197 research outputs found

    Diatom Community Composition from Low Human Impact Areas in Southeast U.S.

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    Algal assemblages were evaluated at two Southeastern U.S. streams with reduced human impact, Upper Three Runs Creek and Tobbler Creek. The two sites were collected using standard protocols for stream samplings. The algal community was dominated by diatoms. Community attributes were found to be similar between the two sites, while indicator species varied as determined by Trophic Diatom Index values and the percentage of tolerant taxa to pollutants. Low pH tolerant Eunotia species were dominant in Upper Three Runs Creek while pH neutral, mesotrophic species were dominant in Tobbler Creek. This is the first report on primary producers from both sites and a taxonomic evaluation of the more common taxa is given for future reference

    Evaluasi Jalur Pedestrian Bagi Tunanetra Terhadap Persyaratan Teknis Di Koridor Jalan Sam Ratulangi Kota Manado

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    Jalur pedestrian merupakan salah satu ruang terbuka publik perkotaan harus dapat diakses oleh semua orang termasuk tunanetra. Salah satu jalur pedestrian bagi tunanetra terdapat di koridor Jalan Sam Ratulangi Manado, tetapi pada Kenyataan tunanetra masih dipandu oleh orang yang dapat melihat dalam berjalan kaki. Jalur pedestrian bagi tunanetra ternyata belum sepenuhnya mengikuti persyaratan perancangan , dimana terdapat empat asas dalam menyediakan fasilitas dan aksesibilitas bagi tunanetra sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri PU No.30/PRT/M/2006 yaitu keselamatan, kemudahan, kegunaan, dan kemandirian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif rasionalistik dengan pendekatan metode deduktif. Data di analisis secara kuantitatif berdasarkan skala Likert. Populasi tunanetra di kota Manado tahun 2016 berjumlah 198 yang dipilih 67 orang sampel. Lokasi penelitian dibagi menjadi 14 segmen. Variabel dan indikator penelitian terdiri dari: (1) kriteria keselamatan (indikator permukaan pedestrian, kanstein, pagar pengaman, naik/turun penumpang, shelter, kanopi, pohon/tanaman peneduh) dan (2) kriteria kemudahan (indikator ukuran dasar, jalur pemandu/(guiding block), jalur penghubung (ramp), tempat duduk/tempat istirahat, tanda/(sign), tempat sampah). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kondisi jalur pedestrian bagi tunanetra terhadap persyaratan teknis di koridor Jalan Sam Ratulangi Kota Manado dari kriteria keselamatan belum sepenuhnya menjamin keselamatan bagi pengguna terutama bagi tunanetra. Demikian pula halnya dari aspek kemudahan, bahwa pelaksanaan beberapa elemen trotoar yang tidak sesuai persyaratan teknis menjadi hambatan bagi pengguna khususnya bagi tunanetra dalam mobilitas. Untuk itu disarankan bagi Pemerintah kota Manado agar melakukan revitalisasi dengan cara menata kembali keberadaan elemen trotoar supaya sesuai dengan pedoman persyaratan teknis yang berlaku

    A Less-Biased Analysis of Metalloproteins Reveals Novel Zinc Coordination Geometries

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    Zinc metalloproteins are involved in many biological processes and play crucial biochemical roles across all domains of life. Local structure around the zinc ion, especially the coordination geometry (CG), is dictated by the protein sequence and is often directly related to the function of the protein. Current methodologies in characterizing zinc metalloproteins\u27 CG consider only previously reported CG models based mainly on nonbiological chemical context. Exceptions to these canonical CG models are either misclassified or discarded as outliers. Thus, we developed a less-biased method that directly handles potential exceptions without pre-assuming any CG model. Our study shows that numerous exceptions could actually be further classified and that new CG models are needed to characterize them. Also, these new CG models are cross-validated by strong correlation between independent structural and functional annotation distance metrics, which is partially lost if these new CGs models are ignored. Furthermore, these new CG models exhibit functional propensities distinct from the canonical CG models