158 research outputs found

    Detecting Fractional Chern Insulators in Optical Lattices through Quantized Displacement

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    The realization of interacting topological states of matter such as fractional Chern insulators (FCIs) in cold atom systems has recently come within experimental reach due to the engineering of optical lattices with synthetic gauge fields providing the required topological band structures. However, detecting their occurrence might prove difficult since transport measurements akin to those in solid state systems are challenging to perform in cold atom setups and alternatives have to be found. We show that for a ν=1/2\nu= 1/2 FCI state realized in the lowest band of a Harper-Hofstadter model of interacting bosons confined by a harmonic trapping potential, the fractionally quantized Hall conductivity σxy\sigma_{xy} can be accurately determined by the displacement of the atomic cloud under the action of a constant force which provides a suitable experimentally measurable signal for detecting the topological nature of the state. Using matrix-product state algorithms, we show that, in both cylinder and square geometries, the movement of the particle cloud in time under the application of a constant force field on top of the confining potential is proportional to σxy\sigma_{xy} for an extended range of field strengths.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, plus supplementary materia

    Phase transitions and adiabatic preparation of a fractional Chern insulator in a boson cold atom model

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    We investigate the fate of hardcore bosons in a Harper-Hofstadter model which was experimentally realized by Aidelsburger et al. [Nature Physics 11 , 162 (2015)] at half filling of the lowest band. We discuss the stability of an emergent fractional Chern insulator (FCI) state in a finite region of the phase diagram that is separated from a superfluid state by a first-order transition when tuning the band topology following the protocol used in the experiment. Since crossing a first-order transition is unfavorable for adiabatically preparing the FCI state, we extend the model to stabilize a featureless insulating state. The transition between this phase and the topological state proves to be continuous, providing a path in parameter space along which an FCI state could be adiabatically prepared. To further corroborate this statement, we perform time-dependent DMRG calculations which demonstrate that the FCI state may indeed be reached by adiabatically tuning a simple product state.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, published versio

    Characterization of topological phases in models of interacting fermions

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    The concept of topology in condensed matter physics has led to the discovery of rich and exotic physics in recent years. Especially when strong correlations are included, phenomenons such as fractionalization and anyonic particle statistics can arise. In this thesis, we study several systems hosting topological phases of interacting fermions. In the first part, we consider one-dimensional systems of parafermions, which are generalizations of Majorana fermions, in the presence of a Z_N charge symmetry. We classify the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases that can occur in these systems using the projective representations of the symmetries and find a finite number of distinct phases depending on the prime factorization of N. The different phases exhibit characteristic degeneracies in their entanglement spectrum (ES). Apart from these SPT phases, we report the occurrence of parafermion condensate phases for certain values of N. When including an additional Z_N symmetry, we find a non-Abelian group structure under the addition of phases. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on two-dimensional lattice models of spinless fermions. First, we demonstrate the detection of a fractional Chern insulator (FCI) phase in the Haldane honeycomb model on an infinite cylinder by means of the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG). We report the calculation of several quantities characterizing the topological order of the state, i.e., (i)~the Hall conductivity, (ii)~the spectral flow and level counting in the ES, (iii)~the topological entanglement entropy, and (iv)~the charge and topological spin of the quasiparticles. Since we have access to sufficiently large system sizes without band projection with DMRG, we are in addition able to investigate the transition from a metal to the FCI at small interactions which we find to be of first order. In a further study, we consider a time-reversal symmetric model on the honeycomb lattice where a Chern insulator (CI) induced by next-nearest neighbor interactions has been predicted by mean field theory. However, various subsequent studies challenged this picture and it was still unclear whether the CI would survive quantum fluctuations. We therefore map out the phase diagram of the model as a function of the interactions on an infinite cylinder with DMRG and find evidence for the absence of the CI phase. However, we report the detection of two novel charge-ordered phases and corroborate the existence of the remaining phases that had been predicted in mean field theory. Furthermore, we characterize the transitions between the various phases by studying the behavior of correlation length and entanglement entropy at the phase boundaries. Finally, we develop an improvement to the DMRG algorithm for fermionic lattice models on cylinders. By using a real space representation in the direction along the cylinder and a real space representation in the perpendicular direction, we are able to use the momentum around the cylinder as conserved quantity to reduce computational costs. We benchmark the method by studying the interacting Hofstadter model and report a considerable speedup in computation time and a severely reduced memory usage

    Interaction driven phases in the half-filled honeycomb lattice: an infinite density matrix renormalization group study

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    The emergence of the Haldane Chern insulator state due to strong short range repulsive interactions in the half-filled fermionic spinless honeycomb lattice model has been proposed and challenged with different methods and yet it still remains controversial. In this work we revisit the problem using the infinite density matrix renormalization group method and report numerical evidence supporting i) the absence of the Chern insulator state, ii) two previously unnoticed charge ordered phases and iii) the existence and stability of all the non-topological competing orders that were found previously within mean field. In addition, we discuss the nature of the corresponding phase transitions based on our numerical data. Our work establishes the phase diagram of the half-filled honeycomb lattice model tilting the balance towards the absence of a Chern insulator phase for this model.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, published versio

    Topological phases in gapped edges of fractionalized systems

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    Recently, it has been proposed that exotic one-dimensional phases can be realized by gapping out the edge states of a fractional topological insulator. The low-energy edge degrees of freedom are described by a chain of coupled parafermions. We introduce a classification scheme for the phases that can occur in parafermionic chains. We find that the parafermions support both topological symmetry fractionalized phases as well as phases in which the parafermions condense. In the presence of additional symmetries, the phases form a non-Abelian group. As a concrete example of the classification, we consider the effective edge model for a ν=1/3\nu= 1/3 fractional topological insulator for which we calculate the entanglement spectra numerically and show that all possible predicted phases can be realized.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, final versio

    Charge excitation dynamics in bosonic fractional Chern insulators

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    The experimental realization of the Harper-Hofstadter model in ultra-cold atomic gases has placed fractional states of matter in these systems within reach---a fractional Chern insulator state (FCI) is expected to emerge for sufficiently strong interactions when half-filling the lowest band. The experimental setups naturally allow to probe the dynamics of this topological state, yet little is known about its out-of-equilibrium properties. We explore, using density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations, the response of the FCI state to spatially localized perturbations. After confirming the static properties of the phase we show that the characteristic, gapless features are clearly visible in the edge dynamics. We find that a local edge perturbation in this model propagates chirally independent of the perturbation strength. This contrasts the behavior of single particle models with counter-propagating edge states, such as the non-interacting Harper-Hofstadter model, where the chirality is manifest only for weak perturbations. Additionally, our simulations show that there is inevitable density leakage from the first row of sites into the bulk, preventing a naive chiral Luttinger theory interpretation of the dynamics.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 4 pages of supplementary material and a total of 8 figures. Published version with updated title, discussion, references, and supplementary informatio

    Система детермінації професійного самовизначення студентської молоді в контексті її само сприйняття. (The system of professional self-determination of students in the context of self-perception.)

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    У статті представлено результати факторного аналізу емпіричних даних про систему детермінації професійного самовизначення студентської молоді, які представляють співвідношення соціально-диспозиційного, етнокультурного, сенсорно-перцептивного і наративно-життєтворчого характеру, отриманих в процесі порівняльного психодіагностичного дослідження. (In the article the results offactor analysis of empiric data are presented about the system of determination of professional self-determination of student young people, which present correlation of socialdispositional, ethnocultural, sensory-perceptional and to narativ-life-creative character, got in the process of comparative psychodiagnostical research.

    Characterization and stability of a fermionic \nu=1/3 fractional Chern insulator

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    Using the infinite density matrix renormalization group method on an infinite cylinder geometry, we characterize the 1/31/3 fractional Chern insulator state in the Haldane honeycomb lattice model at ν=1/3\nu=1/3 filling of the lowest band and check its stability. We investigate the chiral and topological properties of this state through (i) its Hall conductivity, (ii) the topological entanglement entropy, (iii) the U(1)U(1) charge spectral flow of the many body entanglement spectrum, and (iv) the charge of the anyons. In contrast to numerical methods restricted to small finite sizes, the infinite cylinder geometry allows us to access and characterize directly the metal to fractional Chern insulator transition. We find indications it is first order and no evidence of other competing phases. Since our approach does not rely on any band or subspace projection, we are able to prove the stability of the fractional state in the presence of interactions exceeding the band gap, as has been suggested in the literature. As a by-product we discuss the signatures of Chern insulators within this technique.Comment: published versio

    Phase diagram of the anisotropic triangular lattice Hubbard model

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    In a recent study [Phys. Rev. X 10, 021042 (2020)], we showed using large-scale density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations on infinite cylinders that the triangular lattice Hubbard model has a chiral spin liquid phase. In this work, we introduce hopping anisotropy in the model, making one of the three distinct bonds on the lattice stronger or weaker compared with the other two. We implement the anisotropy in two inequivalent ways, one which respects the mirror symmetry of the cylinder and one which breaks this symmetry. In the full range of anisotropy, from the square lattice to weakly coupled one-dimensional chains, we find a variety of phases. Near the isotropic limit we find the three phases identified in our previous work: metal, chiral spin liquid, and 120^\circ spiral order; we note that a recent paper suggests the apparently metallic phase may actually be a Luther-Emery liquid, which would also be in agreement with our results. When one bond is weakened by a relatively small amount, the ground state quickly becomes the square lattice N\'{e}el order. When one bond is strengthened, the story is much less clear, with the phases that we find depending on the orientation of the anisotropy and on the cylinder circumference. While our work is to our knowledge the first DMRG study of the anisotropic triangular lattice Hubbard model, the overall phase diagram we find is broadly consistent with that found previously using other methods, such as variational Monte Carlo and dynamical mean field theory.Comment: v3: Added data regarding incommensurate spiral order using flux insertion, 20 pages, 6 figures, plus 23 pages (35 figures) Supplemental Material; v2: Slightly increased parameter space resolution for largest cylinder; v1: 19 pages, 6 figures, plus 22 pages (34 figures) Supplemental Materia

    Apartment house with rooms for public use in Ternopil numerical modeling of stress-strain state of reinforced concrete beams

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    Актуальність теми зумовлена найбільш достовірними підходами щодо дослідження поведінки підсилених залізобетонних конструкцій є експериментальні методи. Результати чисельних розрахунків можуть бути використані для моделювання роботи залізобетонних конструкцій, зокрема для підсилення та продовження ресурсу експлуатації конструкцій.The most reliable approaches to study the behavior of reinforced concrete structures are experimental methods. However, they are labor-intensive, longterm and require considerable expenses. The results of the numerical calculations can be used for modeling of concrete structures, particularly for structures operating life extensio