33 research outputs found

    Limitations of polynomial chaos expansions in the Bayesian solution of inverse problems

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    Polynomial chaos expansions are used to reduce the computational cost in the Bayesian solutions of inverse problems by creating a surrogate posterior that can be evaluated inexpensively. We show, by analysis and example, that when the data contain significant information beyond what is assumed in the prior, the surrogate posterior can be very different from the posterior, and the resulting estimates become inaccurate. One can improve the accuracy by adaptively increasing the order of the polynomial chaos, but the cost may increase too fast for this to be cost effective compared to Monte Carlo sampling without a surrogate posterior

    Parameter estimation by implicit sampling

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    Implicit sampling is a weighted sampling method that is used in data assimilation, where one sequentially updates estimates of the state of a stochastic model based on a stream of noisy or incomplete data. Here we describe how to use implicit sampling in parameter estimation problems, where the goal is to find parameters of a numerical model, e.g.~a partial differential equation (PDE), such that the output of the numerical model is compatible with (noisy) data. We use the Bayesian approach to parameter estimation, in which a posterior probability density describes the probability of the parameter conditioned on data and compute an empirical estimate of this posterior with implicit sampling. Our approach generates independent samples, so that some of the practical difficulties one encounters with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, e.g.~burn-in time or correlations among dependent samples, are avoided. We describe a new implementation of implicit sampling for parameter estimation problems that makes use of multiple grids (coarse to fine) and BFGS optimization coupled to adjoint equations for the required gradient calculations. The implementation is "dimension independent", in the sense that a well-defined finite dimensional subspace is sampled as the mesh used for discretization of the PDE is refined. We illustrate the algorithm with an example where we estimate a diffusion coefficient in an elliptic equation from sparse and noisy pressure measurements. In the example, dimension\slash mesh-independence is achieved via Karhunen-Lo\`{e}ve expansions

    Implicit particle filtering for models with partial noise, and an application to geomagnetic data assimilation

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    Implicit particle filtering is a sequential Monte Carlo method for data assim- ilation, designed to keep the number of particles manageable by focussing attention on regions of large probability. These regions are found by min- imizing, for each particle, a scalar function F of the state variables. Some previous implementations of the implicit filter rely on finding the Hessians of these functions. The calculation of the Hessians can be cumbersome if the state dimension is large or if the underlying physics are such that derivatives of F are difficult to calculate. This is the case in many geophysical applica- tions, in particular for models with partial noise, i.e. with a singular state covariance matrix. Examples of models with partial noise include stochastic partial differential equations driven by spatially smooth noise processes and models for which uncertain dynamic equations are supplemented by con- servation laws with zero uncertainty. We make the implicit particle filter applicable to such situations by combining gradient descent minimization with random maps and show that the filter is efficient, accurate and reliable because it operates in a subspace whose dimension is smaller than the state dimension. As an example, we assimilate data for a system of nonlinear partial differential equations that appears in models of geomagnetism

    Implicit particle methods and their connection with variational data assimilation

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    The implicit particle filter is a sequential Monte Carlo method for data assimilation that guides the particles to the high-probability regions via a sequence of steps that includes minimizations. We present a new and more general derivation of this approach and extend the method to particle smoothing as well as to data assimilation for perfect models. We show that the minimizations required by implicit particle methods are similar to the ones one encounters in variational data assimilation and explore the connection of implicit particle methods with variational data assimilation. In particular, we argue that existing variational codes can be converted into implicit particle methods at a low cost, often yielding better estimates, that are also equipped with quantitative measures of the uncertainty. A detailed example is presented