67 research outputs found

    Images of Revolution: An American Photographer in Petrograd, 1917

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    Images of Revolution: An American Photographer in Petrograd, 1917Β </jats:p

    Detection of weak gravitational lensing distortions of distant galaxies by cosmic dark matter at large scales

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    Most of the matter in the universe is not luminous and can be observed directly only through its gravitational effect. An emerging technique called weak gravitational lensing uses background galaxies to reveal the foreground dark matter distribution on large scales. Light from very distant galaxies travels to us through many intervening overdensities which gravitationally distort their apparent shapes. The observed ellipticity pattern of these distant galaxies thus encodes information about the large-scale structure of the universe, but attempts to measure this effect have been inconclusive due to systematic errors. We report the first detection of this ``cosmic shear'' using 145,000 background galaxies to reveal the dark matter distribution on angular scales up to half a degree in three separate lines of sight. The observed angular dependence of this effect is consistent with that predicted by two leading cosmological models, providing new and independent support for these models.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures: To appear in Nature. (This replacement fixes tex errors and typos.

    WFPC2 Observations of the Cooling Flow Elliptical in Abell 1795

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    We present WFPC2 images of the core of the cooling flow cD galaxy in Abell 1795. An irregular, asymmetric dust lane extends 7 \h75 kpc in projection to the north-northwest. The dust shares the morphology observed in the HΞ±\alpha and excess UV emission. We see both diffuse and knotty blue emission around the dust lane, especially at the ends. The dust and emission features lie on the edge of the radio lobes, suggesting star formation induced by the radio source or the deflection of the radio jets off of pre-existing dust and gas. We measure an apparent RV_V significantly less than 3.1, implying that the extinction law is not Galactic in the dust lane, or the presence of line emission which is proportional to the extinction. The dust mass is at least 2Γ—105h75βˆ’2\times10^{5} h_{75}^{-2} M\solar\ and is more likely to be 6.5Γ—105h75βˆ’2\times10^{5} h_{75}^{-2} M\solar.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, Figure 4 included, Postscript Figs. 1-3 available at ftp://astro.nmsu.edu/pub/JASON/A1795/, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    WFPC2 Observations of Compact Star Cluster Nuclei in Low Luminosity Spiral Galaxies

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    We have used the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 aboard the Hubble Space Telescope to image the compact star cluster nuclei of the nearby, late-type, low-luminosity spiral galaxies NGC 4395, NGC 4242, and ESO 359-029. We also analyze archival WFPC2 observations of the compact star cluster nucleus of M33. A comparative analysis of the structural and photometric properties of these four nuclei is presented. All of the nuclei are very compact, with luminosity densities increasing at small radii to the resolution limit of our data. NGC 4395 contains a Seyfert 1 nucleus with a distinct bipolar structure and bright associated filaments which are likely due to [OIII] emission. The M33 nucleus has a complex structure, with elongated isophotes and possible signatures of weak activity, including a jet-like component. The other two nuclei are not known to be active, but share similar physical size scales and luminosities to the M33 and NGC 4395 nuclei. The circumnuclear environments of all four of our program galaxies are extremely diffuse, have only low-to-moderate star formation, and appear to be devoid of large quantities of dust. The central gravitational potentials of the galaxies are also quite shallow, making the origin of these types of `naked' nuclei problematic.Comment: to appear in the July 1999 Astronomical Journal; 38 pages (Latex), 5 tables (postscript), 21 figures (gif); postscript versions of the figures may be obtained via anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.cv.nrao.edu/NRAO-staff/lmatthew/lanl-nucle

    Deep HST Observations of Star Clusters in NGC 1275

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    We present an analysis of compact star clusters in deep HST/WFPC2 images of NGC 1275. B and R band photometry of roughly 3000 clusters shows a bimodality in the B-R colors, suggesting that distinct old and young cluster populations are present. The small spread in the colors of the blue clusters is consistent with the hypothesis that they are a single age population, with an inferred age of 0.1 to 1 Gyr. The luminosity function shows increasing numbers of blue clusters to the limit of our photometry, which reaches several magnitudes past the turnover predicted if the cluster population were identical to current Galactic globulars seen at a younger age. The blue clusters have a spatial distribution which is more centrally peaked than that of the red clusters. The individual clusters are slightly resolved, with core radii <~ 0.75 pc if they have modified Hubble profiles. We estimate the specific frequencies of the old and young populations and discuss the uncertainties in these estimates. We find that the specific frequency of the young population in NGC 1275 is currently larger than that of the old population and will remain so as the young population evolves, even if the majority of the low mass clusters are eventually destroyed. If the young population formed during a previous merger, this suggests that mergers can increase the specific frequency of globulars in a galaxy. However, the presently observed young population likely contains too few clusters to have a significant impact on the overall specific frequency as it will be observed in the future.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, to be published in the Astronomical Journa

    PKQuest: a general physiologically based pharmacokinetic model. Introduction and application to propranolol

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    BACKGROUND: A "physiologically based pharmacokinetic" (PBPK) approach uses a realistic model of the animal to describe the pharmacokinetics. Previous PBPKs have been designed for specific solutes, required specification of a large number of parameters and have not been designed for general use. METHODS: This new PBPK program (PKQuest) includes a "Standardhuman" and "Standardrat" data set so that the user input is minimized. It has a simple user interface, graphical output and many new features: 1) An option that uses the measured plasma concentrations to solve for the time course of the gastrointestinal, intramuscular, intraperotineal or skin absorption and systemic availability of a drug – for a general non-linear system. 2) Capillary permeability limitation defined in terms of the permeability-surface area products. 4) Saturable plasma and tissue protein binding. 5) A lung model that includes perfusion-ventilation mismatch. 6) A general optimization routine using either a global (simulated annealing) or local (Powell) minimization applicable to all model parameters. RESULTS: PKQuest was applied to measurements of human propranolol pharmacokinetics and intestinal absorption. A meal has two effects: 1) increases portal blood flow by 50%; and 2) decreases liver metabolism by 20%. There is a significant delay in the oval propranolol absorption in fasting subjects that is absent in fed subjects. The oral absorption of the long acting form of propranolol continues for a period of more than 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: PKQuest provides a new general purpose, easy to use, freely distributed and physiologically rigorous PBPK software routine

    Aerosols Transmit Prions to Immunocompetent and Immunodeficient Mice

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    Prions, the agents causing transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, colonize the brain of hosts after oral, parenteral, intralingual, or even transdermal uptake. However, prions are not generally considered to be airborne. Here we report that inbred and crossbred wild-type mice, as well as tga20 transgenic mice overexpressing PrPC, efficiently develop scrapie upon exposure to aerosolized prions. NSE-PrP transgenic mice, which express PrPC selectively in neurons, were also susceptible to airborne prions. Aerogenic infection occurred also in mice lacking B- and T-lymphocytes, NK-cells, follicular dendritic cells or complement components. Brains of diseased mice contained PrPSc and transmitted scrapie when inoculated into further mice. We conclude that aerogenic exposure to prions is very efficacious and can lead to direct invasion of neural pathways without an obligatory replicative phase in lymphoid organs. This previously unappreciated risk for airborne prion transmission may warrant re-thinking on prion biosafety guidelines in research and diagnostic laboratories

    Collagen-Like Proteins in Pathogenic E. coli Strains

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    The genome sequences of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 strains show multiple open-reading frames with collagen-like sequences that are absent from the common laboratory strain K-12. These putative collagens are included in prophages embedded in O157:H7 genomes. These prophages carry numerous genes related to strain virulence and have been shown to be inducible and capable of disseminating virulence factors by horizontal gene transfer. We have cloned two collagen-like proteins from E. coli O157:H7 into a laboratory strain and analysed the structure and conformation of the recombinant proteins and several of their constituting domains by a variety of spectroscopic, biophysical, and electron microscopy techniques. We show that these molecules exhibit many of the characteristics of vertebrate collagens, including trimer formation and the presence of a collagen triple helical domain. They also contain a C-terminal trimerization domain, and a trimeric Ξ±-helical coiled-coil domain with an unusual amino acid sequence almost completely lacking leucine, valine or isoleucine residues. Intriguingly, these molecules show high thermal stability, with the collagen domain being more stable than those of vertebrate fibrillar collagens, which are much longer and post-translationally modified. Under the electron microscope, collagen-like proteins from E. coli O157:H7 show a dumbbell shape, with two globular domains joined by a hinged stalk. This morphology is consistent with their likely role as trimeric phage side-tail proteins that participate in the attachment of phage particles to E. coli target cells, either directly or through assembly with other phage tail proteins. Thus, collagen-like proteins in enterohaemorrhagic E. coli genomes may have a direct role in the dissemination of virulence-related genes through infection of harmless strains by induced bacteriophages

    Contrast-aware halftoning

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    This paper proposes two variants of a simple but efficient algorithm for structure-preserving halftoning. Our algorithm extends Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion; the goal of our extension is not only to produce good tone similarity but also to preserve structure and especially contrast, motivated by our intuition that human perception is sensitive to contrast. By enhancing contrast we attempt to preserve and enhance structure also. Our basic algorithm employs an adaptive, contrast-aware mask. To enhance contrast, darker pixels should be more likely to be chosen as black pixels while lighter pixels should be more likely to be set as white. Therefore, when the positive error is diffused to nearby pixels in a mask, the dark pixels absorb less error and the light pixels absorb more. Conversely, negative error is distributed preferentially to dark pixels. We also propose using a mask with values that drop off steeply from the centre, intended to promote good spatial distribution. It is a very fast method whose speed mainly depends on the size of the mask. But this method suffers from distracting patterns. We then propose a variant on the basic idea which overcomes the first algorithm's shortcomings while maintaining its advantages through a priority-aware scheme. Rather than proceeding in random or raster order, we sort the image first; each pixel is assigned a priority based on its up-to-date distance to black or to white, and pixels with extreme intensities are processed earlier. Since we use the same mask strategy as before, we promote good spatial distribution and high contrast. We use tone similarity, structure similarity, and contrast similarity to validate our algorithm. Comparisons with recent structure-aware algorithms show that our method gives better results without sacrificing speed
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