2,939 research outputs found

    Results from studies of highway grooving and texturing by several state highway departments

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    Results from studies of highway grooving and texturing by several state highway departmen

    Acoustic measurements of a full-scale coaxial hingeless rotor helicopter

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    Acoustic data were obtained during a full-scale test of the XH-59A Advancing Blade Concept Technology Demonstrator in the 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel. The XH-59A is a research helicopter with two coaxial rotors and hingeless blades. Performance, vibration, and noise at various forward speeds, rotor lift coefficients and rotor shaft angles of attack were investigated. The noise data were acquired over an isolated rotor lift coefficient range of 0.024 to 0.162, an advance ratio range of 0.23 to 0.45 corresponding to tunnel wind speeds of 89 to 160 knots, and angles of attack from 0 deg to 10 deg. Acoustic data are presented for seven microphone locations for all run conditions where the model noise is above the background noise. Model test configuration and performance information are also listed. Acoustic waveforms, dBA, and 1/3-octave spectra as functions of operating condition for selected data points and microphones are presented. In general, the noise level is shown to increase with rotor lift coefficient except under certain operating conditions where significant impulsive blade/vortex interactions increase noise levels

    A generalization of the Lyndon--Hochschild--Serre spectral sequence with applications to group cohomology and decompositions of groups

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    We set up a Grothendieck spectral sequence which generalizes the Lyndon--Hochschild--Serre spectral sequence for a group extension K\mono G\epi Q by allowing the normal subgroup KK to be replaced by a subgroup, or family of subgroups which satisfy a weaker condition than normality. This is applied to establish a decomposition theorem for certain groups as fundamental groups of graphs of Poincar\'e duality groups. We further illustrate the method by proving a cohomological vanishing theorem which applies for example to Thompson's group FF.Comment: 22 page

    Alien Registration- Mosher, Helen L. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    A Combination Theorem for Metric Bundles

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    We define metric bundles/metric graph bundles which provide a purely topological/coarse-geometric generalization of the notion of trees of metric spaces a la Bestvina-Feighn in the special case that the inclusions of the edge spaces into the vertex spaces are uniform coarsely surjective quasi-isometries. We prove the existence of quasi-isometric sections in this generality. Then we prove a combination theorem for metric (graph) bundles (including exact sequences of groups) that establishes sufficient conditions, particularly flaring, under which the metric bundles are hyperbolic. We use this to give examples of surface bundles over hyperbolic disks, whose universal cover is Gromov-hyperbolic. We also show that in typical situations, flaring is also a necessary condition.Comment: v3: Major revision: 56 pages 5 figures. Many details added. Characterization of convex cocompact subgroups of mapping class groups of surfaces with punctures in terms of relative hyperbolicity given v4: Final version incorporating referee comments: 63 pages 5 figures. To appear in Geom. Funct. Ana

    SeaBeam and seismic reflection surveys on the Ontong Java Plateau

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    An experimental investigation of the relationships among race, prayer, and pain

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    Background and aims Compared to White individuals, Black individuals demonstrate a lower pain tolerance. Research suggests that differences in pain coping strategies, such as prayer, may mediate this race difference. However, previous research has been cross-sectional and has not determined whether prayer in and of itself or rather the passive nature of prayer is driving the effects on pain tolerance. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationships among race, prayer (both active and passive), and pain tolerance. Methods We randomly assigned 208 pain-free participants (47% Black, 53% White) to one of three groups: active prayer (“God, help me endure the pain”), passive prayer (“God, take the pain away”), or no prayer (“The sky is blue”). Participants first completed a series of questionnaires including the Duke University Religion Index, the Coping Strategies Questionnaire-Revised (CSQ-R), and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Participants were then instructed to repeat a specified prayer or distractor coping statement while undergoing a cold pressor task. Cold pain tolerance was measured by the number of seconds that had elapsed while the participant’s hand remained in the cold water bath (maximum 180 s). Results Results of independent samples t-tests indicated that Black participants scored higher on the CSQ-R prayer/hoping subscale. However, there were no race differences among other coping strategies, religiosity, or catastrophizing. Results of a 2 (Race: White vs. Black)×3 (Prayer: active vs. passive vs. no prayer) ANCOVA controlling for a general tendency to pray and catastrophizing in response to prayer indicated a main effect of prayer that approached significance (p=0.06). Pairwise comparisons indicated that those in the active prayer condition demonstrated greater pain tolerance than those in the passive (p=0.06) and no prayer (p=0.03) conditions. Those in the passive and no prayer distractor conditions did not significantly differ (p=0.70). There was also a trending main effect of race [p=0.08], with White participants demonstrating greater pain tolerance than Black participants. Conclusions Taken together, these results indicate that Black participants demonstrated a lower pain tolerance than White participants, and those in the active prayer condition demonstrated greater tolerance than those in the passive and no prayer conditions. Furthermore, Black participants in the passive prayer group demonstrated the lowest pain tolerance, while White participants in the active prayer group exhibited the greatest tolerance. Results of this study suggest that passive prayer, like other passive coping strategies, may be related to lower pain tolerance and thus poorer pain outcomes, perhaps especially for Black individuals. On the other hand, results suggest active prayer is associated with greater pain tolerance, especially for White individuals. Implications These results suggest that understanding the influence of prayer on pain may require differentiation between active versus passive prayer strategies. Like other active coping strategies for pain, active prayer may facilitate self-management of pain and thus enhance pain outcomes independent of race. Psychosocial interventions may help religiously-oriented individuals, regardless of race, cultivate a more active style of prayer to improve their quality of life

    Basement structure of the northern Ontong Java Plateau

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    Site surveys conducted in conjunction with Leg 130 on the Ontong Java Plateau reveal a strong seismic reflector at 0.8 to 1.0 s below the seafloor that drilling at Sites 803 and 807 confirmed is Cretaceous basalt. This reflector is generally smooth, except for the northeastern margin of the plateau, where it forms a series of small, irregularly shaped depressions. Correlatable reflectors present at the bottom of the depressions are also present on the adjacent highs, suggesting that these depressions are original volcanic topography. A strong sub-basalt reflector occurs on many seismic profiles on the northeastern portion of the plateau. This reflection may be caused by a density and velocity contrast between pillow lavas and flood basalt flows or it may result from interbedded sediment and thus may represent significant lulls in volcanic activity. The presence of sub-basalt reflectors near Site 803 may indicate that later volcanic episodes occurred there, in contrast to Site 807, where this reflector was not observed and where older basalt ages were obtained
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