164 research outputs found

    Engineers for Community Service

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    IMPACT. 1: We have built 17 wheelchair ramps for residents in the Columbus area. -- 2. We have constructed a tilapia pond, restructured a biodigester, improved the infrastructure of the computer lab, and implemented many other engineering projects at Montaña de Luz in Honduras. -- 3. Our broad outreach has impacted groups ranging from the youth to the elderly in STEM related fields.OSU PARTNERS: College of EngineeringCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Westminster-Thurber Community; Montaña de Luz; Metro Early College High School Gladden Community Center; The Crest Restaurant; Worthington Resource Pantry; Catholic Social Services; Association for India's Development: Eureka ProgramPRIMARY CONTACT: A.J. Motika ([email protected])Engineers for Community Service (ECOS) is a student organization that promotes life-long professionalism via educational experiences through local and international community service projects. "The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it." - Colin Wilso

    The Effects of Health Shocks on Employment and Health Insurance: The Role of Employer-Provided Health Insurance

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    We study how men’s dependence on their own employer for health insurance affects labor supply responses and loss of health insurance coverage when faced with a serious health shock. Men with employment-contingent health insurance (ECHI) are more likely to remain working following some kinds of adverse health shocks, and are more likely to lose insurance. With the passage of health care reform, the tendency of men with ECHI as opposed to other sources of insurance to remain employed following a health shock may be diminished, along with the likelihood of losing health insurance.

    Islam in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan

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    Islam in Azerbaijan is a multifaceted phenomenon which can be understood only in the context of a society in transition. One of the most important problems of Azerbaijani Islam is the relationship between Shi'ism and Sunnite Islam which is still dominated by an ecumenical and sometimes eclectic spirit. This situation is increasingly beleaguered by foreign missionaries on the one hand and put under pressure by the dynamic development of Azerbaijani society on the other hand. Nowadays Islam plays only a very limited role in the political sphere and only a small part of the population supports the idea of establishing an ‘Islamic order'. This is due to the long tradition of secularism in Azerbaijan and to the fact that the strong nationalistic movement is secular in character and sometimes even fights together with the ruling elite against their rival, political Islam. But, on the longer run and if the political elite of Azerbaijan does not succeed in improving the disastrous standard of living of the vast majority of the people, the population may express its discontent through a politicized form of Islam.L'islam en Azerbaïdjan représente un phénomène complexe qu'on ne peut comprendre que dans le contexte d'une société en transition. L'un des problèmes les plus importants de l'islam en Azerbaïdjan est celui des relations entre I'islam sunnite et I'islam shiite qui sont encore dominées par un esprit œcuménique et parfois éclectique. La situation est menacée par les missionnaires étrangers d'un côté et la pression d'une société en transition dynamique de l'autre. Aujourd'hui, l'islam joue un rôle peu important dans le domaine politique, et la majorité de la population de l'Azerbaïdjan ne favorise pas l'établissement d'un « ordre islamique ». Cela est dû à une longue tradition de sécularisation en Azerbaïdjan et au fait que le puissant mouvement nationaliste est lui-même sécularisé, et lutte côte à côte avec l'élite gouvernementale contre leur rival commun, l'islam politique. Mais, à long terme, et surtout si l'élite politique n'arrive pas à élever le niveau de vie, lamentable à l'heure actuelle, de la grande majorité de la population, celle-ci pourrait exprimer son mécontentement sous forme d'un intégrisme islamique.El Islam en Azerbaijan representa un fenómeno complejo que solo puede ser comprendido en el contexto de una sociedad en transición. Uno de los fenómenos más importantes del Islam en Azerbaijan es el de las relaciones entre el Islam sunnita y el Islam chiíta, entre los que aún prevalece un espíritu ecuménico, y a veces aún ecléctico. La situación es tanto más grave en tanto hay misioneros extranjeros por un lado, y la presión de una sociedad en transición dinámica por el otro. Hoy, el Islam juega un rol poco importante en el ámbito politico, y la mayor parte de la población de Azerbaijan no es partidaria del establecimiento de un « orden islámico ». Esto se debe a una larga tradición de secularización en Azerbaijan, y al hecho de que incluso el potente movimiento nacionalista está secularizado, y lucha codo a codo con la elite gubernamental contra el rival común, el Islam politico. Pero a largo plazo, y sobre todo si la elite política no llega a elevar el nivel de vida de la gran mayoría de la población, lamentable en el momento actual, esta podría expresar su descontento bajo la forma de un integrismo islámico

    Internet-based CSR communication of Hungary's top enterprises

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    Since the publication of the Bruntland Report (1987) the concept of sustainable development has been widely known, and increasingly becoming the core of all time media, political and scientific discussion. More and more say in connection with sustainable development that this goal can not be achieved without the approval of the business sphere or corporate social responsibility. In the first part of our essay we introduce the definition of CSR, and in the upcoming chapters we present the summary of CSR connected articles published in the inland and scientific periodicals. In our opinion the way and quantity a scientific topic is displayed in the written press is determining for the scientific sphere. Corporate social responsibility has gone through a great change in the last few years in Hungary. More and more related articles, books, conferences, trainings, tender opportunities are available that supports the fact that today this topic is actual and relevant in Hungary. Furthermore we provide a short summary about the articles in connection with communication, namely who has written what in this issue so far. Finally in the fourth chapter we present our empirical research, where the main research question is whether there is difference in the communication through the internet among the TOP 1-50, TOP 51-100 and TOP 101-200 companies.corporate social responsibility, sustainability, communication


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    Higher education performance assessment on Accreditation requires the results and evidence of lecturer performance. Currently, the Faculty is already using FTP and Google Drive technology. However, the weakness of using these technologies is that the Faculty still has to process data manually, so it is not effective and efficient. Therefore we need technology that can help effectively and efficiently monitor and record performance along with supporting document evidence. With this web repository, the Faculty can monitor and, at the same time, be able to draw supporting evidence for the preparation of accreditation forms. The research method used in this study is a combination method between Design Thinking and Scrum methods as a method for application development

    Struktur und Funktion der humanen Flavin-haltigen Monooxygenasen 3 und 5

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    Characterization of flavin-containing monooxygenases 3 and 5 including the characterization of a novel FMO3 variant and its association with trimethylaminuria, the expression and purification of FMO5, crystallisation studies of human FMO5, species-dependent differences in pH-dependent activity profiles of FMO5, and identification of novel FMO5 substrates.Charakterisierung der flavin-haltigen Monooxygenasen 3 and 5. Diese beinhaltet die Charakterisierung einer neuen FMO3 Variante, die mit Trimethylaminurie in Verbindung gebracht wird, die Expression und Reinigung der FMO5, Kristallisationsstudien mit humener FMO5, die Untersuchung von Speziesunterschieden pH-abhängiger Aktivitätsprofile der FMO5 und die Identifizierung neuer FMO5 Substrate

    Synchronous Java: Light-Weight, Deterministic Concurrency and Preemption in Java

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    A key issue in the development of reliable embedded software is the proper handling of reactive controlow, which typically involves concurrency. Java and its thread concept have only limited provisions for implementing deterministic concurrency. Thus, as has been observed in the past, it is challenging to develop concurrent Java programs without any deadlocks or race conditions. To alleviate this situation, the Synchronous Java (SJ) approach presented her adopts the key concepts that have been established in the world of syschronous programming for handling reactive controlow. Thus SJ not only provides deterministic concurrency, but also dierent variants of deterministic preemption. Furthermore SJ allows concurrent threads to communicate with Esterel-style signals. As a case study for an embedded system usage, we also report on how the SJ concepts have been applied in the context of Lego Mindstorms

    The Application of Modified Accrual-Based Principle in Budget Accounting

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    Postoje brojne definicije računovodstva, poslovna ga zajednica definira kao „jezik biznisa”. Računovodstvo obrađuje financijske podatke i oblikuje ih u informacije u svrhu izvještavanja, nadzora, planiranja i odlučivanja. U Hrvatskoj su zakonski regulirani temeljni računovodstveni sustavi: računovodstvo poduzetnika, neprofitnih organizacija, proračuna i proračunskih korisnika te računovodstvo obrtnika i slobodnih zanimanja. U ovom se radu razrađuje tema iz računovodstva proračuna i proračunskih korisnika: Primjena modificiranog načela nastanka događaja u proračunskom računovodstvu. Rad se temelji na empirijskom istraživanju anketnim upitnikom koji je poslan proračunskim korisnicima na području Republike Hrvatske kako bi došli do traženih informacija. Kod modificiranog načela nastanka događaja prihodi se priznaju po naplati, dok se rashodi temelje na nastanku poslovnog događaja. Knjigovodstvo proračuna i proračunskih korisnika vodi se po načelu dvojnog knjigovodstva. Anketnim istraživanjem svi proračunski korisnici u Republici Hrvatskoj odgovorili su da priznaju prihode, primitke, rashode i izdatke na temelju modificiranog načela nastanka događaja, odnosno transakcije i poslovni rashodi priznaju se u trenutku nastanka, neovisno o plaćanju. U Republici Hrvatskoj proračunski korisnici nisu dovoljno osviješteni o važnosti i nužnosti Međunarodnih računovodstvenih standarda za javni sektor, razlog tome može biti nedovoljno ulaganje u edukaciju i usavršavanje djelatnika. Korisnici na području Republike Hrvatske smatraju da se harmonizacijom djelomično uspjelo povezati i ujednačiti različite računovodstvene standarde između država članica Europske unije i šire. Nadamo se da će razvoj proračunskog računovodstva u Republici Hrvatskoj slijediti međunarodne i europske trendove.There are numerous definitions of accounting, the business community defines it as the language of business. Accounting processes the financial data and formulate them into information for the purpose of reporting, monitoring, planning and decision-making. In Croatia, the legally regulated basic accounting systems are: entrepreneurial accounting, non- profit accounting, budget and budget users accounting, and accounting of craftsmen. This work elaborates the theme of budgetary accounting and budget users: Application of modified accrual accounting. The work is based on empirical research through a questionnaire that was sent to budget users on the Croatian territory in order to obtain the required information. Under the modified accrual principle income is recognized on a cash basis, while expenses are based on their occurrence. Budget accounting shall be conducted under the principle of double-entry bookkeeping. All budget users in the Republic of Croatia recognize the income, receipts, expenses and outlays on the modified accrual basis. Regardless of payment, business event expenses are recognized upon their occurrence. Budget users of Republic of Croatia are not aware of the importance and necessity of International Accounting Standards for public sector. The reason might be insufficient investment in education and improvement of employees. The users think that harmonization of accounting standards will contribute to accounting systems harmonization across EU and under. We can only hope that the development of budget accounting in the Republic of Croatia will follow international and European trends

    SCCharts: Language and Interactive Incremental Compilation

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    Safety-critical systems are a subclass of reactive systems, a dominating class of computer systems these days. Such systems control the airbags in our cars, the flaps of an aircraft, nuclear power plants or pace makers. Software for these systems must be reliable. Hence, a language and tooling is needed that allows to build and maintain reliable software models. Furthermore, a reliable compiler is required to obtain decent machine-understandable and executable code from highly abstract models. This thesis presents SCCharts, a Statecharts-based synchronous and visual modeling language for specifying and designing safety-critical systems and for deriving their implementations. It elaborates on why a control-flow oriented and synchronous language is desirable and how incremental language features are chosen to flatten learning curve. It presents an interactive incremental model transformation based compilation approach termed SLIC. It shows how SLIC helps in supporting both, the modeler and the tool smith for building reliable models and maintaining a reliable compiler, respectively. A SLIC-based compiler for SCCharts including its high-level model transformations is presented. Furthermore, practicality aspects of the KIELER SCCharts language and tooling implementation complete the considerations to validate the proposed approach.Sicherheitskritische Systeme sind eine Unterklasse von reaktiven Systemen, welche heutzutage eine der wichtigsten und größten Klasse von Computersystemen darstellt. Solche Systeme kontrollieren die Airbags unserer Autos, die Landeklappen eines Passagierflugzeugs, Kernkraftwerke oder Herzschrittmacher. Software für solche Systeme muß absolut zuverlässig sein. Daher werden Computersprachen und Werkzeuge benötigt, die es erlauben, zuverlässige Softwaremodelle zu erstellen und zu warten. Weiterhin braucht es zuverlässige Kompiler, die aus solchen abstrakten Modellen korrekten maschinenlesbaren und ausführbaren Code erzeugen. Mit SCCharts präsentiert diese Arbeit eine zustandsmaschinenbasierte und synchrone Modellierungssprache für den Entwurf und zur Implementierung sicherheitskritischer Systeme. Es wird betrachtet, warum sich dafür eine kontrollflußorientierte und synchrone Sprache besonders gut eignet und welche Wahl inkrementeller Sprachbestandteile die Lernkurve senken können. Die Arbeit zeigt, wie ein als SLIC bezeichneter, interaktiver, inkrementeller und auf Modelltransformationen basierender Kompilierungsansatz sowohl dem Modellierer dabei helfen kann, zuverlässige Modelle zu erstellen, als auch den Werkzeugentwickler darin unterstützt, einen zuverlässigen Kompiler bereit zu stellen. Es wird ein auf SLIC basierender SCCharts Kompiler inklusive seiner high-level Modelltransformationen vorgestellt. Weiterhin wird der vorgestellte Ansatz mit Hilfe der beispielhaft umgesetzten KIELER SCCharts Sprach- und Werkzeugimplementierung auf seine Praktikabilität hin überprüft

    Semantics and Execution of Domain Specific Models

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    In this paper we present a two-level approach to extend the abstract syntax of models with concrete semantics. First, a light-weight execution interface for iteratable models with a generic user interface allows the tool smith to provide arbitrary execution and visualization engine implementations for his or her Domain Specific Modeling Language (DSML). We discuss how the common execution manager runtime allows co-simulations of different model types and engine implementations to provide a flexible framework in the diverse DSML scenery. Second, as a concrete but nevertheless generic implementation of a simulation engine for behavior models, we present semantic model specifications and a runtime interfacing to the Ptolemy II tool suite. As a project in the area of model simulation, the latter provides a mature sophisticated and formally grounded backbone for model execution. We present our approach as an open source Eclipse integration to be an extension to the Eclipse modeling projects. After introducing basic concepts, the paper explains how simulations are currently being integrated into the framework and presents some illustrative case studies also covering UML approaches