731 research outputs found

    (Non)Invariance of dynamical quantities for orbit equivalent flows

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    We study how dynamical quantities such as Lyapunov exponents, metric entropy, topological pressure, recurrence rates, and dimension-like characteristics change under a time reparameterization of a dynamical system. These quantities are shown to either remain invariant, transform according to a multiplicative factor or transform through a convoluted dependence that may take the form of an integral over the initial local values. We discuss the significance of these results for the apparent non-invariance of chaos in general relativity and explore applications to the synchronization of equilibrium states and the elimination of expansions

    Optimization in Networks

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    The recent surge in the network modeling of complex systems has set the stage for a new era in the study of fundamental and applied aspects of optimization in collective behavior. This Focus Issue presents an extended view of the state of the art in this field and includes articles from a large variety of domains where optimization manifests itself, including physical, biological, social, and technological networked systems.Comment: Opening article of the CHAOS Focus Issue "Optimization in Networks", available at http://link.aip.org/link/?CHA/17/2/htmlto

    Cascade control and defense in complex networks

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    Complex networks with heterogeneous distribution of loads may undergo a global cascade of overload failures when highly loaded nodes or edges are removed due to attacks or failures. Since a small attack or failure has the potential to trigger a global cascade, a fundamental question regards the possible strategies of defense to prevent the cascade from propagating through the entire network. Here we introduce and investigate a costless strategy of defense based on a selective further removal of nodes and edges, right after the initial attack or failure. This intentional removal of network elements is shown to drastically reduce the size of the cascade.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revte

    The effects of oral contraceptives on mood and affect: a meta-analysis

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    Combined oral contraceptive (COC) pills are widely used by women of reproductive age, but there is still little conclusive evidence that exists about the mood-related side effects associated with their use. This meta-analysis examined the relationship between oral contraceptive use and mood effects such as depression and anxiety to determine what role, if any, that COCs may have in the worsening or improvement of women’s mood when taking them. Effect sizes compared the differences in women’s mood scores before taking COCs and after one or more cycles of use. Seventeen studies made up of 25 individual samples contributed 71 effect sizes for this analysis. The results suggest that COCs tend to contribute to a small but significant improvement in women’s overall moods. However, methodological challenges and inconsistencies make it difficult for researchers to establish any firm conclusions about the role COCs play in mood changes

    Washington, D. C

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    CO2 Based Parachute Deployment

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    This paper describes the design process of a CO2 based parachute deployment system for the Akronauts Rocket Design team, with particular emphasis on the selection of methodologies of deployment as well as design iteration. The objective was to create a fully mechanical system in order to replace the black powder based systems that were used previously by the team. Emphasis was put in creating a system that would function well at higher altitudes while also preventing damage to the parachute during deployment. This system emphasizes robustness under launch conditions

    Cusp-scaling behavior in fractal dimension of chaotic scattering

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    A topological bifurcation in chaotic scattering is characterized by a sudden change in the topology of the infinite set of unstable periodic orbits embedded in the underlying chaotic invariant set. We uncover a scaling law for the fractal dimension of the chaotic set for such a bifurcation. Our analysis and numerical computations in both two- and three-degrees-of-freedom systems suggest a striking feature associated with these subtle bifurcations: the dimension typically exhibits a sharp, cusplike local minimum at the bifurcation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revte

    Ensemble averageability in network spectra

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    The extreme eigenvalues of connectivity matrices govern the influence of the network structure on a number of network dynamical processes. A fundamental open question is whether the eigenvalues of large networks are well represented by ensemble averages. Here we investigate this question explicitly and validate the concept of ensemble averageability in random scale-free networks by showing that the ensemble distributions of extreme eigenvalues converge to peaked distributions as the system size increases. We discuss the significance of this result using synchronization and epidemic spreading as example processes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Network synchronization: Spectral versus statistical properties

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    We consider synchronization of weighted networks, possibly with asymmetrical connections. We show that the synchronizability of the networks cannot be directly inferred from their statistical properties. Small local changes in the network structure can sensitively affect the eigenvalues relevant for synchronization, while the gross statistical network properties remain essentially unchanged. Consequently, commonly used statistical properties, including the degree distribution, degree homogeneity, average degree, average distance, degree correlation, and clustering coefficient, can fail to characterize the synchronizability of networks
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