46 research outputs found

    Usos amorosos e identitarios de Esther Tusquets: ÂżHacia una transiciĂłn inconclusa?

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the types of discourse, ideologies, values and models codified in Tusquet’s novels with respect to love and identity related narratives. In order to achieve our goal, we will apply the sociocritical theory regarding transition as well as love related theoretical patterns coined in sociology and psychology. The following questions shall be taken into consideration: which love and identity concepts are being depicted in the novels?, how do the love and identity discourses interact among themselves? Which types of discourse and which cultural models seem to be dominant in Tusquets’ narrative? and to what extent could the analyzed texts be seen as the inscription of an unaccomplished transition?The aim of this study is to investigate the types of discourse, ideologies, values and models codified in Tusquet’s novels with respect to love and identity related narratives. In order to achieve our goal, we will apply the sociocritical theory regarding transition as well as love related theoretical patterns coined in sociology and psychology. The following questions shall be taken into consideration: which love and identity concepts are being depicted in the novels?, how do the love and identity discourses interact among themselves? Which types of discourse and which cultural models seem to be dominant in Tusquets’ narrative? and to what extent could the analyzed texts be seen as the inscription of an unaccomplished transition?The aim of this study is to investigate the types of discourse, ideologies, values and models codified in Tusquet’s novels with respect to love and identity related narratives. In order to achieve our goal, we will apply the sociocritical theory regarding transition as well as love related theoretical patterns coined in sociology and psychology. The following questions shall be taken into consideration: which love and identity concepts are being depicted in the novels?, how do the love and identity discourses interact among themselves? Which types of discourse and which cultural models seem to be dominant in Tusquets’ narrative? and to what extent could the analyzed texts be seen as the inscription of an unaccomplished transition

    Between the crisis of the “human”, “trans(fuge)” autofiction and “the queer art of failure”: Camila Sosa Villada’s “Las malas”

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    "Las malas" de Camila Sosa Villada (2019), un relato de vida construido en clave de una autoficciĂłn trĂĄnsfuga, deviene en una crĂ­tica de la violencia patriarcal basada en el pensamiento falologocĂ©ntrico binario que ha precisado siempre de lo externo a Ă©l. En los discursos normativos disciplinarios que Camila afronta, lo exterior estĂĄ materializado en forma de barbarie, de lo “no-humano” o “vida no habitable” (Butler 2002, Braidotti 2015). Veremos cĂłmo el texto activa y des-activa la dialĂ©ctica identidad/otredad, dentro/fuera, humano/no-humano que subyace a todas las narraciones (des)identitarias (Wayar 2019). Asimismo, analizaremos la representaciĂłn de la (in)felicidad performativa tal y como quedĂł codificada en "Las malas", con sus mandatos, promesas, tabĂșes y fracasos. Por Ășltimo, hablar del “arte queer del fracaso” nos permitirĂĄ ver que las prĂĄcticas (trans)discursivas producidas y reproducidas en la novela no siempre se corresponden con los usos de las teorĂ­as trans* (Halberstam 2018), creando de esta forma llamativos encuentros y desencuentros ideolĂłgicos."Las malas", written by Camila Sosa Villada (2019), is a story of life construc-ted as an defector ́s autofiction that evolves into a critique of patriarchal violence based on the binary, phalogocentric system of thought that always depended on its own exterior. In the normative disciplinary discourses that Camila must face, the exterior is materialized in the form of the non-human or the “no-livable life” (Butler 2002, Braidotti 2015). The text activates and deactivates the dialectics iden-tity/alterity, inside /outside, human/non-human which underlies all (non)identity narratives. Likewise, we will analyse the representation of performative (un)happiness as it was codified in "Las malas", with its mandates, promises, taboos and failures. Finally, the concept of “the queer art of failure” will allow us to see that the (trans)discursive practices produced and reproduced in the novel do not always comply with the uses propagated by trans* theories (Halberstam 2018), creating striking ideological encounters and discounters

    Amor, gĂ©nero y orden social en El Ășltimo patriarca y La cazadora de cuerpos, de Najat El Hachmi

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    Las prĂĄcticas discursivas amorosas existen siempre dentro del marco cultural concreto y se relacionan con otros discursos e interpretaciones individuales y colectivas generados por dicha cultura. Este artĂ­culo reflexiona sobre El Ășltimo patriarca (2008) y La cazadora de cuerpos (2011), dos novelas de la escritora catalana Najat El Hachmi, que pueden ser leĂ­das conjuntamente como un relato sobre la historia de los conceptos del amor, la sexualidad y del matrimonio en Occidente. Asimismo, las dos novelas no solo se complementan al poner en el centro de su atenciĂłn las cuestiones de identidad, gĂ©nero, cuerpo y amor, sino que tambiĂ©n reinscriben la evoluciĂłn de tales conceptos, su mitificaciĂłn y desmitificaciĂłn.Les pratiques discursives de l'amour sont toujours dans le contexte culturel spĂ©cifique et se rapportent Ă  d'autres discours et interprĂ©tations individuelles et collectives gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par cette culture. Cet article se penche sur El Ășltimo patriarca (2008) et La cazadora de cuerpos (2011), deux romans par l'Ă©crivain catalan Najat El Hachmi, qui peut ĂȘtre lu en mĂȘme temps comme une histoire Ă  propos de l'histoire des concepts de l'amour, la sexualitĂ© et mariage en Occident. En outre, les deux romans non seulement se complĂštent Ă  placer au centre de leur attention sur les questions de l'identitĂ©, le sexe, le corps et l'amour, mais aussi rĂ©inscrivent l'Ă©volution de ces concepts, leur mystification et dĂ©mystification.Discourse practices of love always enhance cultural meanings and social values. Every single love discourse, every version or interpretation of affective experiences can solely exist and be decoded within a specific cultural framework as it is connected with other socio-ideological narratives generated by a given culture. This article aims at analyzing El Ășltimo patriarca (2008) and La cazadora de cuerpos (2011), two novels written by the Catalan writer Najat El Hachmi as one story highlighting the evolution of the concepts of love, sexuality and marriage in Western culture. Thus, the novels not only complement one another by focusing on the questions of identity, gender, body and love, but also re-write the history of those concepts, their mythification and demythification

    La performatividad de gĂ©nero segĂșn La hija extranjera o el compromiso polĂ­tico de Najat El Hachmi

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    The objective of this article consists in analysing how and to what extent “the psychic life of power” (Butler, 2001) and the “synchronicity of the non-synchronic” (Cros, 2002) organise discourse practices of the hybrid identity (SabatĂ©, 2014) encoded in Najat El Hachmi’s La hija extranjera (2015), a novel written from a marked transcultural and feminist perspective. The protagonist and narrator in first person, a young Catalan woman of Moroccan origin (“the foreign daughter” of the title), is torn between contradictory ideologies, hopes and desires. She is suspended between the Spanish and the Moroccan cultures, between submission and rebellion. Likewise, we will see how the narrator reveals the great political potential of literature that lies in “resignification” (Butler, 2002).The objective of this article consists in analysing how and to what extent “the psychic life of power” (Butler, 2001) and the “synchronicity of the non-synchronic” (Cros, 2002) organise discourse practices of the hybrid identity (SabatĂ©, 2014) encoded in Najat El Hachmi’s La hija extranjera (2015), a novel written from a marked transcultural and feminist perspective. The protagonist and narrator in first person, a young Catalan woman of Moroccan origin (“the foreign daughter” of the title), is torn between contradictory ideologies, hopes and desires. She is suspended between the Spanish and the Moroccan cultures, between submission and rebellion. Likewise, we will see how the narrator reveals the great political potential of literature that lies in “resignification” (Butler, 2002).The objective of this article consists in analysing how and to what extent “the psychic life of power” (Butler, 2001) and the “synchronicity of the non-synchronic” (Cros, 2002) organise discourse practices of the hybrid identity (SabatĂ©, 2014) encoded in Najat El Hachmi’s La hija extranjera (2015), a novel written from a marked transcultural and feminist perspective. The protagonist and narrator in first person, a young Catalan woman of Moroccan origin (“the foreign daughter” of the title), is torn between contradictory ideologies, hopes and desires. She is suspended between the Spanish and the Moroccan cultures, between submission and rebellion. Likewise, we will see how the narrator reveals the great political potential of literature that lies in “resignification” (Butler, 2002)

    Entrevista a Ángeles Encinar

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    Ángeles encinar es catedråtica de literatura Española en saint Louis University, Madrid campus. Licenciada en Filosofía y letras por la Universidad complutense de Madrid, realizó su doctorado en Washington University in saint louis. ha sido profesora visitante en University of texas at austin, stanford University, Washington University in saint louis, University of Illinois at chicago y VÀxjö Universitetet

    Del amor romĂĄntico al amor efĂ­mero: hacia el monitoring del discurso amoroso en el teatro de Paloma Pedrero

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar el monitoring (Malcuzynski, 1991) de los discursos amorosos codificados en la obra de Paloma Pedrero. al combinar el anĂĄlisis de los discursos literarios y sociolĂłgicos con la crĂ­tica de la ideologĂ­a, se enfocan las relaciones recĂ­procas entre “lo dado”, “lo proyectado” y “lo creado” que se inscriben en el texto artĂ­stico. Se intenta averiguar distintas visiones del amor, asĂ­ como la relaciĂłn entre los usos amorosos y la lĂłgica cultural dominante. Mientras que el mito del amor romĂĄntico conduce a las protagonistas bien al fracaso, o bien al sumergimiento en el mundo de la fantasĂ­a, el amor “efĂ­mero” o “lĂ­quido”, que no permite establecer una relaciĂłn duradera y sĂłlida, es la secuela directa del consumismo tan criticado por Pedrero en todas sus obras.Ce travail vise Ă  faire le monitoring (Malcuzynski, 1991) discours amoureux codĂ©s dans l’Ɠuvre de Paloma Pedrero. En combinant l’analyse des discours littĂ©raires et sociologiques avec la critique de l’idĂ©ologie, on concentre les relations entre «le donnĂ© », «le devrait» et «le créé» inscrits dans le texte artistique. On cherche diffĂ©rentes visions de l’amour entre les usages amoureux et  la logique culturelle dominante. alors  que le mythe de l’amour romantique mĂšne les protagonistes Ă  l’échec, ou Ă  se plonger dans le monde de la fantaisie, l’amour  «éphĂ©mĂšre»  ou  «liquide»,  qui  ne  permet  pas  une  relation  longue  et solide, est la sĂ©quelle directe la surconsommation si critiquĂ©e par Pedrero dans toutes ses Ɠuvres.The aim of this paper consists in monitoring (Malcuzynski, 1991) love discourses encoded in Paloma Pedrero’s theatre.   Thus, it combines the analysis of the literary text with elements of sociology and critique of ideology by focusing not only on love tropes, but also by highlighting connections linking love narratives to the cultural logic of the contemporary society. Whereas the myth of romantic love leads Pedrero’s characters to failure or to the world of fantasy, the “ephemeral” or “liquid” love, which does not allow for establishing a more solid and durable relationship, is a direct consequence of consumerism, criticized by the playwright in all her dramatic production

    Stan wdroĆŒenia modelu nauczania skoncentrowanego na studentach i studentkach na polskich uczelniach wyĆŒszych

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    Student-Centered Learning, i.e. education concentrated on students, is one of the basic ideas influencing the evaluation of higher education in Europe within the program of the Bolognese Process, and on the local level - of works on the Domestic Framework of Classification. The article is discussing history and assumptions of the Student-Centered Learning (SCL), and is also an attempt to diagnose the functioning of the SCL policy in Polish higher education. The article is presenting the results of the research conducted with the participation of 336 studying persons (43% men, 57% women) in 50 colleges in 19 Polish cities. The research were conducted in the form of online questionnaire, constructed on the basis of a checklist published in Student-Centered Learning - Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions (Attard, Di Jorio, Geven and Santa, 2010) taking into consideration the specifics of Polish universities. The discussion of the results is presented in the context of factors obstructing the implementation of the idea of education concentrated on students in Polish higher education.Student-Centered Learning, czyli ksztaƂcenie skoncentrowane na osobach studiujących, jest jedną z podstawowych idei wpƂywających na ewolucję szkolnictwa wyĆŒszego w Europie w ramach realizacji programu Procesu BoloƄskiego, a na poziomie lokalnym – prac nad Krajowymi Ramami Kwalifikacji. ArtykuƂ omawia historię i zaƂoĆŒenia Student- Centered Learning (SCL), a takĆŒe jest prĂłbą zdiagnozowania funkcjonowania polityki SCL w polskim szkolnictwie wyĆŒszym. ArtykuƂ prezentuje wyniki badania przeprowadzonego z udziaƂem 336 osĂłb studiujących (43% mÄ™ĆŒczyzn, 57% kobiet) na 50 uczelniach wyĆŒszych w 19 miastach polskich. Badania zostaƂy przeprowadzone w formie kwestiona- riusza online, skonstruowanego na podstawie listy kontrolnej zamieszczonej w publikacji Student-Centered Learning – Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions (Attard, Di Jorio, Geven i Santa, 2010) z uwzględnieniem specyfiki polskich uczelni wyĆŒ- szych. OmĂłwienie wynikĂłw zaprezentowane jest w kontekƛcie czynnikĂłw, ktĂłre utrud- niają wprowadzenie idei ksztaƂcenia skoncentrowanego na studentach i studentkach w polskim szkolnictwie wyĆŒszym

    Predictive factors for the recurrence of Cushing’s disease after surgical treatment in childhood

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    Introduction: Cushing’s disease (CD) is a rare cause of hypercortisolaemia caused by excessive adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) excretion by a pituitary adenoma. Data on the predictive factors for the recurrence of the disease are limited in comparison with those for the adult population. The identification of the predictive factors for CD recurrence in patients after surgical treatment in childhood was the aim of the presented study. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis of 26 CD patients, mean age at the time of diagnosis 13.46 years, treated at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute (CMHI) in the years 1994–2018. Two time points were set at which the follow-up (FU) of patients was finished. The first time point (shorter FU, 24 patients) was set when the patients completed their treatment at the CMHI. The second time point (longer FU, 26 patients) was determined on the basis on the time when adult patients (previous CMHI patients) completed the author’s questionnaire. In the case of the other patients (current CMHI paediatric patients and patients who did not respond to the questionnaire), the latest FU in this second time point was made during the last visit to the CMHI. The predictors of disease recurrence were evaluated by the construction of a logistic regression model and receiver operating characteristics. Results: The average FU after transsphenoidal pituitary surgery (TSS) of 26 patients was 10.23 years (0.67–24.50). Recurrence of CD occurred in four out of 26 patients (15.4%) after an average time of 3.6 years (0.92–8.08) following definitive treatment. The results of the statistical analysis of potential predictive factors for CD recurrence were not conclusive, with no variables confirmed above the statistical significance threshold of p < 0.05. As regards the longer FU, two potential predictors: mean cortisol level at night (p = 0.10) and max. ACTH level after ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRH) test (p = 0.10), were the closest to meeting the assumed threshold of statistical significance. Conclusion: Recurrence of CD may be diagnosed even a long time after its effective treatment. It is possible that cortisol levels at night and ACTH values in oCRH test before TSS may be helpful to predict which patients may experience a recurrence after successful initial treatment. However, further studies on a larger sample are needed to confirm this hypothesis

    Paediatric Cushing’s disease — a literature review of epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, and diagnostics

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    Cushing’s disease (CD) is characterised by excess production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by a pituitary corticotroph adenoma, which results in hypercortisolaemia. CD is extremely rare in the paediatric population, and few paediatric endocrinology centres have experience in diagnosing and treating this disease. The clinical presentation of hypercortisolaemia is variable, so proper and rapid diagnosis of CD is often challenging. The molecular pathogenesis of CD was largely unknown until recently. The latest research has revealed somatic mutations in the USP8 gene as the most common pathogenic molecular variants of this disease. Herein, we describe the current state of knowledge of paediatric CD epidemiology, molecular pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, and diagnostics

    Del amor romĂĄntico al amor efĂ­mero: hacia el monitoring del discurso amoroso en el teatro de Paloma Pedrero

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar el monitoring (Malcuzynski, 1991) de los discursos amorosos codificados en la obra de Paloma Pedrero. Al combinar el anĂĄlisis de los discursos literarios y sociolĂłgicos con la crĂ­tica de la ideologĂ­a, se enfocan las relaciones recĂ­procas entre “lo dado”, “lo proyectado” y “lo creado” que se inscriben en el texto artĂ­stico. Se intenta averiguar distintas visiones del amor, asĂ­ como la relaciĂłn entre los usos amorosos y la lĂłgica cultural dominante. Mientras que el mito del amor romĂĄntico conduce a las protagonistas bien al fracaso, o bien al sumergimiento en el mundo de la fantasĂ­a, el amor “efĂ­mero” o “lĂ­quido”, que no permite establecer una relaciĂłn duradera y sĂłlida, es la secuela directa del consumismo tan criticado por Pedrero en todas sus obras.Ce travail vise Ă  faire le monitoring (Malcuzynski, 1991) discours amoureux codĂ©s dans l’Ɠuvre de Paloma Pedrero. En combinant l’analyse des discours littĂ©raires et sociologiques avec la critique de l’idĂ©ologie, on concentre les relations entre «le donnĂ© », «le devrait» et «le créé» inscrits dans le texte artistique. On cherche diffĂ©rentes visions de l’amour entre les usages amoureux et la logique culturelle dominante. Alors que le mythe de l’amour romantique mĂšne les protagonistes Ă  l’échec, ou Ă  se plonger dans le monde de la fantaisie, l’amour «éphĂ©mĂšre» ou «liquide», qui ne permet pas une relation longue et solide, est la sĂ©quelle directe la surconsommation si critiquĂ©e par Pedrero dans toutes ses Ɠuvres.The aim of this paper consists in monitoring (Malcuzynski, 1991) love discourses encoded in Paloma Pedrero’s theatre. Thus, it combines the analysis of the literary text with elements of sociology and critique of ideology by focusing not only on love tropes, but also by highlighting connections linking love narratives to the cultural logic of the contemporary society. Whereas the myth of romantic love leads Pedrero’s characters to failure or to the world of fantasy, the “ephemeral” or “liquid” love, which does not allow for establishing a more solid and durable relationship, is a direct consequence of consumerism, criticized by the playwright in all her dramatic production