16,558 research outputs found

    Pressure and velocity measurements in a three-dimensional wall jet

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    The effects on the flow fields of varying the ratio of the velocity at the exit plane of the nozzle to the outer tunnel flow are reported. The pressure-velocity correlations are taken and some trends are discussed. Emphasis is placed on comparing the coherence between the fluctuating pressure and velocity fields at various locations in the different flow configurations

    Velocity dispersions in galaxies: 1: The SO galaxy NGC 7332

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    A Coude spectrum of the SO galaxy NGC 7332 with 0.9 A resolution from 4186 to 4364 A was obtained with the SEC vidicon television camera and the Hale telescope. Comparisons with spectra of G and K giant stars, numerically broadened for various Maxwellian velocity distributions, give a dispersion velocity in the line of sight of 160 + or - 20 km/sec with the best fit at G8III. The dispersion appears to be constant within + or - 35 km/sec out to 1.4 kpc (H = 100 km/sec/mpc). After correction for projection, the rotation curve has a slope of 0.16 km/sec/pc at the center and a velocity of 130 km/sec at 1.4 kpc where it is still increasing. For an estimated effective radius of 3.5 kpc enclosing half the light, the virial theorem gives a mass of 1.4 x 10 to the 11th power solar masses if the mass-to-light ratio is constant throughout the galaxy. The photographic luminosity is 8.3 x 10 to the 9th power solar luminosities so that the M/L ratio is 17

    An experimental investigation of an axisymmetric jet in a coflowing airstream

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    The flow development of an axisymmetric jet exhausting into a moving airstream has been studied. The jet has a Reynolds number of 22,600, and the ratio of the jet velocity to the wind tunnel velocity is 5.1 to 1. The flow field of the axisymmetric jet was examined at locations varying from approximately zero to eight diameters downstream of the orifice. Of primary concern at each downstream location was the mapping of the one point statistical properties of the flow, including mean velocity, turbulent intensity, and intermittency. Autocorrelations and power spectral density curves were determined for both the fluctuating velocity field and the concentration signal at various distances from the jet's center line for different downstream locations. A laser Doppler velocimeter, using a phase locked loop processor, was used to make the desired velocity field measurements which were compared with hot wire anemometer and pressure probe data

    Deligne-Beilinson cohomology and abelian link invariants: torsion case

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    For the abelian Chern-Simons field theory, we consider the quantum functional integration over the Deligne-Beilinson cohomology classes and present an explicit path-integral non-perturbative computation of the Chern-Simons link invariants in SO(3)≃RP3SO(3)\simeq\mathbb{R}P^3, a toy example of 3-manifold with torsion

    Spin-dependent recombination in Czochralski silicon containing oxide precipitates

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    Electrically detected magnetic resonance is used to identify recombination centers in a set of Czochralski grown silicon samples processed to contain strained oxide precipitates with a wide range of densities (~ 1e9 cm-3 to ~ 7e10 cm-3). Measurements reveal that photo-excited charge carriers recombine through Pb0 and Pb1 dangling bonds and comparison to precipitate-free material indicates that these are present at both the sample surface and the oxide precipitates. The electronic recombination rates vary approximately linearly with precipitate density. Additional resonance lines arising from iron-boron and interstitial iron are observed and discussed. Our observations are inconsistent with bolometric heating and interpreted in terms of spin-dependent recombination. Electrically detected magnetic resonance is thus a very powerful and sensitive spectroscopic technique to selectively probe recombination centers in modern photovoltaic device materials.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    What's the best way to screen for anxiety and panic disorders?

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    The GAD-7 has the best evidence and utility in the primary care setting for generalized anxiety disorder (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A), while the proprietary Quick PsychoDiagnostics Panel (QPD) has the best operating characteristics for panic disorder (SOR: B)

    Relations between Kauffman and Homfly satellite invariants

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    We extend a mod 2 relation between the Kauffman and Homfly polynomials, first observed by Rudolph in 1987, to the general Kauffman and Homfly satellite invariants.Comment: 9 page

    Quantum computing with an electron spin ensemble

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    We propose to encode a register of quantum bits in different collective electron spin wave excitations in a solid medium. Coupling to spins is enabled by locating them in the vicinity of a superconducting transmission line cavity, and making use of their strong collective coupling to the quantized radiation field. The transformation between different spin waves is achieved by applying gradient magnetic fields across the sample, while a Cooper Pair Box, resonant with the cavity field, may be used to carry out one- and two-qubit gate operations.Comment: Several small corrections and modifications. This version is identical to the version published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Abelian link invariants and homology

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    We consider the link invariants defined by the quantum Chern-Simons field theory with compact gauge group U(1) in a closed oriented 3-manifold M. The relation of the abelian link invariants with the homology group of the complement of the links is discussed. We prove that, when M is a homology sphere or when a link -in a generic manifold M- is homologically trivial, the associated observables coincide with the observables of the sphere S^3. Finally we show that the U(1) Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery invariant of the manifold M is not a function of the homology group only, nor a function of the homotopy type of M alone.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Journal of Mathematical Physic
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