5 research outputs found

    Dédifférenciation des cellules épithéliales mammaires primaires en culture : un modèle ex vivo de la plasticité du tissu mammaire

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    Dédifférenciation des cellules épithéliales mammaires primaires en culture : un modèle ex vivo de la plasticité du tissu mammaire. Journées d’Animation des Crédits Incitatifs du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage (JACI Phase 2016

    La biopsia minima dei noduli mammari in fase preclinica

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    In conjuction with ultrasonography, mammography is the most common instrumental method used in the screening program of subclinical breast lesions. The Authors present their method of preoperative localization and minimal biopsy of subclinical breast lesions. According to our experience, the most efficient technique is founded on marking the suspected area, guided by mammography, with vegetal coal, that remain 'in situ' about 2 weeks. We have performed this procedure in 40 cases. A diagnosis positive for carcinoma was made in 9 cases. Hospitalization of the patients is not necessary: in fact marked lesion is excised under local anaesthesia and the whole operation takes about 30 minutes. Complications have been negligible. The aesthetic result is agreeable and the patients acceptance of a minimal biopsy is good

    Memorial acadêmico para Professor Titular

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    No cumprimento do requisito parcial para obtenção do título de Professora Titular do Departamento de Teoria e Prática da Educação da UFPR, elaboro este Memorial Descritivo para que seja julgado por banca de professores titulares, cujos nomes e currículos foram aprovados no âmbito de meu Departamento e Setor. Percorrer novamente a trajetória construída na vida acadêmica, agora de um gole só para alcançar o termo da narrativa, identificando o fluxo do “sangue quando fervia” e selecionar alguns elementos fractais que logrem expressar o paradigma político-epistemológico-afetivo ao qual me vinculo é uma viagem emocionante, que encanta e dói, veste e desnuda

    A national survey on the current status of minimally invasive gastric practice on behalf of GIRCG

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    : Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer (GIRCG), during the 2013 annual Consensus Conference to gastric cancer, stated that laparoscopic or robotic approach should be limited only to early gastric cancer (EGC) and no further guidelines were currently available. However, accumulated evidences, mainly from eastern experiences, have supported the application of minimally invasive surgery also for locally advanced gastric cancer (AGC). The aim of our study is to give a snapshot of current surgical propensity of expert Italian upper gastrointestinal surgeons in performing minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of gastric cancer in order to answer to the question if clinical practice overcome the recommendation. Experts in the field among the Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer (GIRCG) were invited to join a web 30-item survey through a formal e-mail from January 1st, 2020, to June 31st, 2020. Responses were collected from 46 participants out of 100 upper gastrointestinal surgeons. Percentage of surgeons choosing a minimally invasive approach to treat early and advanced gastric cancer was similar. Additionally analyzing data from the centers involved, we obtained that the percentage of minimally invasive total and partial gastrectomies in advanced cases augmented with the increase of surgical procedures performed per year (p = 0.02 and p = 0.04 respectively). It is reasonable to assume that there is a widening of indications given by the current national guideline into clinical practice. Propensity of expert Italian upper gastrointestinal surgeons was to perform minimally invasive surgery not only for early but also for advanced gastric cancer. Of interest volume activity correlated with the propensity of surgeons to select a minimally invasive approach