23 research outputs found

    Sistemi informativi integrati per la valorizzazione del patrimonio urbano-architettonico, tra 3D GIS, AIS e Web

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    Currently in the field of management, enhancement, territory and cultural heritage analysis, two types of information systems offer significant tools: GIS (Geographic Information System) and AIS (Architectural Information System). The first one manages urban and territorial scale data, the second one administers architectural scale data. For a complete management and analysis of heritage both scales (territorial-urban and architectural) are essential but despite numerous attempts made in recent years, currently no system is really able to manage them simultaneously. After a thorough analysis of both types of systems, and a careful study on the state of the art, this study aims to create a hybrid system, which is a new interface that allows to simultaneously view an AIS, a GIS and a window for management of spatial queries. Considering the deep differences between the two systems, the ultimate goal is to integrate them by proposing a new hybrid system (HS) to solve the problem of scale change (from analysis to synthesis) using a new data structure and a new interface. To achieve the ultimate goal have been studied mainly: - the possibilities of implementation of the two systems; - spatial analysis and 3D topology

    Sistemi informativi integrati per la valorizzazione del patrimonio urbano-architettonico, tra 3D GIS, AIS e Web

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    Currently in the field of management, enhancement, territory and cultural heritage analysis, two types of information systems offer significant tools: GIS (Geographic Information System) and AIS (Architectural Information System). The first one manages urban and territorial scale data, the second one administers architectural scale data. For a complete management and analysis of heritage both scales (territorial-urban and architectural) are essential but despite numerous attempts made in recent years, currently no system is really able to manage them simultaneously. After a thorough analysis of both types of systems, and a careful study on the state of the art, this study aims to create a hybrid system, which is a new interface that allows to simultaneously view an AIS, a GIS and a window for management of spatial queries. Considering the deep differences between the two systems, the ultimate goal is to integrate them by proposing a new hybrid system (HS) to solve the problem of scale change (from analysis to synthesis) using a new data structure and a new interface. To achieve the ultimate goal have been studied mainly: - the possibilities of implementation of the two systems; - spatial analysis and 3D topology

    Information Exchange between Construction and Manufacturing Industries to Achieve Circular Economy: A Literature Review and Interviews with Swedish Experts

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    The construction industry is responsible for 32% of the world’s consumption of natural resources, causing 850 million tons of construction waste in the European Union alone. The construction and manufacturing industries mostly apply a linear economy model, where resources are used once and then disposed of. As a response, the concept of a circular economy (CE) was introduced with the aim of keeping materials within a closed loop and regaining their value in the end-of-life phase. This paper aims to investigate the different CE strategies in the construction industry and the related manufacturing industry and how these strategies can be supported by digital technology. The 11Rs framework has been used as a reference within the concept of CE through a scoping literature review, in which 117 articles were reviewed. The analysis focused on the frequency of the various Rs in papers, as well as their applications and possible implementation. Seven interviews were conducted with Swedish experts to obtain industry perspectives and thereby specify a potential research gap related to CE. According to the study, existing research for the application of CE by construction companies has not been fully explored. There is also a lack of knowledge about CE and its benefits, as well as poor collaboration between different stakeholders, both in information sharing and processes. Findings suggest that all stakeholders in the industries need to make efforts to change their strategies if the transition to CE is to occur

    Integrated Information Systems

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    Currently in the field of management, enhancement, territory and cultural heritage analysis, two types of information systems offer significant tools: GIS (Geographic Information System) and AIS (Architectural Information System). The first one manages urban and territorial scale data, the second one administers architectural scale data. For a complete management and analysis of heritage both scales (territorial-urban and architectural) are essential. But despite numerous attempts made in recent years, currently no system is really able to manage them simultaneously. This study aims to create a hybrid system, which is a new interface that allows to simultaneously view an AIS, a GIS and a window for management of spatial queries. Considering the profound differences between the two systems, the ultimate goal is to integrate them by proposing a new Hybrid System (HS) to solve the problem of scale change (from analysis to synthesis) using a new data structure and a new interface. To achieve the ultimate goal it has been studied mainly: a) the possibilities of implementation of the two systems; b) spatial analysis and 3D topology

    New means of knowledge: 3D, 3D-GIS and Web GIS

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    Il poster mostra il progetto di ricerca in corso che ha come principale obiettivo quello di integrare “modelli/sistemi” 3D-GIS in ambiente WEB, soprattutto in ambito open source, nella direzione di una efficace ed efficiente trasmissione, condivisione e divulgazione della conoscenza sul patrimonio culturale. I primi risultati, gia’ conseguiti e relativi alle applicazioni 3D-GIS sul patrimonio urbano, hanno portato alla definizione di una infrastruttura informatica costituita dall’integrazione di diversi strumenti open source (PostgreSQL, un DBMS con estensione per la gestione dei dati spaziali e geografici PostGIS, i sistemi informativi geografici GRASS e QGIS, ed infine gvSIG necessario per superare i problemi connessi all’interoperabilita’ dei dati). Tale infrastruttura e’ poi stata completata con un modellatore, sempre open source, Blender, dotato di un insieme di funzionalita’ paragonabili, per caratteristiche e complessita’, ad altri noti programmi a codice proprietario. In particolare l’originalita’ dei risultati risiede nell’aver forzato l’uso di sistemi GIS, tradizionalmente applicati in ambito territoriale, verso il patrimonio urbano e ambientale, indicando procedure standardizzabili per la realizzazione di modelli 3D dettagliati e georeferenziati e interfacciati al DBMS esterno, attraverso cui formulare interrogazioni. The poster focuses on a research project in progress that has as main goal to integrate "models/systems" 3D-GIS in Web environment, especially in open source and towards the effective and efficient transmission, sharing and dissemination of knowledge on cultural heritage. A starting point is represented by the interesting results obtained by the research group with PRIN 2006 (regarding 3D-GIS application on urban heritage) that led to the realization of a computerized infrastructure formed by the combination of different open source systems and means (PostgreSQL, a DBMS with an extension for spatial and geographic PostGIS data management, informative geographic systems GRASS and QGIS and gvSIG which is necessary to overcame interoperability data problems). This infrastructure has been supplemented with an open source shaping endowed with a group of facilities comparable, as regard characteristics and complexity, to other famous proprietary programs. In particular the originality of the results lies in the utilize of GIS systems, generally employed in territorial field, in urban and environmental heritage, showing procedures for the realization of detailed 3D models with geographic references and interfaced to the outer DBMS

    Architettura delle informazioni e Architrttura informatica sul caso studio di Appignano del Tronto

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    The research activity has been managed with the aim of testing and identifying procedures, methods and devices to use the Geographic Information System in urban and environmental field, in free and open source sphere, increasing their representative meaning. In particular this article wants to describe the stage oriented at determining the relations between data processing architecture and the architecture of the information through the experimentation led on a scientific study case. The hub of this activity was to formulate new possible application fields of DBMS technologies in GIS sphere, always in a correct and careful scientific data management and in a general prospect of a widest knowledge diffusion.L’attività di ricerca è stata condotta con l’obiettivo generale di sperimentare ed individuare procedure, metodi e dispositivi per utilizzare appieno i Sistemi Informativi Geografici nel segmento dei beni urbani e ambientali, nell’ambito free e open source, incrementandone l’accezione rappresentativa. In particolare, il presente articolo vuole riferire della fase finalizzata a definire le relazioni tra l’architettura informatica e l’architettura delle informazioni, attraverso la sperimentazione condotta su uno specifico caso studio. Il fulcro di tale attività è stato quello di formulare nuovi possibili campi di applicazione delle tecnologie DBMS in ambiente GIS, sempre all’interno di una corretta ed attenta gestione scientifica e critica dei dati e nell’ottica generale di una divulgazione il più ampia possibile della conoscenza

    The dome of Saint Yves at La Sapienza in Rome : Digital modelling as method of knowledge

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    The work presented here was developed as a major training activity of the Seminar of Urban Survey by the students of the XXVIII and XXIV cycle doctorate in Science and the Representation of Survey. Survey is the main tool to understand an architectural work and the several features that rule its spatial concept. The architectural complex of Saint Yves at La Sapienza, original place where was based the University of Rome, is full of interesting information to be learned. The building was designed by Francesco Borromini and implemented in the second half of XVII Century: its shape is characterized by a strong centralization, which is the result of the plan design. The plan of the building was born from the composition and interaction of different geometrical shapes, like the circle, the triangle and the hexagon. These shapes are all pivoting around a strong center but creating a complex weave of lines and curves around it. Centrality is enhanced by the giant coupled responds forming six huge pillars joined by the projecting cornice, directly leaned on the Corinthian capitals of the aforementioned columns. The last fillet of the cornice highlights in silhouette the strong intention of the designer, expressed by the multi-curved shape at the base of the dome. Finally we reach the sky at the top of the dome, where shapes melt in the light coming out of the big windows: here moldings are the only elements which keep together the big vertical columns rising from the ground and disappearing in the shadow. The base of the dome gets together the complexity of architectural elements below, reducing it, as the eye rises to the top, to the simplicity of the circle at the base of the skylight turret. This spatial concept, which is like inviting to look up to the “starry sky of the dome”, expresses itself also outside the building through the geometrical concept of the skylight turret. The turret is set up on a circle at the base and rises up following an helicoidal trend, being decorated continuously from the base to the flamed crown at the top. The completion of the turret is represented by a spherical element, probably symbolizing the Globe, suspended above the flames, which are symbolizing the Christian Charity operated by Saint Yves and embodied by the Pope. The entire complex is crowned by the more explicit symbol of the Christian tradition which is placed next to the sky: the Cross. In the architectural complex of Saint Yves, every decoration lives on its own, but its position respect to the whole building enhances its symbolic value, more than the simple decorative one. The virtual reconstruction, both in a bi-dimensional and tri-dimensional way, of the building of Saint Yves at La Sapienza, has been carried out only through a complex integrated survey methodology, made with long-range 3D laser scanners and high-resolution cameras. After some preliminary elaborations of the data resulting from the survey, like organizing and selecting all the points scanned, it has been possible starting the effective virtual reconstruction. Through the analysis of survey data and the selection of appropriate projection planes, horizontal and vertical sections of the model have been extracted to better understand the geometrical concept. This allowed a critical interpretation of the architectural complex, understanding even the most complex shapes and reducing them to simpler ones. From a practical point of view, the tri-dimensional reconstruction has been executed through an hybrid process, melting the geometrical precision of NURBS surfaces, concerning the architectural aspects, and the adaptability of polygonal modeling applied to the organic shapes of the decorations. This methodology allowed to deeply understand the articulated geometrical solutions designed by Borromini, representing a base for further analysis and studies on these issues

    The dome of Saint Yves at La Sapienza in Rome : Digital modelling as method of knowledge

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    The work presented here was developed as a major training activity of the Seminar of Urban Survey by the students of the XXVIII and XXIV cycle doctorate in Science and the Representation of Survey. Survey is the main tool to understand an architectural work and the several features that rule its spatial concept. The architectural complex of Saint Yves at La Sapienza, original place where was based the University of Rome, is full of interesting information to be learned. The building was designed by Francesco Borromini and implemented in the second half of XVII Century: its shape is characterized by a strong centralization, which is the result of the plan design. The plan of the building was born from the composition and interaction of different geometrical shapes, like the circle, the triangle and the hexagon. These shapes are all pivoting around a strong center but creating a complex weave of lines and curves around it. Centrality is enhanced by the giant coupled responds forming six huge pillars joined by the projecting cornice, directly leaned on the Corinthian capitals of the aforementioned columns. The last fillet of the cornice highlights in silhouette the strong intention of the designer, expressed by the multi-curved shape at the base of the dome. Finally we reach the sky at the top of the dome, where shapes melt in the light coming out of the big windows: here moldings are the only elements which keep together the big vertical columns rising from the ground and disappearing in the shadow. The base of the dome gets together the complexity of architectural elements below, reducing it, as the eye rises to the top, to the simplicity of the circle at the base of the skylight turret. This spatial concept, which is like inviting to look up to the “starry sky of the dome”, expresses itself also outside the building through the geometrical concept of the skylight turret. The turret is set up on a circle at the base and rises up following an helicoidal trend, being decorated continuously from the base to the flamed crown at the top. The completion of the turret is represented by a spherical element, probably symbolizing the Globe, suspended above the flames, which are symbolizing the Christian Charity operated by Saint Yves and embodied by the Pope. The entire complex is crowned by the more explicit symbol of the Christian tradition which is placed next to the sky: the Cross. In the architectural complex of Saint Yves, every decoration lives on its own, but its position respect to the whole building enhances its symbolic value, more than the simple decorative one. The virtual reconstruction, both in a bi-dimensional and tri-dimensional way, of the building of Saint Yves at La Sapienza, has been carried out only through a complex integrated survey methodology, made with long-range 3D laser scanners and high-resolution cameras. After some preliminary elaborations of the data resulting from the survey, like organizing and selecting all the points scanned, it has been possible starting the effective virtual reconstruction. Through the analysis of survey data and the selection of appropriate projection planes, horizontal and vertical sections of the model have been extracted to better understand the geometrical concept. This allowed a critical interpretation of the architectural complex, understanding even the most complex shapes and reducing them to simpler ones. From a practical point of view, the tri-dimensional reconstruction has been executed through an hybrid process, melting the geometrical precision of NURBS surfaces, concerning the architectural aspects, and the adaptability of polygonal modeling applied to the organic shapes of the decorations. This methodology allowed to deeply understand the articulated geometrical solutions designed by Borromini, representing a base for further analysis and studies on these issues

    Analysis of the Challenges in the Swedish Urban Planning Process: A Case Study about Digitalization

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    While the populations of cities continue to grow, institutions are demanding more sustainability in urban development, leading to a great increase in the complexity of urban planning. The need to consider social, legal, environmental, and economic parameters challenges the traditional urban planning processing in favor of an optimized and automated process. Generative design has the potential to optimize the design phase by automatically generating spatial design solutions and analyzing them in the design phase. The objective of the present study is to analyze the traditional urban planning process and to compare it with a digitalized driven process by using generative design. This study uses a mixed approach with four research methods: document analysis, survey, interviews, and a case study based in Sweden. The critical analysis of the Swedish urban planning process makes it possible to define the main barriers to a digitalized process. Results also show the benefits of using generative design for a more sustainable and faster design process. Two main conclusions can be made from this study: institutional and organizational changes are necessary to achieve digitalization, and generative design proves to be a useful tool that should be considered to support the digitalization of urban planning