248 research outputs found

    La plus-value des loisirs des Ă©ducateurs sociaux et des Ă©ducatrices sociales en milieu institutionnel

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    Dans ce travail, nous abordons la question des loisirs en institution et la fonction qu’ils peuvent avoir auprĂšs des Ă©ducateurs sociaux et Ă©ducatrices sociales ainsi qu’auprĂšs des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires. Ayant chacune eu l’occasion de pratiquer notre loisir en institution, c’est suite Ă  notre premiĂšre formation pratique que le thĂšme de notre recherche est nĂ©. Nous nous sommes questionnĂ©es quant Ă  la potentielle plus-­‐value du partage des passions amenĂ©es par les professionnel·le·s en institution sociale. Nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© de dĂ©velopper dans la premiĂšre partie du travail quatre concepts en lien avec notre question de recherche : les loisirs, la crĂ©ativitĂ© et l’expression, la motivation et l’apprentissage social. Lors de nos analyses, nous avons mis en lumiĂšre les propos des professionnel·le·s, recueillis lors de nos entretiens sur le sujet, en y alliant les thĂ©ories dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans les concepts. Au terme de notre recherche, notre travail dĂ©montre que le fait d’utiliser son loisir ou sa passion dans l’action Ă©ducative peut apporter diffĂ©rents bienfaits autant pour les professionnel·le·s que pour les bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires (motivation, crĂ©ation de lien, compĂ©tences supplĂ©mentaires etc.). Nous concluons ce travail en exposant nos rĂ©sultats, en dĂ©crivant notre processus et notre dĂ©marche de recherche ainsi qu’en proposant certaines pistes d’action

    Letter to the editor: healthy alternatives to trans fats

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    Consumption of trans fats is associated with an increase of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. To comply with regulatory policies and public health authorities recommendations, trans fats should be replaced in food products. The study by Sundram et al. (Nutrition & Metabolism 2007, 4:3) reporting the effect on CVD risk factors of interesterified fat (IE) and partially hydrogenated soybean oil (PHSO) compared to palm olein (POL) has been critically analyzed. The study design and in particular the composition of the tested fats was not suitable to properly answer the question raised regarding the effect of alternative ingredients to trans fats on plasma lipids. The observed effects are divergent with predicted data derived from the literature model consolidated using the individual results of 60 randomized clinical trials. The results of the study published by Sundram and co-workers have to be considered with awareness

    A three-dimensional experimental investigation of the structure of the spanwise vortex formed by a shallow vortex dipole

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    The three-dimensional dynamics of shallow vortex dipoles is investigated by means of an innovative 3D-3C (three dimensions, three components) scanning PIV technique. In particular, the three-dimensional structure of a frontal spanwise vortex is characterized. The technique also allows the computation of the pressure field, which is not available using standard 2D PIV measurement. The influence of such complex vortex structures on the mass transport is discussed in light of the available pressure field

    A three-dimensional experimental investigation of the structure of the spanwise vortex generated by a shallow vortex dipole

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    The three-dimensional dynamics of shallow vortex dipoles is investigated by means of an innovative three-dimensional, three-component (3D-3C) scanning PIV technique. In particular, the three-dimensional structure of a frontal spanwise vortex is characterized. The technique allows the computation of the three-dimensional pressure field and the planar (x, y) distribution of the wall shear stress, which are not available using standard 2D PIV measurements. The influence of such a complex vortex structure on mass transport is discussed in the context of the available pressure and wall shear stress fields

    Transitions - Note 7

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    Note complÚte ; Résumé ; Capsule: Travailler pendant les études: la normalité scolaire

    Safety of supplementing infant formula with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and Bifidobacterium lactis in term infants: a randomised controlled trial

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    Probiotics and long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) may be beneficial supplements for infants who are not breast-fed. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the safety of an infant formula containing the LC-PUFA DHA and arachidonic acid (AA) and the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis by comparing the growth rate of infants fed the supplemented and unsupplemented formulas. One hundred and forty-two healthy, term infants were enrolled in a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, controlled, parallel-group trial, and allocated to receive either standard or probiotic and LC-PUFA-containing experimental formulas. The infants were fed with their assigned formulas for 7months. The primary outcome (weight gain) and the secondary outcomes (length, head circumference and formula tolerance) were measured throughout the study. LC-PUFA status was assessed at 4 months of age and immune response to childhood vaccines was measured at 7months of age. There was no significant difference in growth between the two groups. The 90% CI for the difference in mean weight gain was −0·08, 3·1g in the intention-to-treat population and 0·1-3·8g in the per protocol population, which lay within the predefined boundaries of equivalence, −3·9-3·9. There were no significant differences in mean length and head circumference. DHA and AA concentrations were higher in infants in the experimental formula group compared with the control formula group. No influence of the supplements on the response to vaccines was observed. Growth characteristics of term infants fed the starter formula containing a probiotic and LC-PUFA were similar to standard formula-fed infant

    Cannabis, a Significant Risk Factor for Violent Behavior in the Early Phase Psychosis. Two Patterns of Interaction of Factors Increase the Risk of Violent Behavior: Cannabis Use Disorder and Impulsivity; Cannabis Use Disorder, Lack of Insight and Treatment Adherence.

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    <b>Background:</b> Previous literature suggests that prevalence of cannabis use in the early phase of psychosis is high, and that early psychosis patients are at high-risk for violent behavior. However, the link between cannabis use and violent behavior in early psychosis patients is unclear. We carried out a study on a sample of early psychosis patients, in order to explore the impact of cannabis use on the risk of violent behavior (VB), while taking into account (1) potential confounding factors and, (2) interactions with other dynamic risk factors of VB. <b>Method:</b> In a sample of 265 early psychosis patients, treated at the Treatment and Early Intervention in Psychosis Program (TIPP) in Lausanne, we used logistic regression models to explore the link between various dynamic risk factors of VB [positive symptoms, substance use disorder (drugs including cannabis, alcohol and others drugs), insight, impulsivity, affective instability, and treatment adherence], and VB occurring during treatment. In order to understand hierarchical effects attributable to the combinations of risk factors on VB we conducted a Classification and Regression Tree (CART). <b>Results:</b> Our results show that cannabis use disorder is a risk factor for VB. The associations among risk factors suggest the presence of two patient profiles with an increased rate of VB: the first is composed of patients with cannabis use disorder and impulsivity, and the second of patients combining cannabis use disorder, absence of insight and non-adherence to treatment. The results also show the moderating role of insight and adherence to treatment on the rate of VB in patients with cannabis use disorder. <b>Conclusion:</b> This study suggests that cannabis use disorder is a significant risk factor for VB amongst early psychosis patients, particularly when combined with either impulsivity, lack of insight and non-adherence to treatment. These results suggest that preventive strategies could be developed on the basis of such patient profiles

    Towards a multidimensional assessment grid of smallholders' oil palm plantations: a preliminary proposal from SPOP Project

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    International audienceThis contribution is an intermediate product of the ANR 1 research project, SPOP (Sustainable Palm Oil Production). SPOP project aims at providing scientific knowledge on the diverse oil palm cropping systems in Indonesia and Cameroon, and on their social, economic and environmental impacts. This knowledge should help identify best practices, adaptation strategies, and improvement needs towards sustainability. At this stage of the research programme, we first aimed to present the applied methodology and analyse its relevancy in light of the first field data collection
