170 research outputs found

    Supply Chain: Optimize the Production Cost Using Machine Learning

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    Purpose: The objective of this study is to know how we use can machine learning by applying different algorithms on the supply chain to produce in the cheapest site in the world considering different parameters.   Theoretical framework:  the study has highlighted the iterative queries of digital revolution in the supply chain. The literary view in this article has illustrated the significant role of machine learning and dark data in reducing the production costs, enhancing delivery performance.   Design/Methodology/Approach:  The company concerned by the case study is a multinational company specializing in flooring and sports surfaces. It operates in 33 production sites, with 520 sites in more than 100 countries.  One of the important factors underlying this complexity is the customer base that expects the product at the same cost all over the world, which forces the system that is currently not centralized to produce at a high cost in some countries.   Findings:  In this article, we use machine learning by applying different algorithms to unstructured data stored in company servers, where the feedback loop is implemented. The expected result is produced in the cheapest site in the world considering delivery costs.   Research, Practical & Social implications: We suggest a future research to use all the remaining dark data saved during ordering on the supply chain and to reduce  more the costs in the world .   Originality/Value: This article provides insights into how dark data analytics can be used to reduce supply chain costs and offers recommendations for organizations looking to leverage dark data in their supply chain operations

    Antibiotic resistance pattern of some Vibrio strains isolated from seafood

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    The present study was aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial resistance and the presence of antibiotic resistance genes in Vibrios spp. isolated from seafood. A total of 72 isolates of Vibrio in 6 species including V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. alginolyticus, V. harveyi, V. mimicus and V. cholerae were examined. The results revealed that all isolates were expressing multiple antibiotic resistances. Of the 72 strains tested, 70 were resistant to ampicillin (97.2%), 60 to gentamycin (83.3%) and 56 to penicillin (77.7%). Eight strains were resistant to 4 antibiotic, 19 resistant to five antibiotics, 10 to six antibiotics, 34 to seven antibiotics and one to eight antibiotics. Results also revealed that 20 Vibrio strains (27.7% of total examined strains) contained one to three of the antibiotic resistance genes. StrB, tetS and ermB genes coding for streptomycin, tetracycline and erythromycin resistance were found in 18, 6, 5 isolates, respectively and Sulfamethoxazole resistance gene, sul2, was not detected in this study. Detection of resistance genes in Vibrio strains obtained from seafood is considered as a potential danger for consumers and also suggests that these resistance determinants might be further disseminated in habitats, thus constituting a serious health risks to human

    The Effect of Authoritarian Leadership on Human Resource Ostracism with Mediating role Emotional Burnout

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    Employees are the main capital in order to achieve the goals and mission of the organization that the lack of proper communication and subsequent ostracism of employees and their isolation and frustration leads to dwstructive and undesirable consequences in government agencies. The study analyzes the effect of authoritarian leadership on the ostracism of human resources with the mediating role of emotional burnout. The peresent esearch is a descriptive- survey research in terms of applied purpose and in terms of method and nature. To measure the variables of authoritarian leadership, ostracism, and emotional burnout from the questionnaires of Wong et al (2019), Jiang et al (2011) and Swalqa (2017) was used. Validity and reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed through face validity and Coronbach’s alpha (0.82). The statistical population includes government agencies of Khorramabad city that 121 employess have been selected as a sample. Data analyzed through structural equation modeling. Analysis of rsults at %95 confidence level indicates a positive and significant effect of authoritarian leadership on ostracism and emotional exhaustion. Indirect path analysis reveals the mediating role of emotional burnout in the influence of authoritarian leadership on ostracism. As a general result, authoritarian leadership is considered as one of the underlying factors of emotional burnout and consequently ostracism of employees in government agencies

    Marine pollution effects on the reproduction process of Perinereis cultrifera (Annelida, Polychaeta) in Algeria

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    The Mediterranean Sea is one of the busiest areas worldwide in terms of maritime activity and faces considerable anthropogenic disturbances, such as pollution by hydrocarbons and heavy metals. This study evaluated the environmental status of three sites on the Algerian coast using the annelid polychaete Perinereis cultrifera as a biomonitoring sentinel species. It included different reproductive parameters such as oocyte diameter, frequency distributions, sexual maturity index, biochemical quantitative parameters represented by the vitellogenins and vitellins, and a histological study of the coelome during the reproductive period. The results showed that the females collected from El-Kala (healthy site) have the highest diameter 304.1 ± 24.3 μm during April but the values were increased in Annaba 290.0 ± 21.0 μm and Skikda 245.3 ± 26.7 μm. Significant differences were observed between worms from the three study sites during the three months of the study. Moreover, the size-frequency indicated that a relatively high proportion of females containing mature oocytes was found in April in females collected at El-Kala 52.4%, 46.4% in females collected at Annaba and 36.7% in females collected at Skikda. In addition, regarding the sexual maturity index, the highest values were recorded in April (3.8, 2.9, and 1.9) at the El-Kala, Annaba, and Skikda study sites. However, the biochemical analysis demontrated that the highest mean concentration of vitellogenin was in females of El-Kala (5.3 ± 0.3 µg/mg of coelomic fluid) in April, and the lowest mean concentration was measured in females of Skikda (1.5 ± 0.2 µg/mg of coelomic fluid). Therefore, the highest mean concentration of vitellin was measured in females of El-Kala (4.4 ± 0.2 µg/mg of oocytes) in April, while the lowest mean concentration of vitellin was measured in females of Skikda (1.02 ± 0.2 µg/mg of oocytes) in May. Significant differences were observed between worms from the three sites during the three months of the study. Furthermore, histological observations revealed that oogenesis was asynchronous, with oocytes at different stages of vitellogenesis simultaneously present. The structure of the oocytes of females collected at El-Kala showed intense vitellogenic activity due to the presence of very dense yolk cells. In contrast, the oocytes of the females collected from the two polluted sites (Annaba and Skikda) were small, vitellogenesis presented low intensity, and yolk cells were less frequent at the periphery and less uniform at the cytoplasmic mass; the nucleus was smaller, indicating a slower vitellogenic activity. These observations confirm the previously obtained results

    Rights and duties in the Information (Applying examples of Iranian law to the meanings of the verses of the Qur’an)

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    The development of societies and the expansion of relationships, with the development of communication tools and ways of transmitting messages, has affected citizenship interactions. Such developments are in addition to the role of law in regulating the relations and disagreements of thinkers about the authenticity of rights and duties. SO; Necessity requires it discussing rights and duties in the field of information. Thus, The current study dealt with the field of information from the perspective of the Qur’an and from the perspective of rights and duties through the method of documentary analysis and a jurisprudential approach to the media, To determine Information in Iranian law is a right or a subject related to a right To define tasks to maintain it OR It's just a matter of mandatory judgment In this case, what are the jurisprudential and legal implications imposed on it? Therefore, regardless of the three dimensions of informants and recipients of information and information in the media, examines the concept of information in general And the research has reached the rules and concepts related to media action by enumerating nine general titles in the verses Then, with explanatory analysis and the conformity of the legal articles with them, show how to resolve potential conflicts between laws and conflict of issues

    Production et utilisation des informations comptables dans les entreprises familiales au Cameroun

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    L’importance accordée par la littérature aux informations comptables n’est pas la même lorsqu’on fait une observation empirique. Ce constat nous a amené à réfléchir sur cette contradiction, l’objectif étant de voir l’importance accordée aux informations comptables dans les entreprises familiales camerounaises. Une enquête auprès de 61 entreprises familiales camerounaises nous a permis d’avoir, grâce au tri à plat, les résultats selon lesquels les entreprises familiales camerounaises respectent les normes et principes comptables en vigueur, et puis qu’elles produisent les informations comptables principalement pour satisfaire l’autorité fiscale. Nous avons également, grâce à la régression logistique, obtenu le résultat selon lequel, les caractéristiques propres aux dirigeants et à l’entreprise influent sur la production et l’utilisation des informations comptables

    Transcriptional profiling of the leaves of near-isogenic rice lines with contrasting drought tolerance at the reproductive stage in response to water deficit

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    Different genes involved in ABA and calcium signaling in leaf tissue of rice NILs and the parent IR64 under different water-deficit treatments. 1: up-regulated; -1: down-regulated; blank: no change in expression; 10: IR77298-14-1-2-B tolerant NIL, i.e., IR77298-14-1-2-B-10; 13: IR77298-14-1-2-B susceptible NIL, i.e., IR77298-14-1-2-B-13; 18: IR77298-5-6-B tolerant NIL, i.e., IR77298-5-6-B-18; 11: IR77298-5-6-B susceptible NIL, i.e., IR77298-5-6-B-11; 0.2 and 0.5 FTSW are severe and mild water-deficit treatments (XLSX 46 kb
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