11 research outputs found

    New perspectives for undoped CaF2 scintillator as a threshold activation neutron detector

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    In this paper we present the prompt photofission neutron detection performance of undoped CaF2 scintillator using Threshold Activation Detection (TAD). The study is carried out in the frame of C-BORD Horizon 2020 project, during which an efficient toolbox for high volume freight non-intrusive inspection (NII) is under development. Technologies for radiation monitoring are the part of the project. Particularly, detection of various radiological threats on country borders plays an important significant role in Homeland Security applications. Detection of illegal transfer of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) - 235U, 233U and 239Pu - is particular due to the potential use for production of nuclear weapon as well as radiological dispersal device (RDD) V known also as a "dirty bomb". This technique relies on activation of 19F nuclei in the scintillator medium by fast neutrons and registration of high-energy β particles and γ-rays from the decay of reaction products. The radiation from SNM is detected after irradiation in order to avoid detector blinding. Despite the low 19F(n,α)16N or 19F(n,p)19O reaction cross-section, the method could be a good solution for detection of shielded nuclear material. Results obtained with the CaF2 detector were compared with the previous study done for BaF2 and 3He detector. These experimental results were obtained using 252Cf source and 9 MeV Varian Linatron M9 linear accelerator (LINAC). Finally, performance of the prompt neutron detection system based on CaF2 will be validated at Rotterdam Seaport during field trails in 2018

    Using FreeFEM open software for modelling the vibrations of piezoelectric devices

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    Modelling vibrations of piezoelectric transducers has been a topic discussed in the literature for many decades. The first models - so-called one-dimensional - describe the vibrations only near operating frequency and near its harmonics. Attempts to introduce two-dimensional models were related to the possibility of one transducer working at several frequencies, including both thickness vibrations and those resulting from the transducer horizontal dimensions. In recent decades, thanks to the use of the finite element method and its derivatives, and the progress related to the increase in processor speed and memory availability, the implementation of models based on three-dimensional modelling is possible using software on personal computers. As the implementation of finite element method algorithms is characterized by high complexity, several professional software packages have been created on the commercial market, among which only a few implement the piezoelectric equations. In this context, this article presents how to use open source software along with developed programming language for intuitive definition of piezoelectric equations and its solution

    Three main activities of the Department of Education of the Polish Space Agency for 2019-2020

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    Department of Education is one of the sixth departments in organizational structure of Polish Space Agency (POLSA)that was established by the Act of 26 September 2014. In general, the task of the agency is to support the Polish space entrepreneurs by combining the world of business and science. Additionally, the agency should support entrepreneurs in obtaining funds from the European Space Agency (ESA). An important aspect of the Agency's activity is to promote the development of satellite technology that can be used in everyday life, including communication, navigation, environmental monitoring and weather forecasting. [Opening paragraph]</div

    Physics-guided neural networks (PGNNs) to solve differential equations for spatial analysis

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    Numerous examples of physically unjustified neural networks, despite satisfactory performance, generate contradictions with logic and lead to many inaccuracies in the final applications. One of the methods to justify the typical black-box model already at the training stage involves extending its cost function by a relationship directly inspired by the physical formula. This publication explains the concept of Physics-guided neural networks (PGNN), makes an overview of already proposed solutions in the field and describes possibilities of implementing physics-based loss functions for spatial analysis. Our approach shows that the model predictions are not only optimal but also scientifically consistent with domain specific equations. Furthermore, we present two applications of PGNNs and illustrate their advantages in theory by solving Poisson’s and Burger’s partial differential equations. The proposed formulas describe various real-world processes and have numerous applications in the area of applied mathematics. Eventually, the usage of scientific knowledge contained in the tailored cost functions shows that our methods guarantee physics-consistent results as well as better generalizability of the model compared to classical, artificial neural networks

    Testing of Software for the Planning of a Linear Object GNSS Measurement Campaign under Simulated Conditions

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    The precision of a linear object measurement using satellite techniques is determined by the number and the relative position of the visible satellites by the receiver. The status of the visible constellation is described by the Dilution Of Precision (DOP). The obtained geometric coefficient values are dependent on many variables. When determining these values, field obstacles at the receiver location and satellite positions changing with time must be taken into account. Carrying out a series of surveys as part of a linear object Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurement campaign requires the optimisation problem to be solved. The manner of the inspection vehicle’s movement should be determined in such a way that the surveys are taken only within the pre-defined time frames and that the geometric coefficient values obtained at subsequent points of the route are as low as possible. The purpose of this article is to develop a software for the planning of a linear object GNSS measurement campaign to implemented in motion and taking into account the terrain model and its coverage. Additionally, it was determined how much the developed program improves DOP values on the planned route under simulated conditions. This software has no equivalent elsewhere in the world, as the current solutions for the planning of a GNSS measurement campaign, e.g., Trimble GNSS Planning, GNSS Mission Planning, or GPS Navigation Toolbox, allow the satellite constellation geometry to be analysed exclusively for specific coordinates and at a specific time. Analysis of the obtained simulation test results indicates that the campaign implementation in accordance with the pre-determined schedule significantly improves the quality of the recorded GNSS data. This is particularly noticeable when determining the position using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) satellite constellations at the same time. During the tests conducted on the road along a three-kilometre-long route (tram loop) in Gdańsk Brzeźno, the average value of the obtained Position Dilution Of Precision (PDOP) decreased by 22.17% thanks to using the software to plan a linear object GNSS measurement campaign. The largest drop in the geometric coefficient values was noted for an area characterised by a very large number of field obstacles (trees with crowns and high buildings). Under these conditions, the PDOP value decreased by approx. 25%. In areas characterised by a small number of field obstacles (single trees in the vicinity of the track, clusters of trees and buildings located along the track), the changes in the PDOP were slightly smaller and amounted to several percent

    Characterization of some modern scintillators recommended for use on large fusion facilities in γ-ray spectroscopy and tomographic measurements of γ-emission profiles

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    LaBr3:Ce,CeBr3 and GAGG:Ce scintillators were investigated and the determined characteristics were compared with those obtained for the well-known and widely used CsI:Tl and NaI:Tl crystals. All the detectors were of the same size of 10 × 10 × 5 mm3. The aim of this test study was to single out scintillation detectors most suitable for γ-ray spectrometry and γ-ray emission radial profile measurements in high-temperature plasma experiments. Decay time, energy resolution, non-proportionality and full energy peak detection efficiency ere measured for γ-ray energies up to 1770 keV. Due to their good energy resolution, short decay time and high detection efficiency for MeV gamma rays, LaBr3:Ce and CeBr3 scintillators are proposed as the best candidates for use especially under conditions of high count rates, which are expected in the forthcoming DT experiments

    New perspectives for undoped CaF2 scintillator as a threshold activation neutron detector

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    In this paper we present the prompt photofission neutron detection performance of undoped CaF2 scintillator using Threshold Activation Detection (TAD). The study is carried out in the frame of C-BORD Horizon 2020 project, during which an efficient toolbox for high volume freight non-intrusive inspection (NII) is under development. Technologies for radiation monitoring are the part of the project. Particularly, detection of various radiological threats on country borders plays an important significant role in Homeland Security applications. Detection of illegal transfer of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) - 235U, 233U and 239Pu - is particular due to the potential use for production of nuclear weapon as well as radiological dispersal device (RDD) V known also as a “dirty bomb”. This technique relies on activation of 19F nuclei in the scintillator medium by fast neutrons and registration of high-energy β particles and γ-rays from the decay of reaction products. The radiation from SNM is detected after irradiation in order to avoid detector blinding. Despite the low 19F(n,α)16N or 19F(n,p)19O reaction cross-section, the method could be a good solution for detection of shielded nuclear material. Results obtained with the CaF2 detector were compared with the previous study done for BaF2 and 3He detector. These experimental results were obtained using 252Cf source and 9 MeV Varian Linatron M9 linear accelerator (LINAC). Finally, performance of the prompt neutron detection system based on CaF2 will be validated at Rotterdam Seaport during field trails in 2018

    Detection System of the First Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System (RRTNIS), Developed in the Framework of the European H2020 C-BORD Project

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    none19sinoneFontana, Cristiano Lino; Carnera, Alberto; Lunardon, Marcello; Felix, Pino; Sada, Cinzia; Soramel, Francesca; Stevanato, Luca; Nebbia, Giancarlo; Carasco, Cédric; Perot, Bertrand; Sardet, Alix; Sannie, Guillaume; Iovene, Alessandro; Tintori, Carlo; Grodzicki, Krystian; Moszyński, Marek; Sibczyński, Paweł; Swiderski, Lukasz; Moretto, SandraFontana, Cristiano Lino; Carnera, Alberto; Lunardon, Marcello; Pino, Felix; Sada, Cinzia; Soramel, Francesca; Stevanato, Luca; Nebbia, Giancarlo; Carasco, Cédric; Perot, Bertrand; Sardet, Alix; Sannie, Guillaume; Iovene, Alessandro; Tintori, Carlo; Grodzicki, Krystian; Moszyński, Marek; Sibczyński, Paweł; Swiderski, Lukasz; Moretto, Sandr