5,763 research outputs found

    Nokia Smart Mobile advertising: from the low-hanging fruit to the truffle hunt

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    CEMSThis Work Project is a part of the 2016 Business Project course of the CEMS Master in International Management program, done at Aalto School of Business in Helsinki, Finland. It was developed in cooperation with Nokia Networks, having two major goals: (1) the examination of the current state-of-art of mobile advertising within operators in a global level, as well (2) providing recommendations for Nokia on its sales strategy during the expansion to different mobile advertising markets. Additionally, this Work Project also discusses academic insights regarding the importance of managing business ecosystems and the crucial value given by dynamics of co-creation

    Multi-agent system for an airline operations control centre

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    Estágio realizado na TAP Portugal e orientado pelo Eng.º António CastroTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200


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    The eighteenth century was a decisive period for the rise and consolidation of the English novel. Considering Henry Fielding’s (1707-1754) importance in such process, this article aims to analyze the relationship between fiction and reality in some of his works — with emphasis on Joseph Andrews (1742) and its preface, but also considering Shamela (1741) and Tom Jones (1749). For such relationship, the construction of humor or comic is crucial, because the affectation is, in Fielding's view, the only source of the true ridiculousness present in the world. It is through affectation that fiction and reality come together in their idiosyncrasies and interpenetrations, which allows Fielding to subvert and raise to absurdity the quest for factuality that was common to novels at the time.DOI: https://doi.org/10.47295/mgren.v8i2.201

    nodeML - Towards reproducible ML in federated environments

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    Advances and increasing interest in AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the field of health have created novel issues, namely explainability and reproducibility of ML (Machine Learning) models. In addition, while the training of ML models traditionally favors a centralized approach, scalability and privacy issues seem to lead towards a distributed one. The latter poses challenges to ML algorithms and the efficacy of learning itself. Reproducing ML models poses several challenges arising from the intrinsic variability of the models themselves and the environment where they are trained. This problem is aggravated by their lack of standardization and common terminology. The main goal of this work is to conceptualize and prototype a framework to train, evaluate and describe ML models, in a decentralized way, over immunogenetics datasets. This framework will promote model reproducibility and comparability, as well as its adaptability. This work will start by implementing a federated/decentralized training framework over existing ML pipelines. Then, it will be possible to list and select potential dataset sources, aiming to provide an easy path to model adaptation and optimization.Os contínuos avanços e crescente interesse em IA (Inteligência Artificial) no campo da saúde levantaram novas questões, nomeadamente a explicabilidade e a reprodutibilidade de modelos de ML (Machine Learning). Adicionalmente, enquanto o treino de modelos de ML favorece tradicionalmente uma abordagem centralizada, questões de escalabilidade e privacidade tendem a levar a uma abordagem distribuída. Esta última apresenta desafios aos algoritmos de ML e à eficácia do treino em si. A reprodução de modelos de ML apresenta vários desafios decorrentes da variabilidade intrínseca dos próprios modelos e do ambiente onde são treinados. Este problema é agravado pela falta de padronização e terminologia comum. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é conceptualizar e prototipar uma framework para treinar, avaliar e descrever modelos de ML, de forma descentralizada, sobre conjuntos de dados imunogenéticos. Essa framework promoverá a reproducibilidade e comparabilidade dos modelos, bem como a sua adaptabilidade. Este trabalho começará com a implementação de uma framework de treino federado/descentralizado sobre pipelines de ML existentes. De seguida, será possível listar e selecionar potenciais fontes de dados, esperando facilitar a adaptação e otimização dos modelos

    Obtenção de cultivares de malva sem dormência nas sementes com boa produção e boa qualidade de fibra.

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    Competição entre cultivares de juta local vs linhagens introduzidas da Índia.

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    A utilização das TIC no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico : um estudo exploratório num Agrupamento TEIP do Porto

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    Nesta comunicação vamos apresentar um estudo desenvolvido com os professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico pertencentes a um Agrupamento de Escolas TEIP do Porto. Com o apetrechamento das escolas e o lançamento do programa “e-escolinha”, os professores do 1.º Ciclo viram-se confrontados com a “entrada” de novos recursos tecnológicos na sala de aula. Com o objectivo de desenhar um modelo de formação capaz de promover uma integração efectiva e eficaz das tecnologias no 1.º Ciclo, aplicámos um inquérito por questionário aos professores do referido agrupamento de modo a recolher informação sobre expectativas e necessidades de formação dos professores que leccionam no 1.º Ciclo, bem como as suas percepções relativamente à importância da integração curricular das TIC neste nível de ensino.Universidade do Minho. Instituto de Educação (Cied

    Podcasting : report of an experience in music education

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    In this paper we will present a pedagogic experience carried out in a 6th grade class, in the current 2008/2009 school year, in the Music Education classroom. For this purpose, a podcast was created (www.podomatic.com) and several activities were developed, in classroom context, taking advantage of the tool’s potential. Although the podcast was managed by the teacher, the published contents were mostly developed by the students, therefore becoming themselves producers of the information on the web, in a logic that exceeds the observation level and motivates the student to have an active role in the construction of the global society of the 21st century