121 research outputs found

    Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services

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    In the most recent issue of the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa (JSAA), readers were introduced to the 3rd Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services that was hosted by Stellenbosch University (SU) in Cape Town, South Africa, this past October 2016. This summary will provide a more detailed outline of the organisation of the summit, its processes, and the final written product for the 2016 summit, which was initiated by the International Association for Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) and Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA)

    Journal Review

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    Asia-Pacific Journal for Student Affairs (AJSA

    Asia-Pacific Journal for Student Affairs (AJSA)

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    The International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) serves as a global network of student affairs and services workers that encourages sharing, cooperation, research, exchanges, and attendance at each other’s conferences. The Vice President and General Secretary of IASAS attended the 2016 Asia Pacific Student Services Association (APSSA) Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Long-time colleague and past regional coordinator in Asia for IASAS, Evelyn Ariola-Songco, presented both members with a copy of the inaugural Journal of the Philippine Association of Administrators of Student Affairs (PAASA). This is the first journal in the South East Asian region and is an important first step in advancing the field

    IASAS Student Leader Global Summit 2019

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    Leadership and mental health came under the spotlight when more than 50 student leaders from all over the world met at Stellenbosch University (SU) from 23 to 26 June 2019 for the International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) Student Leader Global Summit. It was the first time that SU hosted this global summit for student leaders.  IASAS is a nonprofit organisation that was founded in Belgium in 2013. It is a worldwide association of university professionals working in the area of student affairsand services. IASAS has more than 1 400 individual, institutional and association members representing over 90 countries on five continents.The fourth IASAS Student Leader Global Summit (SLGS) welcomed 45 students from 14 countries across the world. The SLGS provides a global platform for improving multi- and intercultural communication and understanding amongst students. The goal of the summits is to bring student leaders from different parts of the world together to discuss student governance, leadership, social justice and other topics of shared interest

    L’Occident multiple ou les représentations de l’autre dans le regard d’étudiants ouzbeks

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    L’article propose une lecture des représentations associées au terme d’“Occident” par des étudiants ouzbeks de Tachkent. Le mot implique pour eux plusieurs dimensions : l’“Occident proche”, avec lequel sont tissés les liens les plus directs, est véhiculé par la Russie contemporaine, dont l’influence culturelle reste importante. L’“Occident virtuel”, imaginé et lointain, correspond au contexte nord-américain et européen. L’“Occident endogène” est identifié aux autres groupes ethniques vivant dans le pays, côtoyés par les Ouzbeks sans réelle intégration. Cet Occident multiple est vu au travers d’intérêts utilitaristes : sont retenus les éléments qui pourraient profiter à l’assise personnelle dans la communauté d’appartenance. L’Occident devient donc un produit de consommation qui fournit des atouts supplémentaires pour “réussir”. La fermeture des étudiants aux contenus, due en partie à une gestion de l’altérité élaborée dans le passé, pourrait dériver de la perception d’une indifférence occidentale envers les réactions locales à une présence étrangère.The multiple Occident and the Uzbek Students’ perception of the Other. The article proposes an outlook on representations associated to the word “West” by Uzbek students in Tashkent. Three different dimensions are presented : the closest boundaries are tied with the “near West”, contemporary Russia, which still has an important cultural influence. The “virtual West”, distant and imaginary, is related to the North American and European context. The “inner West” is identified with the other ethnic groups living in the country, with which Uzbeks live side by side without real integration. This multiple West is seen through utilitarian lenses : students take into account the elements that can be useful to their position in their community. The West becomes a consumerist product that gives better chances for “success”. Students’ closed attitude towards western contents, due to a certain extent to a way of treating difference elaborated in the past, could derive from the perception of a western indifference towards local reactions to an external presence

    Storia sociale di un terremoto. Esperienze, memorie e trasformazioni nel cratere irpino. Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi - Conza della Campania (1950-2016)

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    La tesi "Storia sociale di un terremoto"si concentra sull'impatto che il sisma del 1980 ha avuto su due comunità tra le più gravemente colpite. Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, il cui centro storico è stato ricostruito secondo il principio "com'era dov'era" e Conza della Campania, riedificato ex novo a qualche chilometro di distanza dal sito originario. I casi studio presentano due differenti scelte e dunque due diversi percorsi intrapresi dalle comunità. Nel lavoro, tali vicende vengono ricostruite da un lato attraverso documentazione d'archivio e cronache giornalistiche e, dall'altro, attraverso le testimonianze raccolte nei due paesi. Alla ricostruzione storica viene affiancato il punto di vista soggettivo e dunque il senso attribuito, da parte delle popolazioni, sia all'evento che ai processi innescatisi successivamente. Scopo del lavoro è indagare le rotture e continuità generate dal sisma nell'area del "cratere" irpino facendo emergere l'esperienza vissuta dalle popolazioni

    L’Occident multiple ou les représentations de l’autre dans le regard d’étudiants ouzbeks

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    L’article propose une lecture des représentations associées au terme d’“Occident” par des étudiants ouzbeks de Tachkent. Le mot implique pour eux plusieurs dimensions : l’“Occident proche”, avec lequel sont tissés les liens les plus directs, est véhiculé par la Russie contemporaine, dont l’influence culturelle reste importante. L’“Occident virtuel”, imaginé et lointain, correspond au contexte nord-américain et européen. L’“Occident endogène” est identifié aux autres groupes ethniques vivant dans le pays, côtoyés par les Ouzbeks sans réelle intégration. Cet Occident multiple est vu au travers d’intérêts utilitaristes : sont retenus les éléments qui pourraient profiter à l’assise personnelle dans la communauté d’appartenance. L’Occident devient donc un produit de consommation qui fournit des atouts supplémentaires pour “réussir”. La fermeture des étudiants aux contenus, due en partie à une gestion de l’altérité élaborée dans le passé, pourrait dériver de la perception d’une indifférence occidentale envers les réactions locales à une présence étrangère.The multiple Occident and the Uzbek Students’ perception of the Other. The article proposes an outlook on representations associated to the word “West” by Uzbek students in Tashkent. Three different dimensions are presented : the closest boundaries are tied with the “near West”, contemporary Russia, which still has an important cultural influence. The “virtual West”, distant and imaginary, is related to the North American and European context. The “inner West” is identified with the other ethnic groups living in the country, with which Uzbeks live side by side without real integration. This multiple West is seen through utilitarian lenses : students take into account the elements that can be useful to their position in their community. The West becomes a consumerist product that gives better chances for “success”. Students’ closed attitude towards western contents, due to a certain extent to a way of treating difference elaborated in the past, could derive from the perception of a western indifference towards local reactions to an external presence

    IASAS NASPA: 4th Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services

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    The International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) and NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education have collaborated over the past decade on a biennial basis, sponsoring the Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services. In the past, the Summit has taken place in Washington, D.C.; Rome, Italy; and Cape Town, South Africa

    Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis: one year outcome of total and separate kidney function following stenting

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    BACKGROUND: Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is a known cause of hypertension and ischemic nephropathy. Stenting of the artery is a valid approach, in spite of cases of unexpected adverse evolution of renal function. METHODS: In this study, 27 patients with unilateral RAS were subjected to stenting and followed for a period of one year, while 19 patients were observed while on medical treatment only. The group of 27 patients, 67.33 ± 6.8 years of age, creatinine of 2.15 ± 0.9 mg/dl, following stenting, were followed at intervals with biochemical tests, renal scintigraphy and doppler ultrasonography. The control group (70.0 ± 6.1 years, creatinine 1.99 ± 0.7 mg/dl) was also followed for one year. RESULT: One year after stenting mean creatinine clearance (Ccr) increased from 36.07 ± 17.2 to 40.4 ± 21.6 ml/min (NS). Arterial BP, decreased after 1,3,6, and 12 months (p < 0.05). The number of antihypertensive drugs also decreased (p < 0.05). A significant increase in proteinuria was also observed. In the control group both Ccr, BP and proteinuria did not show significant changes. Based on renal scintigraphy and Ccr at subsequent times, it was possibile to evaluate the timecourse of renal function in both kidneys of the stented patients. In the stented kidneys Ccr increased significantly. On the controlateral kidney a decrease of renal function (p < 0.05) was observed. Resistance index appeared to be a risk factor of the functional outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Stenting of RAS due to atherosclerosis is followed by stabilization or improvement of Ccr, mainly at the stented kidney, while contralateral renal function showed a decrease
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