134 research outputs found

    Cloud point extraction, preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination of nickel in water samples using dimethylglyoxime

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    A new and simple method for the preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of nickel was developed by cloud point extraction (CPE). In the proposed work, dimethylglyoxime (DMG) was used as the chelating agent and Triton X-114 was selected as a non-ionic surfactant for CPE. The parameters affecting the cloud point extraction including the pH of sample solution, concentration of the chelating agent and surfactant, equilibration temperature and time were optimized. Under the optimum conditions, the calibration graph was linear in the range of 10-150 ng mL-1 with a detection limit of 4 ng mL-1. The relative standard deviation for 9 replicates of 100 ng mL-1 Ni(II) was 1.04%. The interference effect of some anions and cations was studied. The method was applied to the determination of Ni(II) in water samples with satisfactory results

    An Introduction to Hydrogels and Some Recent Applications

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    Hydrogels have existed for more than half a century, and today they have many applications in various processes ranging from industrial to biological. There are numerous original papers, reviews, and monographs focused on the synthesis, properties, and applications of hydrogels. This chapter covers the fundamental aspects and several applications of hydrogels based on the old and the most recent publications in this field

    Evaluación del grado de resiliencia física de Babol contra los terremotos

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    The management of natural disasters requires understanding their essence, making accurate assessments, planning, and providing appropriate solutions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the physical resilience of the 22 neighborhoods of Babol located in the north of Iran against earthquakes. The methodology of this applied research study is descriptive-analytical. In this regard, by initially studying similar national and international studies, using the expert opinion of seismology and urban planning specialists and interviewing experienced urban managers in the field of crisis management, 30 effective indices on physical resilience against earthquake risk were extracted. Then, using analytic functions of GIS software and multi-criteria models including AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR and COPRAS, the physical resilience of Babol against earthquakes was evaluated. Then, in order to obtain accurate results, using the integration models including the Statistic, BORDA and COPELAND, the physical resilience of Babol's 22 neighborhoods was evaluated. The analysis of the final GIS maps shows that neighborhoods 2, 3, 4, 5, and 11 have very high physical resilience and neighborhoods 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 have very low physical resilience against earthquakes.La gestión de desastres naturales requiere comprender su esencia, realizar evaluaciones precisas, planificar y brindar soluciones adecuadas. El propósito de este estudio es evaluar la resiliencia física de los 22 barrios de Babol ubicados en el norte de Irán frente a terremotos. La metodología de este estudio de investigación aplicada es descriptiva-analítica. En este sentido, mediante el estudio inicial de estudios similares nacionales e internacionales, utilizando la opinión experta de especialistas en sismología y planificación urbana y entrevistando a gestores urbanos experimentados en el campo de la gestión de crisis, se extrajeron 30 índices efectivos de resiliencia física frente al riesgo sísmico. Luego, utilizando funciones analíticas de software GIS y modelos multicriterio incluyendo AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR y COPRAS, se evaluó la resiliencia física de Babol frente a terremotos. Luego, con el fin de obtener resultados precisos, utilizando los modelos de integración incluyendo la Estadística, BORDA y COPELAND, se evaluó la resiliencia física de los 22 barrios de Babol. El análisis de los mapas GIS finales muestra que los barrios 2, 3, 4, 5 y 11 tienen una resistencia física muy alta y los barrios 6, 8, 10, 12 y 14 tienen una resistencia física muy baja frente a los terremotos

    Evaluación del grado de resiliencia física de Babol contra los terremotos

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    The management of natural disasters requires understanding their essence, making accurate assessments, planning, and providing appropriate solutions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the physical resilience of the 22 neighborhoods of Babol located in the north of Iran against earthquakes. The methodology of this applied research study is descriptive-analytical. In this regard, by initially studying similar national and international studies, using the expert opinion of seismology and urban planning specialists and interviewing experienced urban managers in the field of crisis management, 30 effective indices on physical resilience against earthquake risk were extracted. Then, using analytic functions of GIS software and multi-criteria models including AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR and COPRAS, the physical resilience of Babol against earthquakes was evaluated. Then, in order to obtain accurate results, using the integration models including the Statistic, BORDA and COPELAND, the physical resilience of Babol's 22 neighborhoods was evaluated. The analysis of the final GIS maps shows that neighborhoods 2, 3, 4, 5, and 11 have very high physical resilience and neighborhoods 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 have very low physical resilience against earthquakes.La gestión de desastres naturales requiere comprender su esencia, realizar evaluaciones precisas, planificar y brindar soluciones adecuadas. El propósito de este estudio es evaluar la resiliencia física de los 22 barrios de Babol ubicados en el norte de Irán frente a terremotos. La metodología de este estudio de investigación aplicada es descriptiva-analítica. En este sentido, mediante el estudio inicial de estudios similares nacionales e internacionales, utilizando la opinión experta de especialistas en sismología y planificación urbana y entrevistando a gestores urbanos experimentados en el campo de la gestión de crisis, se extrajeron 30 índices efectivos de resiliencia física frente al riesgo sísmico. Luego, utilizando funciones analíticas de software GIS y modelos multicriterio incluyendo AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR y COPRAS, se evaluó la resiliencia física de Babol frente a terremotos. Luego, con el fin de obtener resultados precisos, utilizando los modelos de integración incluyendo la Estadística, BORDA y COPELAND, se evaluó la resiliencia física de los 22 barrios de Babol. El análisis de los mapas GIS finales muestra que los barrios 2, 3, 4, 5 y 11 tienen una resistencia física muy alta y los barrios 6, 8, 10, 12 y 14 tienen una resistencia física muy baja frente a los terremotos

    Leadership and management competencies for hospital managers: a systematic review and best-fit framework synthesis

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    Objective: Competent managers are vital to the productivity and service quality of healthcare organizations and the sustainability of the healthcare system. To improve their management competence, understanding of management competency requirements is important. The purpose of this study was to synthesize the evidence related to the leadership and management competencies in healthcare organizations through the best-fit method. Methods: A systematic review of literature published between 2000 and 2020 was performed to identify studies focusing on confirming and/or identifying the competency requirements of hospital managers. The best-fit framework synthesis method was used to map the identified competencies and associated behavioral items against the validated management competency assessment program (MCAP) management competency framework. Results: Twelve studies were identified for inclusion in the review. The mapping of the identified competencies and behavioral items generated a competency model for hospital managers that can apply for different healthcare context. The new competency model includes the following seven core leadership and management competencies: evidence-informed decision-making, operations, administration and resource management, knowledge of healthcare environment and the organization, interpersonal, communication qualities and relationship management, leading people and organisation, enabling and managing change, and professionalism. Conclusion: This review and the mapping of the competencies identified in previous studies against the validated MCAP framework has resulted in the recommendation for an extended leadership and management competency framework for health service managers. It provides guidance for the formulation of training and development directions for the health service management workforce in a different healthcare context

    Effective Treatment of Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis of Breast Cancer by Low Voltage High-Frequency Electrochemotherapy

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    Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a new local treatment method for solid and superficial tumors. During this new technique, patients experience an unpleasant sensation and slight edema. Most unpleasant and painful is mainly attributed to muscle contractions provoked by high amplitude and low repetition frequency pulses. Recently, we showed that electrochemotherapy using low voltage and higher repetition frequency (LVHF ECT) is an effective tool for inhibiting tumor growth and inducing cell permeabilization. Low voltage high-frequency electrochemotherapy was developed and optimized in vitro and in vivo which and can be used in the clinic. In the present study, we report a case of cervical lymph node metastasis of breast cancer treated by the technique. In our case, LVHF ECT was successful in reducing the size and palliating the symptoms of cervical lymph node metastasis in clinical conditions, whereas other approaches were inefficient. Our electrochemotherapy technique shows good clinical results. However, more studies on this new method are necessary to prove that LVHF ECT can be considered as a standard treatment modality

    Lazer Navigating System: A New System for Finding and Removing Forigner Bodies

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    Finding Foreign Bodies (FB) inside different parts of the body have been difficult for all of the surgeons. Although at first it seems easy to remove these FB but during operation many problem for their removing can occurs, the most important of them is that they can not be find. Many orthopedists, general surgeons and neurosurgeons had experienced with this problem. In this study we are trying to show the efficacy of Lazer Navigating System (LNS) a new system that we have designed for finding and removing FB inside different parts of ..

    Inhibition of MicroRNA miR-222 with LNA Inhibitor Can Reduce Cell Proliferation in B Chronic Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small regulatory molecules that negatively regulate gene expression by base-pairing with their target mRNAs. miRNAs have contribute significantly to cancer biology and recent studies have demonstrated the oncogenic or tumor-suppressing role in cancer cells. In many tumors up-regulation miRNAs has been reported especially miR-222 has been shown to be up-regulated in B chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). In this study we assessed the effected inhibition of miR-222 in cell viability of B-CLL. We performed inhibition of mir-222 in B-CLL cell line (183-E95) using locked nucleic acid (LNA) antagomir. At different time points after LNA-anti-mir-222 transfection, miR-222 quantitation and cell viability were assessed by qRT-real time polymerase chain reaction and MTT assays. The data were analyzed by independent t test and one way ANOVA. Down-regulation of miR-222 in B-CLL cell line (183-E95) with LNA antagomir decreased cell viability in B-CLL. Cell viability gradually decreased over time as the viability of LNA-anti-mir transfected cells was <47 % of untreated cells at 72 h post-transfection. The difference in cell viability between LNA-anti-miR and control groups was statistically significant (p < 0.042). Based on our findings, the inhibition of miR-222 speculate represent a potential novel therapeutic approach for treatment of B-CLL