sites específicos
de divulgação de emprego a redes sociais que são hoje uma importante realidade bem
como uma enorme janela de oportunidade, se a soubermos aproveitar. Nestas
poderemos estar ligados a centenas de pessoas, que por sua vez se ligam a outras
centenas, o que faz com que estejamos directamente e indirectamente ligados a milhões
de pessoas, e quem sabe nesse milhão não existe uma que nos possa ajudar? Ou que
procure alguém para determinada função onde eu posso ser o mais indicado? Este tema, por se tratar de um conceito recente ainda foi pouco explorado o que torna
este trabalho de investigação inovador. Revelou-se uma investigação desafiante, mas
também mais trabalhosa devido à falta de informação existente sobre a matéria, pelo
que é interessante comprovar se este se trata de um tema inexplorado ou não por
determinadas áreas científicas. Desta forma, é também importante perceber as mais8
valias identificadas pelas pessoas nas plataformas de recrutamento online, actualmente
um dos principais meios de comunicação entre pessoas e empresas.A estrutura deste trabalho de investigação teve três fases: a primeira incide sobre a
revisão da literatura; a segunda refere-se a um método quantitativo, nomeadamente os
questionários efectuados; a terceira e última fase destina-se ao estudo empírico e
discussão de resultados, nomeadamente a opção metodológica seguida da análise e
discussão dos resultados. Nas conclusões é chamada a atenção para as limitações do
estudo e indicam-se sugestões para trabalhos futuros.Abstract: This study was performed under the scope of the Human Resource Management Master
Course at Universidade Europeia, with the aim of analyzing, studying and
understanding the importance that finalist students from different scientific areas and
different degrees give to the recruitment process through online social networks. The
choice of this theme was based on the great development and growth of social networks
on the Internet as well as the huge and amazing membership had, especially by younger
people. At a time when the economic situation in Portugal is not favorable and that the
unemployment rate hovers around 15 %, it is remarkable the anemic state where the
country arrived. There are budget cuts, families with increasingly smaller and more
serious incomes, families with absolutely none income, one or both members of the
couple in unemployment, and in the worst case with the unemployment fund already
exhausted without any income, due to new tax burdens and also due to the markets
neoliberal submission politics mostly resultant of our inclusion in the Euro zone.
It then becomes imperative to adopt measures to counter this trend, try to find jobs and
overcome this “crisis”, as everyone calls. It is admitted that hardly the unemployment
rate will reach 0 %, but each of us can begin to explore all the possibilities, looking for
opportunities in various platforms, whether on paper or on the internet and in this ones,
from specific sites of job seekers to social networks that are today an important reality
and a huge window of opportunity if we know how to take advantage of it. While inside
the social Network we can be linked to hundreds of people, which in turn bind to
hundreds, which means that we are directly and indirectly connected to millions of
people, and who knows that there is no million that could help us? Or looking for some
particular role where I can be the most appropriate?
This theme, because it is a recent concept has been little explored what makes this
innovative research work. Proved to be a challenging research but also harder due to
lack of available information on the subject, so it is interesting to see if this this is an
unexplored theme or not by certain scientific areas. Thus, it is also important to realize
the gains identified by people in the online recruitment platforms, currently a major
means of communication between people and businesses.
The structure of this research work had three phases: the first focuses on the literature
review; the second refers to a quantitative method such as the questionnaires that were
carried out; the third and final phase is dedicated to the empirical study and results
discussion, including the methodological approach followed by analysis and results
discussion. Within the conclusion attention is drawn to the study limitations and
suggestions are indicated for future works
The apelinergic system in the developing lung: expression and signaling
Apelin and its receptor APJ constitute a signaling pathway best recognized as an important regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis. This multifunctional peptidergic system is currently being described to be involved in embryonic events which extend into vascular, ocular and heart development. Additionally, it is highly expressed in pulmonary tissue. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of apelinergic system during fetal lung development. Immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis were used to characterize apelin and APJ expression levels and cellular localization in normal fetal rat lungs, at five different gestational ages as well as in the adult. Fetal rat lung explants were cultured in vitro with increasing doses of apelin. Treated lung explants were morphometrically analyzed and assessed for MAPK signaling modifications. Both components of the apelinergic system are constitutively expressed in the developing lung, with APJ exhibiting monomeric, dimeric and oligomeric forms in the pulmonary tissue. Pulmonary epithelium also displayed constitutive nuclear localization of the receptor. Fetal apelin expression is higher than adult expression. Apelin supplementation inhibitory effect on branching morphogenesis was associated with a dose dependent decrease in p38 and JNK phosphorylation. The results presented provide the first evidence of the presence of an apelinergic system operating in the developing lung. Our findings also suggest that apelin inhibits fetal lung growth by suppressing p38 and JNK signaling pathways.This project was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/SAU-OBD/108051/2008), PP was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (reference SFRH/BD/33410/2008). RSM was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (reference SFRH/BPD/15408/2005)
Paulo Guilherme : design de comunicação e de interiores
Conceito: Jorge Silva. Textos: Mário Moura, Rute Bastardo. Edição bilingue.«Paulo-Guilherme foi um arquiteto, cineasta, escritor, pintor, ilustrador,
designer de livros, de interiores, de selos, de moedas, dono e decorador de clubes noturnos. Provavelmente fez muitas outras coisas, todas com o mesmo grau de energia que dedicou às desta curta lista, que só pela variedade resume uma biografia extraordinária e uma biografia que não o deveria ser. » in Prefácio.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O acervo de pintura da Biblioteca Nacional: problemas com a sua conservação no convento de São Francisco da Cidade (1834-1969)
Com a Extinção das Ordens Religiosas, em 1834, é criado, no Convento de São Francisco, em Lisboa, o Depósito das Livrarias dos Extintos Conventos, cuja missão consiste em recolher, organizar e distribuir o espólio bibliográfico e artístico oriundo das casas conventuais suprimidas. A inédita estrutura de gestão patrimonial, então montada, teve, porém, que fazer face aos graves problemas de conservação evidenciados por inúmeras obras, agravados pelas debilidades do edifício escolhido para as albergar. Num acervo artístico dominado pela pintura, muitas foram entretanto disseminadas pelo país, outras restauradas e outras ainda destinadas à destruição por serem consideradas irremediavelmente perdidas ou sem valor. As opções tomadas, ao longo de quase século e meio de vivências em São Francisco, permitem-nos avaliar a consciência patrimonial das várias personalidades, a quem coube gerir o acervo pictórico do Depósito, conhecer o percurso físico das obras, na hora de avaliar o seu estado de conservação, bem como contextualizar o diminuto conjunto que atualmente se mantém à guarda da Biblioteca Nacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Genomic organization, gene expression and activity profile of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus denitrification enzymes
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007728Background. Denitrification is one of the main pathways of the N-cycle, during which nitrate is converted to dinitrogen gas, in four consecutive reactions that are each catalyzed by a different metalloenzyme. One of the intermediate metabolites is nitrous oxide, which has a global warming impact greater then carbon dioxide and which atmospheric concentration has been increasing in the last years. The four denitrification enzymes have been isolated and biochemically characterized from Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus in our lab. Methods. Bioinformatic analysis of the M. hydrocarbonoclasticus genome to identify the genes involved in the denitrification pathway. The relative gene expression of the gene encoding the catalytic subunits of those enzymes was analyzed during the growth under microoxic conditions. The consumption of nitrate and nitrite, and the reduction of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide by whole-cells was monitored during anoxic and microoxic growth in the presence of 10 mM sodium nitrate at pH 7.5. Results. The bioinformatic analysis shows that genes encoding the enzymes and accessory factors required for each step of the denitrification pathway are clustered together. An unusual feature is the co-existence of genes encoding a q- and a c-type nitric oxide reductase, with only the latter being transcribed at similar levels as the ones encoding the catalytic subunits of the other denitrifying enzymes, when cells are grown in the presence of nitrate under microoxic conditions. Using either a batch- or a closed system, nitrate is completely consumed in the beginning of the growth, with transient formation of nitrite, and whole-cells can reduce nitric oxide and nitrous oxide from mid-exponential phase until being collected (time-point 50 h). Discussion. M. hydrocarbonoclasticus cells can reduce nitric and nitrous oxide in vivo, indicating that the four denitrification steps are active. Gene expression profile together with promoter regions analysis indicates the involvement of a cascade regulatory mechanism triggered by FNR-type in response to low oxygen tension, with nitric oxide and nitrate as secondary effectors, through DNR and NarXL, respectively. This global characterization of the denitrification pathway of a strict marine bacterium, contributes to the understanding of the N-cycle and nitrous oxide release in marine environments.publishersversionpublishe
Phages for the biocontrol of bacterial canker of kiwifruit
Bacterial canker of kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa),
causes significant yield and financial losses. The use of copper-based products and antibiotics are
the current techniques for Psa control. These compounds are phytotoxic and also promote copper
and antibiotic resistance. The isolation and characterization of (bacterio)phages for the control of
Psa was the focus of this research, motivated by the demand for safe and effective biocontrol techniques
against this disease. A Portuguese collection of Psa strains was characterized by molecular
and phenotypic tests. Phages were isolated from branches, buds, leaves and flowers of kiwifruit
plants in the North of Portugal. Phages were isolated by the enrichment procedure with Psa strains
CFBP 7286 and P84 as possible hosts, and the lytic spectra of 6 selected ones were tested against
the Psa collection. The two phages displaying broader host ranges (between 71% and 84% of efficacy
among Psa strains) were stable between -20ºC and 50ºC, pH range of 3 to 11 and UV light at 366
nm. Transmission Electron Microscopy was used to characterize phages morphology. In vitro efficacy
studies revealed that, with MOI=1, phage 177T decreased the number of CFUs after 4 hours of
inoculation while maintaining a low bacterial load for up to 24 hours. Over 24 hours, phage VC3
maintained the bacterial growth stable. Preliminary ex vivo and in vivo assays on kiwifruit leaf discs
and directly applied to the plant, showed differences between the phage application and the control
after 12 days of inoculation. One phage has been sequenced and confirmed to be lysogenic,
data that corresponded to the ex vivo results. Even so, this lysogenic phage showed potential to be
used as a biological control agent against Psa.
This work was supported by the project GesPSAKiwi - Ferramenta Operacional para gestão sustentável do cancro bacteriano (Psa) da Actinídea.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The effect of pH on Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus denitrification pathway and nitrous oxide reductase
PTDC/BBB-BQB/0129/2014 (IM).
This work was supported by the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit-UCIBIO, and Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV, which is financed by national funds from FCT (UIDB/04378/2020 and UIDB/50006/2020, respectively).Abstract: Increasing atmospheric concentration of N2O has been a concern, as it is a potent greenhouse gas and promotes ozone layer destruction. In the N-cycle, release of N2O is boosted upon a drop of pH in the environment. Here, Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus was grown in batch mode in the presence of nitrate, to study the effect of pH in the denitrification pathway by gene expression profiling, quantification of nitrate and nitrite, and evaluating the ability of whole cells to reduce NO and N2O. At pH 6.5, accumulation of nitrite in the medium occurs and the cells were unable to reduce N2O. In addition, the biochemical properties of N2O reductase isolated from cells grown at pH 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 were compared for the first time. The amount of this enzyme at acidic pH was lower than that at pH 7.5 and 8.5, pinpointing to a post-transcriptional regulation, though pH did not affect gene expression of N2O reductase accessory genes. N2O reductase isolated from cells grown at pH 6.5 has its catalytic center mainly as CuZ(4Cu1S), while that from cells grown at pH 7.5 or 8.5 has it as CuZ(4Cu2S). This study evidences that an in vivo secondary level of regulation is required to maintain N2O reductase in an active state. Graphic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].preprintpublishe
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