44 research outputs found


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    Research on the efficacy of ICT-based teaching methods in improving generic skills in addition to content skills among future workforce is increasing.  Accordingly, this study investigates the impact of e-learning on creativity and content knowledge of chemistry students at the Payame Noor University of Hamedan, Iran. The study used the pre-test/post-test experimental design with a control group. The statistical population of the study included was 100 pure chemistry students who were following two separate classes. Forty students were selected from this group who placed in the experimental group (n = 20) and the control group (n = 20). Two instruments were used for data collection; a specifically developed test on the Introduction to Chemistry course and the Abedi Inventory for assessing creativity. Results of data analysis using the independent t-test (aided by SPSS) demonstrated statistically significantly higher scores for the experimental group on measured variables, knowledge and creativity. Therefore, it is concluded that e-learning is effective for knowledge and creativity acquisitions among chemistry students and the greater e-learning opportunities should be provided for wider audiences

    Pneumocephalus after Tympanomastoidectomy: A Case Presentation

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    Introduction: Pneumocephalus is the presence of air or gas within the cranial cavity. It can occur following otorhinolaryngological procedures. A small pneumocephalus spontaneously heals without any treatment. In severe cases, conservative therapy includes a 30-degree head elevation, avoidance of the Valsalva maneuver, analgesics, osmotic diuretics, and oxygen therapy.   Case Report: A 56-year-old woman was referred to the emergency department due to a severe headache in the frontal area for 2 days before admission. The patient experienced nausea and vomiting in the morning and had no history of seizures or decreased consciousness. Examination of neurological symptoms was completely normal and showed no symptoms of meningeal irritation. In terms of past history, the patient had undergone tympanomastoidectomy surgery and resection of the cholesteatoma 1 week previously. The Mount Fuji sign was found on the brain computed tomography (CT) scan of the patient. Treatments such as CBR (complete bed rest), 30-degree head elevation, anti-fever, analgesics and oxygen therapy, along with anti-compulsive drug (phenytoin), were prescribed. At the end of 5 days, the patient's pneumocephalus was resolved completely.   Conclusion: Pneumocephalus should be considered a post-operative complication of tympanomastoidectomy. In most cases, pneumocephalus responds to conservative therapy. Supplemental oxygen increases the rate of absorption of pneumocephalus. Serial imaging is needed to ensure gradual reduction of the pneumocephalus

    Prevalence of anti-HCV antibody and related risk factors among bleeding disorder patients in Yazd province of Iran

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    زمینه و هدف: مصرف جایگزین درمانی خون و فرآورده های خونی غربال نشده یا فاکتورهای انعقادی تغلیظ شده ویروس زدایی نشده در بیماران اختلال انعقادی خطر ابتلا به هپاتیت C را در آنها ایجاد می کند. مطالعه حاضر به منظور بررسی فراوانی آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت C (anti-HCV Ab) و فاکتورهای خطر مربوطه در بیماران اختلال انعقادی استان یزد انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی که به روش سرشماری در تابستان 1385 انجام شد، پس از جمع آوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه ای، از 77 بیمار نمونه خون گرفته شد. نمونه های پلاسما با کیت الیزا از نظر آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت C و سپس نمونه های مثبت با روش تست RIBA (Recombinant Immonoblot Assay) تایید شدند. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای دو و آنالیز رگرسیون لجستیک مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. یافته ها: فراوانی آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت ‍‍C معادل 4/49 (38 بیمار) بدست آمد. بین داشتن فرم شدید بیماری (از نظر نیاز به فرآورده های خونی) (01/0

    The effects of curcumin on the prevention of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure in patients with unstable angina: A randomized clinical trial

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    Objective: Inflammation along with oxidative stress has an important role in the pathophysiology of unstable angina which leads to acute myocardial infarction, arrhythmias and eventually heart failure. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects and thereby, it may reduce cardiovascular complications. This randomized controlled trial aimed to investigate the effects of curcumin on the prevention of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure in patients with unstable angina. Materials and Methods: Forty patients with unstable angina who met the trial inclusion and exclusion criteria, participated in this double-blind randomized clinical trial. The patients were randomized into two groups: curcumin (80 mg/day for 5days) and placebo (80 mg/day for 5days). Cardiac function was evaluated by two-dimensional echocardiography devices at baseline (immediately after hospitalization) and 5 days after the onset of the trial. Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias were recorded by Holter monitors in cardiology ward, Ghaem academic hospital, Mashhad, Iran. Progression to heart failure, myocardial infarction, and pulmonary and cardiopulmonary resuscitation events as well as mortality were recorded daily throughout the study. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in atrial and ventricular arrhythmias (p=0.2), and other echocardiographic parameters (Ejection fraction, E, A, E/A ratio, Em, and pulmonary artery pressure) at baseline and five days after the start of the trial. Conclusion:  Nanocurcumin administered at the dose of 80 mg/day for five days had no effect in the incidence of cardiovascular complications in patients with unstable angina

    Essays in Entrepreneurship

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    My dissertation concentrates on the determinants of entrepreneurship and consists of two essays. The first essay develops a dynamic model of occupational choices to capture how big-five personality traits influence entrepreneurial decisions and returns. More importantly, I divide entrepreneurs into incorporated and unincorporated to differentiate between high-growth and lifestyle entrepreneurs. I use the Household, Income, and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) data set for this study. My model captures the role of personality traits, cognitive ability, human capital, information accumulation, and non-pecuniary benefits in entrepreneurial dynamics. The estimated model demonstrates that personality traits affect pecuniary and non-pecuniary from incorporated and unincorporated entrepreneurs differently. For example, extroverted individuals have the highest returns in incorporated businesses but prefer to be unincorporated.I use the estimated model to evaluate several subsidies for incorporated businesses: subsidy for starting an incorporated business for the first time, subsidy for incorporated entrepreneurs at the beginning of the second year, and subsidy targeting potential young and productive individuals. The first subsidy primarily affects the entry margin and attracts more but less productive individuals. In contrast, the second policy mainly affects the exit margin and does not change the distribution of individuals\u27 characteristics. Both these subsidies have returns lower than one. Finally, the last subsidy has a return of around 2.5 AUD for every AUD invested, and it attracts more productive incorporated entrepreneurs to try incorporated businesses. The second essay studies the firm size and transitions in and out of self-employment. Small-firm workers are almost three times as likely to become self-employed as large-firm workers, and the self-employed are twice as likely to transition into small firms versus large firms. What explains these unbalanced dynamics between sectors? We use Australian data from 2001 to 2019 to estimate a dynamic structural model that captures the role of human capital, discovering one\u27s sector-specific abilities and non-pecuniary motivations on self-employment dynamics. Notably, capturing differences in the human capital and information accumulated across sectors, the model allows for experience from one sector to have different returns in another. It also allows signals drawn in one sector to update one\u27s beliefs about ability in another sector. The main drivers explaining the differential transitions into and out of self-employment from small firms are own-sector returns to experience and transition preferences

    Folk Theories: Gender

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