352 research outputs found

    Cloning of the rice Xo1 resistance gene and interaction of the Xo1 protein with the defense-suppressing Xanthomonas effector Tal2h

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    The Xo1 locus in the heirloom rice variety Carolina Gold Select confers resistance to bacterial leaf streak and bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola and X. oryzae pv. oryzae, respectively. Resistance is triggered by pathogen-delivered transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs) independent of their ability to activate transcription and is suppressed by truncated variants called truncTALEs, common among Asian strains. By transformation of the susceptible variety Nipponbare, we show that one of 14 nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat (NLR) protein genes at the locus, with a zinc finger BED domain, is the Xo1 gene. Analyses of published transcriptomes revealed that the Xo1-mediated response is more similar to those mediated by two other NLR resistance genes than it is to the response associated with TALE-specific transcriptional activation of the executor resistance gene Xa23 and that a truncTALE dampens or abolishes activation of defense-associated genes by Xo1. In Nicotiana benthamiana leaves, fluorescently tagged Xo1 protein, like TALEs and truncTALEs, localized to the nucleus. And endogenous Xo1 specifically coimmunoprecipitated from rice leaves with a pathogen-delivered, epitope-tagged truncTALE. These observations suggest that suppression of Xo1-function by truncTALEs occurs through direct or indirect physical interaction. They further suggest that effector coimmunoprecipitation may be effective for identifying or characterizing other resistance genes

    Natural Variation in Brachypodium Links Vernalization and Flowering Time Loci as Major Flowering Determinants

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    The domestication of plants is underscored by the selection of agriculturally favorable developmental traits, including flowering time, which resulted in the creation of varieties with altered growth habits. Research into the pathways underlying these growth habits in cereals has highlighted the role of three main flowering regulators: VRN1, VRN2, and FT. Previous reverse genetic studies suggested that the roles of VRN1 and FT are conserved in Brachypodium distachyon, yet identified considerable ambiguity surrounding the role of VRN2. To investigate the natural diversity governing flowering time pathways in a non-domesticated grass, the reference B. distachyon accession Bd21 was crossed with the vernalization-dependent accession ABR6. Resequencing of ABR6 allowed the creation of a SNP-based genetic map at the F4 stage of the mapping population. Flowering time was evaluated in F4:5 families in five environmental conditions and three major loci were found to govern flowering time. Interestingly, two of these loci colocalize with the B. distachyon homologs of the major flowering pathway genes VRN2 and FT, whereas no linkage was observed at VRN1. Characterization of these candidates identified sequence and expression variation between the two parental genotypes, which may explain the contrasting growth habits. However, the identification of additional QTLs suggests that greater complexity underlies flowering time in this non-domesticated system. Studying the interaction of these regulators in B. distachyon provides insights into the evolutionary context of flowering time regulation in the Poaeceae, as well as elucidates the way humans have utilized the natural variation present in grasses to create modern temperate cereals

    The genetic architecture of colonization resistance in Brachypodium distachyon to non-adapted stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) isolates

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    Multilayered defense responses ensure that plants are hosts to only a few adapted pathogens in the environment. The host range of a plant pathogen depends on its ability to fully overcome plant defense barriers, with failure at any single step sufficient to prevent life cycle completion of the pathogen. Puccinia striiformis, the causal agent of stripe rust (=yellow rust), is an agronomically important obligate biotrophic fungal pathogen of wheat and barley. It is generally unable to complete its life cycle on the non-adapted wild grass species Brachypodium distachyon, but natural variation exists for the degree of hyphal colonization by Puccinia striiformis. Using three B. distachyon mapping populations, we identified genetic loci conferring colonization resistance to wheat-adapted and barley-adapted isolates of P. striiformis. We observed a genetic architecture composed of two major effect QTLs (Yrr1 and Yrr3) restricting the colonization of P. striiformis. Isolate specificity was observed for Yrr1, whereas Yrr3 was effective against all tested P. striiformis isolates. Plant immune receptors of the nucleotide binding, leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) encoding gene family are present at the Yrr3 locus, whereas genes of this family were not identified at the Yrr1 locus. While it has been proposed that resistance to adapted and non-adapted pathogens are inherently different, the observation of (1) a simple genetic architecture of colonization resistance, (2) isolate specificity of major and minor effect QTLs, and (3) NB-LRR encoding genes at the Yrr3 locus suggest that factors associated with resistance to adapted pathogens are also critical for non-adapted pathogens

    Cloning the barley nec3 disease lesion mimic mutant using complementation by sequencing

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    Disease lesion mimic (DLM) or necrotic mutants display necrotic lesions in the absence of pathogen infections. They can show improved resistance to some pathogens and their molecular dissection can contribute to revealing components of plant defense pathways. Although forward-genetics strategies to find genes causal to mutant phenotypes are available in crops, these strategies require the production of experimental cross populations, mutagenesis, or gene editing and are time- and resource-consuming or may have to deal with regulated plant materials. In this study, we described a collection of 34 DLM mutants in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and applied a novel method called complementation by sequencing (CBS), which enables the identification of the gene responsible for a mutant phenotype given the availability of two or more chemically mutagenized individuals showing the same phenotype. Complementation by sequencing relies on the feasibility to obtain all induced mutations present in chemical mutants and on the low probability that different individuals share the same mutated genes. By CBS, we identified a cytochrome P450 CYP71P1 gene as responsible for orange blotch DLM mutants, including the historical barley nec3 locus. By comparative phylogenetic analysis we showed that CYP71P1 gene family emerged early in angiosperm evolution but has been recurrently lost in some lineages including Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Complementation by sequencing is a straightforward cost-effective approach to clone genes controlling phenotypes in a chemically mutagenized collection. The TILLMore (TM) collection will be instrumental for understanding the molecular basis of DLM phenotypes and to contribute knowledge about mechanisms of host-pathogen interaction

    Isolation and fine mapping of Rps6: An intermediate host resistance gene in barley to wheat stripe rust

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    A plant may be considered a nonhost of a pathogen if all known genotypes of a plant species are resistant to all known isolates of a pathogen species. However, if a small number of genotypes are susceptible to some known isolates of a pathogen species this plant maybe considered an intermediate host. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is an intermediate host for Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), the causal agent of wheat stripe rust. We wanted to understand the genetic architecture underlying resistance to Pst and to determine whether any overlap exists with resistance to the host pathogen, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei (Psh). We mapped Pst resistance to chromosome 7H and show that host and intermediate host resistance is genetically uncoupled. Therefore, we designate this resistance locus Rps6. We used phenotypic and genotypic selection on F2:3 families to isolate Rps6 and fine mapped the locus to a 0.1 cM region. Anchoring of the Rps6 locus to the barley physical map placed the region on two adjacent fingerprinted contigs. Efforts are now underway to sequence the minimal tiling path and to delimit the physical region harbouring Rps6. This will facilitate additional marker development and permit identification of candidate genes in the region

    Sequencing of 15 622 Gene-bearing BACs Clarifies the Gene-dense Regions of the Barley Genome

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    Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) possesses a large and highly repetitive genome of 5.1 Gb that has hindered the development of a complete sequence. In 2012, the International Barley Sequencing Consortium released a resource integrating whole-genome shotgun sequences with a physical and genetic framework. However, because only 6278 bacterial artificial chromosome (BACs) in the physical map were sequenced, fine structure was limited. To gain access to the gene-containing portion of the barley genome at high resolution, we identified and sequenced 15 622 BACs representing the minimal tiling path of 72 052 physical-mapped gene-bearing BACs. This generated ~1.7 Gb of genomic sequence containing an estimated 2/3 of all Morex barley genes. Exploration of these sequenced BACs revealed that although distal ends of chromosomes contain most of the gene-enriched BACs and are characterized by high recombination rates, there are also gene-dense regions with suppressed recombination. We made use of published map-anchored sequence data from Aegilops tauschii to develop a synteny viewer between barley and the ancestor of the wheat D-genome. Except for some notable inversions, there is a high level of collinearity between the two species. The software HarvEST:Barley provides facile access to BAC sequences and their annotations, along with the barley–Ae. tauschii synteny viewer. These BAC sequences constitute a resource to improve the efficiency of marker development, map-based cloning, and comparative genomics in barley and related crops. Additional knowledge about regions of the barley genome that are gene-dense but low recombination is particularly relevant

    A lineage-specific Exo70 is required for receptor kinase-mediated immunity in barley

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    In the evolution of land plants, the plant immune system has experienced expansion in immune receptor and signaling pathways. Lineage-specific expansions have been observed in diverse gene families that are potentially involved in immunity but lack causal association. Here, we show that Rps8-mediated resistance in barley to the pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (wheat stripe rust) is conferred by a genetic module: Pur1 and Exo70FX12, which are together necessary and sufficient. Pur1 encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase and is the ortho-log of rice Xa21, and Exo70FX12 belongs to the Poales-specific Exo70FX clade. The Exo70FX clade emerged after the divergence of the Bromeliaceae and Poaceae and comprises from 2 to 75 members in sequenced grasses. These results demonstrate the requirement of a lineage-specific Exo70FX12 in Pur1-mediated immunity and sug-gest that the Exo70FX clade may have evolved a specialized role in receptor kinase signalin

    Components of Brachypodium distachyon resistance to nonadapted wheat stripe rust pathogens are simply inherited

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    Phytopathogens have a limited range of host plant species that they can successfully parasitise ie. that they are adapted for. Infection of plants by nonadapted pathogens often results in an active resistance response that is relatively poorly characterised because phenotypic variation in this response often does not exist within a plant species, or is too subtle for genetic dissection. In addition, complex polygenic inheritance often underlies these resistance phenotypes and mutagenesis often does not impact upon this resistance, presumably due to genetic or mechanistic redundancy. Here it is demonstrated that phenotypic differences in the resistance response of Brachypodium distachyon to the nonadapted wheat stripe rust pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) are genetically tractable and simply inherited. Two dominant loci were identified on B. distachyon chromosome 4 that each reduce attempted Pst colonisation compared with sib and parent lines without these loci. One locus (Yrr1) is effective against diverse Australian Pst isolates and present in two B. distachyon mapping families as a conserved region that was reduced to 5 candidate genes by fine mapping. A second locus, Yrr2, shows Pst race-specificity and encodes a disease resistance gene family typically associated with host plant resistance. These data indicate that some components of resistance to nonadapted pathogens are genetically tractable in some instances and may mechanistically overlap with host plant resistance to avirulent adapted pathogens

    Genetic engineering of human ES and iPS cells using TALE nucleases

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    Targeted genetic engineering of human pluripotent cells is a prerequisite for exploiting their full potential. Such genetic manipulations can be achieved using site-specific nucleases. Here we engineered transcription activator–like effector nucleases (TALENs) for five distinct genomic loci. At all loci tested we obtained human embryonic stem cell (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) clones carrying transgenic cassettes solely at the TALEN-specified location. Our data suggest that TALENs employing the specific architectures described here mediate site-specific genome modification in human pluripotent cells with similar efficiency and precision as do zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs).National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R37-CA084198)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant RO1-CA087869)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant RO1-HD045022)Howard Hughes Medical Institut

    Quantitative and Qualitative Stem Rust Resistance Factors in Barley Are Associated with Transcriptional Suppression of Defense Regulons

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    Stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici; Pgt) is a devastating fungal disease of wheat and barley. Pgt race TTKSK (isolate Ug99) is a serious threat to these Triticeae grain crops because resistance is rare. In barley, the complex Rpg-TTKSK locus on chromosome 5H is presently the only known source of qualitative resistance to this aggressive Pgt race. Segregation for resistance observed on seedlings of the Q21861 × SM89010 (QSM) doubled-haploid (DH) population was found to be predominantly qualitative, with little of the remaining variance explained by loci other than Rpg-TTKSK. In contrast, analysis of adult QSM DH plants infected by field inoculum of Pgt race TTKSK in Njoro, Kenya, revealed several additional quantitative trait loci that contribute to resistance. To molecularly characterize these loci, Barley1 GeneChips were used to measure the expression of 22,792 genes in the QSM population after inoculation with Pgt race TTKSK or mock-inoculation. Comparison of expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) between treatments revealed an inoculation-dependent expression polymorphism implicating Actin depolymerizing factor3 (within the Rpg-TTKSK locus) as a candidate susceptibility gene. In parallel, we identified a chromosome 2H trans-eQTL hotspot that co-segregates with an enhancer of Rpg-TTKSK-mediated, adult plant resistance discovered through the Njoro field trials. Our genome-wide eQTL studies demonstrate that transcript accumulation of 25% of barley genes is altered following challenge by Pgt race TTKSK, but that few of these genes are regulated by the qualitative Rpg-TTKSK on chromosome 5H. It is instead the chromosome 2H trans-eQTL hotspot that orchestrates the largest inoculation-specific responses, where enhanced resistance is associated with transcriptional suppression of hundreds of genes scattered throughout the genome. Hence, the present study associates the early suppression of genes expressed in this host–pathogen interaction with enhancement of R-gene mediated resistance
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