255 research outputs found

    Arrested B Lymphopoiesis and Persistence of Activated B Cells in Adult Interleukin 7

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    This deposit is composed by a publication in which the IGC' authors have had the role of collaboration (it's a collaboration publication). This type of deposit in ARCA is in restrictedAccess (it can't be in open access to the public), and could only be accessed by two ways: either by requesting a legal copy to the author (the email contact present in this deposit) or by visiting the following link: https://f1000.com/prime/1003667Interleukin 7 is a crucial factor for the development of murine T and B lymphocytes. We now report that, in the absence of interleukin 7, B lymphocyte production takes place exclusively during fetal and perinatal life, ceasing after 7 wk of age. In peripheral organs, however, the pool of B lymphocytes is stable throughout adult life and consists only of cells that belong to the B1 and marginal zone (MZ) compartments. This is accompanied by a 50-fold increase in the frequency of immunoglobulin (Ig)M- and IgG-secreting cells, and the concentration of serum immunoglobulins is increased three- to fivefold. Both the MZ phenotype and the increase in serum IgM are T cell independent. These findings reveal a previously undescribed pathway of B lymphopoiesis that is active in early life and is interleukin 7 independent. This pathway generates B1 cells and a normal sized MZ B lymphocyte compartment

    Arrested B Lymphopoiesis and Persistence of Activated B Cells in Adult Interleukin 7−/− Mice

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    Interleukin 7 is a crucial factor for the development of murine T and B lymphocytes. We now report that, in the absence of interleukin 7, B lymphocyte production takes place exclusively during fetal and perinatal life, ceasing after 7 wk of age. In peripheral organs, however, the pool of B lymphocytes is stable throughout adult life and consists only of cells that belong to the B1 and marginal zone (MZ) compartments. This is accompanied by a 50-fold increase in the frequency of immunoglobulin (Ig)M- and IgG-secreting cells, and the concentration of serum immunoglobulins is increased three- to fivefold. Both the MZ phenotype and the increase in serum IgM are T cell independent. These findings reveal a previously undescribed pathway of B lymphopoiesis that is active in early life and is interleukin 7 independent. This pathway generates B1 cells and a normal sized MZ B lymphocyte compartment

    Cross-Cultural Validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale International in Elderly: Systematic Literature Review

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    The aim of this study is to describe the psychometric properties of cultural adaptations of the Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I) in the elderly dwelling in the community. A systematic literature review was performed according to the research question: What are the psychometric properties of the FES-I in the elderly dwelling in the community in different cultural backgrounds? The Population, Interest, Context (PICo) strategy was used for inclusion criteriadPopulation: elderly; Interest area/intervention: psychometric properties of the FES-I; Context: dwelling in the community in various cultural settings. The sample was made up of 10 articles. Metric properties have been evaluated by the criteria of validity, reproducibility, reliability, and responsiveness. The FES-I is considered acceptable, understandable to measure the fear of falling in the elderly, valid, reliable, and comparable cross-culturally, so it is recommended in rehabilitation research, clinical trials, clinical practice, and in fall-prevention programs in elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diagnosis of Human Leptospirosis in a Clinical Setting: Real-Time PCR High Resolution Melting Analysis for Detection of Leptospira at the Onset of Disease:

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    Currently, direct detection of Leptospira can be done in clinical laboratories by conventional and by real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). We tested a biobank of paired samples of serum and urine from the same patient (202 patients) presenting at the hospital in an area endemic for leptospirosis using qRT-PCR followed by high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. The results were compared with those obtained by conventional nested PCR and with the serologic gold standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Differences were resolved by sequencing. qRT-PCR-HRM was positive for 46 of the 202 patients (22.7%, accuracy 100%) which is consistent with known prevalence of leptospirosis in the Azores. MAT results were positive for 3 of the 46 patients (6.5%). Analysis of paired samples allowed us to identify the illness point at which patients presented at the hospital: onset, dissemination or excretion. The melting curve analysis of Leptospira species revealed that 60.9% (28/46) of patients were infected with L. interrogans and 39.1% (18/46) were infected with L. borgpetersenii, both endemic to the Azores. We validated the use of qRT-PCR-HRM for diagnosis of leptospirosis and for identification of the Leptospira species at the earliest onset of infection in a clinical setting, in less than 2 hours.publishersversionpublishe

    Epidemiology of autism spectrum disorder in Portugal: prevalence, clinical characterization, and medical conditions

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    The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and identify its clinical characterization, and medical conditions in a paediatric population in Portugal. A school survey was conducted in elementary schools, targeting 332,808 school-aged children in the mainland and 10,910 in the Azores islands. Referred children were directly assessed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edn), the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale. Clinical history and a laboratory investigation was performed. In parallel, a systematic multi-source search of children known to have autism was carried out in a restricted region. The global prevalence of ASD per 10,000 was 9.2 in mainland, and 15.6 in the Azores, with intriguing regional differences. A diversity of associated medical conditions was documented in 20%, with an unexpectedly high rate of mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders

    Revealing the structure of the outer disks of Be stars

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    Context. The structure of the inner parts of Be star disks (20 stellar radii) is well explained by the viscous decretion disk (VDD) model, which is able to reproduce the observable properties of most of the objects studied so far. The outer parts, on the ther hand, are not observationally well-explored, as they are observable only at radio wavelengths. A steepening of the spectral slope somewhere between infrared and radio wavelengths was reported for several Be stars that were previously detected in the radio, but a convincing physical explanation for this trend has not yet been provided. Aims. We test the VDD model predictions for the extended parts of a sample of six Be disks that have been observed in the radio to address the question of whether the observed turndown in the spectral energy distribution (SED) can be explained in the framework of the VDD model, including recent theoretical development for truncated Be disks in binary systems. Methods. We combine new multi-wavelength radio observations from the Karl. G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) and Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) with previously published radio data and archival SED measurements at ultraviolet, visual, and infrared wavelengths. The density structure of the disks, including their outer parts, is constrained by radiative transfer modeling of the observed spectrum using VDD model predictions. In the VDD model we include the presumed effects of possible tidal influence from faint binary companions. Results. For 5 out of 6 studied stars, the observed SED shows strong signs of SED turndown between far-IR and radio wavelengths. A VDD model that extends to large distances closely reproduces the observed SEDs up to far IR wavelengths, but fails to reproduce the radio SED. ... (abstract continues but did not fit here)Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    TERTp mutations and p53 expression in head and neck cutaneous basal cell carcinomas with different aggressive features

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    Cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (cBCC) is an economic burden to health services, due to its great morbidity and increasing incidence in old people. Infiltrative cBCCs and cBCCs with micronodular pattern are considered as more aggressive. The role of p53 expression and TERTp mutation on cBCC behavior remains to be clarified. We aimed to assess TERTp mutations and p53 expression in relation to the cBCC histological subtype in a cohort of patients referred to an ENT Department of a tertiary Hospital of Northern Portugal. We performed a retrospective clinicopathological and histological review of the head and neck cBCCs followed-up at the otorhinolaryngology department of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro hospital (January 2007–June 2018). We assessed TERTp mutations in 142 cBCCs and p53 protein expression, through immunohistochemistry, in 157 cBCCs. We detected TERTp mutations in 43.7% of cBCCs and p53 overexpression in 60.5% of cBCCs. We spotted association of p53 overexpression and TERTp mutation with necrosis. In the infitrative-growth pattern cBCCs, there was no significant association with the clinical and histological features evaluated, except for necrosis. In the indolent-growth cBCCs, we identified a significant association of TERTp mutation status with female sex, necrosis, multiple cBCCs, and p53 positive expression. Our results suggest that TERTp mutation may be useful to identify more aggressive features in the indolent-growth pattern cBCCs (nodular and superficial subtypes). Further studies with larger cohorts are warranted to clarify the relevance of TERTp mutation in cBCCs.This study was supported by FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through a Ph.D. Grant to SM (SFRH/BD/137802/2018). This work was financed by FEDER—Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020—Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnolo-gia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). Additional funding by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization—COMPETE2020, and Portuguese national funds via FCT, under project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016390: CANCEL STEM and from the FCT, under the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031438: The other faces of telomerase: Looking beyond tumour immortalization (PDTC/MED-ONC/31438/2017)

    In vitro co-culture of Solanum tuberosum hairy roots with Meloidogyne chitwoodi: structure, growth and production of volatiles

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    Meloidogyne spp., commonly known as root- knot nematodes (RKNs), are economically important plant sedentary endoparasites that cause galls on susceptible hosts. The Columbia root-knot nematode (CRKN), M. chitwoodi, is a quarantine A2 type pest by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization since 1998. This nematode has been found associated with economi- cally important crops such as potato and tomato, causing severe damage and making the agricultural products unac- ceptable for the fresh market and food processing. In vitro co-culture of host and parasite offers an advantageous experimental system for studying plant-RKN interactions. The structure, growth and production of volatiles of Sola- num tuberosum hairy roots (HR) and of S. tuberosum HR/ CRKN co-cultures were compared. HR were induced by inoculation of aseptic potato tuber segments with Rhizo- bium rhizogenes. Co-cultures were initiated by inoculating HR with sterilized CRKN eggs. Infection with CRKN induced the RKN symptomatology in the HR and several nematode life stages were observed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Potato HR and HR/CRKN co-culturesexhibited similar growth patterns, evaluated by measuring fresh and dry weight and by the dissimilation method. Volatiles, isolated by distillation–extraction and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, revealed that palmitic acid (37–52 %), n–pentadecanal (10–16 %) and linoleic acid (2–16 %) were the main constitutive components of S. tu- berosum HR, and of the HR/CRKN co-cultures (24–44, 8–22 and 4–18 %, respectively). S. tuberosum HR/CRKN co-cultures can be considered a suitable biotechnological tool to study RKN infection mechanism by mimicking what occurs under field conditions

    List of the terrestriaL nematodes (nematoda) from Azores

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    Os nemátodes são um grupo de invertebrados, não segmentados que formam um Filo (Nematoda) bem definido e claramente distinto dos outros grupos de organismos. Este Filo constitui um dos grupos animais mais disseminados no planeta, e em termos de número de indivíduos os nemátodes são o grupo animal mais abundante na Terra: quatro em cada cinco animais da Biosfera são nemátodes. Apesar de microscópicos, os animais multicelulares que constituem este grupo são capazes de explorar uma enorme variedade de habitats, nos mares, nas águas doces, nos solos, como parasitas de animais ou de plantas, ou mesmo em condições extremas, como nos solos secos da Antárctida ou em fontes termais (Baldwin et al. 1999). A actual informação sobre a nematofauna do arquipélago dos Açores encontra-se fraccionada e espalhada em diversas publicações científicas, mas igualmente em dados ainda não publicados (Sturhan, comunicação pessoal). Entre as diversas publicações de nemátodes para os Açores, há que salientar os trabalhos realizados por Sturhan (1973, 1975, 1983) e Macara (1994), que muito contribuíram para o conhecimento e distribuição actual das espécies de vida livre e parasitas de plantas; bem como os trabalhos de Afonso-Roque (1995) e Casanova et al. (1996) relativamente a espécies parasitas de animais, reportadas para as diferentes ilhas do arquipélago. A lista de nemátodes apresentada neste capítulo, tem como base as publicações conhecidas para o arquipélago (ver listagem de publicações até 2010 em www. naturdata.com), bem como o registo de espécies assinaladas pela primeira vez para o arquipélago (Sturhan, comunicação pessoal). A classificação utilizada baseia-se na recente revisão da sistemática e filogenia proposta por De Ley & Blaxter (2002) para todo o Filo, até ao nível da Família. A classificação dos restantes taxa segue o critério utilizado para a fauna terrestre da Fauna Europaea (http://www. faunaeur.org). É apresentada a distribuição das espécies nas nove ilhas dos Açores, usando-se a seguinte simbologia: COR – Corvo; FLO – Flores; FAI – Faial; PIC – Pico; GRA – Graciosa; SJG – São Jorge; TER – Terceira; SMG – São Miguel e SMR – Santa Maria

    Método de avaliação do desempenho ambiental de inovações tecnológicas agroindustriais: Ambitec - ciclo de vida.

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    Estrutura conceitual; Particularidades da etapa de produção da matéria-prima; Detalhamento do método Ambitec-Ciclo de Vida; Planejamento da Avaliação; Definição da função, da unidade funcional, do produto ou processo substituto utilizado na comparação e do fluxo de referência; Escolha das unidades em cada etapa da avaliação; Identificação das bacias hidrográficas onde cada unidade se localiza; Análise da Vulnerabilidade Ambiental de bacias hidrográficas; Normalização dos indicadores de vulnerabilidade ambiental; Agregação dos indicadores em critérios de Vulnerabilidade Ambiental; Agregação dos critérios no Índice de Vulnerabilidade Ambiental (IVA) da bacia; Avaliação de Desempenho Ambiental em uma etapa do ciclo de vida de um produto ou na etapa de uso de um processo; Ajuste dos valores dos indicadores de Desempenho Ambiental pela unidade funcional; Normalização dos indicadores de desempenho ambiental em uma etapa; Ponderação de indicadores pelo (IVA) da bacia; Agregação dos indicadores de uma etapa em critérios de desempenho ambiental; Agregação de critérios de uma etapa em princípios de desempenho ambiental; Agregação dos critérios no Índice de Desempenho Ambiental (IDA) de uma etapa; Avaliação final do desempenho ambiental de um produto; Agregação dos valores dos indicadores de cada etapa em indicadores finais; Normalização do indicador final de desempenho ambiental; Ponderação do indicador final pela vulnerabilidade ambiental média; Agregação dos indicadores finais normalizados em critérios de desempenho ambiental; Agregação dos critérios em princípios de desempenho ambiental; Agregação dos critérios no IDA; Estudo de caso: substrato de coco verde (SCV); Planejamento da avaliação; Análise de vulnerabilidade; Avaliação de desempenho ambiental.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/12001/1/Doc-121.pd