7,189 research outputs found

    Decreasing Serial Cost Sharing: an Axiomatic Characterization

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    The increasing serial cost sharing rule of Moulin and Shenker [Econometrica 60 (1992) 1009] and the decreasing serial rule of de Frutos [Journal of Economic Theory 79 (1998) 245] have attracted attention due to their intuitive appeal and striking incentive properties. An axiomatic characterization of the increasing serial rule was provided by Moulin and Shenker [Journal of Economic Theory 64 (1994) 178]. This paper gives an axiomatic characterization of the decreasing serial rule.serial cost sharing; cost allocation; axiomatic characterization

    The Shapley value for airport and irrigation games

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    In this paper cost sharing problems are considered. We focus on problems given by rooted trees, we call these problems cost-tree problems, and on the induced transferable utility cooperative games, called irrigation games. A formal notion of irrigation games is introduced, and the characterization of the class of these games is provided. The well-known class of airport games Littlechild and Thompson (1977) is a subclass of irrigation games. The Shapley value Shapley (1953) is probably the most popular solution concept for transferable utility cooperative games. Dubey (1982) and Moulin and Shenker (1992) show respectively, that Shapley's Shapley (1953) and Young (1985)'s axiomatizations of the Shapley value are valid on the class of airport games. In this paper we show that Dubey (1982)'s and Moulin and Shenker (1992)'s results can be proved by applying Shapley (1953)'s and Young (1985)'s proofs, that is those results are direct consequences of Shapley (1953)'s and Young (1985)'s results. Furthermore, we extend Dubey (1982)'s and Moulin and Shenker (1992)'s results to the class of irrigation games, that is we provide two characterizations of the Shapley value for cost sharing problems given by rooted trees. We also note that for irrigation games the Shapley value is always stable, that is it is always in the core Gillies (1959)

    Work, consumption and subjectivity in postwar France: Moulinex and the meanings of domestic appliances, 1950s-1970s

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    This article responds to some of the limitations of the historiography of consumption in contemporary Europe, notably its tendency to divorce consumer culture from production and to subscribe, in some cases at least, to a rather schematic model of ‘consumer society’. Focusing on the Moulinex domestic appliance company which developed in Normandy from the late 1950s, it explores the interpenetration of cultures of production at several levels. It considers the role of Moulinex in making domestic appliances available to the mass market, the place of productivism in the Moulinex brand and the place of appliance consumption in company culture, before reflecting on the workers’ perspective on this culture and the meanings they ascribed to the appliances they acquired through the company

    Grand’Rivière – Habitation Fond Moulin

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    L’opération de suivi archéologique s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux de conservation et de mise en valeur réalisés sur l’habitation Fond Moulin par le Conservatoire du littoral de la Martinique, entre le diagnostic de 2010 et la fin du suivi archéologique en 2012 (fig. 1 et 2). Fig. 1 – Localisation des interventions DAO : J. Cazassus-Bérard, 2012 (JCB Lyannaj), d’après Mestre 2011. Fig. 2 – L’Habitation Fond Moulin en novembre 2012 Cliché : J. Cazassus-Bérard (JCB Lyannaj). Documentation..

    Locating current sheets in the solar corona

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    Current sheets are essential for energy dissipation in the solar corona, in particular by enabling magnetic reconnection. Unfortunately, sufficiently thin current sheets cannot be resolved observationally and the theory of their formation is an unresolved issue as well. We consider two predictors of coronal current concentrations, both based on geometrical or even topological properties of a force free coronal magnetic field. First, there are separatrices related to magnetic nulls. Through separatrices the magnetic connectivity changes discontinuously. Coronal magnetic nulls are, however, very rare. At second, inspired by the concept of generalized magnetic reconnection without nulls, quasi-separatrix layers (QSL) were suggested. Through QSL the magnetic connectivity changes continuously, though strongly. The strength of the connectivity change can be quantified by measuring the squashing of the flux tubes which connect the magnetically conjugated photospheres. We verify the QSL and separatrix concepts by comparing the sites of magnetic nulls and enhanced squashing with the location of current concentrations in the corona. Due to the known difficulties of their direct observation we simulated the coronal current sheets by numerically calculating the response of the corona to energy input from the photosphere heating a simultaneously observed EUV Bright Point. We did not find coronal current sheets not at the separatrices but at several QSL locations. The reason is that although the geometrical properties of force free extrapolated magnetic fields can indeed, hint at possible current concentrations, a necessary condition for current sheet formation is the local energy input into the corona


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    International audienceLa pollution par l'ozone affecte régulièrement les Alpes-Maritimes entre avril et septembre chaque année. Ces épisodes dits photochimiques sont des périodes pendant lesquelles les concentrations d'ozone sont nettement supérieures au niveau de fond de ce polluant secondaire dans la troposphère. Entre 1998 et 2009 l'ensemble des épisodes ont été recensés dans le département afin de caractériser l'évolution des concentrations de l'ozone au fil des jours de J-1 à J+i (i étant le dernier jour de pollution par l'ozone). Il semblerait que le comportement de l'ozone jour après jour soit plus commandé par l'évolution de certaines variables météorologiques à macro-échelle plutôt que par les variations météorologiques à fine échelle. Par ailleurs, sur cet échantillon de 12 saisons photochimiques, une tendance à la diminution de l'intensité des pics d'ozone s'observe ; cette évolution pourrait être liée à la baisse des émissions de polluants primaires. Mots-clés : échelles temporelles, évolutions des concentrations d'ozone, normes européennes d'émission Euro Abstract: Temporal evolution of ozone concentrations during photochemical episodes in the Alpes-Maritimes The ozone pollution regularly affects the Alpes-Maritimes department in France every year between April and September. These episodes called photochemical episodes are periods during which the ozone concentrations are clearly superior to the background ozone concentrations in the troposphere. Between 1998 and 2009, all of these episodes were registered in the department in order to characterize the ozone concentrations evolution during the course of the days from J-1 through to J+i (i being the last day of ozone pollution). The day after day ozone evolution seems to be related to the macro-scale evolution of certain meteorological variables rather than to the fine scale weather variations. Moreover, a downward trend in the ozone peaks' intensity was observed using this 12-photochemical season sample; this evolution could be linked to the decrease in primary pollutant emissions

    The reverse self-dual serial cost-sharing rule

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    In this study we define a cost sharing rule for cost sharing problems. This rule is related to the serial cost-sharing rule defined by Moulin and Shenker (1992). We give some formulas and axiomatic characterizations for the new rule. The axiomatic characterizations are related to some previous ones provided by Moulin and Shenker (1994) and Albizuri (2010)

    Un espace de mouture artisanale à Pech Maho (Sigean, Aude) à la fin du IIIe s. av. J.-C.

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    International audienceThe research on the oppidum of Pech Maho in Sigean (Aude, France) mainly documented the recent phase of the site (end of the 4th - end of the 3rd century BC). This is particularly the case of the southern district or Sector I, built against the rampart, which includes several buildings housing a number of economic activities, including storage and metal work. The re-examination of the former excavation data relating to one of the houses in this district, hitherto interpreted as a trader’s or craftsman’s residence, today calls for a new interpretation. The attribution of a large grindstone discovered in this context to a crafting device indeed reflects a grinding activity exceeding the needs of a simple household. Taken with the rest of the finds, in particular the pottery, it suggests a specialized area, associating milling with large storage and redistribution capacities. Finally, the intense use of Iberian writing can be linked here to book-keeping and, more generally, with the economic purpose of this building. The degree of specialization of the latter refers more generally to the operating mode and the internal organization of this site and its commercial purpose, characterized by the omnipresence of the exchange and production activities, some clearly controlled by the representatives of a local authority.Les recherches menées sur l’oppidum de Pech Maho à Sigean (Aude, France) ont principalement documenté la phase récente du site (fin ive-fin iiie s. av. J.-C.). C’est en particulier le cas du quartier méridional ou îlot I, adossé au rempart, qui comporte alors plusieurs bâtiments abritant un certain nombre de fonctions économiques, entre stockage et travail du métal. Le réexamen des données de fouille anciennes concernant l’une des maisons de ce quartier, interprétée jusque là comme une probable résidence de marchand ou d’artisan, invite aujourd’hui à en proposer une nouvelle lecture. L’attribution à un dispositif artisanal d’une meule de dimensions importantes mise au jour dans ce contexte témoigne en effet d’une activité de mouture dépassant les besoins d’une simple maisonnée. La confrontation avec le reste du mobilier, notamment céramique, évoque ainsi un espace spécialisé associant la mouture à d’importantes capacités de stockage et de redistribution. Enfin, l’emploi intense de l’écriture ibérique doit ici être mis en relation avec la tenue de comptes et, plus généralement, avec la vocation économique de ce bâtiment. Le degré de spécialisation de ce dernier renvoie de manière plus générale au mode de fonctionnement et à l’organisation interne de ce site à vocation emporique, caractérisé par l’omniprésence des activités d’échange et de production, pour certaines manifestement contrôlées par les représentants d’un pouvoir local
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