18 research outputs found

    Chemically-Induced RAT Mesenchymal Stem Cells Adopt Molecular Properties of Neuronal-Like Cells but Do Not Have Basic Neuronal Functional Properties

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    Induction of adult rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) by means of chemical compounds (β-mercaptoethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide and butylated hydroxyanizole) has been proposed to lead to neuronal transdifferentiation, and this protocol has been broadly used by several laboratories worldwide. Only a few hours of MSC chemical induction using this protocol is sufficient for the acquisition of neuronal-like morphology and neuronal protein expression. However, given that cell death is abundant, we hypothesize that, rather than true neuronal differentiation, this particular protocol leads to cellular toxic effects. We confirm that the induced cells with neuronal-like morphology positively stained for NF-200, S100, β-tubulin III, NSE and MAP-2 proteins. However, the morphological and molecular changes after chemical induction are also associated with an increase in the apoptosis of over 50% of the plated cells after 24 h. Moreover, increased intracellular cysteine after treatment indicates an impairment of redox circuitry during chemical induction, and in vitro electrophysiological recordings (patch-clamp) of the chemically induced MSC did not indicate neuronal properties as these cells do not exhibit Na+ or K+ currents and do not fire action potentials. Our findings suggest that a disruption of redox circuitry plays an important role in this specific chemical induction protocol, which might result in cytoskeletal alterations and loss of functional ion-gated channels followed by cell death. Despite the neuronal-like morphology and neural protein expression, induced rat bone marrow MSC do not have basic functional neuronal properties, although it is still plausible that other methods of induction and/or sources of MSC can achieve a successful neuronal differentiation in vitro

    Luminescence Property of Perovskite Structure

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    The photoluminescence property (PL) is a desired property for materials and the luminescence of perovskite type compounds have been known for a long time. This property was first identified to crystalline perovskite and it has only been recently identified in structurally disordered perovskite. In this work, we present a study about photoluminescence of structural disordered perovskite-structured compounds. There will be a special focus on the PL emission of titanates and zirconates: the main representants of these materials class. It will be discussed the origin of PL emission in these compounds. In addition, it will be related rare earth ion-doped structural disordered perovskite and PL emission

    Europium(III) Concentration Effect on the Spectroscopic and Photoluminescent Properties of BaMoO4:Eu

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    BaMoO4:Eu (BEMO) powders were synthesized by the polymeric precursor method (PPM), heat treated at 800 A degrees C for 2 h in a heating rate of 5 A degrees C/min and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, besides room temperature Photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The emission spectra of BEMO samples under excitation of 394 nm present the characteristic Eu3+ transitions. The relative intensities of the Eu3+ emissions increase as the concentration of this ion increases from 0.01 to 0.075 mol, but the luminescence is drastically quenched for the Ba0.855Eu0.145MoO4 sample. The one exponential decay curves of the Eu3+ 5D0 -> F-7(2) transition, lambda (exc) = 394 nm and lambda (em) = 614 nm, provided the decay times of around 0.54 ms for all samples. It was observed a broadening of the Bragg reflections and Raman bands when the Eu+3 concentration increases as a consequence of a more disordered material. The presence of MoO3 and Eu2Mo2O7 as additional phases in the BEMO samples where observed when the Eu3+ concentration was 14.5 mol%.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Expression of functional recombinant human factor IX in milk of mice

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    Human factor IX is synthesized in the liver and secreted in the blood, where it participates in a group of reactions involving coagulation factors and proteins that permit sanguinary coagulation. in this work two lines of transgenic mice were developed to express the FIX gene in the mammalian glands under control of milk beta-casein promoter. the founding females secreted the FIX in their milk (3% total soluble protein). the stable integration of transgene was confirmed by southern blot analysis. the presence of the FIX recombinant protein in the milk of transgenic females was confirmed by western blot and the clotting activity was revealed in blood-clotting assays. the coagulation activity in human blood treated with recombinant FIX increased while the time of coagulation decreased. Our results confirm the production of a large amount of recombinant biologically active FIX in the mammary gland of transgenic mice.Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (Embrapa)Hospital de Apoio de BrasiliaUniversidade Federal de São PauloConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)International Hemophilia Training Center-World Federation of HemophiliaEmbrapa Recursos Genet & Biotecnol, BR-70770900 Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Brasilia, Dept Biol Celular, BR-70910900 Brasilia, DF, BrazilSGAIN, Hosp Apoio Brasilia, BR-70620000 Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Liderança e comunicação: opinião dos enfermeiros responsáveis pelos serviços de enfermagem de um hospital governamental Leadership and communication: opinion of nurses responsible for the nursing services of a government hospital

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    No cenário da enfermagem atual, ao nosso ver, a liderança e a comunicação consistem em estratégias essenciais para a prática profissional do enfermeiro. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar a opinião dos enfermeiros responsáveis pelos serviços de enfermagem de um hospital governamental sobre o tema liderança e comunicação. Os dados foram obtidos em fevereiro e março de 1999 através de entrevista estruturada com doze enfermeiros. Pela análise dos dados concluímos que as opiniões relatadas, na sua grande maioria, coincide com os conceitos encontrados na literatura sobre a temática investigada. O estudo não teve como propósito esgotar o assunto, mas possibilitar subsídios para a realização de outras investigações pois, acreditamos na necessidade de investirmos esforços visando a melhor formação do enfermeiro-líder do futuro.<br>In the actual nursing scenery, we believe that leadership and communication are the essential strategies for nurse's professional practice. The present study aimed at identifying the opinion of nurses responsible for the nursing services of a government hospital about the theme of leadership and communication. Data were obtained in february and march of 1999 through structured interviews with twelve nurses. Findings showed that the opinions are mostly the same as the concepts found in the literature on the theme. The study had the purpose to give elements for other investigations as we believe in the need of investments for the improvement of the formation of nurses leaders for the future

    Avaliação da atenção secundária em saúde bucal: uma investigação nos centros de especialidades do Brasil Evaluation of secondary care in oral health: a study of specialty clinics in Brazil

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    Este trabalho discorre a respeito da avaliação da atenção secundária no âmbito da vigilância em saúde. Estudo descritivo, de caráter avaliativo normativo. Para análise de desempenho, foram utilizados dados secundários, com base na série histórica da produção de procedimentos odontológicos realizados nos CEO implantados no país e registrados pelo SIA/SUS no ano de 2007, e dados primários, pela visita in loco de 10% dos serviços implantados, com uso de questionários dirigidos à equipe profissional do CEO. Dentre os CEO analisados, observou-se que na maioria das regiões houve dificuldade no cumprimento das metas relativas à quantidade de procedimentos a serem informados no SIA/SUS. Sendo a Região Norte com menor percentual de serviços implantados. O indicador Cumprimento da Atenção Secundária em Saúde Bucal foi de 64,4%. Os CEO tipo III tiveram melhores resultados para o desempenho e cumprimento das metas. Foi evidenciada a necessidade de revisão no marco legal para a implantação dos CEO pela readequação dos critérios e normas, como também definições de novos padrões e cumprimento de metas para avaliação e monitoramento desses serviços.<br>This article discusses the evaluation of secondary care in the area of health surveillance. This was a descriptive and normative/evaluative study. Performance analysis drew on secondary data, based on a historical series of dental procedures conducted at the specialized dental clinics implemented in Brazil and recorded by the Outpatient Information System of the Unified National Health System (SIA/SUS) in 2007, as well as primary data from site visits to the clinics, based on questionnaires completed by clinic staff. Performance of the clinics was poor in most regions of the country, and the North of Brazil had the lowest percentage of specialty services implemented. The indicator "Performance of Secondary Care in Oral Health" was 64.4%. The type 3 specialty clinics showed better results in terms of performance and achievement of targets. The study showed the need to review the legal framework for implementing specialized dental clinics by adjusting the criteria and norms, as well as definition of new standards for achievement of goals in the evaluation and monitoring of these services