61 research outputs found

    Compara??o do potencial para descolora??o de dentina do Diamino Fluoreto de Prata e Diamino Fluoreto de Prata associado ao Iodeto de Pot?ssio

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    Orientador(a) da obra, retirado da Folha de Rosto e Ficha Catalogr?fica: Maria Let?cia Ramos-Jorge.Linha de pesquisa: Epidemiologia e controle das doen?as bucais.?rea de concentra??o: Odontopediatria.Introdu??o: Diamino Fluoreto de Prata (DFP) ? um cariost?tico eficaz no controle da c?rie, por?m leva ao manchamento da estrutura dent?ria. Iodeto de Pot?ssio (IK) pode auxiliar na diminui??o deste manchamento. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial de manchamento da dentina tratada pelo Diamino Fluoreto de Prata (DFP), bem como a influ?ncia da aplica??o de Iodeto de Pot?ssio (IK) no grau de manchamento da superf?cie dent?ria. Como desfechos secund?rios, avaliar o potencial de inativa??o das les?es de c?rie e o grau de satisfa??o dos pais com os tratamentos propostos. Metodologia: Esse ensaio cl?nico randomizado foi realizado com um total 56 dentes com presen?a de c?rie ativa aleatoriamente distribu?dos em dois grupos: DFP 30% (N=27) e DFP 30% associado ao IK (N=27). As avalia??es de manchamento do dente seguiram uma escala que pontuava de 0 a 4 onde 0 era colora??o branca, 1 amarela, 2 castanho claro, 3 castanho escuro e 4 preta. Para discrimina??o do escore do dente foi utilizado o programa de computador para Windows Paint. Os dentes foram reavaliados ap?s uma semana, 15 dias e 1 m?s para verificar a inativa??o das les?es de c?rie tratadas e a altera??o na colora??o dessas les?es. Os pais, ao final do tratamento, foram questionados quanto ? satisfa??o com o tratamento proposto atrav?s de question?rio. An?lises foram realizadas por meio do programa SPSS na vers?o 22.0 incluindo an?lise de frequ?ncia e teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson. Resultados: Houve diferen?a significativa entre os tratamentos em 1semana ( p< 0,001), 15 dias (p<0,001) e 1 m?s (p<0,001) favorecendo o uso associado do Diamino Fluoreto de Prata com o Iodeto de Pot?ssio. Em ambos os tratamentos houve inativa??o de les?es de c?rie, por?m a frequ?ncia foi maior no grupo tratado com DFP+IK (p=0,05), embora essa diferen?a n?o tenha sido significativa. Sobre a satisfa??o dos pais com o tratamento proposto, n?o houve diferen?a entre os dois tipos de tratamento (p= 0,214). Conclus?o: O uso do IK imediatamente ap?s a aplica??o do DFP foi eficaz para minimizar o manchamento enegrecido da superf?cie dent?ria. A associa??o do IK ao DFP n?o interferiu na inativa??o das les?es de c?rie dos dentes tratados, portanto ambos s?o eficazes. Os pais se mostraram satisfeitos com ambos tratamentos recebidos.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Odontologia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2019.Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the staining potential of dentin treated by Silver Diamino Fluoride (SDF), as well as the influence of the application of Potassium Iodide (KI) on the degree of staining of the dental surface. As secondary outcomes, evaluate the potential for caries lesion inactivation and the parents' degree of satisfaction with the proposed treatments. Methodology: This randomized clinical trial was conducted with a total of 56 teeth with the presence of active caries randomly distributed into two groups: 30% Silver Diamino Fluoride and 30% Silver Fluoride Diamino associated with Potassium Iodide. The tooth staining evaluations followed a scale from 0 to 4 where 0 was white, 1 yellow, 2 light brown, 3 dark brown and 4 black. To discriminate the tooth score we used the computer program for Windows Paint. The teeth were reevaluated after one week, 15 days and 1 month to verify the inactivation of the treated caries lesions and the change in the coloration of these lesions. At the end of the treatment, the parents were asked about their satisfaction with the proposed treatment through a VAS scale. Analyzes were performed using the SPSS software version 22.0 including frequency analysis and Pearson's chi-square test. Results: There was a significant difference between treatments at 1 week (p <0.001), 15 days (p <0.001) and 1 month (p <0.001) favoring the associated use of Silver Diamino Fluoride with Potassium Iodide. In both treatments, caries lesions were inactivated, but the frequency was higher in the group treated with PFD + KI (p = 0.05), although this difference was not significant. Regarding parents' satisfaction with the proposed treatment, there was no difference between the two types of treatment (p = 0.214). Conclusion: The use of KI immediately after application of DFP may be effective to minimize dark staining of the dental surface. The association of KI with DFP did not interfere with the inactivation of carious lesions of the treated teeth, so both are effective. Parents were satisfied with both treatments received

    Degrada??o dos ?cidos haloac?ticos pelo m?todo Fenton-Like catalisado por magnetita dopada com cobalto e an?lise por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ? espectrometria de massas

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    ?rea de concentra??o: Qu?mica Anal?tica.Os contaminantes emergentes geram riscos ? qualidade da ?gua, sendo potencialmente t?xicos ao meio ambiente e a sa?de humana. Os ?cidos haloac?ticos (AHAs), pertencentes ? classe desses contaminantes, s?o subprodutos da oxida??o qu?mica formados pelo processo de clora??o da ?gua nas Esta??es de Tratamento de ?gua (ETA), com alto potencial de risco carcinog?nico em seres humanos. Devido aos riscos gerados por esses contaminantes, desenvolveu-se um m?todo para avaliar a capacidade de degrada??o dos AHAs em ?gua, pelo processo Fenton-like catalisado por nanopart?culas de magnetita dopada com cobalto (Fe3- xCoxO4), com extra??o desses contaminantes por Extra??o l?quido-l?quido (LLE) e a an?lise via Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada ? Espectrometria de Massas (GC-MS). O m?todo desenvolvido mostrou-se eficiente na degrada??o parcial dos AHAs, com melhores valores de degrada??o de 62,5%, 61,57%, 30,01%, 38,96%, 36,83%, 50,23%, 83,5%, 40,72% e 78,97% para os compostos ?cido monocloroac?tico (MCAA), ?cido monobromoac?tico (MBAA), ?cido dicloroac?tico (DCAA), ?cido tricloroac?tico (TCAA), acido bromocloroac?tico (BCAA), ?cido dibromoac?tico (DBAA), ?cido bromodicloroac?tico (BDCAA), ?cido dibromocloroac?tico (DBCAA) e ?cido tribromoac?tico (TBAA), respectivamente. Atrav?s da aplica??o do teste de Allium cepa, foram avaliados a citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade e a mutagenicidade dos AHAs. Os resultados comprovam seus efeitos citot?xicos e mutag?nicos ?s c?lulas meristem?ticas de Allium cepa. Por meio deste estudo, foi poss?vel verificar a efic?cia do m?todo desenvolvido e o seu potencial como proposta de remedia??o ambiental.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Funda??o Nacional de Sa?de (FUNASA)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Qu?mica, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018.Emerging contaminants pose risks to water quality, being potentially toxic to the environment and human health. Haloacetic acids (HAAs), belonging to the class of these contaminants, are by-products of chemical oxidation formed by the process of water chlorination in Water Treatment Station (ETAs), with a high potential for carcinogenic risk in humans. Due to the risks generated by these contaminants, a method was developed to evaluate the degradation capacity of HAAs in water by the Fenton-like process catalyzed by magnetite doped with cobalt nanoparticles (Fe3-xCoxO4), with extraction of these contaminants by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and the analysis by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The method developed was efficient in the partial degradation of HAAs, with better degradation values of 62.5%, 61.57%, 30.01%, 38.96%, 36.83%, 50.23%, 83.5%, 40.72% and 78.97% for the compounds monochloroacetic acid (MCAA), monobromoacetic acid (MBAA), dichloroacetic acid (DCAA), trichloroacetic acid (TCAA), bromochloroacetic acid (BCAA), dibromoacetic acid (DBAA), bromodichloroacetic acid (BDCAA), dibromochloroacetic acid (DBCAA) and tribromoacetic acid (TBAA), respectively. Through the application of the Allium cepa test, the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity of HAAs were evaluated. The results confirm its cytotoxic and mutagenic effects on Allium cepa meristematic cells. Through this study, it was possible to verify the effectiveness of the developed method and its potential as a proposal for environmental remediation

    Perceived changes in well-being and happiness with gardening in urban organic allotments in Portugal

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    Urban allotment gardens (AG) in Portugal have increased in recent years, as in many other European countries and worldwide. The contribution of these gardens to the happiness and well-being of urban populations has been recognized, but evaluations of their benefits are still very scarce. The objective of this study was to evaluate this contribution, based on the urban organic AG of the Devesa Park in Vila Nova de Famalic?o, Portugal. The sample included 65 gardeners who completed the self-administered questionnaires of Bem-Estar Pessoal (personal well-being scale), Felicidade Subjetiva (subjective happiness scale) and sociodemographic characteristics. Respondents were mainly adults under 65 years, married and academically well qualified and about half of them had a professional activity, with nearly one third being retired. They considered themselves happy with their life (Personal Wellbeing Index = 74.5%) and revealed an optimistic and positive attitude towards life, regardless of economic or social difficulties. The increased frequency of visits for gardening was positively related to a greater perception of subjective happiness. The gardeners who visited the AG more frequently considered themselves happier from a self-perspective and in comparison with peers. It can be suggested that urban organic AG represent a means for enhancing citizen well-being, contributing positively to their feelings of happiness and life satisfaction, changing behaviours and developing personal capacities. Beyond economic measures, urban AG can be recommended to capture the well-being of societies.6B1D-516F-1A2A | Lu?s Miguel Cortez Mesquita de BritoN/

    Distribui??o espacial de ?rvores emergentes na Amaz?nia a partir de dados oriundos de escaneamento laser aerotransportado

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - C?digo de Financiamento 001.Uma floresta pode ser descrita de acordo com sua estrutura vertical, normalmente dividida em tr?s n?veis: sub-bosque, dossel e emergente. O estrato emergente ? formado por organismos que atingem alturas superiores ao dossel da floresta, sobressaindo-se. As ?rvores emergentes acumulam caracter?sticas como idade, altura e per?metro superiores ?s demais. Elas tamb?m desempenham pap?is ecol?gicos que influenciam toda a din?mica da floresta. O objetivo desta disserta??o ? descrever e comparar a distribui??o espacial das ?rvores emergentes em diferentes regi?es de floresta amaz?nica. Como objetivos espec?ficos t?m-se: (1) comparar o padr?o espacial das ?rvores emergentes nos diferentes compartimentos topogr?ficos numa regi?o de Manaus; (2) comparar o padr?o espacial das ?rvores emergentes em diferentes regi?es da Amaz?nia no sentido leste/oeste; (3) comparar o padr?o espacial das ?rvores emergentes com e sem a presen?a de ?rvores gigantes (?rvores superiores a 80 metros de altura). Foram utilizados dados laser aerotransportados, coletados entre 2016 e 2018. Os dados LiDAR foram processados gerando os Modelos Digitais de Terreno (MDT) e Modelos Digitais de Altura do Dossel (MDAD). Pelo m?todo de m?ximos locais, criou-se uma lista com a localiza??o e altura das ?rvores a partir do MDAD, dos quais 5 % dos maiores indiv?duos foram ent?o considerados como os emergentes e usados para verifica??o do padr?o espacial. Seis transectos foram usados para comparar a distribui??o espacial em ?reas de baixios e plat?s. Outros seis transectos foram selecionados ao longo do gradiente leste/oeste para comparar a distribui??o espacial ao longo da Amaz?nia. E por fim, outros seis transectos foram selecionados em locais de ocorr?ncia de ?rvores gigantes para comparar com os transectos sem ocorr?ncia de ?rvores gigantes. Para definir o padr?o de distribui??o espacial, usou-se a fun??o K de Ripley com corre??o isotr?pica. O padr?o espacial das ?rvores emergentes segue distribui??o agregada para todos os raios testados, nos diferentes compartimentos topogr?ficos, nas diferentes regi?es amaz?nicas no sentido leste/oeste e com ou sem presen?a de ?rvores gigantes.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia Florestal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2021.A forest can be described according to it vertical structure, usually divided into three levels: understory, canopy and emergent. The emergent stratum is formed by organisms that reach heights above the forest canopy, standing out. Emerging trees accumulate characteristics such as age, height and perimeter higher than others. They also play ecological roles that influence the entire dynamics of the forest. The aim of this dissertation is to describe and compare the spatial distribution of emerging trees in different regions of the Amazon forest. The specific objectives are: (1) to compare the spatial pattern of emerging trees in different topographic compartments in a region of Manaus; (2) compare the spatial pattern of emerging trees in different regions of the Amazon in the east/west direction; (3) compare the spatial pattern of emergent trees with and without the presence of giant trees (trees greater than 80 meters in height). Airborne laser data collected between 2016 and 2018 were used. LiDAR data were processed generating Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Canopy Height Models (MDAD). Using the local maxima method, a list with the location and height of the trees was created from the MDAD, of which 5% of the largest individuals were then considered as emerging and used to verify the spatial pattern. Six transects were used to compare the spatial distribution in bottomland and plateau areas. Another six transects were selected along the east/west gradient to compare the spatial distribution across Amazonia. And finally, another six transects were selected at sites of occurrence of giant trees to compare with transects without occurrence of giant trees. To define the spatial distribution pattern, Ripley's K function with isotropic correction was used. The spatial pattern of emerging trees follows an aggregated distribution for all tested rays, in different topographic compartments, in different Amazonian regions in the east/west direction and with or without the presence of giant trees

    Marketing in catering companies with web presence : the influence of communication and attributes valued by customers

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    O estudo emp?rico incidiu sobre as empresas de restaura??o com presen?a na web em Viana do Castelo, com o objectivo de perceber a influ?ncia da comunica??o e dos atributos valorizados pelos clientes no marketing destas empresas. Para efeitos de realiza??o do estudo, recorreu-se ? elabora??o de um inqu?rito por question?rio distribu?do por v?rias empresas de restaura??o e respetivos clientes. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a aposta na qualidade dos produtos, numa boa localiza??o, no ambiente e no atendimento am?vel ? preponderante para conquistar clientes, o que ir? favorecer a recomenda??o da empresa a novas pessoas, j? que esta ? a forma como a maioria chega ao local pela primeira vez. Apesar disso, as redes sociais e os intermedi?rios online parecem ter algum peso na forma como as pessoas conhecem as empresas, o que sugere que deve haver uma maior aposta nestes meios.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de Carvalhoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of the isothermal phases transformations and the respectives products in three eutectoid steels for railroad application.

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    Artigos recentemente publicados v?m destacando a import?ncia do conhecimento sobre a cin?tica de transforma??o de fases em a?os eutet?ides aplicados em ferrovias, visando o aprimoramento de processos de fabrica??o e de soldagem. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de caracteriza??o da cin?tica de decomposi??o isot?rmica da austenita em tr?s a?os atualmente utilizados no mundo para a fabrica??o de trilhos ferrovi?rios, sendo dois de classifica??o premium e um de classifica??o standard. Os a?os estudados foram caracterizados em seu estado de entrega e, por meio de ensaios de dilatometria, as temperaturas cr?ticas de austenitiza??o e os intervalos de tempo de decomposi??o da austenita foram medidos. Diagramas tempo-temperatura-transforma??o (TTT) foram determinados. A influ?ncia de alguns par?metros como o espa?amento interlamelar perl?tico original e o tamanho de gr?o austen?tico pr?vio sobre as transforma??es de fases e sobre as microestruturas resultantes, foram discutidos. Mostrou-se ainda que, a partir de tratamentos isot?rmicos bem planejados, ? poss?vel a obten??o de uma microestrutura majoritariamente bain?tica em a?os eutetoides com composi??es qu?micas relativamente simples.Recently published papers have been enhancing the importance of understanding about the kinetics of phase transformation in eutectoid steels applied to railways, aiming the improvement of the manufacturing and the welding processes. In this sense, this work presents a characterization study on the austenite?s isothermal decomposition kinetics in three steels currently used worldwide in the manufacturing of railway tracks, being two of then premium and the other standard. The steels studied were characterized at initial state and, through dilatometry, the austenitization critical temperatures and the austenite decomposition?s time intervals were measured. Time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagrams were determined. The influence of some parameters such as the original pearlite interlamellar spacing and the prior austenitic grain?s size on the phase transformations and the resulting microstructures, was discussed. The study also showed that stemming from well-planned isothermal treatments, it is possible to obtain a mostly-bainitic microstructure in eutectoid steels of fairly simple chemical compositions

    Lettuce growth and nutrient uptake response to winery waste compost and biochar

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    The composting process of winery wastewater sludge with grape stalks enables these wastes to be recycled as soil organic amendments or pot substrate components. However, it is necessary to assess the potential of this compost as crop fertilizer. This assessment is also needed for the use of biochar as soil amendment because negative effects on crop growth and nutrient uptake may occur depending on application rates and biochar physical and chemical characteristics. With this aim, a randomized block design pot experiment with lettuce was set up with four treatments including: (i) 5% (w/w) of winery waste compost; (ii) 4% (w/w) biochar (commercial charcoal); (iii) 5% (w/w) winery waste compost with 4% (w/w) biochar; and (iv) a control treatment without soil amendments (T0). Lettuce shoot yield increased 13% with compost application but decreased 18% with biochar in comparison to T0 and 25% with compost and biochar compared to compost alone. Similarly, lettuce root weight increased with compost, but not with biochar. Lettuce shoot dry matter (DM), N and Ca contents clearly increased with compost application compared to lettuce grown in the treatment with biochar. The same happened for root Ca and Mg contents. The lowest P and K contents of lettuce shoots and roots were recorded in T0. However, lettuce root N content decreased with biochar compared to T0. Therefore, root and shoot growth and nutrient uptake decreased with soil application of 4% (w/w) of biochar whereas the winery waste compost showed positive effects as soil fertilizer.6B1D-516F-1A2A | Lu?s Miguel Cortez Mesquita de BritoN/

    Heritability for milk production and composition traits in Holstein dairy cattle

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.O Brasil se encontra entre os seis maiores produtores de leite do mundo. A produ??o deste alimento depende do potencial gen?tico do animal e do ambiente, tendo o melhoramento animal um papel fundamental nesta atividade. Com o objetivo de estimar a herdabilidade para as caracter?sticas produ??o de leite, teor de lactose, gordura e prote?na, um banco de dados composto de mais de 13 mil amostras de leite oriundas tr?s fazendas no Estado de S?o Paulo foi analisado. Os resultados obtidos para a estimativa de herdabilidade para caracter?stica de produ??o e composi??o do leite, teor de lactose, gordurae prote?na foram de0,51 ? 0,01, 0,48 ? 0,01, 0,22 ? 0,01 e 0,43 ? 0,01. A produ??o de leite, teor de lactose, gordura e prote?na, s?o caracter?sticas que podem ser utilizadas como crit?rio de sele??o dentro dos rebanhos estudados, quando o objetivo for aumentar a produ??o e a qualidade do leite.Brazil is one of the six largest producers of milk in the world. The milk production depends on the genetic potential of the animal and the environment, and animal breeding plays a key role in this activity. In order to estimate the heritability for the milk production and quality traits, lactose, fat, and protein, a database consisting of more than 13 thousand milk samples from three different farms in the state of S?o Paulo were analyzed. The heritability estimates milk production, lactose, fat, and protein were 0.51 ? 0,01, 0.48 ? 0,01, 0.22 ? 0,01, and 0.43 ? 0,01. Milk production, lactose, fat, and protein may be used as selection criteria in the population analyzed, when the objective is the increase of milk production and quality

    Pharmacological profiles of animal- and nonanimal-derived sulfated polysaccharides – comparison of unfractionated heparin, the semisynthetic glucan sulfate PS3, and the sulfated polysaccharide fraction isolated from Delesseria sanguinea

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    Sulfated polysaccharides (SP) such as heparin are known to exhibit a wide range of biological activities, e.g., anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and antimetastastic effects. However, since the anticoagulant activity of heparin is dominating, its therapeutic use for other medical indications is limited due to an associated risk of bleeding. Further disadvantages of heparin are its animal origin, the shortage of resources, and its complex and variable composition. However, SP without these limitations may represent a substance class with good prospects for applications other than anticoagulation. In this study, the in vitro pharmacological profiles of two nonanimal-derived SP were investigated in comparison with unfractionated heparin. One is the natural SP fraction from the red algae Delesseria sanguinea (D.s.-SP). The other one is the chemically defined PS3, a semisynthetic β-1,3-glucan sulfate with proven in vivo anti-inflammatory and antimetastatic activities. All three polysaccharides were examined in vitro for their inhibitory effects on the coagulation and complement system, polymorphonuclear neutrophil elastase, hyaluronidase, matrix metalloproteinase-1, heparanase, and p-selectin-mediated cell adhesion. Compared with heparin, the nonanimal-derived polysaccharides have a four times weaker anticoagulant activity, but mostly exhibit stronger (1.4–224 times) effects on test systems investigating targets of inflammation or metastasis. According to their different structures, PS3 and D.s.-SP differ in their pharmacological profile with PS3 being the strongest inhibitor of heparanase and cell adhesion and D.s.-SP being the strongest inhibitor of hyaluronidase and complement activation. Considering both pharmacological profile and pharmaceutical quality parameters, PS3 represents a candidate for further development as an anti-inflammatory or antimetastatic drug whereas D.s.-SP might have perspectives for cosmetic applications

    IPVConcilia- sistema de gest?o da concilia??o

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    O Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC), no ?mbito do Plano Estrat?gico IPVC2024, iniciou, em 2019, a implementa??o do Sistema de Gest?o da Concilia??o entre a vida profissional, familiar e pessoal, segundo a NP 4552, em integra??o com o atual Sistema de Gest?o (SG-IPVC), da Qualidade (ISSO 9001) e da Responsabilidade Social (NP 4469). Para a implementa??o do IPVConcilia e Integra??o do SGConcilia??o no SG-IPVC houve um forte investimento na capacita??o em Sistema de Gest?o da Concilia??o e em benchmarking. A concilia??o entre a vida profissional, familiar e pessoal permanece um desafio para as organiza??es e suas pessoas, tendo implica??es na qualidade de vida no trabalho e na qualidade de vida geral dos seus colaboradores. Com a implementa??o do IPVConcilia, o IPVC pretende refor?ar a resposta a necessidades e expetativas dos/as colaboradores/as e implementar a??es que promovam a concilia??o. Para isso, t?m sido adotadas medidas para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos/as colaboradores/as, promovendo o bem-estar, o desenvolvimento pessoal e a Concilia??o e para refor?ar essas medidas realizou-se uma ausculta??o aos colaboradores. Os resultados mostram que os colaboradores est?o, de uma forma geral, muito satisfeitos havendo, no entanto, dimens?es a melhorar, entre elas: Ritmo de trabalho, Exig?ncias cognitivas e Exig?ncias emocionais. Espera-se obter a certifica??o do SG-Concilia??o do IPVC at? setembro de 2022.DA17-66FE-09A6 | Helena Sofia RodriguesN/