48 research outputs found

    Envelope structure of deeply embedded young stellar objects in the Serpens Molecular Cloud

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    Aperture synthesis and single-dish (sub) millimeter molecular lines and continuum observations reveal in great detail the envelope structure of deeply embedded young stellar objects (SMM1, SMM2, SMM3, SMM4) in the densely star-forming Serpens Molecular Cloud. Resolved millimeter continuum emission constrains the density structure to a radial power law with index -2.0 +/- 0.5, and envelope masses of 8.7, 3.0, and 5.3 M_sol for SMM1, SMM3, and SMM4. The core SMM2 does not seem to have a central condensation and may not have formed a star yet. The molecular line observations can be described by the same envelope model, if an additional, small amount of warm (100 K) material is included. This probably corresponds to the inner few hundred AU of the envelope were the temperature is high. In the interferometer beam, the molecular lines reveal the inner regions of the envelopes, as well as interaction of the outflow with the surrounding envelope. Bright HCO+ and HCN emission outlines the cavities, while SiO and SO trace the direct impact of the outflow on ambient gas. Taken together, these observations provide a first comprehensive view of the physical and chemical structure of the envelopes of deeply embedded young stellar objects in a clustered environment on scales between 1000 and 10,000 AU.Comment: 46 pages, incl. 12 postscript figures, uses ApJ latex and psfig macro

    Ices in the edge-on disk CRBR 2422.8-3423: Spitzer spectroscopy and Monte Carlo radiative transfer modeling

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    We present 5.2-37.2 micron spectroscopy of the edge-on circumstellar disk CRBR 2422.8-3423 obtained using the InfraRed Spectrograph (IRS) of the Spitzer Space Telescope. The IRS spectrum is combined with ground-based 3-5 micron spectroscopy to obtain a complete inventory of solid state material present along the line of sight toward the source. We model the object with a 2D axisymmetric (effectively 3D) Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. It is found that the model disk, assuming a standard flaring structure, is too warm to contain the very large observed column density of pure CO ice, but is possibly responsible for up to 50% of the water, CO2 and minor ice species. In particular the 6.85 micron band, tentatively due to NH4+, exhibits a prominent red wing, indicating a significant contribution from warm ice in the disk. It is argued that the pure CO ice is located in the dense core Oph-F in front of the source seen in the submillimeter imaging, with the CO gas in the core highly depleted. The model is used to predict which circumstances are most favourable for direct observations of ices in edge-on circumstellar disks. Ice bands will in general be deepest for inclinations similar to the disk opening angle, i.e. ~70 degrees. Due to the high optical depths of typical disk mid-planes, ice absorption bands will often probe warmer ice located in the upper layers of nearly edge-on disks. The ratios between different ice bands are found to vary by up to an order of magnitude depending on disk inclination due to radiative transfer effects caused by the 2D structure of the disk. Ratios between ice bands of the same species can therefore be used to constrain the location of the ices in a circumstellar disk. [Abstract abridged]Comment: 49 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Dolomitization characterization of a carbonate platform in the hyper-extended and inverted salt margin context : Example of the West Pyrenean Jurassic carbonate platform

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    Affleurant sur le versant nord des Pyrénées, la plate-forme carbonatée jurassique ouest-pyrénéenne constitue un laboratoire d’étude unique dans la caractérisation de la dolomitisation. Avec une évolution géodynamique à l’interface entre marge et chaine, ainsi que la présence de l’ensemble du système carbonate ́à l’affleurement, l’étude de cette zone permet d’appréhender les paramètres cruciaux de la dolomitisation et ainsi déterminer quels contextes géodynamiques et sédimentaires s’avèrent propices. La combinaison d’observations de terrain, d’analyses pet́ rographiques, isotopiques et microthermomet́riques sur inclusionsfluides couplée à la datation U-Pb a permis de déterminer les conditions de la dolomitisation de différentes localités de ce système carbonaté dans les Chaînons Béarnais et le Pays basque.Dans les Formations de Mano (Tithonien) et de Meillon (Batho-Callovo-Oxfordien) du Mail Arrouy, la dolomitisation se fait en plusieurs étapes du Néocomien (anté-rift) à l’Albien (syn-rift associe ́ à un hyperamincissement crustal et une exhumation mantellique, accompagné d’une tectonique gravitaire). Dans un premier temps, ces formations ont éte ́ affectées par une dolomitisation massive en domaine peu profond à émergent, liée à l’influx d’eau de mer durant la période d’émersion puis de ré-ennoiement de la plate-forme au Néocomien. Du Barreḿ ien a ̀ l’Albien, la remontée de fluides chauds (T > 160°C) à affinité évaporitique provoquée par le rifting, a induit la recristallisation complète à partielle de la Formation de Meillon. La précipitation de ciments dolomitiques a ̀ partir de fluides chauds distincts (a ̀ affinité évaporitique dans le Meillon et générés par la diagenèse argileuse dans le Mano), a suivi dans les deux formations. Une dernière précipitation de dolomies baroques (saddle) à proximité de failles enregistre les fluides les plus chauds (T >260°C), témoignant également d’une contribution crustale, mantellique et évaporitique durant l’Albien. Par la suite, la précipitation de quartz et de calcites enregistre une diminution de la température lors du post-rift et de la compression pyrénéenne. En direction du sud (chaînons du Layens), la dolomitisation est seulement partielle dans la Formation du Meillon. La remontée de fluides chauds durant le rifting a induit une recristallisation partielle de cet affleurement excentré du coeur du rift. La dédolomitisation est également présente, induite par une émersion prolongée jusqu’au rifting, provoquant un influx d’eau météorique.Dans le Pays basque, les Formations de Meillon et de Mano passent latéralement aux faciès distaux des Calcaires à Microfilaments et des Marnes d’Hosta. Dans ces formations, seulement quelques traces de dolomies sont présentes. La calcite est omniprésente durant l’Albien, et remplace partiellement à complètement les dolomites initialement en place. Ainsi, la zone distale de ce système carbonate ́ a également éte ́ affectée par une dolomitisation, pendant ou avant le rifting crétacé. La dolomitisation de cette plate-forme est premièrement contrôlée par l’environnement de dépôt sédimentaire permettant l’influx d’eau de mer générant une dolomitisation massive. Le rifting crétacé induisant des anomalies thermiques, combiné à de la tectonique salifère représente le second contrôle, induisant une recristallisation massive ainsi que des cimentations dolomitiques dans l’ensemble du bassin.L’architecture stratigraphique du système carbonaté conditionne également la répartition de la dolomie avec la présence de traces de ciment en milieu distal opposée à l’abondance de dolomies observée en milieu plus interne. Ainsi, la répartition de la dolomie sur une plate-forme carbonateé en contexte de marge salifère hyper-étirée et inversée dépend essentiellement de la corrélation de la sédimentologie du système carbonaté et de la paléogéographiede la marge.The Western Pyrenean Jurassic carbonate platform, cropping out on the northerwestern Pyrenees foreland, is a remarkable laboratory for the characterization of dolomitization. With a geodynamic evolution at the interface between margin and chain, as well as the presence of the whole carbonate system at the outcrop,the study of this zone allows to apprehend the crucial parameters of the dolomitization and thus to determine which geodynamic and sedimentary contexts are suitable. The combination of field observations, petrographic, isotopic and microthermometric analyses on fluid inclusions coupled with carbonate U-Pb dating allowed to determine the dolomitization conditions of different localities of this carbonate system cropping out in the chaînons béarnais and the Basque Country.In the Mano (Tithonian) and Meillon (Batho-Callovo-Oxfordian) Formations of the Mail Arrouy (referenceoutcrop) in the Chaînons Béarnais, dolomitization occurred in several stages, spanning the Neocomian (prerift)to the Albian (syn-rift, associated with crustal hyper-thinning and mantle exhumation, accompanied by activesalt tectonics). Both units were first massively dolomitized in near-surface to shallow burial conditions duringNeocomian, likely triggered by the influx of marine-derived waters. Between the Barremian and the Albian, theLower Cretaceous rifting caused the upward influx of hot fluids (T > 160°C), associated with partial to completerecrystallization of the initial dolomites. Subsequent dolomites precipitated in both formations during the Albian,from distinct hot fluids (with evaporite-derived water in the Meillon and clay water in the Mano) as vein- andpore-filling cements. Finally, a last episode of dolomite cementation occurred only in the vicinity of faults andvolcanic intrusions during the Albian, from hydrothermal water recording the mixing of mantle-, crustal- andevaporites-derived waters and the highest temperatures in both formations (T > 260°C). Subsequent quartz andcalcite cement precipitation record a temperature decrease in a post-rift to inversion context.Southward (Layens anticline), dolomitization was only partial in the Meillon Formation. The upwelling of hot fluids during the rifting induced a partial recrystallization of this outcrop, located on the necking zone of the rift basin. Dedolomitization was also strongly present, induced by an extended emersion period, until the rifting, causing an influx of meteoric water synchronous with this episode of hydrothermalism.In the Basque Country, the dolomitic Meillon and Mano Formations lateraly pass to the distal formationsof Microfilament limestones and Hosta marls. In these compact and marl-rich formations, only a few traces ofdolomite are present as vein fillings. Calcite was ubiquitous during the Albian, and partially to completelyreplaced the dolomites initially in place. Thus, the distal zone of this carbonate system was also affected bydolomitization, during the Cretaceous rifting, probably caused by the upwelling of hot fluids.The dolomitization of the West Pyrenean platform was primarily controlled by the sedimentary andclimatic depositional environment allowing the influx of seawater generating early massive dolomitization.Cretaceous rifting inducing thermal anomalies, combined with the presence of a significant salt layer and salttectonics represent the second control, inducing massive recrystallization and dolomitic cementationsthroughout the basin. The stratigraphic architecture of the carbonate system also conditions the distribution ofthe dolomite with the presence of traces of cement in the distal environment as opposed to the abundance ofdolomite observed in the more internal environment. Thus, the distribution of dolomite on carbonate platform onsalt-rich hyperthinned passive margin depends essentially on the correlation between the sedimentology of thecarbonate system and the paleogeography of the margin

    Caractérisation de la dolomitisation d’une plate-forme carbonatée en contexte de marge salifère hyper-étendue et inversée : Exemple de la plate-forme carbonatée jurassique ouest-pyrénéenne

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    The Western Pyrenean Jurassic carbonate platform, cropping out on the northerwestern Pyrenees foreland, is a remarkable laboratory for the characterization of dolomitization. With a geodynamic evolution at the interface between margin and chain, as well as the presence of the whole carbonate system at the outcrop,the study of this zone allows to apprehend the crucial parameters of the dolomitization and thus to determine which geodynamic and sedimentary contexts are suitable. The combination of field observations, petrographic, isotopic and microthermometric analyses on fluid inclusions coupled with carbonate U-Pb dating allowed to determine the dolomitization conditions of different localities of this carbonate system cropping out in the chaînons béarnais and the Basque Country.In the Mano (Tithonian) and Meillon (Batho-Callovo-Oxfordian) Formations of the Mail Arrouy (referenceoutcrop) in the Chaînons Béarnais, dolomitization occurred in several stages, spanning the Neocomian (prerift)to the Albian (syn-rift, associated with crustal hyper-thinning and mantle exhumation, accompanied by activesalt tectonics). Both units were first massively dolomitized in near-surface to shallow burial conditions duringNeocomian, likely triggered by the influx of marine-derived waters. Between the Barremian and the Albian, theLower Cretaceous rifting caused the upward influx of hot fluids (T > 160°C), associated with partial to completerecrystallization of the initial dolomites. Subsequent dolomites precipitated in both formations during the Albian,from distinct hot fluids (with evaporite-derived water in the Meillon and clay water in the Mano) as vein- andpore-filling cements. Finally, a last episode of dolomite cementation occurred only in the vicinity of faults andvolcanic intrusions during the Albian, from hydrothermal water recording the mixing of mantle-, crustal- andevaporites-derived waters and the highest temperatures in both formations (T > 260°C). Subsequent quartz andcalcite cement precipitation record a temperature decrease in a post-rift to inversion context.Southward (Layens anticline), dolomitization was only partial in the Meillon Formation. The upwelling of hot fluids during the rifting induced a partial recrystallization of this outcrop, located on the necking zone of the rift basin. Dedolomitization was also strongly present, induced by an extended emersion period, until the rifting, causing an influx of meteoric water synchronous with this episode of hydrothermalism.In the Basque Country, the dolomitic Meillon and Mano Formations lateraly pass to the distal formationsof Microfilament limestones and Hosta marls. In these compact and marl-rich formations, only a few traces ofdolomite are present as vein fillings. Calcite was ubiquitous during the Albian, and partially to completelyreplaced the dolomites initially in place. Thus, the distal zone of this carbonate system was also affected bydolomitization, during the Cretaceous rifting, probably caused by the upwelling of hot fluids.The dolomitization of the West Pyrenean platform was primarily controlled by the sedimentary andclimatic depositional environment allowing the influx of seawater generating early massive dolomitization.Cretaceous rifting inducing thermal anomalies, combined with the presence of a significant salt layer and salttectonics represent the second control, inducing massive recrystallization and dolomitic cementationsthroughout the basin. The stratigraphic architecture of the carbonate system also conditions the distribution ofthe dolomite with the presence of traces of cement in the distal environment as opposed to the abundance ofdolomite observed in the more internal environment. Thus, the distribution of dolomite on carbonate platform onsalt-rich hyperthinned passive margin depends essentially on the correlation between the sedimentology of thecarbonate system and the paleogeography of the margin.Affleurant sur le versant nord des Pyrénées, la plate-forme carbonatée jurassique ouest-pyrénéenne constitue un laboratoire d’étude unique dans la caractérisation de la dolomitisation. Avec une évolution géodynamique à l’interface entre marge et chaine, ainsi que la présence de l’ensemble du système carbonate ́à l’affleurement, l’étude de cette zone permet d’appréhender les paramètres cruciaux de la dolomitisation et ainsi déterminer quels contextes géodynamiques et sédimentaires s’avèrent propices. La combinaison d’observations de terrain, d’analyses pet́ rographiques, isotopiques et microthermomet́riques sur inclusionsfluides couplée à la datation U-Pb a permis de déterminer les conditions de la dolomitisation de différentes localités de ce système carbonaté dans les Chaînons Béarnais et le Pays basque.Dans les Formations de Mano (Tithonien) et de Meillon (Batho-Callovo-Oxfordien) du Mail Arrouy, la dolomitisation se fait en plusieurs étapes du Néocomien (anté-rift) à l’Albien (syn-rift associe ́ à un hyperamincissement crustal et une exhumation mantellique, accompagné d’une tectonique gravitaire). Dans un premier temps, ces formations ont éte ́ affectées par une dolomitisation massive en domaine peu profond à émergent, liée à l’influx d’eau de mer durant la période d’émersion puis de ré-ennoiement de la plate-forme au Néocomien. Du Barreḿ ien a ̀ l’Albien, la remontée de fluides chauds (T > 160°C) à affinité évaporitique provoquée par le rifting, a induit la recristallisation complète à partielle de la Formation de Meillon. La précipitation de ciments dolomitiques a ̀ partir de fluides chauds distincts (a ̀ affinité évaporitique dans le Meillon et générés par la diagenèse argileuse dans le Mano), a suivi dans les deux formations. Une dernière précipitation de dolomies baroques (saddle) à proximité de failles enregistre les fluides les plus chauds (T >260°C), témoignant également d’une contribution crustale, mantellique et évaporitique durant l’Albien. Par la suite, la précipitation de quartz et de calcites enregistre une diminution de la température lors du post-rift et de la compression pyrénéenne. En direction du sud (chaînons du Layens), la dolomitisation est seulement partielle dans la Formation du Meillon. La remontée de fluides chauds durant le rifting a induit une recristallisation partielle de cet affleurement excentré du coeur du rift. La dédolomitisation est également présente, induite par une émersion prolongée jusqu’au rifting, provoquant un influx d’eau météorique.Dans le Pays basque, les Formations de Meillon et de Mano passent latéralement aux faciès distaux des Calcaires à Microfilaments et des Marnes d’Hosta. Dans ces formations, seulement quelques traces de dolomies sont présentes. La calcite est omniprésente durant l’Albien, et remplace partiellement à complètement les dolomites initialement en place. Ainsi, la zone distale de ce système carbonate ́ a également éte ́ affectée par une dolomitisation, pendant ou avant le rifting crétacé. La dolomitisation de cette plate-forme est premièrement contrôlée par l’environnement de dépôt sédimentaire permettant l’influx d’eau de mer générant une dolomitisation massive. Le rifting crétacé induisant des anomalies thermiques, combiné à de la tectonique salifère représente le second contrôle, induisant une recristallisation massive ainsi que des cimentations dolomitiques dans l’ensemble du bassin.L’architecture stratigraphique du système carbonaté conditionne également la répartition de la dolomie avec la présence de traces de ciment en milieu distal opposée à l’abondance de dolomies observée en milieu plus interne. Ainsi, la répartition de la dolomie sur une plate-forme carbonateé en contexte de marge salifère hyper-étirée et inversée dépend essentiellement de la corrélation de la sédimentologie du système carbonaté et de la paléogéographiede la marge

    Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies - A Comparative Law and Interdisciplinary Handbook

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    Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies provides a critical analysis of the different ways in which the law can recognise and protect relationships between adults and children in postmodern societies which are characterised by increasingly diverse family configurations

    Adutls and Children in Postmodern Societies : A Comparative Law and Multidisciplinary Handbook

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    '[...], this is a very impressive project that has resulted in a useful book for family law scholars, practitioners, and students.' -- Noam Peleg, International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family, 2021 Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies provides a critical analysis of the different ways in which the law can recognise and protect relationships between adults and children in postmodern societies which are characterised by increasingly diverse family configurations. The book focuses of six fundamental questions: - How does the law deal with the changes occurring in what is still referred to as the ‘traditional’ family, such as for example anonymous childbirth, paternity disputes, shared custody? - How does the law recognise and protect families conceived with help of assisted reproduction techniques, such as IVF, surrogacy, anonymous or non-anonymous gamete donation? - How does the law recognise and protect families bound by de facto social or emotional ties, particularly in context of step-parents and step-children or foster families? - Which relationships between adults and children should be recognised and protected by law? Should there be restrictions based on couple status, gender or number? - If relationships between adults and children should be protected, which legal tools should be used: legal rules, judicial discretion or contractual freedom? - Which common analytical framework could be used to understand – and face – the legal challenges raised by the transformations of family relationships? These questions are addressed in-depth by an international team of distinguished family law experts of 19 different jurisdictions (Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, England and Wales, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and the USA), covering the current state of affairs, foreseeable legal developments and thought-provoking reflections. The legal perspective of the national reports is complemented by interdisciplinary perspectives from experts in history, anthropology, psychology and philosophy, making this book a unique and essential source for anyone working in the field. About the editors JEHANNE SOSSON is a family law expert. She is a professor at the Université catholique de Louvain, a lecturer at the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles and the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas and a lawyer at the Brussels Bar. GEOFFREY WILLEMS is a professor at the Université catholique de Louvain. His research focuses on interactions between human rights law and family law and privatisation of family law in an international, comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. GWENDOLINE MOTTE is a teaching and research assistant at the Université catholique de Louvain. She specialises in family law with a special interest in European and comparative family law. She is also an independent family mediator. Intersenti

    Legal relationships between adults and children in the Netherlands

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