27 research outputs found

    Effect of Post-space Preparation with Rotary Devices and Heated Instruments on Microbial Leakage of Gutta-percha and Resilon-Epiphany Obturated Canals

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    Introduction: After endodontic procedures, root canal reinfection is a main concern for dentists. However, application of a proper apical seal can prevent such contamination. Therefore, it seems necessary to study the factors affecting the development of a suitable apical seal. Materials and Methods: In this study, 64 extracted human single-canal premolars were used. An equal length of roots was obtained by cutting the crown. The teeth were randomly divided into four experimental groups of 15 premolars, as well as 2 positive and negative controls. The root canal was manually prepared using K-file and step back method through canal filling by lateral compaction technique. In GP and GH groups, gutta-percha and AH 26 sealer were used to fill the canals, while Resilon and Epiphany sealer were used in RP and RH groups, respectively. Then, to prepare the post space, Peeso Reamer drill was used in GP and RP groups while heat carrier was applied in GH and RH groups to prepare the post space, respectively.  The coronal part of each root was contacted with enterococcus faecalis leachate in BHI medium and the root end was placed in the same culture medium. The samples were daily checked for turbidity in the lower culture medium for 90 days. The average duration of bacterial leakage between the groups wascompared using independent Student t-test. Results: All the positive control samples showed bacterial infiltration within 24 to 48 hours, while the negative control teeth remained uninfected during the test. Comparison of bacterial leakage rates between GP and GH groups showed no significant difference, which was similar to comparison results between RP and RH groups (P=0.549 and P=0.097, respectively). Comparison of bacterial leakage between GP and RP groups, as well as between GH and RH groups, showed a significant difference (P=0.018 and

    Controlling hydrogen evolution on iron electrodes

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    Aiming to develop a cost effective means to store large amounts of electric energy, NiFe batteries were produced and tested under galvanostatic conditions at room temperature. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to develop predictive equations that establish a link between hydrogen evolution and electrode manufacturing conditions, over a wide range of electrode/electrolyte systems. Basically, the intent was to investigate the incidence of lithium hydroxide and potassium sulphide as electrolyte additives on cell performance. With this in mind, in-house built Fe/FeS based electrodes were cycled against commercially available nickel electrodes on a three electrode cell configuration. A 3 × 4 full factorial experimental design was proposed to investigate the combined effect of the aforementioned electrolyte additives on cell performance. As a consequence, data from 144 cells were finally used in conducting the analysis and finding the form of the predictive equations. Our findings suggest that at the level of confidence alpha = 0.05, the presence of relatively large amounts of the soluble bisulphide would enhance the performance of the battery by reducing electrolyte decomposition

    Phase Transition of Electrooxidized Fe3O4Fe_3O_4 to γ and α−Fe2O3α-Fe_2O_3 Nanoparticles Using Sintering Treatment

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    In this work, electrosynthesis of Fe3O4Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles was carried out potentiostatically in an aqueous solution of C4H12NClC_4H_{12}NCl which acts as supporting electrolyte and electrostatic stabilizer. γ−Fe2O3γ-Fe_2O_3 nanoparticles were synthesized by controlling oxidation of the electrooxidized Fe3O4Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles at different temperature. Finally the phase transition to α−Fe2O3α-Fe_2O_3 nanoparticles was performed at high temperatures using sintering treatment. The synthesized particles were characterized using X-ray diffraction, Fourier transformation, infrared scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and vibrating sample magnetometry. Based on the X-ray diffraction results, the transition from Fe3O4Fe_3O_4 to cubic and tetragonal γ−Fe2O3γ-Fe_2O_3 was performed at 200C and 650°C, respectively. Furthermore, phase transition from metastable γ−Fe2O3γ-Fe_2O_3 to stable α−Fe2O3α-Fe_2O_3 with rhombohedral crystal structure was approved at 800°C. The existence of the stabilizer molecules at the surface of Fe3O4Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles was confirmed by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy. According to scanning electron microscopy images, the average particles size was observed around 50 nm for electrooxidized Fe3O4Fe_3O_4 and γ−Fe2O3γ-Fe_2O_3 nanoparticles prepared at sintering temperature lower than 900°C, however by raising sintering temperature above 900C the mean particles size increases. Energy dispersive X-ray point analysis revealed that the nanoparticles are almost pure and composed of Fe and O elements. According to the vibrating sample magnetometry results, saturation magnetization, coercivity field, and remnant magnetization decrease by phase transition from Fe3O4Fe_3O_4 to Fe2O3Fe_2O_3

    Influence of Growth Conditions on Magnetite Nanoparticles Electro-Crystallized in the Presence of Organic Molecules

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    Magnetite nanoparticles were synthesized by electrocrystallization in the presence of thiourea or sodium butanoate as an organic stabilizer. The synthesis was performed in a thermostatic electrochemical cell containing two iron electrodes with an aqueous solution of sodium sulfate as electrolyte. The effects of organic concentration, applied potential and growth temperature on particle size, morphology, structure and magnetic properties were investigated. The magnetite nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, magnetometry and Mössbauer spectrometry. When the synthesis is performed in the presence of sodium butanoate at 60 °C, a paramagnetic ferric salt is obtained as a second phase; it is possible to avoid formation of this phase, increase the specific magnetization and improve the structure of the oxide particles by tuning the growth conditions. Room-temperature magnetization values range from 45 to 90 Am2kg−1, depending on the particle size, type of surfactant and synthesis conditions. Mössbauer spectra, which were recorded at 290 K for all the samples, are typical of nonstoichiometric Fe3−δO4, with a small excess of Fe3+, 0.05 ≤ δ ≤ 0.15