10 research outputs found

    Herramientas hidrogeoquímicas aplicadas a la evaluación del acuífero de Trenque Lauquen, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    La ciudad de Trenque Lauquen en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina se abastece exclusivamente del recurso hídrico subterráneo. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la evolución temporal en la calidad fisicoquímica del agua, teniendo en cuenta las características hidrogeológicas y los procesos con la matriz sólida. La metodología consistió en la valoración y síntesis de la información geológica, geofísica, hidrogeológica e hidroquímica y la modelación de procesos hidrogeoquímicos. El agua del acuífero incrementa su salinidad con la profundidad de explotación y evoluciona hacia una disolución de yeso y precipitación de calcita, con el consiguiente incremento del contenido de sulfatos y de dureza. Se consideran apropiadas las medidas de gestión en los últimos años, que condujeron a realizar perforaciones más someras y con menor caudal de extracción, lo que ha permitido que la tendencia creciente a la salinización haya disminuido su tasa de evolución, mejorando la calidad del agua subterránea.The city of Trenque Lauquen in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, gets water supply ex-clusively from groundwater resources. The goal of this study is to analyze time trends related to water quality, taking into account hydrogeological characteristics and processes with the solid matrix. The methodology consisted in the assessment and summary of geological, geophysical, hydrogeological and hydrochemical in-formation, and hydrogeochemical modelling. Groundwater salinity increases with the depth of exploitation and evolves into a gypsum dissolution and calcite precipitation, increasing sulphate content and hardness. Water management measures in recent years, based on shallow wells and lower extraction volumes became appropriate since the rate of salinization has decreased improving groundwater quality

    Ensayo de un sistema de indicadores sincrónico y diacrónico para la determinación de calidad ambiental en playas turísticas de la costa atlántica bonaerense

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    El subsistema natural litoral ha sido objeto de innumerables trabajos debido a la presión que la población puede generar en él, sin embargo la determinación cuantitativa de la calidad ambiental,en playas con uso turístico, es de algún modo, reciente. El objetivo del estudio es ensayar un sistema de indicadores, agrupados según un modelo de estado, presión y respuesta, para la determinación de la calidad ambiental en playas con uso turístico. Las mediciones se realizaron en diez playas, en los meses de verano, desde el 2009 al 2013. La calidad ambiental que afecta la función amenidad se determinó por una adaptación del modelo Presión, Estado y Respuesta (PER) complementada con análisis univariados y bivariados. Las relaciones significativas entre las variables consideradas muestran que el uso de la playa responde a cuestiones como la calidad de las arenas o la presencia de plataformas de erosión. Las playas con mayores presiones son las de Santa Teresita y Mar del Plata mientras que las de Villa Gesell y Miramar son las que presentan mejor Estado relativo por ser amplias, sin plataformas de erosión, con buena calidad microbiológica, y en general con baja turbidez de sus aguas,con ausencia de olores desagradables,entre otras características. Por otro lado las que presentan peor estado son las playas de Quequén y Santa Teresita por carecer de los atributos antes mencionados. Las mejores respuestas relativas se registraron en Villa Gesell y Miramar donde se verifica una gestión privada.Natural littoral subsystems have been the subject of countless research projects because of the pressure that people can generate onthem. However the quantitative determination of environmental quality, in beaches with tourist use, is of recent implementation. The aim of this study is to apply a system of indicators grouped according to a model state, pressure and response to the determination of environmental quality in beaches used for tourist purposes. Measurements were performed on ten beaches during summer months, from 2009 to 2013. The environmental quality that affects the amenity function was determined by an adaptation of Pressure, State and Response (PER) model, supplemented with univariate and bivariate analysis. Significant relationships between variables show that the use of the beach responds to the quality of the sand or the presence of erosion platforms. The beaches Santa Teresita and Mar del Plata show the highest pressures while Villa Gesell and Miramar are those with bestrelative state due to their amplitude, without erosion platforms, with good microbiological quality, and in general, with low turbidity in their waters, or absence of unpleasant odors, among other features. On the other hand those with worststate are Santa Teresitaand Quequén beaches because they lack of the above mentioned attributes. The best responses were recorded on Villa Gesell and Miramar where a private management is verified

    A concept for integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis-A GA2 LEN ADCARE initiative

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    INTRODUCTION: The integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis (AD-ICPs) aim to bridge the gap between existing AD treatment evidence-based guidelines and expert opinion based on daily practice by offering a structured multidisciplinary plan for patient management of AD. ICPs have the potential to enhance guideline recommendations by combining interventions and aspects from different guidelines, integrating quality assurance, and describing co-ordination of care. Most importantly, patients can enter the ICPs at any level depending on AD severity, resources available in their country, and economic factors such as differences in insurance reimbursement systems. METHODS: The GA2 LEN ADCARE network and partners as well as all stakeholders, abbreviated as the AD-ICPs working group, were involved in the discussion and preparation of the AD ICPs during a series of subgroup workshops and meetings in years 2020 and 2021, after which the document was circulated within all GAL2 EN ADCARE centres. RESULTS: The AD-ICPs outline the diagnostic procedures, possible co-morbidities, different available treatment options including differential approaches for the pediatric population, and the role of the pharmacists and other stakeholders, as well as remaining unmet needs in the management of AD. CONCLUSION: The AD-ICPs provide a multidisciplinary plan for improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient feedback in AD management, as well as addressing critical unmet needs, including improved access to care, training specialists, implementation of educational programs, assessment on the impact of climate change, and fostering a personalised treatment approach. By focusing on these key areas, the initiative aims to pave the way for a brighter future in the management of AD

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    A concept for integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis-A GA 2 LEN ADCARE initiative

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    The integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis (AD-ICPs) aim to bridge the gap between existing AD treatment evidence-based guidelines and expert opinion based on daily practice by offering a structured multidisciplinary plan for patient management of AD. ICPs have the potential to enhance guideline recommendations by combining interventions and aspects from different guidelines, integrating quality assurance, and describing co-ordination of care. Most importantly, patients can enter the ICPs at any level depending on AD severity, resources available in their country, and economic factors such as differences in insurance reimbursement systems. The GA 2 LEN ADCARE network and partners as well as all stakeholders, abbreviated as the AD-ICPs working group, were involved in the discussion and preparation of the AD ICPs during a series of subgroup workshops and meetings in years 2020 and 2021, after which the document was circulated within all GAL 2 EN ADCARE centres. The AD-ICPs outline the diagnostic procedures, possible co-morbidities, different available treatment options including differential approaches for the pediatric population, and the role of the pharmacists and other stakeholders, as well as remaining unmet needs in the management of AD. The AD-ICPs provide a multidisciplinary plan for improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient feedback in AD management, as well as addressing critical unmet needs, including improved access to care, training specialists, implementation of educational programs, assessment on the impact of climate change, and fostering a personalised treatment approach. By focusing on these key areas, the initiative aims to pave the way for a brighter future in the management of AD

    Reflexiones acerca del "reasilvestramiento" en la Argentina

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