272 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Moscovitz, Joseph (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    EbookZ ? Etude sur l\u27offre numérique illégale des livres français sur Internet en 2009

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    Etude sur l’offre numérique illégale des livres français sur Internet en 2009 commandée à Edysseus Consulting par l\u27Observatoire du livre et de l’écrit en Ile-de-France (MOTif). Associé à la Région Ile-de-France, cet organisme a été mis en place pour renforcer le lien entre les professions du livre et proposer des politiques publiques pertinentes, adaptées aux évolutions en cours. "En application de la réglementation en vigueur, il est interdit de reproduire cette étude intégralement ou partiellement, sur quelque support que ce soit, sans l’autorisation préalable écrite du MOTif ; cette étude ne peut faire l’objet d’aucune diffusion ou commerce sans l’autorisation préalable écrite du MOTif.

    Librairies dans le monde

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    Réalisée en Allemagne, en Espagne, aux États-Unis, en France, au Pays-Bas et au Royaume-Uni par Cécile Moscovitz et Rüdiger Wischenbart, une étude comparative inédite « Librairies dans le monde » a été commanditée par Livres Hebdo avec le soutien du Cercle de la Librairie, en coopération avec le Syndicat de la librairie française. Elle a été rendue publique à l’occasion des Rencontres nationales de la librairie, les 2 et 3 juin 2013 à Bordeaux

    Synthèse de l\u27étude sur l’offre numérique illégale des livres français

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    Synthèse de l\u27étude sur l’offre numérique illégale des livres français sur Internet en 2009 proposée par Le MOTif et Edysseus Consulting. "En application de la réglementation en vigueur, il est interdit de reproduire cette étude intégralement ou partiellement, sur quelque support que ce soit, sans l’autorisation préalable écrite du MOTif ; cette étude ne peut faire l’objet d’aucune diffusion ou commerce sans l’autorisation préalable écrite du MOTif.

    Unveiling the sugary secrets of plasmodium parasites

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    Plasmodium parasites cause malaria disease, one of the leading global health burdens for humanity, infecting hundreds of millions of people each year. Different glycans on the parasite and the host cell surface play significant roles in both malaria pathogenesis and host defense mechanisms. So far, only small, truncated N- and O-glycans have been identified in Plasmodium species. In contrast, complex glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) glycolipids are highly abundant on the parasite's cell membrane and are essential for its survival. Moreover, the parasites express lectins that bind and exploit the host cell surface glycans for different aspects of the parasite life cycle, such as adherence, invasion, and evasion of the host immune system. In parallel, the host cell glycocalyx and lectin expression serve as the first line of defense against Plasmodium parasites and directly dictate susceptibility to Plasmodium infection. This review provides an overview of the glycobiology involved in Plasmodium-host interactions and its contribution to malaria pathogenesis. Recent findings are presented and evaluated in the context of potential therapeutic exploitation

    Imagen virtual, imagen real

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    The author interprets the discomfort and anger that she felt when she saw the chronicle of the operation Dynamo, Dunkirk, from the fright generated through the music, the insistent plans about the wounded and the dead. An insult to these dead heroes. This type of film can have a pedagogical character, but it is more about enjoying an awful spectacle. The spectator witnesses a history of the past but leaves it in a passive position. The author also analyzes the degree of tolerance: there is acceptable violence and another that is not. It also distinguishes the productions that are directed to the destructive impulses of those that deal with releasing the spectator. In the case of this film, it is only about the inhumanity of blind destruction. Finally, he reflects on the relationship between cinema and art but also has a relationship with the production industry that seeks to dazzle and move viewers.La autora interpreta el malestar y el enojo que sintió al ver la crónica de la operación Dynamo, Dunkerque, a partir del espanto generado a través de la música, los planos insistentes sobre los heridos y los muertos. Un insulto a estos héroes muertos. Este tipo de películas puede tener un carácter pedagógico, pero se trata más bien de gozar de un espectáculo espantoso. El espectador es testigo de una historia del pasado, pero lo deja en una posición pasiva. La autora analiza también el grado de tolerancia: hay una violencia aceptable y otra que no lo es. Distingue también las producciones que se dirigen a las pulsiones destructivas de aquellas que se ocupan de liberar al espectador. En el caso de esta película, sólo se trata de la inhumanidad de la destrucción ciega. Finalmente, reflexiona sobre la relación del cine con el arte pero también tiene una relación con la industria de la producción que busca deslumbrar y conmover a los espectadores

    Semi- and fully synthetic carbohydrate vaccines against pathogenic bacteria : recent developments

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    The importance of vaccine-induced protection was repeatedly demonstrated over the last three decades and emphasized during the recent COVID-19 pandemic as the safest and most effective way of preventing infectious diseases. Vaccines have controlled, and in some cases, eradicated global viral and bacterial infections with high efficiency and at a relatively low cost. Carbohydrates form the capsular sugar coat that surrounds the outer surface of human pathogenic bacteria. Specific surface-exposed bacterial carbohydrates serve as potent vaccine targets that broadened our toolbox against bacterial infections. Since first approved for commercial use, antibacterial carbohydrate-based vaccines mostly rely on inherently complex and heterogenous naturally derived polysaccharides, challenging to obtain in a pure, safe, and cost-effective manner. The introduction of synthetic fragments identical with bacterial capsular polysaccharides provided well-defined and homogenous structures that resolved many challenges of purified polysaccharides. The success of semisynthetic glycoconjugate vaccines against bacterial infections, now in different phases of clinical trials, opened up new possibilities and encouraged further development towards fully synthetic antibacterial vaccine solutions. In this mini-review, we describe the recent achievements in semi- and fully synthetic carbohydrate vaccines against a range of human pathogenic bacteria, focusing on preclinical and clinical studies

    La clínica psicoanalítica a través del cine. El sufrimiento en el registro de lo singular (violencia, psicoanálisis, cine)

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    The text proposes to consider the affinity of cinema and psychoanalysis. Through the analysis of films like Heaven will wait or Salafistes, the author interprets that the active uptake of adolescents by movements like ISIS, would return them to the initial amorphous, the non-life, the link with reality would be erased. ISIS would subject these young people to a deadly seizure, revealing the impulse of seizure with an active purpose (that of killing) and a passive end (that of killing oneself) merging the places of executioner and victim. ISIS announces the cruelty in Hollywood mode from images that reflect a kind of affirmation, with tortures that lead youth to death. The author also reflects on the sublimation of violence and its consequences in the discourse and practice of psychoanalysis.El texto propone considerar la afinidad del cine y el psicoanálisis. A través del análisis de películas como El cielo esperará o Salafistas, el autor interpreta que la captación activa de adolescentes por movimientos como ISIS, los devolvería a lo amorfo inicial, la no-vida, el vínculo con la realidad estaría borrado. ISIS sometería a estos jóvenes a un apoderamiento mortal, revelando la pulsión de apoderamiento con un fin activo (el de matar) y un fin pasivo (el de matarse) fusionando los lugares de verdugo y de víctima. ISIS anuncia la crueldad a modo hollywoodense a partir de imágenes que reflejan una especie de afirmacionismo, con torturas que llevan a la juventud a la muerte. El autor reflexiona también sobre sublimación de la violencia y sus consecuencias en el discurso y la práctica del psicoanálisis
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