238 research outputs found

    Point Flow Measurements in Irrigation Furrows

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    A new flow measurement concept is needed to facilitate the study of intake characteristics of the soil under furrow irrigation. Knowledge of the flow rate at various points throughout the furrow length is required but measurement must be made without altering the normal flow regime. Conventional water measuring devices such as weirs, orifices or flumes which require a loss of head in their operation, are usually unsatisfactory because to create a measuring head would alter the normal flow depth upstream thus changing the intake pattern. The purpose of this study is to develop a simple, reliable method of measuring small streams at random points in a furrow without altering the normal flow characteristics of the stream. The device must therefore cause little or no headloss, and should be lightweight, inexpensive, self-contained and easily serviced. It should be capable of measuring flows ranging from 4 to 30 gallons per minute with an allowable error of not over 5 percent


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    Latar Belakang : Populasi lansia di Indonesia semakin meningkat dan beberapa provinsi telah memasuki struktur aging population. Kecemasan merupakan masalah kesehatan mental yang sering terjadi pada lansia dan dapat berdampak pada kesehatan fisik dan psikologis. Metode pengobatan non-farmakologi, seperti aromaterapi, dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk mengurangi tingkat kecemasan pada lansia. Meskipun telah banyak penelitian tentang aromaterapi, namun metode dengan inhalasi aromaterapi masih kurang sehingga peneliti tertarik melakukan studi kasus. Tujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian aromaterapi pada lansia yang mengalami kecemasan. Metode: Sample dalam studi kasus berdasarkan hasil screening menggunakan vas-A dan dipilih berdasarkan kriteria inklusi yaitu usia >60 tahun. Jumlah sample yang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 5 lansia. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan catatan dari partisipan yang terlibat dalam studi kasus. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi pola, tema dan hubungan antar variabel. Dalam penelitian ini, data dianalisis untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan aroma terapi dalam mengatasi kecemasan pada lansia. Hasil : studi kasus ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian aromaterapi secara inhalasi efektif dalam mengurangi tingkat kecemasan pada lansia. Setelah 3 hari intervensi, terjadi penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada kelima partisipan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa aromaterapi bisa menjadi alternatif pengobatan non-farmakologi yang efektif untuk mengurangi kecemasan pada lansia. Terlebih lagi, metode ini dapat diterapkan dengan mudah dan relatif murah, serta memiliki efek samping yang minim dibandingkan dengan obat-obatan farmakologi. Kesimpulan aromaterapi dapat dijadikan sebagai pilihan pengobatan yang efektif dalam mengurangi tingkat kecemasan pada lansia. Namun, penelitian yang lebih besar dengan sampel yang lebih besar dan kontrol yang ketat diperlukan untuk memvalidasi temuan ini.Background: The elderly population in Indonesia is increasing, and several provinces have entered the aging population structure. Anxiety is a mental health problem that often occurs in the elderly and can have an impact on physical and psychological health. Non-pharmacological treatment methods, such as aromatherapy, can be used as an alternative to reduce anxiety levels in the elderly. Even though there have been many studies on aromatherapy, the method of inhalation aromatherapy is still lacking, so researchers are interested in conducting case studies. The aim is to determine the effect of aromatherapy on elderly people who experience anxiety. Methods: The sample in the case study was based on the results of screening using VAS-A and was selected based on inclusion criteria, namely age> 60 years. The number of samples that met the criteria was five elderly people. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and notes from participants involved in case studies. Data analysis was carried out by identifying patterns, themes, and relationships between variables. In this study, data were analyzed to determine the effectiveness of using aromatherapy in overcoming anxiety in the elderly. Results: This case study shows that inhalation aromatherapy is effective in reducing anxiety levels in the elderly. After 3 days of intervention, there was a decrease in anxiety levels in the five participants who met the inclusion criteria. These results indicate that aromatherapy can be an effective alternative non-pharmacological treatment to reduce anxiety in the elderly. What's more, this method can be easily implemented, is relatively inexpensive, and has minimal side effects compared to pharmacological drugs. Conclusion Aromatherapy can be used as an effective treatment option for reducing anxiety levels in the elderly. However, larger studies with larger samples and tighter controls are needed to validate these findings


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    Fatigue in the patient's family can occur when accompanying patients who are hospitalized. This is caused by factors of quality of rest is disturbed. Overcoming fatigue can be handled by providing health information and practicing relaxation techniques, but unresolved fatigue can have an impact on emotional, economic and physical aspects, especially on health during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of family fatigue in inpatient rooms during the pandemic. The design of this research is descriptive analytic with a cross sectional approach. The study population was the entire family of patients who were treated in an inpatient room during the pandemic, using an accidental sampling technique with a sample of 94 respondents. This study used a Visual Analoque Scale For Fatique (VAS –F) questionnaire. The results of the study were based on the frequency distribution of the majority who experienced mild (41.5%), moderate (36.2%) and severe (22.3%). The majority prevalence was based on age, late adulthood with mild fatigue 15 respondents, female sex with mild fatigue 21 respondents, high school/vocational education education with mild fatigue 21 respondents, working respondents with mild fatigue 23 respondents, relationship status as a child with mild fatigue 13 respondents. The conclusion shows that the majority of patients' families experience mild fatigue.Kelelahan pada keluarga pasien dapat terjadi saat mendampingi pasien yang di rawat inap di rumah sakit. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kualitas istirahat terganggu. Mengatasi kelelahan dapat dilakukan penanganan dengan memberi informasi kesehatan dan mempraktikkan teknik relaksasi, namun kelelahan yang tidak teratasi dapat memberi dampak dalam aspek emosional, ekonomi dan  aspek fisik terutama pada kesehatan saat pandemi COVID-19. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui prevalensi kelelahan keluarga di ruang rawat inap di masa pandemi. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh keluarga pasien yang dirawat di ruang rawat inap selama masa pandemi., menggunakan teknik accidental sampling dengan sampel 94 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner Visual Analoque Scale For Fatique (VAS –F). Hasil penelitian berdasarkan distribusi frekuensi mayoritas yang mengalami kelelahan ringan (41,5%), sedang (36,2%) dan berat (22,3%). Prevalensi mayoritas berdasarkan usia, dewasa akhir dengan kelelahan ringan 15 responden, jenis kelamin perempuan dengan kelelahan ringan 21 responden, pendidikan SMA/SMK dengan kelelahan ringan 21 responden, responden bekerja dengan kelelahan ringan 23 responden, status hubungan sebagai anak dengan kelelahan ringan 13 responden. Kesimpulan menunjukan keluarga pasien mayoritas mengalami kelelahan ringan


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    Latar Belakang: COVID-19 adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh turunan corona virus baru, ‘CO’ diambil dari corona ‘VI’ virus dan ‘D’ disease (penyakit). Tujuan:  Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran gejala covid yang ada di rumah sakit Mary Cileungsi tahun 2021. Metode:  Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional dilakukan pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer melalui lembar screning yang dilakukan terhadap 53 responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah Univariat. Data univariat ini terjadi atas gambaran gejala pasien covid 19 yang mengalami keluhan demam, batuk, sesak nafas, hilang indra penciuman, sakit tenggorokan, diare, nyeri dada, nyeri otot atau pegal-pegal.. Hasil:  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan rata-rata pasien yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Mary mengalami gejala demam sebanyak 37 (69,8%), gejala batuk sebanyak 45 (84,9%), gejala sesak nafas sebanyak 30 (56,6%), gejala hilang indra penciuman sebanyak 34 (64,2%), gejala sakit tenggorokan sebanyak 16 (30,2%), Diare sebanyak 14 (26,4%), gejala nyeri dada 19 (35,8%). Kesimpulan:  Dari hasil survey lembar scrining yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Mary Cileungsi, pasien yang mengalami kasus covid-19 terkonfirmasi rata-rata mengalami gejala Demam yaitu sebanyak 37 (69,8%) pasien. Pasien yang mengalami gejala Batuk 45 (84,9%) pasien. Pasien yang mengalami gejala Sesak Nafas yaitu sebanyak 30 (56,6%) pasien. Pasien yang mengalami gejala Hilang Indra Penciuman pada kasus covid-19 terkonfirmasi yaitu sebanyak 34 (64,2%) pasien


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    Abstract Background: Pressure ulcers or pressure sores are localized injuries to the skin and underlying tissue, usually in the area of ​​bony prominences caused by pressure, or pressure that causes friction from the shear itself which can interfere with the patient's recovery process. and cause pain and infection, thus increasing the length of the treatment process. One of the studies conducted by Fauziah&Soniya, (2020) stated that the incidence of pressure ulcers was 33.3%, this incidence is very high when compared to the incidence of pressure ulcers in ASEAN which only ranges from 21%-31.3%. There are two strategies in the treatment of pressure ulcers, namely by relieving pressure and using wound dressings. One of them is the hydrogel dressing which is the choice in treating pressure sores because it is effective and has moisturizing properties so that it accelerates the wound healing process. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the effectiveness of hydrogel on wound healing in pressure ulcer patients according to the literature study. Methods: The research design used in this research paper is a literature review through a search for articles from pubmed. Results: Based on the results of literature analysis from 2 scientific articles, it was shown that hydrogel dressing can increase epithelialization and accelerate wound healing. Hydrogel dressing has the advantage of a shorter replacement time every 3 days and also has a healing period of 21-85 days in stage II, III, and IV pressure sores. Conclusion: Hydrogel dressing has an important role in the wound healing process as one of the modern wound dressings, which means that using a hydrogel dressing is an effective method in the wound healing process.   Keyword: Pressure Ulcer, Hydrogel Dressing, Wound Healing   Abstrak Latar Belakang : Pressure Ulcer atau luka tekan merupakan cedera terlokalisir di area kulit dan jaringan dibawahnya biasanya diarea penonjolan tulang yang disebabkan oleh tekanan (pressure), atau tekanan yang mengakibatkan gesekan (friction) dari tekanan (shear) itu sendiri yang dapat mengganggu proses pemulihan pasien serta menimbulkan nyeri dan infeksi sehingga menambah lama proses perawatan. Salah satu penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Fauziah & Soniya, (2020) menyatakan insiden terjadinya luka tekan sebesar 33,3%, angka kejadian ini sangat tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan insiden pressure ulcer di ASEAN yang hanya berkisar 21%-31,3%. Ada dua strategi dalam pengobatan pressure ulcer yaitu dengan menghilangkan tekanan dan menggunakan balutan luka. Salah satunya dengan balutan hidrogel yang menjadi pilihan dalam menangani luka tekan karena efektif dan sifatnya yang melembabkan sehingga lebih mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka.  Tujuan : Tujuan dari penulisan ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas hidrogel terhadap penyembuhan luka pada pasien pressure ulcer sesuai studi literatur. Metode : Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah literatur review melalui pencarian artikel dari pubmed. Hasil : Berdasarkan hasil analisis literatur dari 2 artikel ilmiah menunjukan bahwa balutan hidrogel dapat meningkatkan epitelisasi dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka. Balutan hidrogel memiliki keuntungan yaitu waktu pergantian yang lebih pendek setiap 3 hari sekali juga memiliki jangka waktu penyembuhan antara 21-85 hari pada luka tekan stage II, III, dan IV.Kesimpulan : Balutan hidrogel memiliki peran penting dalam proses penyembuhan luka sebagai salah satu balutan luka modern yang artinya dengan menggunakan balutan hidrogel merupakan suatu metode yang efektif dalam proses penyembuhan luka.   Keyword : Pressure Ulcer, Balutan Hidrogel, Penyembuhan Luka. &nbsp

    Amino Acid Substitutions in the Caenorhabditis elegans RNA Polymerase II Large Subunit AMA-1/RPB-1 that Result in α-Amanitin Resistance and/or Reduced Function

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    Mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans RNA polymerase II AMA-1/RPB-1 subunit that cause α-amanitin resistance and/or developmental defects were isolated previously. We identified 12 of these mutations and mapped them onto the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RPB1 structure to provide insight into AMA-1 regions that are essential for development in a multicellular organism

    Melt onset over Arctic sea ice controlled by atmospheric moisture transport

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    The timing of melt onset affects the surface energy uptake throughout the melt season. Yet the processes triggering melt and causing its large interannual variability are not well understood. Here we show that melt onset over Arctic sea ice is initiated by positive anomalies of water vapor, clouds, and air temperatures that increase the downwelling longwave radiation (LWD) to the surface. The earlier melt onset occurs; the stronger are these anomalies. Downwelling shortwave radiation (SWD) is smaller than usual at melt onset, indicating that melt is not triggered by SWD. When melt occurs early, an anomalously opaque atmosphere with positive LWD anomalies preconditions the surface for weeks preceding melt. In contrast, when melt begins late, clearer than usual conditions are evident prior to melt. Hence, atmospheric processes are imperative for melt onset. It is also found that spring LWD increased during recent decades, consistent with trends toward an earlier melt onset. ©2016. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Melt onset over Arctic sea ice controlled by atmospheric moisture transport

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    The timing of melt onset affects the surface energy uptake throughout the melt season. Yet the processes triggering melt and causing its large interannual variability are not well understood. Here we show that melt onset over Arctic sea ice is initiated by positive anomalies of water vapor, clouds, and air temperatures that increase the downwelling longwave radiation (LWD) to the surface. The earlier melt onset occurs; the stronger are these anomalies. Downwelling shortwave radiation (SWD) is smaller than usual at melt onset, indicating that melt is not triggered by SWD. When melt occurs early, an anomalously opaque atmosphere with positive LWD anomalies preconditions the surface for weeks preceding melt. In contrast, when melt begins late, clearer than usual conditions are evident prior to melt. Hence, atmospheric processes are imperative for melt onset. It is also found that spring LWD increased during recent decades, consistent with trends toward an earlier melt onset