339 research outputs found

    Tanggung Jawab Jurusita/jurusita Pengganti Dalam Proses Persidangan Di Pengadilan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran dan tanggung jawab Jurusita/Jurusita Pengganti dalam proses persidangan perkara bisnis di Pengadilan dan hambatan-hambatan apakah yang timbul dalam pelaksanaan tugas Jurusita/ Jurusita Pengganti terhadap proses persidangan perkara bisnis di Pengadilan. Dengan menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Jurusita atau Jurusita Pengganti dalam proses persidangan perkara bisnis di Pengadilan berperan sebagai bagian dari pelaksana tugas Pengadilan Negeri dalam memeriksa dan mengadili perkara perdata. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Jurusita, melakukan pemanggilan, membuat berita acara panggilan, melaksanakan sitaan sesuatu dengan penetapan sitaan, membuat berita acara mengenai barang yang dikenakan sitaan, dan sebagainya. Jurusita atau Jurusita Pengganti dalam konteks kelembagaan bertanggung jawab kepada Ketua Pengadilan di mana secara administratif bertanggung jawab kepada Panitera. 2. Hambatan-hambatan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaan tugas Jurusita/ Jurusita Pengganti terhadap proses persidangan perkara bisnis di Pengadilan antara lain: 1) Tugas Jurusita/Jurusita pengganti hanya terbatas pada daerah hukum Pengadilan Negeri di mana ia bekerja, padahal sampai saat ini batas wilayah/daerah kadangtidak jelas; 2) Kemungkinan orang yang dipanggil/diberitahu/barang yang akan disita, ternyata berada di wilayah hukum Pengadilan Negeri yang lain, maka ia tidak berwenang untuk melakukan tindakan hukum tersebut. Jurusita/Jurusita pengganti tersebut harus kembali ke kantor agar Ketua PN membuat penetapan baru dan meminta bantuan Ketua PN yang membawahi orang yang akan dipanggil atau diberitahu dan atau barang-barang yang akan disita itu berada; 3) Apabila yang akan dipanggil adalah para pihak yang tugasnya anggota korps diplomatik di luar negeri, maka cara memanggilnya dengan cara menyampaikan surat kepada Departemen Luar Negeri Dirjen Protokol dan Konsuler dengan permohona

    Time to failure prediction in rubber components subjected to thermal ageing: A combined approach based upon the intrinsic defect concept and the fracture mechanics

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    In this contribution, we attempt to derive a tool allowing the prediction of the stretch ratioat failure in rubber components subjected to thermal ageing. To achieve this goal, the mainidea is to combine the fracture mechanics approach and the intrinsic defect concept. Using an accelerated ageing procedure for an Ethylene–Propylene–Diene Monomer (EPDM), it is first shown that the average molar mass of the elastically active chains (i.e. between crosslinks) can be used as the main indicator of the macromolecular network degradation. Byintroducing the time–temperature equivalence principle, a shift factor obeying to an Arrhenius law is derived, and master curves are built as well for the average molar mass as for the ultimate mechanical properties. Fracture mechanics tests are also achieved and the square root dependence of the fracture energy with the average molar mass is pointed out. Moreover, it is shown that the mechanical response could be approximated by the phantom network theory, which allows to relate the strain energy density function to the average molar mass. Assuming that the fracture of a smooth specimen is the consequence of a virtual intrinsic defect whose the size can be easily estimated, the stretch ratio at break can be therefore computed for any thermal ageing condition. The estimated values are found in a very nice agreement with EPDM experimental data, making this approach a useful tool when designing rubber components for moderate to high temperature environments

    Merampok Hutan dan Uang Negara

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    Kajian Penerimaan Keuangan Negara dari Sektor Kehutanan dan Perkebunan: Studi Kasus di Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Tengah

    Earthquake Magnitude and Frequency Forecasting in Northeastern Algeria using Time Series Analysis

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    This study uses two different time series forecasting approaches (parametric and non-parametric) to assess a frequency and magnitude forecasting of earthquakes above Mw 4.0 in Northeastern Algeria. The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model encompasses the parametric approach, while the non-parametric method employs the Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) approach. The ARIMA and SSA models were then used to train and forecast the annual number of earthquakes and annual maximum magnitude events occurring in Northeastern Algeria between 1910 and 2019, including 287 main events larger than Mw 4.0. The SSA method is used as a forecasting algorithm in this case, and the results are compared to those obtained by the ARIMA model. Based on the root mean square error (RMSE) criterion, the SSA forecasting model appears to be more appropriate than the ARIMA model. The consistency between the observation and the forecast is analyzed using a statistical test in terms of the total number of events, denoted as N-test. As a result, the findings indicate that the annual maximum magnitude in Northeastern Algeria between 2020 and 2030 will range from Mw 4.8 to Mw 5.1, while between four and six events with a magnitude of at least Mw 4.0 will occur annually

    Studi Atas Disparitas Putusan Pemidanaan Perkara Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    (12/7 14:51) Hukuman berat atau ringan bagi koruptor selalu menjadi salah satu pembahasan menarik dalam gerakan pemberantasan korupsi. Dalam perdebatannya, masyarakat memiliki kecenderungan untuk mempermasalahkan penjatuhan hukuman yang mereka anggap terlalu ringan. Apalagi jika mereka menemukan perbedaan hukuman yang cukup signifikan (disparitas), terhadap perkara korupsi yang kurang lebih sama dan layak untuk diperbandingkan. Masyakarakat anti-korupsi masih menilai bahwa hukuman yang diberikan kepada pelaku korupsi belum proporsional antara perbuatan korupsi yang dilakukan, dengan rentang hukuman pidana penjara yang diterimanya. Dalam kondisi yang demikian, putusan terhadap perkara-perkara korupsi yang terjadi di Indonesia bisa dianggap inkonsisten. Tidak hanya oleh masyakarat Indonesia, tapi juga oleh masyarakat internasioal. Mengapa? Karena ratifikasi terhadap Konfensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Anti Korupsi (UNCAC) menandakan masuknya Indonesia dalam peta dunia pemberantasan korupsi. Bagi gerakan pemberantasan korupsi, pemberian hukuman berat dan proporsional masih diyakini bias memberikan efek jera bagi pelaku korupsi. Pada titik ini, kinerja lembaga peradilan sangat menentukan pemberian efek jera bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi. ICW (Indonesia Corruption Watch) berusaha untuk meneliti permasalahan ini lebih jauh. Harapannya, bisa teridentifkasi sejumlah peyebabnya dan kemudian memberikan rekomendasi terhadap lembaga-lembaga terkait untuk sama-sama mengatasinya

    Effects of radiative heat transfer on the structure of turbulent supersonic channel flow

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    International audienceThe interaction between turbulence in a minimal supersonic channel and radiative heat transfer is studied using large-eddy simulation. The working fluid is pure water vapour with temperature-dependent specific heats and molecular transport coefficients. Its line spectra properties are represented with a statistical narrow-band correlated-k model. A grey gas model is also tested. The parallel no-slip channel walls are treated as black surfaces concerning thermal radiation and are kept at a constant temperature of 1000 K. Simulations have been performed for different optical thicknesses (based on the Planck mean absorption coefficient) and different Mach numbers. Results for the mean flow variables, Reynolds stresses and certain terms of their transport equations indicate that thermal radiation effects counteract compressibility (Mach number) effects. An analysis of the total energy balance reveals the importance of radiative heat transfer, compared to the turbulent and mean molecular heat transport

    Influence of Doping and Nanostructuration on n-Type Bi2(Te0.8Se0.2)3 Alloys Synthesized by Arc Melting

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    In competitive thermoelectric devices for energy conversion and generation, high-efficiency materials of both n-type and p-type are required. For this, Bi2Te3-based alloys have the best thermoelectric properties in room temperature applications. Partial replacement of tellurium by selenium is expected to introduce new donor states in the band gap, which would alter electrical conductivity and thermopower. We report on the preparation of n-type Bi2(Te1-xSex)3 solid solutions by a straightforward arc-melting technique, yielding nanostructured polycrystalline pellets. X-ray and neutron powder diffraction was used to assess Se inclusion, also indicating that the interactions between quintuple layers constituting this material are weakened upon Se doping, while the covalency of intralayer bonds is augmented. Moreover, scanning electron microscopy shows large surfaces perpendicular to the c crystallographic axis assembled as stacked sheets. Grain boundaries related to this 2D nanostructuration affect the thermal conductivity reducing it below 0.8 Wm−1K−1 at room temperature. Furthermore, Se doping increases the absolute Seebeck coefficient up to −140 μV K−1 at 400 K, which is also beneficial for improved thermoelectric efficiency.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity for granting the project MAT2013-41099-R.Peer reviewe

    Establishing the extent of malaria transmission and challenges facing pre-elimination in the Republic of Djibouti.

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    BACKGROUND: Countries aiming for malaria elimination require a detailed understanding of the current intensity of malaria transmission within their national borders. National household sample surveys are now being used to define infection prevalence but these are less efficient in areas of exceptionally low endemicity. Here we present the results of a national malaria indicator survey in the Republic of Djibouti, the first in sub-Saharan Africa to combine parasitological and serological markers of malaria, to evaluate the extent of transmission in the country and explore the potential for elimination. METHODS: A national cross-sectional household survey was undertaken from December 2008 to January 2009. A finger prick blood sample was taken from randomly selected participants of all ages to examine for parasitaemia using rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and confirmed using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Blood spots were also collected on filter paper and subsequently used to evaluate the presence of serological markers (combined AMA-1 and MSP-119) of Plasmodium falciparum exposure. Multivariate regression analysis was used to determine the risk factors for P. falciparum infection and/or exposure. The Getis-Ord G-statistic was used to assess spatial heterogeneity of combined infections and serological markers. RESULTS: A total of 7151 individuals were tested using RDTs of which only 42 (0.5%) were positive for P. falciparum infections and confirmed by PCR. Filter paper blood spots were collected for 5605 individuals. Of these 4769 showed concordant optical density results and were retained in subsequent analysis. Overall P. falciparum sero-prevalence was 9.9% (517/4769) for all ages; 6.9% (46/649) in children under the age of five years; and 14.2% (76/510) in the oldest age group (≥50 years). The combined infection and/or antibody prevalence was 10.5% (550/4769) and varied from 8.1% to 14.1% but overall regional differences were not statistically significant (χ2=33.98, p=0.3144). Increasing age (p<0.001) and decreasing household wealth status (p<0.001) were significantly associated with increasing combined P. falciparum infection and/or antibody prevalence. Significant P. falciparum hot spots were observed in Dikhil region. CONCLUSION: Malaria transmission in the Republic of Djibouti is very low across all regions with evidence of micro-epidemiological heterogeneity and limited recent transmission. It would seem that the Republic of Djibouti has a biologically feasible set of pre-conditions for elimination, however, the operational feasibility and the potential risks to elimination posed by P. vivax and human population movement across the sub-region remain to be properly established

    A retrospective clinico-pathologic analysis of cemento-osseous dysplasia in a South African patient population

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    Background: Cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) is a fibro-osseous jaw bone lesion. The affected bone in COD progressively becomes sclerotic, poorly vascularized and susceptible to secondary osteomyelitis. Objective: To provide a clinico-pathologic appraisal of COD in a South African patient population. Methods: Archived records of 133 patients diagnosed with COD were reviewed for patient demographics, COD location, COD type, osteomyelitis or simple bone cyst secondary to COD. Results: The mean age was 53.4 \ub1 13.5 years with a 94.7% female predilection. COD mainly affected the mandible (57.1%), followed by involvement of both jaws (38.3%) and maxilla (4.5%). Florid COD was the most prevalent (69.9%), followed by focal COD (18%) and periapical COD (12%). Florid COD showed a clear trend of increasing with age, peaking in the sixth decade and decreasing thereafter. Osteomyelitis and simple bone cyst presented as complications of COD in 74.4% and 5.3% of cases respectively, while 21.8% of all cases of jaw osteomyelitis during the study period were secondary to COD. Conclusion: A higher frequency of jaw osteomyelitis secondary to COD was found compared to previous studies. No significant association was shown between any of the COD types and secondary osteomyelitis